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The totally unofficial MM book club

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Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 8:59 pm
Quote from garrire on December 28, 2021, 11:46 pm

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

They are then Terms.

I have to be so very careful when I write to my Human Resources department. They are nepotism hires in the first place, and just plain morons in the second. They have no idea how their presumed words will be adjudicated. The cooperate lawyer feeds them this shite, and they just pass it on to the serfs.

Well, there's a saying we have - for every failing law student, there's a position waiting for them in HR. Even the worst employment lawyer can eat HR for breakfast, I did a lot of unofficial pro-bono work at my last non-lawyer job being the guy who got in the way of HR and my colleagues. Reached a point where a line manager I had a good working relationship with asked if I was helping the person, and if I said yep, suddenly the issue would be resolved without any further action being taken. I wasn't even qualified at the time.

I honestly do not know how most HR departments both keep fucking up, and keep getting away with it. Oh, wait, yeah I do - access to justice and lawyers has been blocked for all but those who can afford it, by design. And, as you say, nepotism.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

@garrire, your question on language prompted me to upload the following books from Warhammer, dealing with enuncia. It's very campy but interesting enough. I have them converted to pdf but the conversion is sucky.

Omnibus for those who like to read.

Uploaded files:
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 30, 2021, 10:42 am

@garrire, your question on language prompted me to upload the following books from Warhammer, dealing with enuncia. It's very campy but interesting enough. I have them converted to pdf but the conversion is sucky.

Omnibus for those who like to read.

Chatter meets Amnesia, in the virtual bookshelf, Talon and Thorn conversant.

Memory Loss, I love you. I've been into Warhammer for almost my entire life! Bad space opera is the best.

I've always jokingly said that I'd blow Dan Abnett just to read the review, I love his works. Eisenhorn is my personal favourite, and I always offer it as an introduction to the setting. I prefer its personal narrative style, and the way it covers the fall from grace as damnation by a thousand small steps, to the squad based action of our boy Ravenor. I fully endorse your recommendation though! I've not yet picked up a copy of Penitent. Not only have I read those books, many times, but they have pride of place on my bookshelf.

Uhm you want Penitent? I find some parallels to our MWI. Admittedly I have to stretch quite a lot but there are hints of Old Empire there. I'm trying to poison some people on here with campy books lol.

When you asked about language, I thought of enuncia. Probably you did too, subconsciously?

Ok I converted my epub to pdf for you. We need a bookshelf for articles and weird books. I think lots of folks here really like to read. I have some scholarly articles on consciousness that I suspect DM would like. Need to dig for them tho.

Uploaded files:
garrire has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from garrire on December 30, 2021, 8:32 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 8:59 pm
Quote from garrire on December 28, 2021, 11:46 pm

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

They are then Terms.

I have to be so very careful when I write to my Human Resources department. They are nepotism hires in the first place, and just plain morons in the second. They have no idea how their presumed words will be adjudicated. The cooperate lawyer feeds them this shite, and they just pass it on to the serfs.

Well, there's a saying we have - for every failing law student, there's a position waiting for them in HR. Even the worst employment lawyer can eat HR for breakfast, I did a lot of unofficial pro-bono work at my last non-lawyer job being the guy who got in the way of HR and my colleagues. Reached a point where a line manager I had a good working relationship with asked if I was helping the person, and if I said yep, suddenly the issue would be resolved without any further action being taken. I wasn't even qualified at the time.

I honestly do not know how most HR departments both keep fucking up, and keep getting away with it. Oh, wait, yeah I do - access to justice and lawyers has been blocked for all but those who can afford it, by design. And, as you say, nepotism.

Hey @Garrie, you speak true. In my case, it gets even better: neither my boss , nor the HR "Director" are native English speakers... that shouldn't be a problem with a proper evaluation before they were put into their positions [of authority] , but the prejudiced and racially motivated hires are beyond ridiculous here; often times their punctuation and tense result in the opposite of what, I know, they intended. As you indicated, they would get thrashed even in a kangaroo kourt.

garrire has reacted to this post.
Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 6:27 am

Hey, how do I post a PDF to the Library?

How do I view the Library Contents?


Am I missing something obvious?

Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 11:40 pm
Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 6:27 am

Hey, how do I post a PDF to the Library?

How do I view the Library Contents?


Am I missing something obvious?

Like this?

Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease. Published Sept. 2020.
By Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell.


Uploaded files:

Dear Santa Krampus.

That's a half truth actually. Like Alex Jones.

No virus, then no need to talk about Gain of function.

"No virus" is CIA disinfo. Virus exist.

The truth is much more complicated. Virus exist. Beware of disinfo.

Merlynn probably knows half of what is actually happening.

Terrain theory is only half the story. And it's a dangerous place to be, because it exposes you to attacks on your credibility. Terrain theory is only half correct but has a negative payout, because people die when you are wrong.

