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hey guys. I have been somewhat absent from here for a couple of reasons, mainly due to being busy getting my WW3 sorted, and due to my 2 year old wreaking havoc on my computer to the point he snapped the wifi antennas on my laptop clean off their inputs. I haven't forgotten about you all, I promise. 🙂

Dreams have been somewhat active lately, a lot of which seems to point to shit tot do with the Russia Ukraine thing. I posted a few of them in the form of an article.

In regards to last night, I had another nuke dream/s which the first half turned out to be {yet another} synchronisation with SD's dream a few nights ago. It started with a us being in a neighboring town after a nuke had gone off somewhere (my state but location not really known). The town had assembled everyone at the nearby oval so they could coordinate evacs if need be. I was driving around trying to get radio signal, so there was heavy suggestion comms were down and the whole situation was not properly known about (it seems they picked me to try and get more info due to my radio skills, otherwise people weren't supposed to be roaming about.). it was moments after a nuke in the initial confusion stages. Wiped out comms, no one knowing what to do, no real authority there to hold their hand through the delicate moment sort of shit. I remember seeing these people walking around who i thought weren't supposed to be out (fallout radiation etc).

The dream then alternated to me being a fucking Russian foot soldier on the ground somewhere in Europe. To start off with we were in was definitely Russia, no doubt about this. There were thousands of us troops lined up in formation and I was somewhere near the front, my brother in law (the skeptic) right next to me. It was as if we didn't want to be there, like we had been conscripted against our will. Putin made a brief appearance behind us to rally us; it was cold and he was wearing a fluffy dark brown mink/ fur coat, it was evening but not quite dark yet. Putin officially declared that it was WW3 (against Europe/ NATO/ America) then sent us on our merry way. Everyone was solemn; we were marching a long way through what I thought was Ukraine and on into a completely different European country. We marched for what seemed like days through Europe into what I assume was Vienna judging by the canals everywhere. A nuke went off several kilometres away from us - we could see the plume (suggestion here is that it was the same one SD saw in her premonition-esc dream for the 28th Feb). Everyone scrambled and i took out my last remaining potassium iodide pills; my brother in law was shitting himself, and hadn't bothered preparing any so i gave him my last stash. Very soon thereafter i started feeling the effects of the radiation and began to lose consciousness. He took me into a random house where I was pretty much on the verge of death; everything was going black and I could barely keep my eyes open (the potassium iodide seemed to make him immune to the radiation, even though i know that isn't really how it works). He practically forced this old guy who owned the house to take me in. A commander came in and rounded him and the other soldiers taking refuge there up and gave the owner a gun telling him to put me out of my misery. He then left with the soldiers. With my last ounce of strength i managed to get up and stumbled out the door; the house was situated right next to a canal and the soldiers including my brother in law had been crammed onto a small boat and had just started making their way down the canal/ river. My impression was that it was heading to a bigger boat or aircraft for a full on (proper) invasion. my last memory was of the commander seeing me and then shrugging as if it was my problem i missed the boat.

This was as vivid as the one where they were prepping nukes.

Given the way the nuclear situation is unfolding so rapidly I am starting to wonder if SD's 28th meant this month and not February?

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice
Daegon Magus

A week ago, I had a series of dreams that were altogether unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I’ve decided to post these dreams, since they were what compelled me to make an account.

Background: I found the MM site a month ago and started a “help the Domain” affirmation two weeks ago. A week ago, I went back to sleep in the morning and the dreams began. I did dream during the night, but they were typical and forgotten soon after waking.

Dream 1: As I drifted back to sleep, I was pulled out of a barely conscious state into full consciousness by a sudden vibrating/peeling/lifting sensation. It was entirely unexpected, almost violent in its suddenness, and I felt mildly nauseous. This nauseous feeling persisted for the entirety of the first dream. I found myself at my bedroom doorway, just beyond the foot of my bed.

As I looked at the ceiling just beyond the doorway, something started to appear at the center of my vision, and grew into a ~3’ wide oval projected onto the ceiling. It was a constant flurry of black lines, and many were rune-like (simple, angular letters of some sort). The only shape I can remember looked similar to the ansuz rune “”. I felt that if I concentrated on this chaotic thing for long enough, it would form into something, possibly something negative. So I blinked and it disappeared.

