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@DK - I have a few errands to run so I’ll try to expand in a bit, but the lyrics themselves have NOTHING to do with the info embedded - unless the embedder wants them to.

Take one note in any song. In your minds eye, hold that note - THEN add another. The change in tone or the difference between the two is where the messages are embedded. You don’t even pay attention to the lyrics - unless you are directed to AND lyrics are for direction only, when they are used. I do it a lot because I find it easier to move around. Things not used to an “air” atmosphere do better with old, German yodeling for some reason. I can’t stand that shit.

I like White Zombie to use BECAUSE of the lyrics. It keeps people that gets creeped out by it - away.

@WaterTiger - we’ll see. Any word on the convention in the alps this week? Thats where I would listen.


This I know to be true.


@watertiger Not sure what country you're in... the main stream media narrative is shifting. I'm with PL on this one.

From Bloomberg:

I've seen other stories hit our MSM outlets too. Something happened. Keep those thoughts positive!

Ultan McG and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGWaterTiger

@goldleaf from 2 days ago: parliament still has to approve on Thursday, but big step is taken:

Yeah, I do try to stay positive, but this is quite incredible news.

@DK - let me expand a bit on what I was saying about lyrics earlier. I don’t want to sound like they are irrelevant - because they are - when used as whatever tool they need to be used as.

Let me unwrap this - If you were to picture music - in your minds eye - as a sandwich with many layers. IF lyrics are going to be used - then YES - they are 100% relavent.

But let me unwrap further first.

The question that you asked about lyrics and music being put in to peoples heads is EXACLY how it happens. These Humans are VERY easy to identify because they born with a musical talent versus those who learn - those who have to learn how to play an instrument aren’t used. So if a kid is real good at whatever - singing - anything - I know - for a FACT that the kid is or will be a messenger. What is being done to them is nothing short of mind bending.

Because I have beat this horse to death I’ll be quick - The Manipulation of Time in Multidimensional Space is real and happens right in front of your eyes. The problem is Energy use. It takes a TON to go forward and not much to go back. The amount of Human beings on planet Earth  that can actually MANIPULATE things are less than 15. They are the ones on the level of being able to make a Dorian fruit or cell phone or bag of money just appear out of thin air. So the amount that can move around though are surprisingly high. Higher than I ever would have thought - but there are plenty. Everywhere. This isn’t an “only in America” thing. I always had a bias about a certain ethnicity that I knew nothing about. Staying away from them as a doc was impossible so I kept my distance. NOW when I see my Brothers and Sisters it’s like FAMILY! We cross paths a TON and it’s always cool. Always. My Human ways were simply disgusting.

But back to lyrics - YES - people get “directly influenced” or played themselves AS an instrument.

Now - again - as things are moving along quickly and America can lose all internet at any day - sooner than later - AND because it’s MMs board I can say this freely.

There are Beings that put the reality that you see together faster than you can see. Faster than any camera WE have can catch. That’s reality. Take it or leave it. Those Beings make “markers”  in “time and space”. Those markers here on EARTH resonate from Human beings that have a natural talent for Music. (Autistic kids are Knowledge “depots” for those who live after the Event. They are special. They survive to adulthood. Protected).

Those markers - for a past mission that has now been put in the Books, I will give this example.

I use the example of the song “The Battle for Evermore” by Led Zep. That song - as is most of their songs - they are eternal in the Human psyche. But that song uses an imagery of “dancing in the dark of night”.

Now let’s look at the song I just introduced - the lyrics posted - “you can see the shadows dancing in the flaming light” - similar but opposite in LIGHT sense.

That is something that is very unique to the Group I trained with. When we were in training we were all assigned to do just that - dance around a HUGE bonfire - all together - alllllllllll night. Until you collapse. Literally. Blisters on your feet and shit. It SUCKED.

So when different groups of 3 are all linking up at the same time at different PHYSICAL places in time - when you see our hear THAT in a lyric - we need to “click” everyone in the whole entire group to say “tune into MY Line (that I come from)  because something has to be done”. And everyone will shine a thing my way and I click them in. It’s the same with one of the 3 I am with, physically,  but opposite. We all share knowledge so I’ll know instantly EVERYTHING the people I am physically touching during the procedure - everything they have ever known. Ever. So I’ll hear when another “line” needs to tell me or those in the Line I am from something. I’ll look out for a pattern of lyrics while in their heads.