Think quantum superposition. Where viri exist and do not exist at the same time. This is an extremely deep rabbit hole.

Just follow the money. GoF research sucks tons of money. Therefore virus exist 100%. Where they don't exist, when they should be around, is the place you should look at. Otherwise the default position is that they freaking exist.

Kinda like a <redacted> portion of a paper. If you are really good, you can guess your way past the redactions. Or ask merlynn.





Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I know I am late to this party.... I have only read the first page. I need to give my input on the “tree”topic. ——- Trees are the most incredible source of wisdom, healing, knowledge that most humans will drive on past and never experience first hand.

First thing is first, there is some formalities in approaching a tree for anything more than shade or sticks. You must approach a tree with a formal greeting and “compliments”, so to say. Start at the trunk and admire all the knots, twists, regeneration spots. Admire Their limbs and branches. The leaves, the birds and bugs that call It home. Then close you’re eyes and go beneath the Earth, admiring their life force and anchors into this world. Every season, do this- Then just maybe It will call you Friend, and bless you as you bless It.

Trees can have “twin”/support  Trees, so take notice if Its lucky enough to have It’s partner nearby.

I have spent 30 years, on and off, with my Maple and Oak friends. They have gifted me more than I deserved. We lost the Oak last year and I physically felt, hurt, cried out in agony the moment it’s roots were ground up. I sat by my Maple everyday for months, after it happened. The healing, energy, and memories I gained from that short time, I wouldn’t trade it for all the money, security, fortune and fame.

I planted acorns in the lost Oak’s mulch. I got the acorns from an Oak, similar in age, in a near by park. I pray they take.

Love the Things that bless us with Life. You’ll be all the better for it.

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafgarrireazark
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Memory Loss on December 30, 2021, 6:22 pm

Uhm you want Penitent? I find some parallels to our MWI. Admittedly I have to stretch quite a lot but there are hints of Old Empire there. I'm trying to poison some people on here with campy books lol.

When you asked about language, I thought of enuncia. Probably you did too, subconsciously?

Ok I converted my epub to pdf for you. We need a bookshelf for articles and weird books. I think lots of folks here really like to read. I have some scholarly articles on consciousness that I suspect DM would like. Need to dig for them tho.

Thank you so much! You are amazing.

I probably did - to a degree. I was also thinking about how our minds work and how words influence them - specifically with filling in the blanks.

For example, to keep to the theme, Betrayer. ADB builds up such an amazing, vivid world in the opening chapters (can almost see the opening credits happening after the invasion is complete). He does this, simply, by covering everything in dust. Kharn, the city, everything. "They never tell you about the dust". So, rather than having to imagine an alien future city being invaded, you just imagine the dust covering familiar shapes. Then, the world builds itself effortlessly, because the detail is obscured. Do you follow my meaning? I hope so - I'm not explaining it clearly. Great book though.


Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 11:34 pm
Quote from garrire on December 30, 2021, 8:32 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 8:59 pm
Quote from garrire on December 28, 2021, 11:46 pm

Would it surprise you to learn that most caselaw is an argument over definition of words and interpretation of legislation? Consider, then, the importance of controlling the narrative and it's impact on the law.

They are then Terms.

I have to be so very careful when I write to my Human Resources department. They are nepotism hires in the first place, and just plain morons in the second. They have no idea how their presumed words will be adjudicated. The cooperate lawyer feeds them this shite, and they just pass it on to the serfs.

Well, there's a saying we have - for every failing law student, there's a position waiting for them in HR. Even the worst employment lawyer can eat HR for breakfast, I did a lot of unofficial pro-bono work at my last non-lawyer job being the guy who got in the way of HR and my colleagues. Reached a point where a line manager I had a good working relationship with asked if I was helping the person, and if I said yep, suddenly the issue would be resolved without any further action being taken. I wasn't even qualified at the time.

I honestly do not know how most HR departments both keep fucking up, and keep getting away with it. Oh, wait, yeah I do - access to justice and lawyers has been blocked for all but those who can afford it, by design. And, as you say, nepotism.

Hey @Garrie, you speak true. In my case, it gets even better: neither my boss , nor the HR "Director" are native English speakers... that shouldn't be a problem with a proper evaluation before they were put into their positions [of authority] , but the prejudiced and racially motivated hires are beyond ridiculous here; often times their punctuation and tense result in the opposite of what, I know, they intended. As you indicated, they would get thrashed even in a kangaroo kourt.

The issue of hiring based on protected characteristics rather than merit is evident, especially when such people are allowed the exclude others. The formation of in-group preferences and discrimination arising from anti-discrimination laws is not lost on many. The issue, I think, comes with the bubbling anger this causes. I'm convinced it's all just to pour fuel on the diversion and division fire.

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