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I chime in, in concert, as a father pleading to "the universe" to protect my children; you touched me with that.

I had planned to remain silent for much longer - having only registered yesterday - and reading for a short while previous to that, however, you know how it is... your plans and the plans that are for you sometimes don't always align.

I am improving in accepting the directive hands that at times nudge and other times outright smack me for course corrections.  I call it growth, not pain avoidance.

Greetings to all, thank you MM for your efforts and venue and open heart that has caused a sense of belonging in this fellow.






Geisterfahrer and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

I think that is excellent man, really. I believe I  had a very brief encounter with my mantid gp in a dream 3 odd months ago  it took me a couple of weeks to work it all out as it was freaky. The most freaky experience I have ever had in dream state. It showed me the terror of transition and what I will experience. It also nudged me not to fear transition but to accept what happens regardless, to go with the flow. I seek another encounter, It is part of my affirmations. I am so happy for you, really.

Geisterfahrer and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

The mantid initially appeared as a young beautiful brunette. It was explained that it was to gauge my reaction. My initial reaction was "Who are you?" And I reached out (with astral arms) to see if it was real. She just smiled then the face changed to obviously a male. It was shapeshifting and gauging my reaction, I presume, to see what I was most comfortable with communicating to.

The male was communicating with others as he communicated to me. He was sort of like a go between, and was just relaying a message, and he was being very kind, and very careful, as to not confuse me and to make sure the message was clear. And make sure this was NOT my imagination.


It was very real.

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.

Ok, this just happened last night. I had another battle dream. I'm marching in a small patrol sized group, say, 10 to a group tops. We're all clad in some battle garb of the same gray color. Tough armor and helmets with blacked out visors. All seeming very light and very functional mobility wise. Every one has the same rifle type weapon and side arm. I, happen to be carrying an additional, smaller, "sub machine gun" type weapon with wavy and some curling markings on the stock of the weapon.

As my small unit approaches the entrance to a small air ship port with a comm center built into a hill just below the small plateau. We go thru the small building, get recognized, and proceed up to the landing deck.

As we board, there are a couple units, same as ours, spec ops looking dudes in a darker set of battle gear. One other thing that stuck out, was a dark orange colored banding that circled the under arm pits to the top of the shoulder and in the center, facing out, were two sets of three rows of  tubes measuring about 3 inches in length. Each arm. They do not disembark until we are all on. I'm the last guy. My guys on the right side of the long fuselage airship, other tough guys on the left. So, we're kinda facing each other. There's some whispering going on their side and it passes down to their last guy in line. They notice the accompanying smg that I'm carrying and the writing on the stock, particularly. Each one departed that ship and gave me some kind of silent acknowledgement usually a nod. The last one however shouted a short verbal cry with his arm in the air making a fist. The rear ramp raises and soon after, we depart.

At this point, I don't even know if I'm on the "good" side or the "bad" side of all these "baddies" I'm suited up with. But I know my mission only when we arrive at our destination. Which, by the way, seemed like a very short trip, because it only took a few moments to get there. I have no idea of the distance because there were no windows in this craft. By the way, it appears to me to be the typical military craft you might see in some high end sci fi movie. Think Guardians of the Galaxy type craft.

So, we arrive. And where we land is another port much like the one we just left. But it's not so peaceful here. The small comm building here is under attack. Before the ship even hit the landing spot, my guys are out of the craft as if the bottom drops away like in the Tom Cruise movie, Edge of Tomorrow. Live, Die, Repeat. I leave down the aft ramp straight to the comm buiding, down about ten or so steps while my guys are already shooting and maneuvering and just generally providing cover in a fairly hot zone. I find a single human looking female form wearing typical office attire, tied up, gagged but somewhat ambulatory. She is the mission. She has information and it must get back to wherever it's supposed to go.

