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Swedenborg did say (amongst other things) that your thoughts ore not all yours. And similarly Jerry Marzinsky too is clear that entities or parasites may broadcast their thoughts as yours. They will sound identical to your own thoughts.

Using music to throw you off track is bizarre tho. Maybe you have a musically inclined entity. Lol.

Parallel to your experience but on a major scale, I'm thinking that the elite leaders may have been hacked by non human entities. That would explain why they have a non existent sense of empathy towards other humans. Also why it is possible to conceive concepts like the extermination of a major portion of humanity.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ok, I haven't been able to recall any dreams until yesterday.


I was sitting in a a waiting room. The seats were situated like a high school stadium (steps) but were black leather cushioned seats. There were just a handful of men sitting and talking and I was conversing with them. My oldest son was with me and was saying something to me, and the other men were just listening. Then my son walked away and that was when I noticed something very odd about one of the men.


There was a woman watching and she had the look of amusement on her face when she realized I noticed this very odd man.


And by "odd", I mean this man was wearing a human mask, but it was a poorly disguised human mask. Have you ever seen a mask worn by someone who has had bad skin cancer on their face? Where the cancer eroded their whole face? I have. It was an odd, angular and cubic design a bad papier mache.


The man noticed I had been staring and reached out to me with a robotic type pincher appendage. I became terrified and thought he was going to pinch my arm off. Instead, I felt just a light tap. He was attempting to convey to me (telepathically??) That he had no ill intentions towards me and that if I wanted to stare take a better look at what he (it?) Was.


He then lifted his head above his shoulders and extended his neck, and I saw an array of fabricated wires, where the esophagus and neck muscles should be. He was explaining that he (it?) Was once human, but had died and was now a kind of false organic, fabricated sentient being.


That was when I woke up.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Wow. Wild dream @geisterfahrer

The little snippet I remember from last night... it was a darkened room with a computer at a desk. A person (I think male human based on body type and size but can't swear to it because I never saw a face) was trying to turn the computer on and it kept errorring out then asking if they wanted to start in "safe mode" instead. That's all I remember.

Quote from Goldleaf on March 18, 2022, 9:41 pm

Wow. Wild dream @geisterfahrer

The little snippet I remember from last night... it was a darkened room with a computer at a desk. A person (I think male human based on body type and size but can't swear to it because I never saw a face) was trying to turn the computer on and it kept errorring out then asking if they wanted to start in "safe mode" instead. That's all I remember.

That was literally me a couple of months ago. I am a pc gamer and my favorite game kept crashing the computer and would ask if I wanted to play in safe mode.


So...I ended up buying a new computer that was on sale. It had the latest graphics card and was cheaper to just buy a new system than upgrade my current one.

After a long time without remembering my dreams I finally had one again last night.

I was in some kind of office setting with someone "presenting" what my husband suggested to be MMs "oompa loompas". So the guy was holding a creature looking like a mix of sea cucumber,leech and this sandworm from "Dune" but as small as my arm. And he let this being suck someone elses arm. It was weird and I kind of decided to wake up now before this "thing" is allowed to suck on me. I could see its little teeth. Oh and it was reddish in colour.

And just on the topic of dreams @goldleaf , about 2 weeks ago I did the contract-revoking again and on the same evening decided to go the shaman way. When I went to bed all of a sudden "Phoenix, Arizona" went like a Mantra around in my head, then when drifting asleep I was in a room with a guy. I knew it was the villain from the "Twilight"-books and I knew that he would do the things to me that he does in the books (torture) So I tried to wake up. I got back into my body but I couldn't move or open my eyes. I panicked for a second, then tried find light inside me. Wouldn't work. Thinking about me being a mighty ISBE wouldn't work. So I took all my will and moved my fingers. That did it. I wonder if it had to do with the contract-revoking or with the shaman-thing.

Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf

@mirri eww.

Thinking about your dreams. Some entity or thought form presents itself as "the stuff of your nightmares."

Maybe they want to change your mind about the revoking of contracts. If your bureaucratic thought form is true to form haha, then visits to people who cancel their subscription will be the norm. Who else had a visit from these traveling salesmen/wannabe Agent Smiths? If they are successful, you probably won't remember as you get reset. Meaning regular revocations might be a good idea.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@mirri That sounds like an unpleasant experience. I'm still only through step 3 of the revoking thing so have a ways to go still.

What is the shaman thing you're trying?

@memory-loss yes it was the second time I canceled and I think I really found a contract.

@goldleaf I wasn't too meticoulus about the details like what my "galactic vacuum" would look like (I had a little tornado cleaning up xD)

I just decided to do what I need to do to become a shaman. It feels like picking up many interests I have and always had, like plants and what to do with them, everything having a spirit, about making food coupled with intentions. We've been watching a documentary about some tribe in Mongolia. They are herding reindeer instead of horses and there was this 90ish year old lady who was the tribes shaman. And she said "To become a shaman, you must first heal yourself." She had stiff legs and got herself to walk again. I need to heal myself too. When I got pregnant the second time, my hips started to ache. In the third trimester it got so bad that I would NOT go to the bathroom because every step made my eyes water. My midwife gave me massages, said that some nerves were pinched. The massages helped a little. After giving birth it got worse again, guess I overdid it. Long story short, no one could/would (doctors said "comes nine months goes nine months") help me, all I managed were little betters and 5 years later I am still in pain daily. Interestingly not at this moment because I spent so much time in bed. Caught something from my little one again.

@mirri I think that sounds great! I'm rooting for you. I don't doubt you can find what you need to heal yourself and get rid of your pain and other health issues. Let's just say that Western medicine leaves a lot to be desired. I cured my sinus infection with herbs and a neti pot so I'm confident you can figure out your issues too.

Going back on topic, my dream last night was about meeting (or making?) friends while on a tropical vacation. There were pristine white sandy beaches and palm trees and great food and camaraderie. It was just the type of dream I needed. I think if the world can avoid WWIII, I need to get to a beach and relax.

That's nice @goldleaf!!  Wish I could say the same. Another mission type of dream, very spy vs. spy for me. I mostly remember the climax--this woman with unruly brown hair and a gaunt face was trying to shoot me, and I was trying to shoot her--part of my mission in fact was to kill her.

Only my gun--a revolver--was out of bullets. It kept clicking as I desperately hoped for one bullet, aiming straight at her face. She was out too--more clicking on her 9mm. I finally lunged at her, knocked to the ground, and strangled her bare-handed. It took a really long time, and was a bit too realistic for comfort.

Then my toy poodle woke me up. Which was much, much nicer, lol, puppy kisses and all.

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