Still with me? And no… no peyote or DMT on board, not even booze, I can assure you.

Now - back to our music “sandwich”. The lyrics are the top layer. Then you have all the notes - the layers - like filo dough. Then at the BOTTOM - where it intersects with the sandwich - that’s the realm of matter. We are on the anti-matter side - remember the paper I posted explained that - so the bottom is matter. The way it physically looks - it wouldn’t be solid, like the top - it’s sort of like dust falling. Now this sandwich - is really tied in knots - but for simplicity - it looks like aqua colored dust. Floating towards he Void. When you start to see THAT - aqua colored dust at any point - it’s time to make adjustments.

This isn’t even a snowflake on the tip of the iceberg. Life is a slowed down acid trip to me anymore. I slooooowwwww acid trip with a kick in the nuts here and there. And if you think THIS is crazy - Smell and Taste are a total mind-fuck. Seriously. We are dealing with organic compounds on a scale that is crazy.

All of this I know to be true.



That is A LOT yet I understand but not all of it. Isn’t there another way to access all of this? Its seems too complex. It should be simpler, right?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from pissedlizard on January 19, 2022, 3:17 am

I like White Zombie to use BECAUSE of the lyrics. It keeps people that gets creeped out by it - away.

I was not criticizing the lyrics... they are unique and strong; I was asking from whence they came.

Quote from garrire on December 31, 2021, 9:22 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on December 30, 2021, 6:22 pm

Uhm you want Penitent? I find some parallels to our MWI. Admittedly I have to stretch quite a lot but there are hints of Old Empire there. I'm trying to poison some people on here with campy books lol.

When you asked about language, I thought of enuncia. Probably you did too, subconsciously?

Ok I converted my epub to pdf for you. We need a bookshelf for articles and weird books. I think lots of folks here really like to read. I have some scholarly articles on consciousness that I suspect DM would like. Need to dig for them tho.

Thank you so much! You are amazing.

I probably did - to a degree. I was also thinking about how our minds work and how words influence them - specifically with filling in the blanks.

For example, to keep to the theme, Betrayer. ADB builds up such an amazing, vivid world in the opening chapters (can almost see the opening credits happening after the invasion is complete). He does this, simply, by covering everything in dust. Kharn, the city, everything. "They never tell you about the dust". So, rather than having to imagine an alien future city being invaded, you just imagine the dust covering familiar shapes. Then, the world builds itself effortlessly, because the detail is obscured. Do you follow my meaning? I hope so - I'm not explaining it clearly. Great book though.


Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 11:34 pm
Quote from garrire on December 30, 2021, 8:32 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 8:59 pm
Quote from garrire on December 28, 2021, 11:46 pm

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

They are then Terms.

I have to be so very careful when I write to my Human Resources department. They are nepotism hires in the first place, and just plain morons in the second. They have no idea how their presumed words will be adjudicated. The cooperate lawyer feeds them this shite, and they just pass it on to the serfs.

Well, there's a saying we have - for every failing law student, there's a position waiting for them in HR. Even the worst employment lawyer can eat HR for breakfast, I did a lot of unofficial pro-bono work at my last non-lawyer job being the guy who got in the way of HR and my colleagues. Reached a point where a line manager I had a good working relationship with asked if I was helping the person, and if I said yep, suddenly the issue would be resolved without any further action being taken. I wasn't even qualified at the time.

I honestly do not know how most HR departments both keep fucking up, and keep getting away with it. Oh, wait, yeah I do - access to justice and lawyers has been blocked for all but those who can afford it, by design. And, as you say, nepotism.

Hey @Garrie, you speak true. In my case, it gets even better: neither my boss , nor the HR "Director" are native English speakers... that shouldn't be a problem with a proper evaluation before they were put into their positions [of authority] , but the prejudiced and racially motivated hires are beyond ridiculous here; often times their punctuation and tense result in the opposite of what, I know, they intended. As you indicated, they would get thrashed even in a kangaroo kourt.

