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String instruments. That’s my thing. A guitar riff, violin, or fiddle.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Mirri - That’s a gooood thing! It means that you are open to “grabbing” the hooks so to speak. I know how confusing my ramblings are but there is a genetic link to your consciousness through your DNA to  the cosmos that coincides with a specific Numeric value. That’s YOU. That’s the hum you hear in the background that gets louder as you age, it’s the Numeric value that gives others the ability to “tune in” to you (ie all the “voices” we interpret as conciousNESS.

There is a link between “Us” doing our thing and you - and whoever you came from. Maybe our ancestors were neighbors right after ANY mass extinction event - and our “people” share that - which is one of many links.

Humans are NOT seen as ONE race or ONE ethnicity. They see us as a cocktail of many traits all tied together by something I have no business mentioning here. That’s what one of the main “Maps” so to speak that The Mantid line is looks at - to get to a very specific person quickly without stopping (your) Time.

So our “lines” have a link either genetically or astronomically. That’s the best way I can explain it.

Now, listen to a song by Tool called “The Grudge”. This has a VERY sharp Centripetal  component. In fact, I use it to train those that aren’t really from these parts and don’t quite get music. DONT look for it - just listen as you did the Zombie track. There is a TON going on in this song - the programmers of these gentleman's DNA are the Lamborghini of DNA makers. A TON going on. Focus only on nothing and see if you can feel the “tail hook” hit. It starts about 3 and a half minutes in. If you get it - THAT is literally a training tool. The whole song is - when listened to right after the song “Right in Two” (I didn’t choose that combination - but it’s “eternal”. The woman that DID was my partner in training and one of my highest concerns today.

You would be truly amazed at what goes on - right in front of our eyes that we just can’t “see”.

@Alice - We are all trained and placed together. Who knows - maybe you will make your decision about YOUR “ticket” to the other side and find yourself IN this trip - because it’s a fucking WILD one. But we all live in different areas and rotate with other “Humans” that are playing. If one doesn’t show up - all hell breaks loose. The One who Shall NOT be Named gets involved and lots of horrible stuff happens. It’s not nice. But all I can say is that it’s very clinical. Always in a place that changes. But the setting itself is very clinical. Depending on who is placed to do what - certain equipment is used - that’s really for the going “ahead” in time stuff. If we use another technique we do not need the object but we need to be physically touching - sitting inward with our legs crossed on each other’s. It’s uncomfortable as hell until you fall through the vortex and literally land at the “train station”. Then it’s off to do whatever to whoever. It’s so funny - I can see all the “yeah, right, buddy” looks LITERALLY and all I can say is remember this shit 15 years from now. Those of you who survive the vax - and the Wars that follow - this is going to be as common knowledge as you can get.

In fact @DM - in your search on your property for stuff - if you can - you need Gen 3 or above - but put night vision recorders out between now and the next new moon (NOT this upcoming one). Antarctica is rumbling -their anger is Echoing. Things are popping in and out of this reality like crazy down there.

So they say.

This I know to be true.




I listen to the Grudge on album and live version. The same spot I see spirals in my mind and then about 5 minutes in its like I am floating in a vortex or something like what I would imagine dying or being born would be comparable too. It continues on for about 2 minutes, then he screams.... I think thats the pattern.


Your PIC, why are you concerned?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice - that’s awesome - so at least you can understand what I mean - it’s not as easy as you think. Hopefully it will make some of this a little easier to see from my vantage point. True to form, I am going to write some wild, off the wall shit, and I get the difference between believing something and having an open mind to a possibility. I am of the understanding that the “regulars” here are smart enough to believe NOTHING until all senses are used to verify - and can at the very least entertain an off the rails statement or two.

I am writing a a lot of this for a lot of lurkers who have come to my attention - who are stuck in a fucked up version of “Groundhog Day” and have been there in the Esoteric Nature of Number - stuck in the fucking T2 internet loop. Like 1990s T2 internet. And they are scared. REAL scared and untrusting. I don’t like “people” in distress. At all.

