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@pissedlizard Do I need to go into the void, while listening to special songs to time travel? And do I then travel as IsBe? And please don't stop leaving breadcrumbs! It's so helpful!

@alice About the imagination... do you then think, what happens in the physical realm is someone elses dreams? And do you put dreams into your imagination?


I don’t have any advice on the nightmares, but I am going on a limb and going to ask if you are stressed at home, watching crazy movies, or maybe some one else might be having nightmares and its a dream thing. Could bad dreams be apart of an OE fear tactic because you are getting closer to something you shouldn’t? I have no idea, I am just throwing things out there.


As for the imagination- our physical and our situations/thoughts as a whole are what shape the physical reality. The imagination part is what I know to be real in the astral. I don’t really think, I just let my imagination flow without my physical trying to control it or second guess myself. It just happens. I think about when I was a kid and could create different games and scenarios to engage in without thinking- just letting go.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice I'll put the dream answer in the dreamshare thread.

I remember the time, when I was a kid, and I was not afraid of an empty page and just start to draw and paint. Now I just stare at the page, not able to take a pen or sucks xD

@mirri music

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Yeah, I am totally mentally challenged when it comes to the whole online talk. I am just getting older by the second.


The void is NOTHING to fear. It’s emptiness. That’s all, nothing else. That being said, the void”s Esoteric Nature of Number is Zero. Everything surrounding it has a number - EVERYTHING. That number has a very beginning and a very end - it is always FINITE, okay? The only thing infinite is the Esoteric Nature of Zero.

Because of this we are ALWAYS at some point “in the void”. You CANNOT get lost or stuck there. You can get SENT there -to cool off for a bit - but as long as you have conciousness you can’t get lost, so don’t worry about that.

When you meditate - just as you fall into it - that fraction of a second  where you are sort of “there” and “here” at the same time is the void. When you fall asleep and you are half dreaming and half awake - you have just CROSSED the void.

So in an answer to the question - yes, you DO slip into the void - but as long as you keep in mind - “What IS” - will always have a beginning. It has a MONAD. Coming from or going into the void - OR coming from/going to the light (begins) with a Number. Everything from an electron to a star has a Number.

If this doesn’t make sense, let me know and I’ll try to take it from a different angle.

This I know to be true.



Mentioning numbers and the void made me remember a great short book by Rudy Rucker, White Light.

It's available online here as a web page. Of course it's better read as an actual book.


A hipster math professor travels to the afterworld.

Young prof Felix Rayman spends his days in another world. Between teaching indifferent students, pondering his theories on infinity, napping, and worrying about his wife he’s barely here. But when his dreams separate him from his physical body, Felix plunges headfirst into a transfinite universe that looks a lot like the afterworld—complete with angels, demons, and the restless souls of the dead.

And it only gets stranger, as Felix's trials and tribulations—in the company of a giant talking beetle—sends up other-worldly peaks that range past infinity to the zone of the White Light, where Nothing and Everything are the same.



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@Feal - That book… wherever the author got that “inspiration” is absolutely fascinating and truly amazing! I love it already!!! I am ordering a paper copy ASAP - I am starting to collect these things. Paper copies. Thank you for it! I HIGHLY recc this one to ALL!

This I know to be True


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@feal Thank you for the nudge.


I am glad I am not alone in my hard copy book collection. I truly prefer not being on this dreadful phone- and I refuse to read online books (except for recently because the books here Keep piling on). I may do an audio, but give me paper cuts and a new book smell. I won't let the world take that small pleasure from me.

Ok I concede. This was my experience in listening to music (as I picked my own due to my pickiness in the sounds- but Tool I can handle. Tell me Rosetta Stoned willl get me there) I read your information on Space/Time Sound/Light over and over until it was solid in my mind. I did wearBeats because the time of night and felt the volume and base of the sounds were pertinent- though I wasn’t expecting much with the sound not filling the room.

Honestly, I would drift and pull myself back due to being tired and it kept me in a feeling of spinning. I eventually drifted asleep. 😑 but there wasn’t so much dreams but I was aware of a feeling that threw me out of my sleep cycle. I felt a pull and push, almost as if I was being split in two but not and felt linear or there was a direction. The only thing my mind will settle on what I experienced would be my MWI Line? But thats just my Reasoning.

I woke up several times and each time I would move my hand to make sure I was me, I think? I just remember, just move your fingers- your hands.  I felt plastic and my hand tingled like the tingle you get when you sit on your foot for too long...

Anyways, it was weird and I dont think thats what I was supposed to experience, though I may have looked over what was supposed to happen? Thought you might could shed some lights.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@feal : thank you for White Light... I am into it now.


I hope you all don't mind a diversion, but something in Rudy's Preface triggered me to remember one of my favorites.

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect; Roger Williams


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If I may ask - what is it that you are trying to do? If it’s meditation - that’s one thing, if it’s the manipulation of Time/Space, that is quite another.

Time/Space manipulation can be done - AS FAR AS I KNOW - because there are certainly others - using either a physical object - in our case it is placed over the head and shoulders. I have not seen - outside of training - another Human being touch these objects. I sit down, it’s put on me and I power it up by looking into what looks like bricks in a certain sequence. The OTHER way is similar to meditation but not really. One way you can actually interact with your surroundings, the other you observe only. Both are needed to accomplish whatever task you all have as a team when you actually work. The other is a means of gathering intelligence FOR that mission - or to fuck around.

What I had to do, and what I am now having my students do (I have 2) - in order to do the observation technique is this -

Reverse engineer your or a Pineal gland.

Understanding of this organ and everything about it HAS to be a part of your working memory. If you cannot do this on your own, you will not do this the way WE do.  It’s that simple. The Sun Disk of Mu is literally that right there - a reverse engineered Pineal gland given to Humans. It is nothing more and nothing less.

YOU have the ability to be able to do this given the accessibility of information, your intelligence, your command of language and - if you are in the West - your physical ability to obtain this information. Whether or not you have the time or energy to look into it - that’s up to you. I will say this - this shit IS NOT for everyone. It’s a double sided blade - believe me. The ugly side to this can be horrific. It can be a miserable, horrible existence that you can’t get out of until the block of “Time” expires. It can really really suck. There is a lot of information that went on in my lives that I wish I was still blind to. Not all - but enough to say “sometimes I wish I was the guy who just wandered from place to place aimlessly”.

My anticipation is that over the next few Days - I can explain much more in better detail. With shit gearing up - we need to make sure that those who need the info to get to their next step before the World grows from childhood into adolescence.

We’ll see.

This I know to be True



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