The issue of hiring based on protected characteristics rather than merit is evident, especially when such people are allowed the exclude others. The formation of in-group preferences and discrimination arising from anti-discrimination laws is not lost on many. The issue, I think, comes with the bubbling anger this causes. I'm convinced it's all just to pour fuel on the diversion and division fire.

So, my employer mandated:

  • Masks everywhere (even our [labor intensive] manufacturing floor)
  • one of these
  • 1. Get vaccinated all the way in
  • 2. No vaccine, but test every week
  • 3. Exemption for "religious"

Since the "tests" are inaccurate, to say the least, and potentially harmful (depending on which method), I asked HR all the details of the testing: who, what, where, and how. ALSO, since the testing (and Jabs) are being conducted on-site (privately held LLC), would that same company be accepting liability for any Damages that might occur as a result of "testing" or "jabbing". I was then referred directly to the Corporate Attorney (CA). Oh yeah: I also asked if EVERY employee was to follow these orders: HR says yes, but I clarify saying "even the Officers of this company?"... crickets. As with many small companies, this one is notorious for special inside friend treatment. Additionally, HR is notorious for its leaking of private information - if HR says the Owner must obey, and the grapevine says he's skirting the issue, I would have information contrary to their claim of "Safety for All", etc.

I got tired of waiting in limbo, so I sent them a pre-emptive message on the topic of my "sincerely held religious beliefs and spiritual practices".  HR and CA ignored the text of my message and sent me the three mandated FORMS again; one mimicking OSHA, one CDC, and one of their own creation. Additionally, CA scheduled a video-meeting for a "discussion" of my requested exemption. Meanwhile the Supreme Clowns throw out the unlawful federal mandate. HR and CA send a message to ALL saying the Jab mandate is out, but MASKS everywhere remain.

Remember: my boss, and the Director of HR are NOT native English speakers (maybe High School level - MAYBE - and speech only NOT written).

As a part of the exemption process, if deemed valid (they cannot define my religion, by LAW), they are to negotiate "accommodations" for my stance. I have refused ANYTHING that would block my natural inhaling process as designed by the Great Spiritual Creator... food, water, and air - nothing else into my body. I have successfully worked from home for nearly two years now - no debate about my excellence (CA confirmed this with my boss). I was advised by many, many smart people to stay away from "the science" because they (HR & CA) rely on CDC, NIH, FDA, and AMA fraudulent data and documents as "proof."

So, the video-meeting: CA hosting, and HR SILENT, but present.

They accept my religion, accept my excellence, but want top know why I won't wear a mask. I repeat the tenets of my belief. THEN CA goes directly to "the science": "Dave, do you have documentation that shows masks inhibit breathing." [Of course I do, isn't it self-evident, but I'm not entering their arena of fake science]. I reject her premise and say that I am neither  discussing masks now, nor have I in my creed. I restate, that NOTHING may block my spiritually created breathing process. CA gives an incredibly stupid analogy of "what about when you are underwater?" Ummm, I would die if I attempted to breath liquid. "Yes, but don't you 'hold your breath'?" I wanted to laugh at her. "what's the difference between that and  wearing a restrictive mask?" She just admitted masks are restrictive, by the way. Holding my breath underwater, if I CHOOSE to go underwater, for a minute would prevent death. You are demanding that I wear a mask for nine hours without relief... will THAT prevent death? I restate my unyielding covenant with the Great Spiritual Force... really.

CA INSISTS that I will be REQUIRED to participate in meetings (this is simply NOT true; my role makes them unnecessary). I restate that I have performed Above and Beyond for nearly two years - NO in-person meetings.

You see, in my 13 years experience with this organization, it has been made quite clear that these old dinosaurs believe that if you aren't in the office, then you're not working... fucking children - just look at my output FFS. I restate my performance; CA counters with "what about using the bathroom?" I say, you mean here at home? I have no problem. She says... no, no, when you are REQUIRED to return to the office. I say: that is what this ACCOMMODATION is all about... I am requesting to continue to work remotely, as I have done for nearly two years. [I know that both my boss and the owner are the drivers of the must work in office  BULLSHIT], so she wants that as a compromise. I say nothing more. Long pause. CA says: how about a shield instead of a mask? I restate that there should be no issue in allowing me to stay away completely and safely - as I have done for nearly two years. She will not let that accommodation get set. I say: if you are going to fire me, or demand a "shield", then I will be most unhappy - as will the Great Creator, for violating my promise - but I would be forced to wear such a questionable device - and only in extreme cases (there are none).

