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@watertiger So sorry for your loss too. Losing a pet is so hard 🙁

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I just repost this one, such a great post! Thank you MM!

Some True Stories of Cat Heaven

@watertiger So sorry to hear of your loss. Its heartbreaking to lose one that is a big part of your life.

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Again so sorry for your loss WT. All our love to you.

Eliza & David

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Quote from WaterTiger on June 15, 2022, 6:09 pm

I just repost this one, such a great post! Thank you MM!

Thank you so much for sharing this


and I had a similar experience, with my first wife, and a mother cat that died, and I ended up taking care of her kittens.


This is for MM for mentioning tears for fears


Now I know all this is real. I just woke up from having a coherent conversation from what you all describe as a "mantid".


He was very kind. He was also communicating with someone else who, I think, was a supervisor. He said they have been spending considerable time "improving me". I got scared and asked to never have my kids harmed or get separated from them. He gave me a reassuring pat and said "that will never happen".

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I also remember him talking to someone else saying "It looks like he is ready to get suited up and fly"


Not sure what that meant. Astral projection? But it didn't happen ...yet.

Wow, that's interesting!

Very interesting @geisterfahrer.

I would like to follow up with the experience I had early this morning. I am having some "difficulty" in articulating, in words, what happened. If I had to sum everything up in just one word, that word would be "reassurance". I am having some personal stuff going on that has been traumatic to me. Without giving away too many details, but to give you all an idea ... a friend whom my family has known for years, and mutual friends, have known for years, is NOT the person we all thought he was. I was the lone individual that caught it, and when I did, that individual attempted to turn everyone against me, including my family.

He had been convicted of a violent crime against children, and was targeting my kids, and the kids of several mutual friends. He was grooming. And I caught it. He was NOT, the kind, caring, helpful, friendly etc. etc. person we had all come to know and love. That was just an elaborate ruse to gain trust.


During this encounter with the mantid, "they" (yes, plural, more than one) were fully aware of it, and even mentioned his name to me. They knew why I was fearful. They knew I feared for the safety of my kids. They understood with precision and clarity.


So ... my "affirmation prayers" have always been just a father pleading to "the universe" to protect my children.

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