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Dream share

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Quote from WaterTiger on January 13, 2023, 7:23 pm

@perolator, when I volunteered I had for a short while the same, dreaming a lot but more like being on missions, different from the dreams I used to have. Then it shut completely down. And now it has kicked full in again since a couple of weeks. At first rather "normal" dreams, then the vivid ones and at present the mission-like start to mix in.

Hey @watertiger - exactly. A period of “missions” followed by a resting period. To my knowledge, Domain does not want us tired. We (volunteers) have a schedule, alternating work and rest periods. This “normal” period spans several weeks. I love this way of collaborating with them.

Quote from Ohio Guy on November 1, 2022, 1:11 am

Please keep us posted, @geisterfahrer. I find these events quite intriguing and they are very important. I believe it has something to do with our astral bodies and the consciousness doping being interrupted or wearing off somehow. Pay close attention and try to remember as much as you can when these events occur. Write or type them as you see them in your mind as detailed as possible. Thank you for sharing. OG

I have had 2 experiences since I last shared anything.


One, I was in sleep paralysis but was doing my best to remain calm. I could feel my arm moving, but when I opened my eyes, my arm was where it had been all along. That was when I discovered you have "astral eyes" that are far different from your physical eyes. There is a "membrane" (the only word I can use to describe it) separating your physical senses from your spiritual senses. When using my "astral eyes" I could see my arm moving - then someone said "He's making progress" which startled me and I fully woke up.


The other experience was a lucid dream that I may share at a later time. I just remember being emotionally overwhelmed by the message I received. It meant everything to me, but I am not sure it would make sense to anyone else.

perolator, WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
perolatorWaterTigerOhio Guy

I agree with @ohio-guy Dream share is my favorite part of every day.
As for G-driver lol - share at your own pace. Some dreams are meant just for you. If you want to hold on to it (oooo ringing in my left ear) and keep it - no one is going to pry it out of your hands.


Edited: my time was 9:10 my numbers are counting to completion



perolator has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I was in a dark room, and a flickering, faint light illuminated a chest of drawers in front of me. It was candlelight, except the color of the flames was a violet/purple. On top of the chest of drawers, were tiny porcelain figures, each with their palms facing upwards, holding a tiny candle. They were animated porcelain figures, each "dressed up" in traditional classic winter wear. One was wearing a scarf and a newsboy winter cap. The room also had shelves where a collection of baby dolls were on display. Standing right next to me, was a baby girl (it could have been a baby boy, but it had long curly blonde hair), just wearing diapers, that had obviously just learned how to walk. She reached up towards the candles, climbing on a bed next to the dresser, and nearly burned herself. I quickly grabbed her, set her on the floor and patted her behind (not hard) and firmly said "No!"

After making sure she would be safe, I was kind of keeping my eye on her, but also very curious about the room I was in, the figures on the chest of drawers (we call them "dressers"), and the actual chest of drawers. Why was the candle light purple? I wanted to know what was inside the drawers. The slow realization came over me, that I was in my Nana's bedroom. My Nana passed away a few years ago. She collected dolls when she was alive and had a room in her house specifically for her collection. My Nana was a tiny woman from Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York. She was born into an Irish Catholic family, had 13 brothers and sisters. She was our family's matriarch, our queen.

Curious about the drawers, I began opening them. I began to realize that each drawer had contents in it for each of my Nana's grand kids (myself included). All of my cousins had their own individual drawer just for them. In each drawer, was every gift we had ever given my Nana - she never threw them away. She also kept pictures of us, at different ages throughout our lives. I became overwhelmed in my dream, and began to cry at the realization at how much my Nana truly loved all of us.


One of the porcelain figures, noting that I was crying, began to speak. It said,"Life moves too quickly, before you know it, your kids will be grown and living lives all on their own. Cherish them when they are young, and spend as much time as you can with them. These are the best years of your lives. There are no boundaries on how much you can love someone, and love goes beyond infinite"


Then I woke up. I tried to analyze this dream over the course of the past few days. I told my mother about it, and my wife. My wife told me that my Nana was "whispering to me from Heaven". Her description is exactly how it made me feel. My mother reminded me that my Nana had lost a baby. The baby would have been in diapers when it died. It was a boy (I thought I was with a little girl, it could have been a boy). My Nana's baby is buried in our family Cemetery in Florida. The inscription on the grave is "A Rosebud in the Garden of God". I remember, growing up, visiting the Cemetery with my Mom, my Aunt, and my Nana. My Nana would always tidy up the tiny grave, and leave something there. It was always a tiny porcelain figure.


Yeah, my brain isn't capable of just making stuff like this up. I truly feel my dream was a direct message from her.

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.


