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Hey, I got a shortlist of books on consciousness. Actually a list compiled by someone else. Maybe it will help the cats here who are curious about the whole thing.



azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss hmmm. sounds likw it could be an option

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Daegon Magus


This is something that we can help you with. I Astral Travelled (of sorts, it was more of me in color form if that makes any sense) to you about a week ago. I was listening to City of the Sun and dancing around consciousness in MM. Just saying HELLOOOO and lifting spirits. Yours was the one that stuck out to me because, though I felt you and thought I was there bouncing around and persistent. I was with you the longest, and had to really think about moving on from you. Anything I can do to throw you a line? I will do whatever it takes... just lmk what you are open for.


I have my thoughts written down bit they need to formed into questions. I thought maybe you would break down what I was reading to inspire them to come into form. I have a bad habit of chasing rabbit thoughts and jumping over important information.


One point you brought up was, “what music should I listen to?” As it seems to have an effect on the physical energy around it. How is  consciousness affected by sound? Can sound change the construct of sentience/consciousness?  What is the source of sound outside this planet? Is this the manner that our Solar system keeps its planet in its gravitational spin? Could it be how OE trapped IS-BEs?

I need a sparsing cause these thoughts are endless...


azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alicehese answers are going to sound very vague, but it’s the best I can do right now…

““what music should I listen to?” As it seems to have an effect on the physical energy around it”

It all depends on what song or songs the instructions or whatever are embedded in them. Music is inspired. Ask any band member where the music or lyrics come from - most if any can’t pinpoint what or where the words or tones come from. Because of this, almost any information can be encoded in sound as simply as you can encode information in light.

With the right gear or training, the act of listening to one particular song can give you encyclopedic information. Per song.

For example - and yes, I can use this example because this phase is not as crazy as upcoming phases.

If you were to listen to the very first song of White Zombies “La Sexorcisto” you will come across a song - a name I used HERE again and again these past few months, called “Welcome to Planet Motherfucker”. The very first lyric says ONE thing, a very violent thing, but the instructions encoded, by taking in the sounds and HARMONICS, that lyric is more about positioning than anything else. You take a musical harmonic IN THAT PART OF THE SONG - then go to the lyric it’s pointing to, in this case, “Hand of the keeper meet me in st louis god a one” - now this has NOTHING to do with the place, but another positioning command , and on and on. Keep in mind the lyrics and sounds have to be used in tandem to get the correct info.

“Can sound change the construct of sentience/consciousness”

Yes. Unequivocally.

“What is the source of sound outside this planet? ”

The source is the Esoteric Nature of Number.

“Is this the manner that our Solar system keeps its planet in its gravitational spin? ”

It depends on if the Esoteric Nature of Number is centrifugal or centripetal.

Sound acts as both anti-matter and as a link to anti-gravity. Anti-gravity can be manipulated by sound, not the other way around. Anti-matter can be both manipulated by and manipulate sound and anti-sound. This technology was actually given to one country (the Beings I deal with do not see countries but something totally different, but for the sake of this conversation I will use countries as an example. This tech was given to one country with explicit conditions. This country gave another country this technology and that was a contract breaker. The technology that allllll of this led to, so called “future” technology is here, its security cannot be breached by humans (try to hack a song) at this time and is going to be used when Those that Instruct say so. That’s why I am telling you allllll of this. Obama 2.0 is out of control according to my Teachers. As is the rest of the leadership in the world.

It’s why I am so certain that the Wolves of the Asian continent are about to unleash hell over there. Unmitigated hell that no human alive today has seen. We all are going to taste it, just Asia goes after America. In fact, let me go further. AFTER America Russia and China are GOING to go at it. The chances of no conflict between Russia and China are less than 0.00000000000000000000000000182%. That’s 27 zeros after the decimal point.  It’s happening. Russia will ask (just watch) America for its help, even though America has been decimated. What will cause this is the rise of militant Islam already in house. But that’s “years” from now.

“Could it be how OE trapped IS-BEs?”

No comment. That’s not my fight.

I hope this helps.

All of this I know to be true.


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What about music with no words?

