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Another upgrade I suspect. Inter/trans dimensional? Your next experience might give a clue. You certainly have the creds.

I've recently been listening a lot to Hemi Sync and working from focus 10 to focus 12. These may be facilitating the fantastical OBE/ LD's. In fact, I'm about to start another session in a bit, Wave 2. The more I practice these, The higher the chance for a quality dream experience. I'm still a novice though with much to learn. I'm certainly glad you've shared yours and SD's experiences and techniques. Every bit helps.

Cheers daegonmagus, OG

Apologies OG. I didn't get the tag so only just saw this. And no problem. Got a video treat for you all I am working on. Hopefully will finish editing it soon

Daegon Magus

Dont know why that quoted. New phone

Daegon Magus
Quote from Ohio Guy on July 15, 2022, 11:50 am

I've recently been listening a lot to Hemi Sync and working from focus 10 to focus 12. These may be facilitating the fantastical OBE/ LD's. In fact, I'm about to start another session in a bit, Wave 2..

@ohio-guy Are these the ones that MM has on the blog or some other hemi syncs?

I've noticed my dreams have gone fragmented and hard to recall again. I'm curious if a hemi sync could help that get back on track.

I had quite a few more vivid dreams. They were not lucid, or AP, they were just dreams.


In one dream, I was in Washington, DC and noticed someone who was "out of place" looking intently at a drainage grate on the side of the street near a round-a-bout in traffic. He was on the grass circle in the center of the round-a-bout and was pacing slowly over it as if he was looking for something. I struck up a conversation with him (he was thin build, 30's ish, African American, scrubby beard). He told me that he knew there was a hidden underground bunker of sorts right underneath this round-a-bout but was never able to find it. For some reason, I wasn't dismissive outright, and for some reason, I decided to help him find it.


And I was the one who found it, by tracing the way the rain water (it was raining) traveled and how it went into the grate, but dispersed in a way that was not natural. We found a "glitch in the matrix" so to speak and I was somehow able to tell that the entrance to this underground bunker must have been in a nearby parking garage. So, we both went over to the parking garage.


The parking garage had several levels that went underground, and so, we decided to "explore". On one of the lower levels of this parking garage, there was a guard guarding a door that didn't seem to be in uniform with the rest of the parking garage's layout. My companion somehow distracted this guard, so the guard would step away, when he quickly looked at me and said "hurry up bro!" and quickly ran to the door, opened it and entered. I was having a tough time keeping up with him.


When we entered, everything quickly changed. It looked as if there had been some ongoing restorative work to a decaying and rotten structure. There were stairs that went even deeper underground. This place had obviously been here for decades, with tell-tale signs of former incomplete restoration work done from years past. We both eventually ran into a group of people who began threatening us when they realized we were not supposed to be there, let alone, know this place existed.

I had a sidearm on me (I always do irl) it was a Sig Sauer 1911 .45 with extended mag. I held this group at gunpoint, when I realized they meant us both deadly harm, and told them to turn away and walk in the opposite direction from us. They began to comply, when another group came bursting through a hidden door (there were maybe 3-4 individuals). These were military uniformed personnel, completely surprised to see us. And in their initial surprise, I was able to get away and ran down a hallway opposite from them. They began a pursuit, I was able to tell that part of the restoration done was a shoddily constructed sheetrock panel which covered a door opening. I tore it down and entered an ancient bathroom covered in mildew. I began looking around, and saw an air vent above me and as I began to lift myself up into it, I woke up.


....strange dream.

Goldleaf and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

@goldleaf: So sorry it took so long to reply, but thank you for the question.

The Hemi Sync recordings I listen to are found on youtube. I choose the ones specifically from The Monroe Institute. I did however, try downloading the ones provided by MM, but I could never seem to get them to run on my PC. So, for convenience, The Monroe Institute regularly uploads the same and many others and it easier for me to access them that way since I'm not that computer savvy.

Now, to answer your most important question. For me, I wait until I'm alone in the house, have settled all my dogs and cats, turn off all other distractions, put on the headphones and start my session. I started with Level 1, Wave 1 and progress through the twelve or so levels. Then there is Wave two, three, so on and so forth. What these recordings do, at least with my experience, is balance both the left and right brain so as to "synchronize" their functions with each other to achieve improved focus and operability that normally gets out of sync in our regular day to day interactions with work or social activities or whatever stresses we encounter in our lives. I find that there is a noticeable improvement after listening to even just a few sessions.

For instance, while at work, (I'm a mechanic for a bakery) I have much higher intuition in my work environment in that I can be in the right place at the right time if, say, some malfunction or breakdown occurs. I also have an immediate solution for nearly every problem that may arise during such a situation.

Another added benefit is in the dreams and a handful of out of body experiences that are so vivid and complete. So, it just stands to reason, if the mind is balanced and sharpened by these exercises, any dream sequences will be more thorough and sharp as well. It's like the oil and high octane fuel to a finely tuned machine.

I am, by the way a Domain "volunteer". And it is my belief that The Domain can only use, educate, or train us volunteers, only when our left and right hemispheres are in tune with each other to facilitate a proper "connection", if you will, for the best benefit to us and them. Basically, it's kinda like brain boot camp.

Daegonmagus, I'm sure can attest to the mental preparedness involved in his experiences with LD's, WILD's, OBE's, astral projection, contact with the Elder Guardians and the like. I highly recommend all his writings that are found here.

We can all experience these fascinating and insightful episodes with a little basic understanding and practice. Keep in mind, we as individuals see or participate from different angles, but I believe the goal or result is similar. It is tailored to our individual realities and timelines. Incidentally, I'm beginning to think that the phases of the moon and other celestial bodies may also influence these episodes but I'm not quite sure yet.

I hope this answers your question about why you're experiencing fragmented dream sequences. And remember, I'm learning all this stuff just like the rest of us here on this venue. Sharing our experiences and questions are always welcome.

Sincerely, OG

perolator, Goldleaf and Tas have reacted to this post.

@geisterfahrer I am also dreaming lately of hidden luxury bathrooms in basements, cellars, underground, big but private and not well functioning with water dripping here and there. Might be something personal, probably.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

@ohio-guy Thank you for the detailed response. I'm going to check out those YT videos.

@ohio-guy thank you for the YouTube tip. I downloaded all the Monroe Institute hemi-sync files from torrents, but I read those may be tampered with, so I am using only the MM-provided files. I will continue with the YouTube videos.

@ohio-guy BTW, to play back the MM files (after decompression) you may use for instance foobar2000 audio player:

MM files are encoded in lossless FLAC, foobar2000 is able to play those back with no issues.

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WaterTigerOhio Guy
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