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@geisterfahrer I just wanted to ask you, do you feel like you have faint precognition abilities? Maybe I read one of your dream sequences wrong, but my younger sister too has mild precognition abilities. She dreamed she was participating in a robbery the night before each time we actually got robbed (our family used to run a check cashing joint, which is basically a parasitic financial business entity that preys on poor people--I HATED working there and felt that it was my "personal Auschwitz"). She brushed it off, but it always happened after her dreams.

@old-wine it's fine. no apology necessary. Whether the beings are always there or not I can't say, as I just don't know; my experiences suggest they come when they feel like it. My suspicions are that sleep paralysis is a non natural occurrence put in place by non physicals to monitor our consciousness when it comes close to disconnecting from the body. In my experiences with non physical entities coming on to me, I have usually been in a sort of drugged (consciousness doped, not drugs from this physical plane) state, so haven't really been able to fight them off as easily. My wife, however, had an experience where something tried to have its way with her and she grabbed it and began inhaling its energy which made it freak the fuck out and leave her alone. I don't know how many people that would work with. Usually if something weird like this is going on I try and exit the session by shaking my head left to right

Daegon Magus
Quote from Old Wine on October 17, 2021, 4:34 pm

@geisterfahrer I just wanted to ask you, do you feel like you have faint precognition abilities? Maybe I read one of your dream sequences wrong, but my younger sister too has mild precognition abilities. She dreamed she was participating in a robbery the night before each time we actually got robbed (our family used to run a check cashing joint, which is basically a parasitic financial business entity that preys on poor people--I HATED working there and felt that it was my "personal Auschwitz"). She brushed it off, but it always happened after her dreams.

Yes, and it runs in the family. More on this later.

Ok, I am going to mention something here that kind of intertwines with this thread, and something mentioned in the Alien Interview discussion the nurse had with Airl.


The key component in everything is ..."memory". Also, "conscious memory". Everyone can lucid dream, every one can astral project. It is not a super secret power that only a few people can do. This is something everyone has been able to do since birth (and possibly before). But .. do you remember it?


Here is a personal example of what I mean. Years ago (I won't say how many 😉 ) I was renting a house with friends. One day, my father stopped by to inform me that my grandmother had a heart attack, and that I needed to make plans to make a drive to see her, as this might be the last chance I would see her alive (it wasn't, she passed 2 years ago). He drove down ahead of me, and I drove down with a friend. It was an 8 hour drive, she lived in a different State.


I had no idea which hospital she was at. I went to her home (I used to live there with her a couple of years prior) and I knew where her hidden house key was. I entered her home, and made sure her dog, Rusty, was fed and had plenty of water. Rusty missed me 🙂 and I played around with him for a while. I then got on the phone, and started calling hospitals. I eventually found out which one she was at, so my friend and I got in my small Isuzu p'up and drove to the hospital.

When I arrived, I found my family there, and extended family, waiting in the ICU lobby. My mother saw me, and took me back to see my grandmother in her room. When I saw my grandmother, I leaned forward to kiss her forehead (I kiss my kids on their forehead too) and she woke up (first time she responded/awoke to anyone since she was there, according to my mother, who was standing right next to me). She smiled at me and said "Thank you for feeding Rusty, he was so glad to see you", then she went back to sleep.


My mom, startled, looked at me and asked "Did you feed Rusty?"


I looked at her and said," Did you tell her I fed Rusty?"

There was no way physically possible that my grandmother knew I fed her dog. Anyways, she never was able to remember saying that to me either.

congjing yu, keff and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffFealperolatorMemory LossAlice

@geisterfahrer, as someone with memory issues, I believe that memory is actually stored outside the body or at least a copy is.

When I was pretty sick a couple of years ago, I didn't have a lot of access to my memory. Now if the brain were damaged, you wouldn't get you memories back if they were stored in certain brain cells and those cells are dead lol. Michael Talbot has written about this matter in the  Holographic Universe. The brain appears to be a holographic device.

Now I have come to believe that not only is the brain a holographic device but the Universe itself is a hologram of sorts. We may think the brain stores memory and thought but the storage and processing may be elsewhere.

Your grandmother possibly demonstrated that the Universe might not be all it appears to be. Michael Talbot also wrote another book, "Your past lives, a reincarnation handbook."

I will load up the epubs here for those interested in this topic.

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perolator and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Aha, the totally uploaded files cannot exceed 5MB. So I will annex the Holographic Universe separately.

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perolator and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on October 17, 2021, 11:12 pm

@geisterfahrer, as someone with memory issues, I believe that memory is actually stored outside the body or at least a copy is.

When I was pretty sick a couple of years ago, I didn't have a lot of access to my memory. Now if the brain were damaged, you wouldn't get you memories back if they were stored in certain brain cells and those cells are dead lol. Michael Talbot has written about this matter in the  Holographic Universe. The brain appears to be a holographic device.

Now I have come to believe that not only is the brain a holographic device but the Universe itself is a hologram of sorts. We may think the brain stores memory and thought but the storage and processing may be elsewhere.

Your grandmother possibly demonstrated that the Universe might not be all it appears to be. Michael Talbot also wrote another book, "Your past lives, a reincarnation handbook."

I will load up the epubs here for those interested in this topic.