Why war? Dont the pTB know the Universal Laws and the Laws of created things? We has a human race will never go anywhere as long as we fight amongst ourselves. The inhabitants of a country is not its leaders. SO why unleash power and destruction on the people that ACTUALLY hold it together? Talk about a loop. Humans will never be able to get it if their very reality it built from mind control. At least the US citizens are thinking for themselves. Most know whats going on but we sit here “in fear of military reprocussions” there is no reason to unleash total war. Just shake up interior construct and watch Rufus take over. I am sure the USA PTB or controlling powers are no where close to this chunk of land. Cowards.

Could you be looped due to your repeated playlist?

Is there truth in the Solfeggio Frequency? Can humans reflect these frequencies?

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

PL, that's actually quite disturbing. The technology has given to a country or race or religion, with explicit instructions. But they had to know those conditions would 100% be broken.

Edit: 27 zeroes mean that this event was long engineered and deliberately so. Baked into the future by manipulation of the poor sods who thought they got and will get a great deal from their bargaining.

Doesn't that look like a setup to you? It's like a long con, with the ultimate prize, death and destruction. The alternative branches that lead to any possible future would be pruned in favor of one with absolutely no future.

That is not a prediction into the future, it's just a setup for the end of humanity, isn't it. It's control fraud writ extremely large lol. The technology isn't important. But the game plan is.

azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


”Why war? Dont the pTB know the Universal Laws and the Laws of created things? ”

That is not my place to answer - at all. Those decisions have nothing to do with me.

Mine is not to question why, Mine is but to do or die.

As far as our Benefactors and their and what they know - every scenario has been Or is being played out, right now. I can’t stress this enough - the reality you are living in right now, reading this, is NOT what you think. Those early MM articles are the key to understanding all of this.

I know this article is from the Sun (a tabloid) but this story was pretty much everywhere for a while. But look what he says happened to his plane.

This shit is straight up real. The manipulation of Time and Space is real, it happens and we have both the knowledge needed to do it or the technology involved (it can be done many ways) but it’s here. It will be commercially available in 2035. The thing that John Titor had was like the BlackBerry when iPhones came out. It’s cool but in the late 30s the IPhone of Mass Manipulation and 3D Time travel comes out to all.

Or sooner.

This brings me to MY predicament - the only way out is when one of 3 return to break the loop. It’s no big deal just fucking annoying. And that’s all I am saying about that. But I know some lurkers here are in the same predicament.

“SO why unleash power and destruction on the people that ACTUALLY hold it together? ”

What makes you think that this isn’t the best case scenario? You don’t belong to you. Your DNA belongs to one Group and your skin suit another. Your consciousness is the only thing “you” own. The pineal gland in your brain belongs to a totally different group. Our benefactors don’t see us as Joe and Jane. They see us as groups of traits in a way. It’s the only way I can explain it. Either way we are nothing more than chattel who has been given the gift of individual thought and reasoning along the ability to obtain knowledge from exogenous sources. That’s what we are. That was the hardest thing for me to come to terms with. The fact that “God loves me” is not altogether true. There are Gods or Sprits or whatever you want to call them to intercede, but you, me, all of us are property of many things.

The Solfeggio freq question - it’s yes and no. The frequencies themselves DO correspond to chakras BUT our chakras are like blood pressure - the frequencies fluctuate slightly in people in order to “harmonically match” with other chakras in their body. The chakras work together not independently, so one being off my a half a megahertz - or whatever - that is going to cause other chakras to compensate.  This is a big thing in Vedic medicine if you want to go down that hole. But short answer - yes, long answer - it depends.


Again, Mine is not to question why, Mine is but to do or die.

The scenarios that I have seen for these series of realities - the mass extinction event is needed.  Sort of like burning the brush to make room for new grass. It’s as natural as nature, we just happen to be in the crosshairs.

I am saying - without question - nukes are NOT going off. Anywhere. There may be EMP attacks, but not by nukes. All across the board will just stop time and shut shit down before they are launched. Nuclear fission unleashed isn’t just frowned upon, it’s taboo. It’s worse than ratting out a family member. It’s not going to happen.

All of this I know to be true.


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@Alice - the Seas are shining on you and those who need to figure out how to get off this ride.

Coming soon a track is changing. And you and anyone else  who wants to know what a centrifugal sound is. Now for anyone “riding”, a few things have to happen FOR ME.

First, there has to be a minimum of three of us physical human beings in the same physical room along with a tbing that is just that. But in order to do anything 3 of us are physically touching something together.

