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Dream share

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very interesting @gold leaf. seems us LDers are being put to work big time

Daegon Magus

I've noticed I have had a hard time with dream recall over the last 3ish weeks. Like I know I dreamed, just couldn't remember very many details. It seems to be coming back to normal. Not sure if this is important or relevant in any way.

Hi @goldleaf,

same with me, it comes and goes. I had for now 2 years almost no recall of my dreams and before that almost every night a vivid dream. And not about daily things. Mostly positive dreams. When I came on this forum the dreaming started again, but became at some point so overwhelmingly strong, that it swapped into daytime too. Which was quite weird. Then it went down again and now I have only once a week a vivid dream. The dreams are since my membership here more of the kind as you describe, like being on a mission or observing things. Maybe we are getting "fine tuned"?

Alice has reacted to this post.

@watertiger Sounds plausible.

I've always had dreams and been able to remember them so when that changes, I notice. Sure, I skip a day here and there, but in general it's more dream nights to non. Even if they're just mundane dreams about every day life 🙂

Same with myself, I am struggling to recall my dreams at present, last night I dreamed and recalled Xi Jinping was present but that is all I remember at this point. In saying that I am still working on 'clearing my head' and may be a few weeks away from where I need to be. But I am recalling dribs and drabs. cheers DR

I had a dream (haha makes me think of the Tangled song when they are in the Duck saloon sing ‘I have a dream’) that I was doing target practice then simulation with a quantum particle rifle (?).  IDK if thats even a thing but thats what I was telling myself in my head when I woke up, nor could I tell you what I was training for. The rifle could slice a person, or objects in half. One nasty gun.

For the past couple of weeks I have had this strong urge to pick the bow and target practice. Its been something I have wanted to do for forever, but these 2 weeks it’s been an urgent desire.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Sounds like you should give archery a go.

Last night I dreamed about being on a cruise ship that crashed into something and eventually rolled. I wasn't on the Titanic because the location was tropical so no iceberg. No idea lol At least dream recall is coming back.

Alice has reacted to this post.

@alice interesting. I have had the urge to make some arrows....maybe i'll take my compound out for some similar target practice

Daegon Magus
Quote from Alice on March 12, 2022, 10:01 pm

I had a dream (haha makes me think of the Tangled song when they are in the Duck saloon sing ‘I have a dream’) that I was doing target practice then simulation with a quantum particle rifle (?).  IDK if thats even a thing but thats what I was telling myself in my head when I woke up, nor could I tell you what I was training for. The rifle could slice a person, or objects in half. One nasty gun.

For the past couple of weeks I have had this strong urge to pick the bow and target practice. Its been something I have wanted to do for forever, but these 2 weeks it’s been an urgent desire.

Ahh, something is putting thoughts into you... Run, possums, run!

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I had an odd experience this morning. Last night I dreamed a super hero style dream, I could fly and stuff, and I was with a partner (friend?) walking a city, keeping an eye on things. The city reminded me of a video game I played years ago. We eventually met up with two more people and two of us flew up high to look around where we were at, spotting an ambush lying in wait. Our little group then discussed whether we wanted to spring the ambush or go around it. I don't remember our decision.

What's odd is after waking up, my brain seemed like it kept trying to deliberately distract me from remembering this by throwing random thoughts and music out. The weird part is I can't tell if it was internal to me or like external thoughts? I eventually thought to myself "stop it. I am remembering this dream and writing it down" and the distractions went away. I couldn't remember it all but at least this small part was logged in my journal.

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