Oh My! How sweet and special is that? Man, you know how to make a girl tear up! Thank you for sharing that. That is an absolutely incredible, very detailed breach from the other side. It made me feel so warm, and overwhelmed with joy.

I feel the same way about my Grammie, the way you do about your Nana. My Grammie has popped up in my dreams before, but it was nothing like that. One was a bit cryptic, and another was a world line where she was still alive. Usually when I dream of her, I get overwhelmed by the sight of her. This dream felt as real as the phone in my hand. The reason I knew it was a glimpse of a timeline was because I wasn’t overwhelmed as I normally am. I do remember when I first saw her, I gasped at the sight. She grabbed my arm (which I felt) and winked at me. Everyone that was there looked at me like I was weird and all I wanted to do was shout “Grammie’s BACK!!” But then a calm came over me and I knew in that moment I somehow traveled to a timeline where cancer didn’t take her. It was bitter sweet.

What a blessing your dream was. Perfect in every way and a beautiful reminder to slow down and take life in as it comes. Thank you for sharing.

perolator, Geisterfahrer and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

That's a real vivid dream @geisterfahrer, one where a message was given to you! Bravo, a real gem! It's also interesting how past and future mix, our ancestors and offspring, our genes. Our habits are partly inherited. You had a beautiful Nana and she passed it on to you.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

I had my first recallable dream in a while last night. There was a knock at my door and when I opened it there was a black robed hooded "person" standing there. He moved forward and impaled me with what appeared to be a wooden staff through the abdomen. The staff was protruding out of my back. I dropped to one knee trying to tell my daughter to run, but the words would not come out. I felt my life ebbing away so I grabbed the "person" around the legs in an attempt to stop him from getting to Eliza, dead mans grasp. I then woke up.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

What a dream, @tas! Very good that you start recalling your dreams, it gives you extra clues on how to navigate through this life.

And next time you punch that guy in the face before he can do anything!

Tas has reacted to this post.

I feel it was about overcoming fear, I was calm throughout the dream and when I awoke it was not like the past where I would worry and ponder over what I had experienced. This dream was different, if anything was to put fear into me Eliza being in danger would do so for sure. I was calm in the dream and calm after I awoke. I think this is a big step for me and I look forward to my next training session.

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.

Hi everybody. It's been awhile eh? After about two months of consternation, I've decided to type out the following "vision" that I had while sleeping. I say "vision" because all that I had was just that. No body, couldn't see my arms or legs. I could only see. Any movement within this vision was thought induced.

Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who contributes to this topic. It's not always easy to relate some things. Believe me, I get it. So without further delay, I'll attempt to be as descriptive in my wording so as to try to put the reader in my mind's eye.

Alice, I know that you dig this topic as much or even more than I do. I hope it stirs some thought and conversation because I really don't know what to make of it. Perhaps it would make more sense to somebody else here. Alright then. Here goes:

My location is a beach by a sea, gently rolling sand dunes with patches of those tall slim grass blades dotted about. The weather is extremely gray and overcast, breezy, and maybe 20 to 25C. My vision is floating about a meter or so above the incoming surf, 20 meters from and facing shore.

At the shoreline is a two story house. An L shaped wooden deck between the two made solely of 2"x 4" wood. Quite like the wood utilized for the framing of interior walls in a home which are really an inch and a half by three and a half. The deck extends from the house about 15 feet and is painted white. On that deck is a pure white horse with brown eyes. No idea whether male or female but the horse is visibly distressed and trotting nervously back and forth on this flimsy looking deck.

I move my vision closer to the deck with the intent to help calm the horse down as I fear the deck may collapse by the horse's weight and increasingly nervous and erratic  movements. For a moment, my "eyes" met with the distressed eyes of the horse. How, if the horse knew of my presence is anyone's guess. I suspect so.

At this time, the tide swiftly moves in, surrounding the lower level of the house but not breaching the walls or any entrance ways therein.

Immediately, as I'd feared, the horse jumped over the deck railing and into the surf. The seawater was about 8 feet high.

I see an entrance that leads downstairs and go to the lower level. There, I see a wall. A see thru wall, possibly a  force field like you'd see in the landing bay of a space vessel in a sci fi movie.

The horse is still prancing about, under water, still distressed. I'm so overwhelmed by helplessness and worry about the fate of this animal...that I awaken.

This "vision" happened between the end of December and the first of January. I did not follow my own advice and write down the precise date. It wasn't one of those pleasant dreams you would wake up from, forget, and go about your day. It was one of those very intense, vivid ones that stay in your mind. Contemplating the meaning of daily. I still don't know what to make of it but I can say with certainty, I didn't get the warm and fuzzies with this one. Perhaps some of you fine folks have an idea about it's meaning. If there even is one at all.

Thanks for reading and I hope your dreams are with meaning and facilitate understanding.





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congjing yu
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