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Dangermouse eh? Or Wiley Coyote? Watch out for the peyote anvil!! 👆

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss after further discussion I found out it is really only a plant used for "opening the pineal gland"....i don't think it is too dangerous, and she knows my stance on hard drugs so i trust her not to give me anything too drastic.

Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on January 13, 2022, 7:50 pm

@memory-loss after further discussion I found out it is really only a plant used for "opening the pineal gland"....i don't think it is too dangerous, and she knows my stance on hard drugs so i trust her not to give me anything too drastic.

Have you tried borax? Cheap cheap. Should help in cleaning the old gland up.

Also some anticancer benefits. Not as much as Fenbendazole probably. But boron is a pretty awesome element

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@DM - if there is anything that’s going to excite your endogenous DMT or is ayahuasca based - enjoy the roll! The Machine Elves are nothing to fear, they hold it all together for us-please send my warm regards!

Now I am in an ayahuasca mood myself. Time to go hunting…

This I know to be true






where have you been? I have been asking my people about your whereabouts and played Mad Hatter about 1:30 my time. Well now I know. Were you going to gravitational mass class me cause 48 hrs passed? I know we are all busy. I just have a million and one questions. Just when you find the time. Thanks

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers. it turned out it was a concoction of mugwort and wormwood. Tasted like absolute shit....and all for nothing. Not even a normal dream that could been considered remotely vivid. Maybe it was because they were old herbs. Well that was a let down lol. Knew I had a distrust in people who write these sorts of books for a reason. Oh well, will be interesting to see where SDs new found knowledge will take us....oh yeah and just in case you were wondering, I am still alive....i think

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Memory Loss
Daegon Magus

@Alice REAL crazy on this end. This reality sucks. I am definately stuck in a loop that I juuuusssssssst need to squeeze out of for a bit.

But ask away! Whatever you want me to answer. If it’s about the world of phonons and anti-matter, please, throw them my way. I’ll do what I can. If it’s about ethenogens, I am all eyes.

@DM - sorry you got some watered down absinthe. Wormword ALWAYS makes me  have these real dark trips. Not, like a bad acid trip but - sort of like, even Disney World is a downer when I am on it. LSD in Disney World - now that’s a different story for a different time just stay off Space Mountain. For the love of all - stay off space mountain while tripping. Even on mushrooms.

Didn’t find any Ayahuasca tonight - gotta deep dive. Looks like the cats aren’t going to have fun (the fur is soooooo nice on any form of DMT). At least I have a huge tub of strawberry ice cream and chocolate syrup-next best thing.

Gotta get the fuck off this loop though. Soon! I’m getting dizzy.

All of this I know to be true!



Aha I see a unsmug lizard! Hope life is treating you kind.

Been saving this for you. Don't know why though.


The critters on the planet(s) near Sirius can predict stuff right? Like Paul the Octopus? I'm thinking the World Cup predictions were actually a test out in the open. They deliberately choose a cephalopod.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML - THAT is a great article - THANK YOU! It came at a perfect time - other Students - it’s difficult concept for some to grasp, as calculus is difficult for me to grasp - this is a great translation.

Cephalopods get more amazing the more I interact with them (I fortunately live in an area where they are plentiful in the wild) the more I feel - just… DUMB. As in dumb as a dishrag. I don’t know where you are on the scale of “fucking around with consciousness” you sit, but where I am - it’s way down in the “Cephalopods are the inverse of mammalian brain” figuring THAT out and putting it to paper.  And if that makes no sense to you now - I am certain it will. But, yeah. All I have to say about them - as bad a rap as they have gotten by the Illuminati types - I have nothing but the highest respect. Like to give you an idea - I LIVED off of fried octopus. I couldn’t get enough. I can’t bring myself to touch it. I respect cows, but not enough to pass up a rare steak. Or a greasy cheeseburger with bacon on both ends of the bun.

They are the most BRILLIANT of  bringers of messages from below the waves. What lies below - flies as Above, isn’t that the saying - or something similar.

This I know to be true.


Quote from daegonmagus on January 14, 2022, 7:18 am it turned out it was a concoction of mugwort and wormwood. Tasted like absolute shit....and all for nothing. Not even a normal dream that could been considered remotely vivid. Maybe it was because they were old herbs. Well that was a let down lol. Knew I had a distrust in people who write these sorts of books for a reason. Oh well, will be interesting to see where SDs new found knowledge will take us....oh yeah and just in case you were wondering, I am still alive....i think

Grow your own mugwort and wormworm. Make fresh mugwort noodles infused with capsaicin and pepper. 🍜🍜. Those babies will make you run for the hills.

Be a little dangerous mouse.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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