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Those that attempt to troll, pollute, or otherwise interrupt the flow of communication within this closed community will be...

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Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
Quote from WaterTiger on September 17, 2022, 2:40 am
Quote from Geisterfahrer on September 16, 2022, 11:52 pm

Sleep paralysis is the stage before having an astral projection

Maybe I had no sleep paralysis then... hmmm.

I have been having a LOT MORE episodes of Sleep Paralysis.

whats up guys. Been a while just saying hi.

My dreams I tell you, there is so much hidden from us for years and years that we don't even know it exists. Yesterday was really something.

The involuntary body movement are there, but I don't understand them, They are not random but, still not easy to interpret.

Opening your eyes in the non-physical is an achievement if your alone that is. Being fully aware is something else entirely. The continuous mind wipe over the centuries or millennia has derived us of so much.

Plus on one occasion I think I saw the tunnel. From a past memory I suppose Looked like something made in 4790 something.

Like from a movie that is. Looked dope tho. As I got closer its like I was engulfed. Then everything became white all around me.  Don't remember anything after that.

I really don't have anyone to talk with about this things. At least some liquor and some music get the job done.I might pretend that everything is alright but... So much in my mind. You guys are all I've got. Times are changing, I guess for the whole world

As I write this I feel the 'body movements'.

Then for the most part,
their normal activities would continue as before, 
though they might start to get "nudges" or messages or directions. 
Which would be "coaching" / requests / advisement from the Domain handler to them. 
Their ability to understand what is going on takes time and there is no set training period for this activity.

Like when we are in these "realities" my reasoning power is at most times really poor. like a 2/10. prob even lower.Plus on most occasions I don't see properly,but it depends.

Those fucks that are latched on my non-physical are true bastards. Fuck them. Especially yesterday's.

Most times I just wish I was someone else.

I Am not trying to get empathetic reactions from anyone,These are just my thoughts and feelings. I bet talking about something kinda helps.

Anyways thanks guys for lending me your eyes and 'ears'.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorAlice

good to hear you are waking up to the fuckery @guyfromafrica. And boy, there is a lot of it. You will find that the more you remain conscious and alert during these experiences, the more resistance you will be met with. I have had these fucking arseholes chase me around entire facilities when they realised I was lucid. The moment they catch you, you wake up back here. I have also come across several other reports that confirm that these guys in the astral planes  have consciousness doping agents that can either induce OBEs or wake you up from them....all  the shit I was being assigned to investigate during my LDs by my handlers back when i was a teenager.

Send me an email mate. I have something that will help with your dilemma.

congjing yu, guyFromAfrica and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuguyFromAfricaperolator
Daegon Magus


You ALWAYS have ha friend here in the USA. Always, buddy.

It’s all good. Yes, Times are changing. I hate to sound vague, but the swamp these days…

There is a frequency range. Between 410MHz and 420 MHz.

And wait for it… When you hear the sound coming out of however you get it tuned in - you will be “blocked” mentally.

Thats when you jump. Just after the block.

Using the tune from whatever source you are hearing the freqs from - you can train yourself.

The kids today are making this possible tomorrow. As below, so Above.

Peace, brother!

This I know to be True


congjing yu, perolator and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorWaterTiger


You always have a home here. You are loved. You are accepted. You are one of us. We believe in you. It's a real home. You are always welcome.

perolator, WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on October 16, 2022, 1:02 am


There is a frequency range. Between 410MHz and 420 MHz.

And wait for it… When you hear the sound coming out of however you get it tuned in - you will be “blocked” mentally.


That's the only way to recognise it?

Yes, but more to the point of helping our friend @guyfromafrica

I am going to use a general example of a random person, anywhere on this planet.

Lets suppose that this person is stuck, locked away in some jail somewhere for whatever reason.

This person feels stuck. Trapped. As the nonsense of the planet moves in the directions it moves, this person - from his or her vantage point - sees - or thinks he or she sees - others moving in ways that he or she simply cannot. Preparing for a tomorrow that may never come.

This is an illusion.

It’s the same illusion that we are presented with - walking around “free” or not.

We are Immortal Spiritual Biological Entities. IS-BE’s.

We are ALL Gods inside.

The key is finding and unlocking that “God mode”, right? If only he or she can do it. Bend the bars and walk right out.

You can. It’s within your reach. All of you. All of us.

Meditate. Ass on ground. Start today.

The Mass Extinction Event is at our doorstep. We need to begin to begin.

And @guyfromafrica… you are not alone. And you won’t be left behind.

This I know to be True.


WaterTiger, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerTasOhio Guy

I've always liked you @guyfromafrica, you're low-key an inspiration. Keep fighting the good fight my brother, you're blazing a trail even if you dont know it. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

Alice, WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.

I just awoke from an experience like nothing I have ever had before. Something hostile and very toxic was trying to communicate with me. I wasn't afraid of it, and that made it feel threatened.


I asked, "What is happening to me?" in the middle of a dream I was having which was a waking reality within a dream, and in the waking reality within the dream, I was explaining to a group of people about a dream I had 2 days before, which I had dreamed while in this waking reality dream. Not much sense? It's the only way to explain it.


This entity, I could not see it, came through an amplified static filled speaker and claimed to be "me" (said my name) then said something I could not quite make out ... I thought it was saying "I hate you" then it sounded like "I'll hang you" - it was almost like I interrupted it when it was trying to put thoughts in my head ... ill thoughts.



I know, I know, sounds like a schizo episode. Whatever it was, did not like the fact that I was aware of it, and that I had certain "abilities" that it did not know I had. I wasn't even aware of these "abilities" until this happened.


Sorry, that is all for now. I will try to explain the whole order of events at a later time. I am only able to sleep in increments of a few hours at a time, its been that way the past few days.

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