I continued on to the kitchen, where my mom and husband were. In reality, these two were already awake. My mom had stacked all of the utensils, pots, pans, plates, etc. on the counters and sink, and was in the middle of cleaning and organizing it all. My husband was standing off to the side chatting with her. My mom was briefly annoyed that I thought she couldn’t see me as I entered the kitchen. Then another person walked in: it was my mom again, so there were now two of my mom in the room. While this gave me pause, original Mom, newly arrived Mom, and my husband didn’t find it strange having two Moms present. I asked what was going on, but didn’t get an answer; my nausea picked up and I closed my eyes, which sent me back to my bed.

Dream 2: I “woke up” to my husband cleaning and organizing a bunch of furniture, fixtures, stacked boxes, etc. all placed to one side of the room. Other than this echo of the first dream and the overall vividness, this second dream was typical: I went through my morning routine with a surreal backdrop.

Dream 3: I thought I’d woken up, and was lazing in bed with my eyes closed. Then a faint sound started up in my left ear. I thought it was a bout of tinnitus, but it continued to get louder, more distinct, and spread to my right ear. It was like a radio getting tuned and turned up, but without static. I could start to make out the voice of a generic, mid-to-late 20th century, American male broadcaster. As the noise got louder, more “channels” with the same voice came on, making it difficult to hang on to any one voice for more than a couple words. Not that I wanted to listen; thoughts of schizophrenia crossed my mind. This all happened in the space of a few seconds.

I opened my eyes to the ceiling, and the rune-storm from the first dream came back. At this, I realized I wasn’t awake. The lines quickly formed into a thickly lined image. It looked like a symmetrical floor plan, or maybe a cutaway of a multi-chambered, rectangular object. I didn’t notice any labeling. A part of it (about a sixth, or a third with mirroring) reminded me of the Chinese character for four “”. I can’t remember the details.

While the above happened, one channel became intelligible as the others dimmed into the background. The voice stated: “Ignore this message.” on loop. I could hear the same message play on some of the background channels, which slightly blurred the primary one. This and the image lasted only a couple seconds, and though I knew I was dreaming, I was still a little freaked out. Even with all but one channel “dialed back,” the audio experience verged on overwhelming.

I faded back into a closed-eye, waking up state and the experience ended with a faint sensation spreading through my body. Upon reflection, I didn’t notice any presence and the voice came off as canned.

While this series of dreams came a week after I started a Domain affirmation, it didn’t resemble the descriptions of Domain related oddness I’ve read. It was definitely something though, and related to me reading this site. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened since.

congjing yu, Alice and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAliceOhio Guy

@lems, I am 99% percent sure you accidentally astral projected from a sleep paralysis state, and then came back into sleep paralysis and were tuning into something in the non physical. You described it almost exactly the same as when I tapped into the clickity clackers. Whether it was the Domain adjusting your signal or some other group I cannot say. Write that ansuz Rune down and everything you felt what it was for. i have been given the Othilia Rune and shown how to use it to project consciousness "through time". Think of it as a 2d representation of  3d object, try rotating it in your mind's eye and discover the different angles hidden in it.

In regards to the astral projection part, I have had similar experiences of projecting and trying to talk to my sister. It's like they are too absorbed in something to properly acknowledge what you have said and just give you a vague yes or no or hmmph noise. I assume it is because you are interacting with a part of them that is not consciously aware of what is happening. Very interesting you saw two of your mum.

congjing yu, Ohio Guy and Lems have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOhio GuyLems
Daegon Magus


Keep in mind that a non-physical experience usually occurs after you affirm your desire to assist the Domain. For most people, it is a frightening event, as the terror-snares are activated in the non-physical. This is normal. Yours seems to be similar, but without the snares. Consider yourself special.

Alice and Lems have reacted to this post.


Thank you for your analysis! I didn’t look into the rune beyond finding a rune alphabet image to identify it. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me research it further…

Btw, I just started reading your articles, and got to the LD techniques one after reading about ansuz. Ansuz is associated with Odin, and that article discussed the hanged man’s pose.


At first I assumed that morning was Domain related, but I have no other experiences to compare it to. I’ve never before attempted to contact anything through non-physical means, and the lack of expected terror/intensity had me considering the possibility that something else had “listened in” and decided to interact.

Interesting that I didn’t experience the terror snares, since I’m the type who has to watch scary movies with the lights on. Maybe it was the two cats sleeping beside me that spared me :p.

congjing yu and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOhio Guy


Cats are protectors and projectors. If you are aligned with them, then you will see some great mitigation of outside forces.

