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I had sleep paralysis but could not escape. I was asleep, but awake. I tried to move, couldn't. Is there a technique others use? I was fading in and out of different states of consciousness. Also, had a hallucination (waking dream) of something reaching out spindly hands towards me. No, it did not freak me out.


I also had a sleep paralysis - The harder you fight it, you’ll go in and out of consciousness. I shielded and was able to wait it out and woke myself up.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@geisterfahrer try shaking your head from left to right if you want to exit SP. It'll be hard, and feel like gravity is multiplied by a billion, but if you can manage one shake it should be enough to wake you up

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

I had once this dream when I was staying for a couple of nights in a motel next to the highway on the outskirts of a small town.

I dreamt I went into an old empty farm (it really looked old) with a couple of friends. But as there was nothing in it we all went out again. I had something forgotten though, so I went back in alone, and sure enough the huge wooden door slams closed behind me and I am trapped inside. A very strong wind starts blowing and pushes me up against the walls. I then start talking with the entity which is apparently tossing me around and say that it is doing quite something, but it doesn't really impress me and it cannot frighten me. And then I wake up in this sleep paralysis, in the motel room, I cannot move, but can see from the corner of my eyes next to my bed another bed with a very white hand dangling down from under the thick cover. I try to move my head in that direction, almost impossible, then I try to stretch out my hand and reach over to the hand of this person, all very slowly and difficult. I ask "Who are you?" and the SP resolves and the room is just me again. In the morning, just before I woke up, I saw an image of a grave on the parking lot outside of the motel. That day I bought some flowers and put them there.

Quote from daegonmagus on September 16, 2022, 7:40 am

@geisterfahrer try shaking your head from left to right if you want to exit SP. It'll be hard, and feel like gravity is multiplied by a billion, but if you can manage one shake it should be enough to wake you up

Sleep paralysis is the stage before having an astral projection.


WaterTiger has reacted to this post.
Quote from Geisterfahrer on September 16, 2022, 11:52 pm

Sleep paralysis is the stage before having an astral projection

Maybe I had no sleep paralysis then... hmmm.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

I was dreaming this night (just a bit, dreams are slowly coming back) about riots in the street in a city, people fighting each other with bare hands and sticks. Two factions, it seemed I was with friends. The other faction had these sticks and seemed somehow organised, we had nothing. No military, no police around. At some point I grabbed a stick from one of the others but had difficulties using it. I gave the stick to a friend and went into a huge cold church, many people there too and messy but no fighting. Something started to burn in front of me, but I could extinguish the sparks.

I enjoy hearing about everyone's dreams here in this format. I'm sure Daegon Magus does as well. I haven't had a substantial, vivid LD for a couple months now except for a very short one I had four nights ago. In it, I was flying low and fast, Superman like, through the low lit, long corridor of my old high school. Starting at the music room and ending in the art room. Outside the art room, were little black (female) pygmy folks trying to lure me outside to the rear of the school where more of them were milling about. Strange, I know. I wasn't going to posit that dream here because it was so weird. But, after reading WT's dream, I thought, what the heck. So, there it it is. I have asked the Domain specifically, to allow me another "mission" type sequence, where my non physical is actually performing a beneficial task. But I guess my last mission got me zapped by a shoulder fired energy weapon that's going to take a while to recover from, obviously. I will certainly update when my "other" body is patched back up. In the meantime folks, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true...

Alice and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

@Ohio guy...and anyone who wants to put their LD/AP/RV skills to good use fighting the reincarnation traps, I've got a group for you. Anyone interested message via email and i'll send an invite


Daegon Magus

@daegonmagus: I'll be doing just that after a coffee stop here in my little area. It's 5:00am and I didn't sleep well but feel rested. If that makes any sense.

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