CA wraps it up by thanking me, and saying that she will further discuss this with my (illiterate and lawfully ignorant) boss.

I asked her for a video copy of the meeting: "We don't do that." I am actually shocked - or she is lying. I ask for an Audio recording or transcript: "Really, Dave... this is casual, we don't do that." Fucking IDIOT. Of course I RECORDED IT.

So, here I am, working from home, awaiting the divine guidance of three incredibly ignorant people to alter my life...

Yo - MyMantid!... how about a little assistance over here? Oh, wait... can't do that - I'm cursed!

I'm sure it will be fine, and I am also sure that many of you have had to deal with less-than-brilliant individuals in this crazy world. It gets tiring though, yes?


perolator and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McG
Quote from DSKlausler on January 20, 2022, 12:55 am

I'm sure it will be fine, and I am also sure that many of you have had to deal with less-than-brilliant individuals in this crazy world. It gets tiring though, yes?


I guess that I should have mentioned that here in the U.S., or at least where I am outside Shitcago, there is no "pandemic". Old and sick fux are always dying.... they "Coivd Deaths" are two-fold here: 1. The usual flu, asthma, pneumonia, etc. re-branded; 2. Those that had severe reactions to the jab. The TRUE numbers reflect this.

perolator has reacted to this post.
Quote from DSKlausler on January 20, 2022, 12:55 am
Quote from garrire on December 31, 2021, 9:22 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on December 30, 2021, 6:22 pm

Uhm you want Penitent? I find some parallels to our MWI. Admittedly I have to stretch quite a lot but there are hints of Old Empire there. I'm trying to poison some people on here with campy books lol.

When you asked about language, I thought of enuncia. Probably you did too, subconsciously?

Ok I converted my epub to pdf for you. We need a bookshelf for articles and weird books. I think lots of folks here really like to read. I have some scholarly articles on consciousness that I suspect DM would like. Need to dig for them tho.

Thank you so much! You are amazing.

I probably did - to a degree. I was also thinking about how our minds work and how words influence them - specifically with filling in the blanks.

For example, to keep to the theme, Betrayer. ADB builds up such an amazing, vivid world in the opening chapters (can almost see the opening credits happening after the invasion is complete). He does this, simply, by covering everything in dust. Kharn, the city, everything. "They never tell you about the dust". So, rather than having to imagine an alien future city being invaded, you just imagine the dust covering familiar shapes. Then, the world builds itself effortlessly, because the detail is obscured. Do you follow my meaning? I hope so - I'm not explaining it clearly. Great book though.


Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 11:34 pm
Quote from garrire on December 30, 2021, 8:32 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 8:59 pm
Quote from garrire on December 28, 2021, 11:46 pm

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

They are then Terms.

I have to be so very careful when I write to my Human Resources department. They are nepotism hires in the first place, and just plain morons in the second. They have no idea how their presumed words will be adjudicated. The cooperate lawyer feeds them this shite, and they just pass it on to the serfs.

Well, there's a saying we have - for every failing law student, there's a position waiting for them in HR. Even the worst employment lawyer can eat HR for breakfast, I did a lot of unofficial pro-bono work at my last non-lawyer job being the guy who got in the way of HR and my colleagues. Reached a point where a line manager I had a good working relationship with asked if I was helping the person, and if I said yep, suddenly the issue would be resolved without any further action being taken. I wasn't even qualified at the time.

I honestly do not know how most HR departments both keep fucking up, and keep getting away with it. Oh, wait, yeah I do - access to justice and lawyers has been blocked for all but those who can afford it, by design. And, as you say, nepotism.

Hey @Garrie, you speak true. In my case, it gets even better: neither my boss , nor the HR "Director" are native English speakers... that shouldn't be a problem with a proper evaluation before they were put into their positions [of authority] , but the prejudiced and racially motivated hires are beyond ridiculous here; often times their punctuation and tense result in the opposite of what, I know, they intended. As you indicated, they would get thrashed even in a kangaroo kourt.