Let’s talk about the Deagle numbers. They are very accurate but not how we all think.

Our DNA is very unique. We have fewer genes than some others from the animal kingdom and some less. But what we have is special.

Our DNA can be and is actively programmed in each one of us - sort of like a computer program but not really. We think our DNA is like a 2d puzzle when it’s really like a 3D one.

Now - here we go - take this or leave it. As long as the right people see THIS - that’s all I care about.

When I make the statement that there are hybrids - there are. In fact, many, MANY people have “Alien” DNA in them. Most have zero clue. But each of the Five have a TON of their DNA in human DNA.

My ENTIRE life was dictated by me calling out a college professor about junk DNA. If you don’t know what that is - it’s just the DNA that isn’t encoded in what we think are genes. People say it’s “junk” in case of mutations blah blah. But when he challenged me back my only answer was “Mother Nature doesn’t work like that. She is frugal.”

I should have phrased it different.

That “junk” DNA has a LOT of info. Some of it Alien.

There are less than one billion pure DNA Human beings on this planet right now. THE Deagle number is VERY correct BUT the populations are doled out (on his site) by his masters. And lords. If I am getting paid to make predictions you better your ass I am open to being bribed by those paying me. As I said - since 2010 people have been flocking to one geographical area because they think they will be financially safe (a MAJOR trait of one of the Five is that love of Au. They need it and convince OTHERS that THEY need it. And when they leave - well, some get fucked.

So the Deagle NUMBER is right, but the country numbers are bullshit. I am telling you right now - and as nuts as they sound now I will be proven more correct than most want to admit, but I am telling you two things I know to be 1000 percent true. Timugen the Wolf and his Wife, the Deer Borte are alive, on planet Earth and pissed beyond belief. THAT hell alone is gonna be bad - add this - and it just so happens to be the next emphatic statement is true - is that Imam al Mahdi is alive and here as well. I used to laugh at the story of the kid in the well. Shit. And he isn’t really happy either - but that Wolf….Tinugen?  Boy, he is nothing but PURE hatred and he is ready to move EVERYTHING he has amassed - Eastward ( like the song… ).

That being said - the hybrid thing - most people have no idea. Genotypically scientists can’t even read the fucking “junk” DNA and phenotypically they look human. Some with slight variations that came and go. But many - MANY - know EXACTLY what they are. Sometimes people catch it. Something is just “off”. Go and investigate. And get suicided. Go ahead. In America - follow one home and see how far you get. Seriously.

They are here to act on behalf of whatever  line they are in. It comes down to two different kinds of souls (T2 friends - just know that part when I get to it. That will help. On my end it will help).

But back to hybrids - not all are bad! Some are and literally have been Saints. GREAT people.

But THAT is the problem.

They aren’t true people. They THINK they are - but just because they have the same vortex as you and me (assuming you are Human) doesn’t mean that their DNA is even remotely close.

ALLLLLLLLLLL these vaccines. Look at what mRNA does!!! (Don’t get me started on the dendritic cells and shit. As a motherfucking medical doctor I had a grand total of 3 (THREE) patients who had a HISTORY of myocarditis - it was THAT rare. Over 20 years - 3. Now it’s EVERYWHERE. I am not saying that they are wiping out people who are hybrids… no - it’s the opposite - again - 2 different soul connections. They want to get rid of the HUMAN humans. The real ones. The people dying NOW of the vax are full Human.

Things are about to change. The Tracklist made a sudden change.

Let me hit this. There are 2 basic ways your soul is wired to your consciousness. its a little more complicated but the Megadeath is being sorted this way.

The first is an “individualistic” hardwire. You have ZERO bearing on this. You are what you are assigned at conception. For individual hardwired people your instinctive definition of “freedom” is: you leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. We can help each other - but if you are a dick to me - fuck you. Starve. And that person SHOULDNT starve because that person should at least be able to figure out how to feed him/herself.

The second is a collective hardwire. YOUR instinctive definition of “Freedom” is free of want. The collective takes care of everything for you. You have zero say in any of it despite the “human” illusions. You feed all and you are fed.

