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@goldleaf do you know why they are sending the DoJ after him? honest question as i have no idea, but seems strange. Elon was very definitely guilty of whatever it was in my dream, but he was also very obviously being thrown under the bus

Daegon Magus

@dori2190 It's supposedly a joint investigation between the SEC and DOJ. The official line is to look into Tesla business dealings and regulatory issues. The timing is just too coincidental IMO.

Current rumor is it looks like Twitter is planning to make a "poison pill" play by flooding the market with additional shares to devalue the stock and make it more expensive to eventually purchase. Vanguard also immediately bought more shares to have a bigger % than Musk. This is one to watch. From a purely business perspective, selling to Musk would appear to be in the shareholder's best interests as it nets them a rather large amount of money and the board is actively working against their best interests. Is it a negotiation play or something else? Time will tell.

This is just getting started and it's already starting to drop out of the news. Isn't that interesting.

Also, pretty good commentary from a lawyer's blog. It's the day before Easter and he's very Christian so you may want to stop reading after the Twitter/Musk stuff if Christianity isn't your thing:

hmm very interesting @goldleaf. How has your dreams been going by the way? I apologise. I wanted to join your telegram but my lack of internet service and intermittent time of being able t get online makes it near on impossible

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

@dori2190 The dreams are going well, thanks. I'm back to my normal of remembering dreams most nights. I think I had one go from regular to lucid last night too as it felt like I had taken control at one point. Progress!

On the LD side of things, it ended oddly. I was having a conversation with an acquaintance who was very upset. After a couple questions, my eyes opened and I was wide awake. That's not normally how I wake up. I definitely wasn't done with the questions either. Can something or someone kick you out of a LD? I have no idea if we accidentally shared a dream as I have no intention of contacting this person and asking.

@goldleaf yes things can definitely boot you from LDs if they want. In mine and SD's experiences with the consciousness doping facilities, if the guards cotton onto you being "aware" and simply touch you you instantly wake up, which is what makes them such precarious situations; the whole time you are trying to be aware, keep your cool at the seemingly fucked up situation unfolding but also not draw attention to the fact you are coherent enough to realise wtf is going on around you. Other times you can be woken up if too much information overwhelms your ability to hold the dreamscape. remember I spoke about how one needs to have strong visualisations to cut through the m-band layer distortions? If these distortions aren't completely culled from the get go they can eject you from the LD in a similar manner. It is a very delicate balance of trying to keep everything in check solely through visualisation. I have also had instances of being in a complete super deep sleep, and intentionally waking myself's like swimming through a thick layer of mud to reach the surface. It was at this point that i noticed that "physical reality" is superimposed over the dream state at a rate of a few Hz. It's like physical reality begins as a faint, wavy image, that then becomes more and more vivid until it completely overrides the image of the dream environment, and you are just there awake (there was no defining point of when my eyes had opened). It seems to be a similar happening when forcefully ejected, but not as vivid on the superimposition of one reality over the other.

congjing yu and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuTas
Daegon Magus

Hi all I hope you are well and things are good,

I was speaking to my step daughter the other night and she mentioned a dream she had had the night before. She was in the bush and was attacked by a snake with glowing eyes (like a torch (flashlight)), I then appeared and saved her from the snake by killing it. She said it was strange as I never appear in her dreams. We have not had physical contact in years as she lives in Queensland and I in Tasmania. Any ideas what Jessica's dream could mean or represent.

With thanks and best wishes.



Hey guys. I'm still here, and lurk frequently, just not feeling much to contribute!

As always, scene missing, and I'm out and about in a foreign land. Possibly China or Russia. I remember I was considered a guest and treated well, but had people with me to escort me. I'm exploring a local hub, may have been a shopping/entertainment venue, and suddenly alarms go off and a warning to return to your homes. My escorts instantly left, and I thought well - that's super odd. Must be serious.

I start to head back to my hotel, and when I come out of the hub I see several mushroom clouds - fairly close. One in the direction of where I was staying. My instinctive thought was "we struck first. People need to know." I get my phone out, start taking photo of it, and go to send it to my friend who I trust would have tried to put the truth out there. This is where I realise I'm in control.

Oddly - the mushroom cloud didn't have any instant damage, it's like it was just there. I remember as I was going to send the message it was like the middle of the stalk started to catch fire. It was beautiful. Then the whole cloud began to pulsate, like the mushroom cloud was the first strike and the fire was triggering some nuke level FAE from the dispersal of initially harmless energy. I lean on a wall and a huge wave of energy burst out like a sphere from the fire. I'm now surrounded by light with an impulse to go into the source.

I remember being frustrated for a moment I couldn't get my message out in time because I got distracted. Then I was realising I was probably dead, and its time for another go around. I stopped myself - I'd rather not if I have a choice - and shouted for the domain/commander to help. Then I stopped myself again and was like, no, I'm not dead. Time to go back to my body. I woke up, and my entire left side (the side facing the explosion) felt really hot like it had been next to an open fire.

Whatever that attack was, it was co-ordinated and unexpected. I remember specifically my first reaction being I must get the truth out here. As always - probably meaningless, but, it could mean something to someone here.

Edit: The very moment I hit post on this, the website suffers a 500 server error. fortunately, it posted in spite of that during a refresh later.

Hello everyone. It has been a while since I have posted, but I haven't really had anything to share. Nothing significant anyways. Well, I had a Lucid Dream this past Sunday that had quite a bit of symbolism through out.