Goldleaf, Alice and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
GoldleafAliceOhio GuyLems

Kitties in mesh bags on the street in Shanghai waiting to be picked up for extermination due to CV:


last night dream. there was a heap of shit going on - i was given heaps of information on things currently happening or about to happen much of which i can't remember. I was on a bus, can't remember where i was going. Something happened, like the bus went over a bump and i was thrown against the window or something, which led to me stepping on some glass that cut a huge chunk out of my foot. I am not entirely sure, but i think this was a prison bus and the rest of the guys on here were inmates, but we weren't going to jail, more like coming from it. This was our parole., or the prisoners parole - i don't know if I was one of them or just a guard. The bus stopped off at a shopping complex where many of these guys got off. Some were going to catch other buses, and other were going to buy things they needed before getting back on to go to their destination; clothes, shoes, drugs, alcohol etc. A guy next to me gets up and heads on over to the nearby liquor store; he look s alot like Danny Trejo - most of these guys seem to have that same South American look to them, tattoos etc in spanish and of typical South American design. I can't move because of my foot, so I ask him if he can grab some beer for me. He seems like he is about to tell me to fuck off, so I say I only want one and he can have the rest of the 6 pack, then hand him a note and some money. he looks at the note and his eyes widen. Without saying anything he nods and heads over to the liquor store. He sees one of the other now ex prisoners and shows him my letter, pointing at me. He hands the letter to this guy, who stares at me a moment, then seems to head off to another large group of ex prisoners going into the mall. I wait around on the bus for a while, then i see Trejo walking out of the liquor store with a shopping cart packed with a crate of beer and other various spirits and mixer....he is obviously planning on having a big party. He has the piece of paper waving in his hand. He gets to the bus and ignores the driver telling him he can't bring  a whole trolley on worth of alcohol on, lifts it up and slides it into one of the seat aisles. At this point, most of the other ex prisoners had either made it back or were heading ack from the mall. I notice everyone seems to be staring at me wide eyed. Oh fucking great, I have somehow stirred up trouble now i have a whole bus's worth of ex convicts who have obvious beef with me.
Trejo walks up to me, making a point to open his eyes as wide as possible, and slaps the piece of paper into my chest. He nods once, with much seriousness on his face, then jumps the seat behind me. I look at the piece of paper and notice it has been folded over a number of time, and ripped in various places. The rips remind me of those "take one" tears you find on neighborhood posters which have a phone number and other contact details on each tearaway piece.
Each piece was done carefully and parallel too the next as if to show a tally. I look around at the other ex prisoners and they all nod in unison as if to say "we are in".

The next part of the dream involved Elon Musk. I was part of his security detail or receptionist staff or something. He had been in his private villa sick, shut off from the world for a couple of days. Suddenly his door bursts open. "Have you guys seen the shit all over Twitter"....he is outraged, something clearly has him rattled enough to get us to prepare his private helicopter for him, despite him looking like he is about to die. Whatever it is is enough to destroy Tesla and see his empire crumble under law suit upon law suit....oh boy, someone just dumped a big pile of dirt.
So I take him to this prestige hospital that seems to be the heart of all his troubles.
Elon order's me to take him to a certain part of the hospital, and i oblige. As i am walking through i notice some of the guys from the prison bus. Something happened which i cannot completely remember, but I suddenly realise that this dirt has to be aired no matter what, because it exposes all the lies of the governments. He was basically the next Jeffrey Epstein, but made Epstein's work look like child's play in comparison. Elon is so deathly ill he has to use a wheel chair, and I am the guy pushing it. As he drifts in and out of consciousness, he doesn't notice  have taken  him to a different part of the hospital. The mental health ward. For Elon to avoid the law suits he was under a time critical damage control. I figure a mental health evaluation would stall him nicely. He wakes up and I push him through the door, letting go of the wheelchair, and he sails through effortlessly. the door closes and locks behind him, then I hear him shouting as he begins to try and coerce the shrinks into doing his bidding, mistaking them for the doctors under his control.
I go back down this spirally staircase, and that is when a news report comes on this massive tv in the foyer. In it, it lays out everything and goes through Elon's plan in minute detail....fuck there was some good intel here, really damned good intel, but i can't remember any of it. I think it was heavily related to aliens and shit he'd found on mars, and contracts connecting human trafficking organisations with the government. And it was all laid out piece by piece, proof by proof in front of everyone. I wish i could remember more

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
Daegon Magus

Well Elon Musk did just put in to buy all of Twitter early yesterday morning. I think you're picking up on all the fear this is causing PTB. They've already stated publicly that they're sending the DOJ after him... kind of like a certain orange man they found a lot of "charges" on that all proved to be false... just saying.

Well, Mr. Musk is in effect taking away one of the left's biggest bullhorns.

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