Music is genetically programmed. It is. Just put on a song with a heavy bass around ANY black person. Be it the Bronx or Vanuatu, the reaction is the same. Ever notice the random black guy moshing the FUCK out of the pit back in the day? One gene was on, the other off. Me, personally, cannot do country music. It’s not in my DNA to be able to “vibe” on it so to speak. So each person is selected to both what music they like and what shade a particular room looks like in a particular light (for the light side of 3D Time) - not all shades can be seen by all human beings. Some petroglyphs stand way out to some - not to others - that’s the “light” side of 3D Time travel - how we interact with light - if that makes more sense.

So soon, and there is zero chance of deciphering what’s what - a few harmonics - OF ALL NOTES -have harmonics. ALL SOUND HAS HARMONICS,  so your question about songs without lyrics - yup - same thing - it’s just easier for “lower level” people like myself to navigate without pulling too much energy-because it all has to balance or you get eggs and beans one life Loop, then eggs and potatoes in another.

Soon, this track goes on and allllllllllll involved - ALL involved - will listen and know what to do. Every person, genus and species. And halfbreeds. The track HAS to be in a certain Numeric order. All this Number talk, what the hell, right? Well, again,  Time and Space isn’t what you think, so it’s easy to leave clues…

The Numeric order - in order for me or my team to hit ANY harmonic - an Esoteric Value of Number has to be given. So you are given the order in the song. Huh? What? There he is - in the mushroom patch again…. No. Clues IN the song have been left.

Each note - be it drum, guitar, sound of voice - everything in each mini - microsecond of “Time” is like a layer of bread in a multi-layer of sandwich. Each “Song” has to have a point for us to “jump in” on - it’s NEVER in the beginning of a song - because you can actually crash, but you start listening to the song and find a “jump” on point. On a race track - where would you jump in a speeding car?

The song needs to be listened to its entirety BECAUSE THE LINEAR SOMG IS A LOOP - or you will get off my ride and our “universes” will change slightly (calculus - not my thing). Noticeably too. Like you will have liked a particular ice cream your whole life and suddenly you hate it.

The song has a NOTICEABLE change two minutes in, in the song itself. Before 2 minutes it’s like an up and down kind of ride - then it goes out and around. You can hear it. Then it eventually goes back to its own - up and down kind of thing before it changes again and does ANOTHER turn. If you could see it as a tunnel, it would be “S” shaped - if that were possible - but allllllll of the songs notes have harmonics that have harmonics - and they are all moving at an amazingly high rate of speed - and in between each note - is info that I need to tap into and force out of me. I need two others to do this.

Look at the lyrics. Clues were left for you even though the CD is 30 “years” old. Time isn’t what you think. Listen to the shifts in music - all of them in this song are CENTRIFUGAL. I’ll give an explaination about centripetal another time.

Tbe song is from White Zombie’s La Sexorcisto - the song is “Thrust”. The lyrics are really easy to move around in if ANY of this makes sense now - or later in your life. It’s SO freaking cool when you DO it, do it. Alone is one thing - using others Light/Sound/Gravity/Matter boosted with our thing as a team - the experience is fucking life changing. In a cool way. Real good way.

To anyone who wants to try listening to that song to see what I mean…

Welcome to Planet Motherfucker.

All of this I know to be True.



I listened to the song @pissedlizard and can you explain to me why the song makes my fingers and toes vibrate? It's  almost as intense as some songs on the Hemisync- Radiance list. Some of them ripple me up and down and left to right as if I was under a big bell. I hesitated to ask about that, but now this song does that too. Oh and I always use earphones. That's why I find so weird. It's with earphones and I don't have it on high/loud.

@alice what technique do you use to move around, like when you visited? (Sorry, I'm not so updated)


I was listening to “Second Sun” oddly. I wasn’t really thinking about anything other than the members of this group. Another odd thing I realized was you are the only one I know what you look like, and you are the only one I affected. I see a similar instance in the dreams. MM and I have our futures and presents seen in the dreams, and I am curious if this is the case as well.

@pissedlizard So you actively use this technique with 2 others? Or in need of? I am definitely short 2 other people that would accept this as truth and volunteer to use it. I definitely know what you are saying as far as “jump in points”. There are certain parts of a song that “hit” harder than others. Like this City of the Sun- for example- the moment I heard the music, is the moment I knew they were playing the “song of my people” if that makes sense. I introduce them to everyone I come in contact with to see if it affects them the same way it does me. Even someone who shares the same birthday as I do. No luck. I feel like I knew this all already.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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