The issue of hiring based on protected characteristics rather than merit is evident, especially when such people are allowed the exclude others. The formation of in-group preferences and discrimination arising from anti-discrimination laws is not lost on many. The issue, I think, comes with the bubbling anger this causes. I'm convinced it's all just to pour fuel on the diversion and division fire.

So, my employer mandated:

  • Masks everywhere (even our [labor intensive] manufacturing floor)
  • one of these
  • 1. Get vaccinated all the way in
  • 2. No vaccine, but test every week
  • 3. Exemption for "religious"

Since the "tests" are inaccurate, to say the least, and potentially harmful (depending on which method), I asked HR all the details of the testing: who, what, where, and how. ALSO, since the testing (and Jabs) are being conducted on-site (privately held LLC), would that same company be accepting liability for any Damages that might occur as a result of "testing" or "jabbing". I was then referred directly to the Corporate Attorney (CA). Oh yeah: I also asked if EVERY employee was to follow these orders: HR says yes, but I clarify saying "even the Officers of this company?"... crickets. As with many small companies, this one is notorious for special inside friend treatment. Additionally, HR is notorious for its leaking of private information - if HR says the Owner must obey, and the grapevine says he's skirting the issue, I would have information contrary to their claim of "Safety for All", etc.

I got tired of waiting in limbo, so I sent them a pre-emptive message on the topic of my "sincerely held religious beliefs and spiritual practices".  HR and CA ignored the text of my message and sent me the three mandated FORMS again; one mimicking OSHA, one CDC, and one of their own creation. Additionally, CA scheduled a video-meeting for a "discussion" of my requested exemption. Meanwhile the Supreme Clowns throw out the unlawful federal mandate. HR and CA send a message to ALL saying the Jab mandate is out, but MASKS everywhere remain.

Remember: my boss, and the Director of HR are NOT native English speakers (maybe High School level - MAYBE - and speech only NOT written).

As a part of the exemption process, if deemed valid (they cannot define my religion, by LAW), they are to negotiate "accommodations" for my stance. I have refused ANYTHING that would block my natural inhaling process as designed by the Great Spiritual Creator... food, water, and air - nothing else into my body. I have successfully worked from home for nearly two years now - no debate about my excellence (CA confirmed this with my boss). I was advised by many, many smart people to stay away from "the science" because they (HR & CA) rely on CDC, NIH, FDA, and AMA fraudulent data and documents as "proof."

So, the video-meeting: CA hosting, and HR SILENT, but present.

They accept my religion, accept my excellence, but want top know why I won't wear a mask. I repeat the tenets of my belief. THEN CA goes directly to "the science": "Dave, do you have documentation that shows masks inhibit breathing." [Of course I do, isn't it self-evident, but I'm not entering their arena of fake science]. I reject her premise and say that I am neither  discussing masks now, nor have I in my creed. I restate, that NOTHING may block my spiritually created breathing process. CA gives an incredibly stupid analogy of "what about when you are underwater?" Ummm, I would die if I attempted to breath liquid. "Yes, but don't you 'hold your breath'?" I wanted to laugh at her. "what's the difference between that and  wearing a restrictive mask?" She just admitted masks are restrictive, by the way. Holding my breath underwater, if I CHOOSE to go underwater, for a minute would prevent death. You are demanding that I wear a mask for nine hours without relief... will THAT prevent death? I restate my unyielding covenant with the Great Spiritual Force... really.

CA INSISTS that I will be REQUIRED to participate in meetings (this is simply NOT true; my role makes them unnecessary). I restate that I have performed Above and Beyond for nearly two years - NO in-person meetings.

You see, in my 13 years experience with this organization, it has been made quite clear that these old dinosaurs believe that if you aren't in the office, then you're not working... fucking children - just look at my output FFS. I restate my performance; CA counters with "what about using the bathroom?" I say, you mean here at home? I have no problem. She says... no, no, when you are REQUIRED to return to the office. I say: that is what this ACCOMMODATION is all about... I am requesting to continue to work remotely, as I have done for nearly two years. [I know that both my boss and the owner are the drivers of the must work in office  BULLSHIT], so she wants that as a compromise. I say nothing more. Long pause. CA says: how about a shield instead of a mask? I restate that there should be no issue in allowing me to stay away completely and safely - as I have done for nearly two years. She will not let that accommodation get set. I say: if you are going to fire me, or demand a "shield", then I will be most unhappy - as will the Great Creator, for violating my promise - but I would be forced to wear such a questionable device - and only in extreme cases (there are none).