I have a Great Uncle, who has since passed, that was a Pearl Harbor Veteran (US Navy). He had amnesia for about 5 years after the attack. It's quite a story. My grandmother (the one I previously mentioned) was his sister.

He eventually got almost all of his memories back, but never remembered the actual attack. The LST he was on, he was 1 of the 2 survivors.


(Picture is also added so a relative I invited to look at this website knows it's me)



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perolator has reacted to this post.

Handsome young man.

By the way, I just LOVE the story about Rusty.

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Dream description 4


This one was simply "just a dream" as I was never in a state of full awareness. However, it was one of the most detailed dreams I have ever had, and when I woke up, I immediately got online to do an image search of the Language Characteristics I saw in the dream. It turned out that the engravings I saw in the dream were very similar to Aramaic (if not the exact same).

In this dream, I was approached by 2 "Men in Black". Yep, they were wearing black suits, black ties and sunglasses. They took me for a ride in a car to a desert area (and I recognized the place, years later!). For the sake of accurate description, it appeared to be in Oregon. It could have been Nevada (I had never been to either place when I had this dream, and years later, I was traveling through when it just jumped out out me - "Hey! this looks like the place!").  Anyways, they traveled along a highway for what seemed like forever before they pulled over to this dirt road. The dirt road had a locked gate, which one got out to open/close as the other drove through. We drove for miles along this dirt road, until we reached what appeared to be a paved parking spot in the middle of nowhere. They did not park the car on it, they just instructed me to follow them.

The three of us walked up on to this paved parking lot, and one of them got out what looked like a keyfob (could have been a phone) and pressed a button. All of a sudden, this small parking lot started lowering into the ground. It lowered about 2 stories down, into a large cavernous room. I was motioned to continue following them. After we got off, the parking deck went back up, it was just a massive cargo elevator, in the middle of nowhere.

There were a series of tunnels that went in different directions, it was like a maze. I continued following them, and we went through several massive vault doors, each time we encountered one, we had to wait for it to unlock and open. We finally encountered a massive vault door (these were underground caverns and caves, the vault doors had been embedded into bedrock and there were a series of them we had to pass - how would they ever have gotten them down there???).  This final vault door opened and revealed a massive cave behind it. Inside this cave, were two (2) Large silver angels kneeling in prayer, and they were facing each other. They were not in the same configuration as the Ark of the Covenant where their wings were touching each other. They were simply facing each other, and kneeling in a typical prayer position, heads down, eyes closed, hands clasped in a prayer position. There were inscriptions engraved all over them (the symbols I looked up after waking up).

One of the MiB started to explain to me that this was the tomb of Father Abraham.  He elaborated that the US Government grew painfully tired of the tensions in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine, and how they dragged everyone else into this conflict. So, there was some special task force established to steal the remains of Abraham, and just watch as the Israelis and Palestinians continued to fight and squabble of his tomb, when it would eventually be revealed there was nothing in it.


Yeah, I woke up chuckling. I would never have been able to come up with anything that ludicrous on my own. Maybe i was watching too many movies? I don't know. But it was awfully strange how I was able to determine the engravings on those silver statues was Aramaic. That part gave me chills.

I thought I'd share a couple of lucid dreams I've had in the past.

The first was in 2007 after I had read one of Steven Greer's books on the UFO phenomena. I was lying on my bed staring at the sky and thought to myself, "What am I doing with my life? Maybe I need a good kick up the arse!"

I fell to sleep and became aware of kneeling down in the centre of a circle of hooded beings. They felt quite serious and powerful. Being lucid, there's usually a kinda hidden smirk on my face as I play along. Suddenly they all worked together to try to destroy me. I don't mean kill I mean obliterate me from existence. I was surprised and realised it was real. It was painful and felt like being crushed into a tiny ball but I responded by focusing on my own being and dropping everything else - identity, beliefs, everything and just focusing on a connection to source. This actually lasted quite a while until they realised they couldn't destroy/nullify that part me. It felt like a lesson. After it was over I woke up and remembered it clearly. "I guess I asked for that," I thought.

Another was perhaps a couple of years later and involved me being put through some kind of assault course. It was extremely difficult but not physical. It required extreme effort, not physical fitness. I got through the course but it felt that I wasn't supposed to. I was a little proud of myself as I'd completed it without LD "cheating." I'm not sure what would have happened if I had failed.

I've had countless non-lucid dreams over the years that were simply torture sessions. The most horrific things you could imagine being done to a body. They always felt totally real. Sometimes I became semi-lucid through the pain being more than what is physically possible in reality. It was like a side-effect of the torture going too far. Thankfully gaining any amount of lucidity is enough stop the dream.

I'm sure there are some really evil sick bastards out there fucking with us when we sleep sometimes. I have in the past had trouble sleeping, in fear of another "session".

A couple of recurring dreams.

Many years ago I had a recurring dream about being on a bus with a lot of other volunteers going to some sort of work camp. Looking out of the window, as the bus climbed a road along the side of a hill, I saw a city partially ruined with water still receding. I felt this was in the relatively distant future.

A recurring dream I had in 2004 was being in a ground floor corner shop where both walls were large windows. It was near a beach. A tsunami comes in and I see the water come up the windows, getting higher and higher. I was a woman holding her baby. A horrible dream that stopped after the 2004 tsunami. I really hope that woman never existed.

I'm sorry for the grimness of some of this, I'll try and recount something nicer next time.

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