Neither is bad or good - it’s what Humans are.

The problems that are causing ALL hell to start bubbling up from the bowels of hell - seriously - is how a HUGE group of individual hardwired - consciousness to DNA - bowed to the Australian king. Honestly, it was expected that they would never disarm. This shit that’s going on is royally pissing off the Benefactors. Big time.

It’s why there is all the fucking hubbub at the Antarctic bus station right now. Again - lurkers - you know EXACTLY what I mean. Fuck that shit.

The final resting place, right now, all of these individual hardwired - consciousness to DNA (and there are plenty of individual wired people all over the place. It’s THE INSTINCTIVE FEELING OF FREEDOM - that’s what makes them feel out of place).  But one of the final FINAL big groups of us is here in the good old USA.

Now you can be a collective wired to DNA  and a hybrid - whatever - it’s those big traits that the hybrid has in its “junk” DNA - that’s where the info is stored - and you will instinctively feel the need to be part of the whole, but be HYBRID (junk DNA “hijacked”), but be a hybrid Needer of what we know as Au. And that person would come across as a Nancy Pelosi (oh I can’t wait for her to find what was placed in her Earth in Florida. Praise the Benefactors behind it).

But don’t think for one second that “Aliens” don’t walk with us - not on this Planet in THIS reality anyway.

Its fucking Cat and mouse.  Never ending Cat and fucking mouse.

Fungus is going to DECIMATE Americas streets. In the cities. The increasing homeless. A big life GIVER is truly a life taker. The shit being spread around now - blood to blood - like (IS) a petri dish. For those of you with issues - think about getting stuck in small cells with THAT.
IF we go the way of Australia. (Spoiler alert - not happening. We got lots and lots and lots and lots of Shapers and the whole Mantid line behind us.

We are ready. It’s okay to have fear - especially in that darkness my T2 friends. It’s okay. I am going to reveal a secret so you can tell I am not full of shit when you get there. When I was in high school I was nailing a bartender that lived in my cousins building. She bartended - in the mid 80s at a very cool place where Bleeker St. meets The Bowery. Back then - not now - but there.  A band was playing and I was IMMEDIATELY hooked. Immediately. I followed them all around that neck of the woods - King Tuts Wawa, the whole nine. But this ONE song made me have White Zombie as a major major player on my track list. That’s WHY I have the track “Blood, milk and sky” - if you cannot see America in that title, then you need to check what colors you see!

Here is the song  - not on any of their CDs - you can REALLY hear “The Cramps” influence. If you like NYHC.

King of Souls - White Zombie circa 1980s

That’s my top knot, T2ers. Go ride it. Have fun! I did. It’s a much better song live, but I’ll click you in there.

I hope this helps any of you-let me know what YOU Think of that song @Alice - I’m looking foreword to it!

All of this I know to be True.




MUCH clearer audio

This is Subjective.




I definitely identify with the individual hardwired consciousness. Freedom to me is live and let live as long as it is reciprocal. Also I could not care less about gold or money, it does not have any intrinsic value or motivation to me. In fact its artificial necessity rather disgusts me. Give me a mountain of gold and I would keep doing what I am doing. Feeling out of place? Check.

What's the path for us individually wired consciousnesses?


I wondered what the common denominator is for the vaccine issue. I haven't been able to discern a common pattern between the groups such as "vaccinated / unvaccinated" or "affected by the vaccine / not affected by the vaccine". It seems random on the surface.

How can we find out if we are human human or what our "junk" DNA contains?


With Temujin and Borte I assume you are referring to Genghis Khan and his first wife. This leads me to Mongolia and what you wrote earlier about the alien tech that was brought there by Biden 10 years ago. And east of Mongolia is China then USA... Is there a connection? What did Temujin amass? A massive bloodline. His DNA left traces in many many people.

Is this the right train of thought or derailed?


@pissedlizard Always fascinating your prophetic ramblings. Thanks!


DSKlausler has reacted to this post.


You are SPOT on.

What the path is depends on many things. What you feel - deep down - go with that to find out. Go with your INSTINCTS.