CA wraps it up by thanking me, and saying that she will further discuss this with my (illiterate and lawfully ignorant) boss.

I asked her for a video copy of the meeting: "We don't do that." I am actually shocked - or she is lying. I ask for an Audio recording or transcript: "Really, Dave... this is casual, we don't do that." Fucking IDIOT. Of course I RECORDED IT.

So, here I am, working from home, awaiting the divine guidance of three incredibly ignorant people to alter my life...

Yo - MyMantid!... how about a little assistance over here? Oh, wait... can't do that - I'm cursed!

I'm sure it will be fine, and I am also sure that many of you have had to deal with less-than-brilliant individuals in this crazy world. It gets tiring though, yes?


Aha, I wont comment on the law in your area due to, you know, not being an American lawyer, but, LOL. That's the way to do it. Track their inconsistencies, keep a record yourself, and just don't back down. Great work.


This is the simplest I can possibly get. As long as you grasp the concept - CLEARLY - as you genuinely demonstrate that you do on this board (like I know you get this but I just want a common starting point in the whole Space/Time realm and MMs site is a common point to us both) :

We exist in both wave and particle form. We cycle through them - back and forth at a high rate of speed - that things appear solid in particle form and ethereal in wave form.

You GOTTA get this down to even remotely understand what I write. It’s not possible unless that concept is really understood.

I THOUGHT I got it, but I didn’t REALLY  see it until I asked the question: “well, why not get one of those high speed cameras that shoot things at real high speeds, and look that way. Somehow there has to be a way. It turns out, it’s been done by an agency that equals Mjestic.

LOOKING for the answer got me to simplify it like this:

Each of the following exist in both particle and wave form:

We begin with the light we see with…

In light, Wave is the reciprocal of Particle. (What I wrote above)

Light is the reciprocal of Sound (NOT DARK!!!) - that’s why I posted that paper - it proves this.


Time and Light behave in both wave and particle form,

Time is the reciprocal of Space.

In space - when LIGHT is in its PARTICLE phase - things appear SOLID.

Everything you can physically touch - is light in its particle phase. That’s allllll it is. Welcome to quantum world.

All of the “empty” space that is NOT solid - like the air - is light in its WAVE form bouncing off of the solid, particle form.

The solid objects in space get their shapes, forms, anything physical - get and maintain that shape BY light’s reciprocal: Sound.

Your physical body and every thing that you touch is light being bounced off of sound. That projection of sound that forms things changes as you move along your timeline.

Keep in mind your Timeline has a reciprocal. Time’s reciprocal is Space. Therefore your Timeline has a reciprocal, Spaceline.

I know this sounds confusing but as I said  MANY times - that this is a journey you have to take yourself. But if can parse out what I just wrote, you will be able to follow the rest of this - if not, then I cannot help any longer in this matter.

At the same time - the empty places that you see - anything not solid or liquid - “the ether” so to speak, we have Space’s reciprocal, which is Time.(the empty spaces around you is Time. This is the same “Time” that you are moving through on your Timeline) . The empty spaces around you are filled with it’s unseeable reciprocal: Time. Empty space  is Time in its wave form: Sound.

Time and Space behave the EXACTLY THE same as wave and particle, at the same physical point. In other words.Time and Space are cycling through each other WITH light in its wave and particle form.

In order for certain types of Time manipulation to occur, Time has to be in its solid state. Keeping that in mind, The empty space around you is nothing BUT sound, which occupies the same empty space as Time.

Looking at everything and parsing it out, you will end up seeing a point where Time’s “solid” state is Sound.

With the right sounds, therefore, Time manipulation can and does happen.

Map all that out and you will see EXACTLY how Time manipulation. Is done - but you will not see the mechanics of how to do it.

This is simple as I can get.

This I know to be true.


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