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@perolator, Ahh, big thank you for that link. I will download that immediately and see if I can get those FLAC files to work. I, too had heard the youtube files were hinky somehow. Now, I wonder why some youtube programmers would do such a thing?<sarc off>

@perolator, Thank you so much for the fubar2000 download. It works for the FLAC files MM has provided.


I'm making over $13k a month working part time.



Guess what kiddies, a troll 'bot invaded MM here. Guess what gonna happen to the owner of that 'Bot? Do you think that MM is gonna live and let live, or do you think that lessons need to be learned and places need to be visited. -MM

Goldleaf, Geisterfahrer and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

I have been having quite a few "crazy" dreams recently. In one, I was in, what appeared to be, a large shopping mall. It was built around an airplane museum - meaning - actual aircraft were on display, but were outdoors, and the mall building was built around it. The aircraft were not taken care of properly, and mildew was growing on one of them.


I have no idea if this is significant or not .. just wanted to share to see if anyone else had a similar dream recently?

edit to add: I did a quick google image search and the only thing that looks "similar" (not exact) to the imagery in my dream were these outdoor photos of the Midland Air Museum in Coventry, GB


but the outdoor museum had a large shopping mall built around it. Kind of similar to this concept art



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  • museum-rendering.jpg

Interesting, again the mildew. Like with the hidden bathroom. At the moment I am not dreaming much (or rather not remembering) but this night I had some texts in a strange language.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Quote from WaterTiger on September 1, 2022, 3:55 pm

Interesting, again the mildew. Like with the hidden bathroom. At the moment I am not dreaming much (or rather not remembering) but this night I had some texts in a strange language.

What language family was it written in?

I've been having vivid dreams again since the tip about hemi sync. Thanks again for that! Nothing to do with airplane museums though.

Geisterfahrer and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
GeisterfahrerOhio Guy
Quote from Geisterfahrer on September 1, 2022, 5:30 pm

What language family was it written in?

First it was a voice reading something in Indian, I think. I don't know the Indian language but I have been there a couple of times. Then there was a written translation on white paper, in English but with some typos. Just one sentence.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Quote from Goldleaf on September 1, 2022, 8:43 pm

I've been having vivid dreams again since the tip about hemi sync. Thanks again for that! Nothing to do with airplane museums though.

Look up everything you can about The Monroe Institute and their Gateway Voyage.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

After years of not having vivid dreams I started dreaming again last week. Whilst I still do not recall them I know I have been dreaming. I feel I am moving forward. I lost all my Monroe downloads when my old Laptop died last month, but I received my new one Friday and have down loaded them again. Here we go....

Geisterfahrer and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
GeisterfahrerOhio Guy
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