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Hey, my little puma died yesterday early morning, hit by a car on the street. He was a young strong wild cat, roaming around freely in and out of the house. I am still in shambles. I felt him near me on my bed, probably when he just died, he was purring. I knew then that something was wrong. Great how you travelled into the dogs realm @geisterfahrer. And how they appreciated your empathy! I had once this dream with all these big cats coming out of the woods, I think I wrote about it somewhere in this forum.

But I had a dream this night too, it was like being on the verge of contacting a being who could bring us huge knowledge, and I together with another person eventually did, we could feel and talk with the entity. It even had a name! We, including the entity, were very happy with that. But we were jammed, the thing was that only we two could speak with the entity (or was it maybe only me?) and only we two lost our sense of sound while other people around were still talking. We both knew that we had the same problem and gestured to each other to escape and go hiding. We left in a hurry and didn't ask more questions to the wisdom entity. In the end it was only like saying hallo. We got our sense of hearing back and lost it again and back twice and absolutely synchronised.  We were like escaping with two cars through the countryside, with sleeping bags in it. I had some documents with me which were some sort of code which seemed to be important and looked like a travelling route with signs on it. The other person helped me with hiding and left, she was with husband and small kid which was a kind of camouflage and she was somehow less exposed in this hunt. In the end I was all alone and felt sad about the loss of my little cat-friend again. End of the dream.

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I don't speak french, the video is supposed to be about the Dogon ceremony regarding Sirius.

Quote from WaterTiger on June 14, 2022, 6:18 pm

Hey, my little puma died yesterday early morning, hit by a car on the street. He was a young strong wild cat, roaming around freely in and out of the house. I am still in shambles. I felt him near me on my bed, probably when he just died, he was purring. I knew then that something was wrong. Great how you travelled into the dogs realm @geisterfahrer. And how they appreciated your empathy! I had once this dream with all these big cats coming out of the woods, I think I wrote about it somewhere in this forum.

But I had a dream this night too, it was like being on the verge of contacting a being who could bring us huge knowledge, and I together with another person eventually did, we could feel and talk with the entity. It even had a name! We, including the entity, were very happy with that. But we were jammed, the thing was that only we two could speak with the entity (or was it maybe only me?) and only we two lost our sense of sound while other people around were still talking. We both knew that we had the same problem and gestured to each other to escape and go hiding. We left in a hurry and didn't ask more questions to the wisdom entity. In the end it was only like saying hallo. We got our sense of hearing back and lost it again and back twice and absolutely synchronised.  We were like escaping with two cars through the countryside, with sleeping bags in it. I had some documents with me which were some sort of code which seemed to be important and looked like a travelling route with signs on it. The other person helped me with hiding and left, she was with husband and small kid which was a kind of camouflage and she was somehow less exposed in this hunt. In the end I was all alone and felt sad about the loss of my little cat-friend again. End of the dream.

I am hearing impaired, completely deaf without hearing aids, and I can communicate using sign language. So ...when you and another lost your hearing ...wondering if there was something to that?

We used sign language in my dream, but I don't know sign language in real life.

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@watertiger I'm so sorry for the loss of your little friend.

I'm always so thankful to MM and the Commander for informing us of the sheer awesomeness of cats! I hope you'll meet your little mate again sometime.


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That is interesting. I am fluent in ASL. ASL is also used in Canada and Liberia. England has BSL, Australia uses Auslan, New Zealand uses NZSL ... and no, there are no similarities. No similarities between British and American Sign either. The only similarity is between German and American alphabet finger spelling with some variations between the two.


I am wondering if, when you have the time or interest, watching videos of different signed languages and see if you can recall anything that seems familiar? May take too long and it would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack .. but it would be interesting to know if it was an actual language, and which one. Perhaps recalling the phrases you were conveying to each other?

Anyways ... I am just fascinated how my dream took me from seeing Anubis (that is what the dog looked like) to researching how the Dogon people even knew about Sirius B.


The Ancient Egyptians called Sirius "Anubis" (a dog) because it was the loyal companion and guardian of Orion (Egyptians called Orion, Osiris).


The Dogon people, as I am learning, believe that planet Earth was visited by an Alien race some 5,000 years ago.

@geisterfahrer, I don't think I can recollect the exact gestures, it went all very fast. I remember that this other person and me knew immediately what was wrong (that we were tracked and had to flee) and we hardly needed any communication, we just set off as fast as possible.

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If anything jogs your memory, please let me know. One of the things I find so interesting about this thread, is that even random "dreams" from participants here all have some form of a common thread.

Whether or not this is all the Jungian "collective unconscious", or there is a shared ethereal realm we all enter while in a dream state, or these are just random coincidences ... who knows? I just find it interesting. I will be back if I have any more profound dreams.


@geisterfahrer I think I had this letter L in it like

But then no idea why or what it meant in the dream.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

@geisterfahrer I'm so sorry for your loss.

Interesting enough I also had a near-lucid dream on Sunday. I never took control so couldn't say it was full lucid or not though it had all the other hallmarks.

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