Us - Conciousness + DNA + meat suit; we are all pre-programmed while in the womb to gain experiences. For whatever reason - the you behind the curtain - needs or is somehow required to get experience. KNOWLEDGE is secondary but just as important.

In individual wired DNA - when you transcend or go into your vortex or however you want to phrase it - you have an option on death to be able to “donate” your knowledge (NOT) experience - to a big COLLECTIVE “tank”. Using instruments or techniques - you can access it. In other words - I have said here over and over and over that I had no clue why I became a doctor. The reason is  other people - who utilize the same methods - can tap into that knowledge at any time. And that info sent to “the tank” (its like a giant waterfall) is right there for them on demand. Collectives can do something similar, but they can’t access OUR knowledge. Collectives are like the younger consciousnesses. They are learning to live in a very high stimulation environment on a high gravity planet. Individuals have done that, collected what they need and move on. Some get stuck here, some stay here voluntarily, the rest have no idea. They collect the experiences that they are programmed to experience. Those who don’t donate do their thing until death. There is no advantage or disadvantage either way - here on planet Earth.

This is why Christianity is SO powerful. Jesus died for YOU. Not us. Many many MANY Christians are individual wired. And this is why the war on Christianity is so intense in the West.

The vax is evil. Try to find its mechanism of action. Like the REAL MOA. It is SUPPOSED to only target dendritic cells who bring the antigen to the lymph nodes and present it to cells that will kill anything with that antigen on it.

But it targets ALL cells. That’s part of the long and drawn out clinical trials with these medicines. Instead of using small, well controlled groups to figure that out-they are using the world population. So EVERY cell is is hijacked. The problem that the vax is - getting all of your other cells that DO NOT MAKE antigens - to  make antigens. They don’t do that - so they die.

There is also a glial cell component to these vaccines. I am willing to bet - very soon - Europe is going to announce that they are walking back the vaccine - then the rest of the West follows.

As far as us finding out what our junk DNA contains - unless you have access to a programming point - I don’t see how it’s possible.

After the Event, those still living will usher in a “New” way of doing things and technology will explode. By the 50s there will be presented, a box like thing that can produce anything at will. By the mid/late 60s it will be in every household.

I hope this helps!

This I know to be true.


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

No more money. I hope to the Good Lord I live to see that day. There'll be much tears and gnashing of teeth on the part of those scrooges obsessed by it, for sure. Boo hoo for them. Yay for the human beings everywhere.

As for the Magic Box, didn't Heinlein tell us all about that in Glory Road? The Puppet Masters was also telling us something, I'd wager.

Thanks for the background, PL. Always something sobering to reflect on.

Quote from pissedlizard on January 18, 2022, 12:48 pm

MUCH clearer audio

This is Subjective.



Nothing special for me; but tell me Mr. Lizard: how does a band, or member, come up with lyrics like these?

Really... what do you think? Drugs, dreams, "channeling"; orders from above?

White Zombie; King of Souls

[Verse 1]
Priests are gathered at the graves and
No one's soul was saved
They were fooling with the young man's pain
Child's mind had gone insane

Born in heaven, raised in hell
An angel of death that never fell
Trapped in a world I never made
I watch the sky turn black and fade

[Verse 2]
Scene of the crime was empty
Oh, there was nothing left for you to see
But you could hear the sound
Of the bodies breaking the ground

Plague of zombies run away
Remember hell came today
Scream, scream, scream again
My raid of terror shall now begin

[Verse 3]
Oh, in the hills they beat a song
How all was along, then it all was gone
But you can see the figures in the night
Shadows dancing in the flaming light

Born in heaven, raised in hell
Angel of death that never fell
Trapped in a world I never made
I watch the sky turn black, black and fade, fade


"I am willing to bet - very soon - Europe is going to announce that they are walking back the vaccine - then the rest of the West follows."

as the first country in the EU, Austria announced the mandatory vax for coming Februar 1st, Germany is just waiting to follow in March or April. And then the Netherlands and so on. So it looks now the other way around.

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