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Thanks PL This is awesome! It's the first time I have the feeling of understanding something about space/Time/Light/ makes sense to me! And when I listened to some song, there was something weird behind my eyes and in my head...i have no words to describe it. Something around breathlessness, aches and lightflashes...

You know, sometimes I think, I just overreact, when I read stuff from all of you. That most of it is "just" my phantasy or some stupid brainworkthing reacting to all the reading I do.

Edit: There is this book called "Nada Brahma, Die Welt ist Klang", by Joachim Ernst Berendt. My Mum read it when i was in my Teens. I never got to read it, but i still remember the title. It states that the world is sound. Dang, is it possible to make some sense out of my life? Sorry....just crazy everything...

pissedlizard and perolator have reacted to this post.

To both of my Friends in the North - I’ll write this here versus privately so some Humans can watch this.

To both of you: You two are so freaking close that I can feel it.

Please, the question that you are looking for - because you HAVE it - becomes obvious the further away you look.

When you get there - and you both are so close -THAT is what “Time” Travel looks like - in front of you - it’s like looking through slightly warped glasses - but things get fuzzier the closer you get. Nothing is ever in pure focus. People (Humans) who do this - who are blind - ESPECIALLY those born blind can see clearer than regular people whose primary sense is sight. They do the “fine” work - especially for wound healing or having something grow just slightly differently than normal.

As light and sound and Time and Space and Vice versa cycle from wave to particle  - bouncing every thing off of everything else in a maddening, surrealistic symphony - many other things are doing this as well - the center of our Pineal gland that forms our Vortex is a dodecahedron of that - things going in and out and in and out of particle and wave -

Where I would like to direct you - both - is ask yourself this - what is the reciprocal of ALLLLLL this - in front of you?

What is the reciprocal of Consciousness?

Because you are liked - here is the answer - it’s nothing crazy at all - but took ME to some crazy places finding the answer -

The reciprocal of Consciousness is Dreaming.

THAT is how we Fly.

Back in the day, when I was a youngish doctor I watched a movie about a futuristic place. I remember the scene because I was in the call room smoking some cannabis - and there - on - the movie was a futuristic weed called “strawberry cough”. I distinctly remember this and said - out loud to the nurse or nursing student I was watching the movie with - “Wow - so that is the future of pot. Cool.”

Just about 10 years later - but counting lunar days - its 10 years to the month - Strawberry cough weed came out. And it works exactly the same as it does in the movie.

Just so we are on the same page!

This I know to be true.




Alice has reacted to this post.


Thank you

I just spent 20 minutes on a response and it didn’t post. Curious.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Steer clear of haunted jails/prisons.

//Welcome to Planet Motherfucker.

This I know to be True.


Alice has reacted to this post.

Always good advice.

Alice has reacted to this post.


I had something happen but it wasn’t what I expected. @. Me and I will be around and lets go to chat.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


I know that feeling you described very well-That its just my imagination. I realized here, that’s the key 🔑. Dreamworld and the dreamers helped me see that. When I saw the patterns of dreamworld that reflected my reality, it bothered me for a while- made me paranoid even. Then I thought, if my reality is being used for someone else's unconscious imagination, then my reality isn't whats real- it has to be my imagination that is. At that angle, it made everything else fit into place. Do you see?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice -

I have no clue what @.Me is. The only way I contact ANYONE here is through MM only.

What ever language that is - it is one I do not know.

This I know to be true.


Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on January 24, 2022, 7:04 am

@Alice -

I have no clue what @.Me is. The only way I contact ANYONE here is through MM only.

You just used the @ -- @pissedlizard, @alice - the @ in front of the user name so it emails the user you're trying to reach. That's what she was referring to.

Alice has reacted to this post.


I hope you didn't get your Doctorate in Computer Science. Showing  your age with your lack of hip WWW lingo... bet you poked out that post on your keyboard  like how you learned on a typewriter!

Yup, You just got burned by a Metallic gurl. Haha Jk jk I didn't mean it, I got the sarcasm trait in my DNA...

I hate I missed you- I got sucked into researching Hebrew text... why does doing fun stuff speed up time? Is my question of the day.....

I like the chat to communicate because theres something about RealTime virtual comm that masks the amount of questions I ask.

@goldleaf Thanks Leafy

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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