I run to her at first, but then, there is a ruckus coming down the entrance steps. Rebels, if you will, dressed in an inferior  set of battle gear, and certainly showing a good bit of hardened battle wear, have made it down the steps. Three of them. And in front of them are two other office looking folks who appear to be somewhat incapacitated, being used as human shields. The rebel baddies start firing on my charge first and then at me. I return fire from my quickly drawn sidearm because I'm too close. Everybody's too close. I hit one of the baddies in the right shoulder and a moment later, a "woosh" from a propelled grenade launcher type weapon gets fired from where these rebels are standing just a few steps from the comm room floor.

At that moment, time slowed wayyyy down. I turn to run to the back of the room. Oddly, that's the same direction of the energy projectile that just got shot in the room. Yikes!

At this point, in slo mo, I am three or four feet above the floor, like low floating superman soldier. I look to my right, and the tied up but somewhat ambulatory office worker chick is horizontal too. Just like me. Only difference is that cobalt blue bristling energy pulse that got shot down from the steps is right between us. Actually, more closer to her. There's an release of energy that sounds like the crack of a thunder bolt and I am awake in bed, my eyes open, and my mind starts to process all this.

This dream happened during a full moon. Last month, I had a different dream. I suspect it was during a full moon as well because it was about a month ago.

I'll jot that one down in a minute because I have to tend to a couple dogs right now.


very interesting OG. very interesting indeed

Daegon Magus

One other thing I neglected to mention about waking from the "battle dream", was that when my feet hit the floor to make some coffee, it was difficult to walk. There was some inflammation in my left ankle and right knee. I had to rest the whole day. With the help of a few motrins some decent gummies, coffee, hot food and meditation, I'm feeling much better now. Glad it all happened on my two days off work.

Now, we'll get to the dream I had about a month ago.

It was like any other time. I would get my "daily duties" completed and head for the bed. Four dogs on the bed, and maybe a few cats, some perched on cozy shelves in the room.

As I drifted off, I became aware. At what point I'm not sure. I don't know when or how, but time is different when these type experiences happen.

I open my eyes while in my sleeping body and see a swirling vortex of white with a few swirls of silvery grey. At the other end of this is a plain, ordinary but yet attractive female form clothed in white. It was like something that a Greek goddess would wear. I immediately leave my body, and enter this swirling thingy all the way to the end where she is located. While doing this, I feel the most indescribable almost overwhelming, feeling of love. Love in it's purest form. I have never felt that here on this planet. I mean, yeah, I love my wife an all but this feeling emanating from this beautifully robed human looking female entity was, well, amazing and astonishing. I really never in my life here on earth felt THAT kind of love, ever. I just can't properly describe the intensity. But it went through every subatomic particle of my being. I can't recall any words that were spoken but I'm positive that this entity spoke something to me. We embraced, twirled in the whirl a bit, and then I'm gently placed back in my body.

Next thing, my eyes are open. And I'm taking in what just occurred. Whatever that was about, it was the most remarkable out of body I've ever experienced. I've been giving it thought every day since. This was significant and special. I'm just not sure who that wonderful entity was. But I am sure that it watches over me at all times and cares very much about me.

I can only hope that I'm meeting all expectations of me. Doing my best in all that I do. Being the best I can be.

I'll certainly update you all as these new changes develop.


Tas has reacted to this post.

@daegonmagus, I know, right?

I LOVE Dream Share!!! Awesomely 👏 BIG things happening for the lot of you!!! I’m so excited to hear some of us are having adventures, even if it’s in your head and while you sleep……. The feeling and emotions that linger, make it - oh so real. Proud of yall!


Be good or be good at it 😉


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Same opinion as Alice! 👍🙏 😊

dream last night. This was after lying in bed sort of half trying to contact the domain.

Myself and SD are on the outskirts of our local city. Seems to be King's Park, or a variant of. This van pulls up out of nowhere, and some guy gets out then tells me to hop in. He takes us back in closer to the city to this building that just looks like a run of the mill dental clinic.
We go in, and the dentist is really just a spook kitted out in typical business style attire. He starts talking to me about the procedure about to take place, and suddenly it clicks and i go  "oh i know what this is. This is the exact same procedure MM went through when he got probed". They plop me in the dental chair, and start going to work, presumably on my head. Don't remember much after that. Wasn't really all that lucid

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Daegon Magus
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