First though, I need to point out that my family had to put one of our family dogs to sleep this past Saturday morning (early a.m.) while I was at work. My wife video called me throughout the whole thing, and I felt absolutely horrible for not being able to hold my best little buddy when he passed. He had let my wife know he had to go early Saturday morning .. we knew the time was coming. So she took him to a 24 hour emergency vet with both of my boys, and my oldest was holding/hugging him when he passed on. It was peaceful, he wasn't scared. We all cried (yes, it felt like I had lost a child). He lived a full doggy life and died at a ripe old age (15 years). He was my friend when I went through a divorce from my ex wife, when I dated my wife, when we married and the birth of our 2 boys. He always watched over them, and would climb in bed with them and snuggle, sit in their lap, play etc. Until he became too old, blind and deaf ... then eventually, developed a tumor. Dogs live such short lives 🙁 I bought him when he was a puppy, not going in the store to buy anything, but to visit someone who worked there. When he saw me, he got so excited .. a reaction he did not show to anyone else. It was love at first sight, for the both of us.


So ... the dream I had the very next day .... will type it up in the next post.



In the dream ...


It was a bright and sunny day, and I was riding my motorcycle. I will pause throughout this description to note a few things that I feel should be described in detail, because I am not very good at interpreting Lucid Dreams, or the hidden symbolism that others might be able to pick up on. I hope that makes sense.

Me riding my motorcycle on this bright and sunny day felt as real as if I had actually done this, even waking up after the dream was over, it felt like a real memory of something I had really done. I was riding my motorcycle to a place where I had moved out of months before - In reality, I have not moved out of any place months before, this was just a "known fact" of this dream narrative, and it was what I was doing in this dreamscape. I pulled into a neighborhood that looked "similar" to a place I used to live in, in reality, years and years ago, but it was definitely not the same - there were differences. I felt a "familiarity" to this area, and in the dream, I used to live here (but not in reality).


I drove up a long driveway (the place I used to live years ago, had a long driveway too), parked my motorcycle, and decided to go into this house (the house looked "similar" to the one I used to live in, in reality, years ago, but instead of having a 2 car garage, there was a car port). I remember, while I was dreaming (an odd way to put this, as it never happened in reality) that I had left this place in a hurry, and had left several of my belongings there. In the dream, I was stopping by to gather my things, and check to make sure what I had left behind, was still there. I could tell from the outside, that the lawn was unkempt and neglected, no one had kept anything up.


As I entered the carport, a tiny dog pushed open a screen door and approached me. It was frantic. For some reason, I just knew to follow it, and it lead me inside the house (which was a mess), and I followed this little dog to a bathroom towards one corner of the house (adjacent to a bedroom). Inside that bathroom, huddled up in a corner, was another dog. This dog was slightly bigger (looked like a Dachshund), and was terrified, weak, and starving. It was too scared to even move, or it was too weak to move. It kept trying to crawl away and hide, but it couldn't because it was so weak. I immediately felt an overwhelming urge to help this dog. In the dream, I made a decision to go to a store, get some dog food, and return. I also soothe talked to this dog, telling it I would be right back and to not worry (yes, I talk to dogs in real life too). I then began to leave the house and go to my motorcycle. As I exited the house and was under the carport with my motorcycle in view, I was confronted by a very large black dog.


This black dog was huge. To give a general idea, it was way too big to be considered a dog, it was about the size of a Clydesdale horse. It was jet black, even its eyes, and the head looked very much like a Doberman's with cropped ears. My initial reaction after seeing it, was of fear. But then it raised its paw, much like a friendly dog does, when it "shakes your hand". My fear of it vanished. Behind this big black dog, was a whole pack of varying dogs and breeds .. this black dog was somehow "leader of the pack". It then transformed into a humanoid figure and began to talk to me.

It told me not to worry about the dog inside the house. It reassured me that he and his pack would handle the situation and nurse it back to health. In the dream, I remember crying/pleading to make sure that the dog would be ok. I even offered to pay for half of anything they needed (and in the dream, I didn't have that much money, I remember trying to figure out how much I could spend, in the dream, when in reality the situation is much different).

This black dog/humanoid looked and appeared to be a little amused with my reaction, as they (the other dogs that were with him had also transformed into humanoid male and female creatures not unlike humans) had not expected me to react this way. He again reassured me that everything was going to be fine ... then I woke up.


This dream had such a profound effect on me when I woke up. It felt very real, as if I had just "warped" from one existence to another. I knew it had to mean something, but wasn't sure what the meaning was ... and started to look up dream symbolisms. I came across this:

Dreaming of a Black Dog: The Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism


Another situation where black dogs show up in dreams and visions is when our own pets pass away. If you recently had a dog pass away and see a big black dog in a dream or vision, this is a positive sign that your dog is being looked after and guided to the other side.

When a dog spirit that has passed on decides to visit, it is usually accompanied by a big black dog.


Connecting Anubis with the Dog Star Sirius and the Maya Xolotl

The ancient Egyptians associated the constellation we call Orion with the god Osiris. If we liken the Orion constellation to a man firing a bow, then the star Sirius seems to follow this celestial man, like a small companion. The Egyptians linked this star with Isis and Anubis, which is fascinating because we now know, due to advancements in radio telescopes, that Sirius is a binary star. Sirius is then, an older star with a younger, much smaller star, orbiting it.

If the Orion Constellation is thought of as a king god, and his consort as the star that shadows him, it fits like a glove that the smaller binary star orbiting Isis is her faithful dog guardian, Anubis. What is so curious about this, is that the binary nature of Sirius is not evident with the naked eye. Modern science was not even certain that the star was binary until the 1970s. Both the ancient Egyptians and their mysterious neighbors, the Dogon, seem to have been aware that Sirius was a binary star before they had the capability required to make this observation.

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