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Quote from Memory Loss on December 31, 2021, 7:10 am

Dear Santa Krampus.

Wow; I must have touched an open nerve somewhere.

If I am not mistaken, Dr. Cowan does not deny the existence of viruses (not "viri"), he simply states that they are a byproduct of the body "cleaning up".

"GoF research sucks tons of money." True, but irrelevant; many fraudulent things purposefully absorb billions... like NASA; FDA; CDC; The War on Drugs; the fucking government in general. This is no indication that Viruses CAUSE anything.


Nah, DSK, I'm just channeling my inner "magnetogenetic" personality haha. Actually I'm exploring this particular bunny hole. In a desultory manner. Gu Syndrome.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

You know, I find it  difficult to Search (using that box above) and actually resolve the location that the result indicates.

As an example, I could not locate the source of the referral to:

Glimpses of Other Realities: Facts and EyewitnessesHowe, Linda Moulton

I wanted to tag the following comment on to that thread.

Anyway, I have this book and have completed reading it.

I will preface this opinion with: although I do not possess the skills that many of you seem to; I can read, and am reasonably intelligent (I think anyway). I have being doing just that for 20+ years - in this field of "trying to find out just what the fuck is going on."

There is but two items in the entire book that I was not already familiar with:

  1. An actual E.T. encounter and description of a "Mantid"
  2. The eight foot tall red-haired, blue-eyed and fair-skinned humanoids possibly still living relatively recently down there in the Andes.

All else I had read about years ago; in parts and pieces from a host of sources; but summed up in my head just the same.

So, other than a package of Crop Circles and Alien Contact - this book was a waste FOR ME. As an excellent SUMMARY of those topics, it was very good - it's staying on my shelf.


RE: E-Squared

Just completed Experiment #1. I need to qualify this, as always: It was set exactly as instructed, and SINCERE - I DO believe that such a force IS out there.

I know you'll be shocked at the results: FAILURE; NOTHING.

The Cursed


Come on... that's funny.

Welp, if you claim cursed you weave it into your fate. Thoughts/Word pave the course of our journey. Next time, speak success and believe it will work. The moment doubt enters the equation, you have created an obstacle.

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on January 1, 2022, 5:52 am

Welp, if you claim cursed you weave it into your fate. Thoughts/Word pave the course of our journey. Next time, speak success and believe it will work. The moment doubt enters the equation, you have created an obstacle.

Dear Alice,

Please re-read my post.

My assigned title was post mortem on that E-Squared experiment.

AND, if the Khaa cannot understand humor, then we're all fucked.

OK @memory-loss, you'll like this one. I'm not sure of the name but SD just got herself a new book for christmas. It is a book on how to make various kinds of "poisons" for various purposes such as healing, and, uh, not so healing. It is essentially just recipes taken from old grimoires etc. There are apparently tinctures in there to induce lucid dreaming and astral projection - like proper shaman style preparations and how to properly go about taking them. I am not sure how I feel about tripping on some datura and other nightshades to induce an LD, but I am curious as to all the less dangerous ingredients. Apparently there is also a type of wild lettuce that grows rampant around the property we are on that can also be used. Will find the name and get back to you

Daegon Magus

uh, um ok...SD has decided to make me a concoction after reading said book. It is apparently to make me astral project and speak with ancestors or something. This is some backyard payote shit going on right here....a bunch of herbs I've never heard of, something about the ingredients for the antidote have gone missing. some plant for its opioid content. Just in case I don't show up back here guys, it was totally a hundred percent {semi} voluntary....I suppose we will see what happens later on after i've drunken this shit. Doing it all in the name of LD/AP experimentation

Daegon Magus

You got this! You have trained your whole life for this moment. You are gonna do great! Omg updates SD!!!

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from daegonmagus on January 13, 2022, 3:33 pm

uh, um ok...SD has decided to make me a concoction after reading said book. It is apparently to make me astral project and speak with ancestors or something. This is some backyard payote shit going on right here....a bunch of herbs I've never heard of, something about the ingredients for the antidote have gone missing. some plant for its opioid content. Just in case I don't show up back here guys, it was totally a hundred percent {semi} voluntary....I suppose we will see what happens later on after i've drunken this shit. Doing it all in the name of LD/AP experimentation

The time I had 95% LD, my diet was a coffee, cigarette and blond tobacco when I woke up then another 1 hour later and nothing until the evening 5 hours before the final one X cigarette, 1 hour before sleeping a little cheese and bread then final 0.1h before sleeping 2 truffled chocolate.
The last option is to eat only water on an empty stomach and eat a tiny bit of a food that activates feel-good hormones.
 Maybe of course.
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