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Please keep us posted, @geisterfahrer. I find these events quite intriguing and they are very important. I believe it has something to do with our astral bodies and the consciousness doping being interrupted or wearing off somehow. Pay close attention and try to remember as much as you can when these events occur. Write or type them as you see them in your mind as detailed as possible. Thank you for sharing. OG

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

Ok, first of all, I told my sister about it - the whole dream and series of events. She had a similar dream, months ago. I am going to copy/paste what I told her below (with a few minor edits to protect their names):

Ok, I might be able to explain some of the details ... and they are going to be very weird. I was having a vivid, lucid dream, in vivid color. I was sitting at a picnic table with [my older brother], [his wife], mom, and a few of [my older brother's] friends that I had never met before. I think you and [sister's husband] were also there. It was at night, and the place was lit up by those string lights. We were seated near a harbor, with sailboats, yachts, etc. docked. I seem to recall it being adjacent to a nice hotel, and next to the hotel was apparently a Google office building.

We were just having a "family" gathering and were all talking with each other, when something very large appeared in the night sky. It looked like a large planet that suddenly appeared and started to orbit earth ...

Everyone in the dream started panicking when we each saw it, except me. In that dream, I suddenly had total recall, and I blurted out "I dreamed about all of this 2 nights ago!"

I started to explain that I knew what it was. Apparently, I really did have a dream, 2 nights prior, in the dream I was having (this was a continuation of a dream I really had 2 nights ago irl)

I began to explain to everyone at the picnic table, that in the dream I had, I saw a comet in the night sky that was getting closer to earth, and then a whole galaxy suddenly appeared in the sky. Someone in that dream, I explained, told me it was a new program sponsored by Google and the US Government, to place advertisements in the night sky, that it was all just a mirage using very classified high tech projectors.

I then pointed at the Google Office building that was next door, and I said, "Even that building was in my dream, and [my brother's] friend owned a sailboat in my dream, and even this picnic table was in that dream"

[My older brother's] friend, who was in the dream, and someone I had never met before, confirmed that he did, indeed have a sailboat docked in the harbor. Mom started talking with utter amazement, and said "You have nana's gift, she was like that too .. she had dreams that foretold the future her whole life" then ... mom turned into someone else, and that other person told me to "very quickly, ask yourself what is happening right now"

So I did, I asked myself, "What is happening to me?!!" and my whole mental state changed dramatically. I was still in a dream state, but I was looking around my bedroom. I thought I was looking up, but I was wearing a hoodie and the draw strings were being pulled up towards the ceiling, as if I was actually upside down and gravity was pulling them down. And of course, you know I am deaf when I am asleep, because I take my hearing aids out, but I heard my own voice as clear as day ....

"What is happening to me??!!" I asked again ... then I heard some static and a voice coming through the static ... "[calling me by name] ...???" it hissed (very, very clear) "I haaaaate you .....[my name], I am going to hang you"

Whatever it was, it was trying to terrify me ... except I wasn't scared at all ... I was actually very angry at it for trying to scare me. I replied, "That's what you think huh? You won't be the one hanging me, I will be the one hanging you" then I immediately woke up. Whatever that thing was left immediately.

I have had similar dreams like that throughout the course of my life ... but never a dream within a dream in which I was explaining that I had a dream that foretold what was in my dream ...

So anyways, if we ever have a family gathering at a picnic table in Florida ... I am going to be reminding you


congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice

From what I can recall, from the dream within a dream, I saw a very bright comet move across a clear starry night sky. A person approached me, pointed up at it, and I cannot remember, for the life of me, what he was trying to explain. But the starry night sky then became filled with a swirling pinkish purple cloud (a distant galaxy that he had somehow zoomed in on from our standing position). I *think* he was trying to point out a specific planet, but I cannot remember what he was trying to explain to me.


My sister told me that she had a similar dream, but it was in a meeting inside of a room, and a small group of people entered and above their heads was a "swirl of stars swirling in a pink purple cloud"

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@geisterfahrer I am following your dreams and hope you keep us updated. Will reply when a spare 5 minutes

congjing yu and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGeisterfahrer
Daegon Magus

My sister's exact words were ... "It was a cone of swirling stars"

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@geisterfahrer Incredible! Crazy how another’s dream can cause you have the best day ever! Today will be a good day. You made it to the other side, my friend! Yay! I can only offer my praise here, I’ll let the experts tell you what you experienced BUT well done my dreaming friend 🥰  I think the real fun happens now? Don’t quote me on that causes I don’t remember being there, but know I have?  👀  Anyways, the way I see it - the thought gets me excited to my core - so it’s gotta be! K I’ll shh 🤫

congjing yu and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGeisterfahrer
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hey guys, I enjoy remembering my dreams again. Nor really vivid ones, but it is a small step forwards imo.

Here one of the dreams of this night, it was so funny I have to post it here, as in this dream I was not human but....:

I was at some indoor event where a guy with white hair standing with a mike on the stage was talking to a large public. I was on the far end lying on the nice clean wooden floor, but I was not human but cat-like. So my perspective was from the floor looking up at the legs of the chairs and everything around was just bigger than it would be when I would have my normal human size. The guy wanted to give away some treats, choosing people from the public, but then came down from the stage, walked straight over to me and picked me out for his "treat" whatever it was. I was surprised that he noticed me. He knelt down and hovered over me, which I found quite dominant but he kept on speaking in his mike in a friendly way so I spoke back to him friendly too with I think a human voice but in somehow a "cattish" way. I turned my head away and looked at my tail, and I noticed I was growing. This was a white tail with black rings, that of a white tiger. End of the dream.

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

Since I volunteered fo The Domain, I have had the strangest dreams ever. I dreamt once (recently) I was another guy. Totally different and very young.

congjing yu, WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuWaterTigerTas

@perolator, when I volunteered I had for a short while the same, dreaming a lot but more like being on missions, different from the dreams I used to have. Then it shut completely down. And now it has kicked full in again since a couple of weeks. At first rather "normal" dreams, then the vivid ones and at present the mission-like start to mix in.

perolator has reacted to this post.

I am getting dreams too. More than since I was a kid. Thank goodness for my affirmations. More sleep paralysis than dreams. My last 2 dreams - was paper work. I was going over paperwork of crafts, and time gaps. Also a man flickering in and out of visibility. That one was odd and very sad for me. I couldn’t tell you who it was or why I was sad- but I woke up crying. Anyways - missions seem way cooler.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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