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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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What Shetty says: Virus is engineered, probably by the same ones who made specific vaccines, also the mutations are engineered; even if the virus shows mild first, there can be a reaction after 8 days for a subset which is not mild and not virus-like: it is a mild to severe allergic reaction on the spike prot, the spike being the engineered part of the virus to get it from a bat to a human. Also, the vax makes the cells producing spike in the whole body: again some people with up to severe allergic reactions, after 10 days or something. You can treat the reaction like an allergy, and if there are because of that infections also with antibiotics. Thing is, this reaction might have not been in the plan.

I had an allergic reaction to Astra 5 days after my first shot, It was crazy, itching like I have never felt in my life, hot cold flushes and skin rashes. The interesting thing was ( after 30 minutes of tapping away on the computer filling out a vaccine data base, I asked him and that was his response) the doctor I saw attempted to palm it off as a food allergy and when I stated that was impossible for I had not eaten for over 24hrs he became defensive and when I kept pushing "vaccine related" be started to attempt to verbally 'stand over me" by stating "I am the Doctor". I smelt a rat in the first 5 minutes of being there. Cheers Water Tiger from a Fire Horse.


WaterTiger has reacted to this post.

@watertiger and @tas just a little info I've come across. This Wood Tiger also had the Astra vax but no side effects, thankfully.

It seems that a common problem with the vaccines in the West is the nonsensical change of protocols to do with giving the injections.

Normally a needle is first aspirated before any injection. Simply, before plunging the needle, it is pulled out a little first to make sure that it hasn't hit a blood vessel. By not doing that some people get the vaccine injected straight into a blood vessel, instead of into muscle tissue. Then all sorts of things can go wrong!

Ultan McG, Chromacat and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGChromacatWaterTigerTas

I may have to stand before the Forum corrected and chastened after putting my foot in it this time! Raynor FullMilk has just made an appearance on the Alex Jones Show-- (aka U.S. military "intelligence" psyops, but let's not quibble about that. The same people who'll tell you Bite-em and Fat-Ass are communist infiltrators in pay of the CCP; rather than, ya know, the puppet representatives of U.S. military "intelligence" who are really "controlling things" Stateside that they are.)

Tucker Carlson will be interviewing FullMilk next week, I gather. Also gets a mention on Henry Makow dot com too! Wooah, the Big Guns are lining up behind this nugget of troof.

Must be legit so, I guess. My bad, 😂.

More like an attempt to preempt the incoming chaos by seeding the discourse with even more horse shit, if y'ask me-- if that's even possible. Next thing Q will be making a reappearance with the Grear White Saviour Avatar known to us outsiders as the 5D chess grandmaster himself: Donny "take the vaxx, I did " Trump.

(But forget about that last bit. That was just a blip.)

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Can anyone here honestly, and with a straight face, explain why this "vax" is supposed to be "the saviour of the human race" .... and ONLY the vax (I am talking about the traditional and mRNA)?

Why is it that anything else being mentioned as an "alternative" .. and we all remember the disinfo that was spread about HCQ (it's fishtank cleaner!! skyscreams) .. is being passed off as garbage?

Because I am one of the ....few??? that have refused to wear a mask, refused to get the vax (even under enormous pressure) and have refused to get tested for it. It is like a deep seated and visceral distrust - a sense of acknowledgment that something malicious is afoot ... (my government would never ever lie to me .....)



Qurow has reacted to this post.

The Domain told you what the MRNA is. And I personally wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Just so we're clear about that, 😉.

As for the vaxx being the saviour? That's all they had to convince Normie of so that he'd take it. You do know how propaganda and marketing work, don't you?

Looks like you should read the entire Domain Q&A sessions again. And Alien Interview, too. Or perhaps you haven't even read them in the first place.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


The Domain commander told you what the mRNA injection is. If you do not listen or believe, then LEAVE. This is not a forum for debate. The MM site is all about The Domain and their interactions with humans. With my personal narrative being the portal.

I do not want to be a "dick", however I want everyone to keep on track.

I just got an email about contrail "nanobots" to infect Americans so that the Vaxx results in massive death for the NWO. I get many of these kinds of emails, don't you know. I don't post them. Do you understand why?

We are focused on one thing, and we avoid all disinformation. All of it. That requires policing and discipline and discernment.

All MM readers are expected to possess discernment, and discipline.

Welp ...from what I have observed of the rest of the world, online and off, over the last twenty years is that many nations, Western or not, seem to think our ghastly Federal Government is representative of the attitudes of America.  That goes for the virus and the vaccine as well.

The Fed isn't representative of America.

It seems in this issue of Covid 19 the rest of the world, despite its hatred of the US Fed Gov, is urging us to pretty much drink its Kool Aid.

Very peculiar mixed messages. If they don't trust our Gov, why should we?

It's the same carnival of crazy when people abroad  bring up the topic of American slavery. They don't seem to grasp the pro slavery attitude was brought here by European colonizers. Or rather, ahem, (cough cough) their forebears. Back then it was bad. Now its A-Okay to have thousands of trafficked people come pouring into America to disappear into the system and abroad. If we stem the flow of trafficking in America, we are all collectively haters and racists.  There's a trafficking route just outside where I live all the way up into Detroit and Canada.  We are not even allowed to ask them if they are forced here against their will because its a violation of their rights. It would funny if it weren't so pitiful.

The same problem two hundred years later. As if Europe didn't buy the cotton, rum, and cane that slaves were producing in America. Not to mention the territorial island plantations  they illicitly ran with slave labor. Europe is still running them off the coast of Florida but not a peep from the rest of the world.

The Fed Gov is representative of Coastal Oligarch/ Welfare America, and the filthy city-state outposts it keeps scattered through the interior of Ameria. That is probably the only perspective that most of the world gets to see about America. What the media and the government wants it to see. They don't get to see that we don't want continuous wars, strife and violence. We don't hate everyone. We aren't our smug self-entitled government.  The rest of us are brushed under the rug as haters, murderers, xenophobics, and white supremacists because we object to the intrusions of the Fed Gov here and abroad.

Yet the complainers here and abroad go right into lock step with it even as they are complaining.

Even if you are black you are racist in America. In America we have the distinct and most EXCEPTIONAL situation of having more colored white supremacists than anyone else in the world. And people say our exceptionalism is a myth. But we aren't the ones who created the myth.

So when the Federal Government is distributing medical orders--which is NOT it's role, province or remit-- that makes absolutely no sense and totally shreds all known science, (antibiotics for viral infections?)  then flip flops all over the place and explains that way as nature and science evolving at the speed of light (historical! unprecedented!) ...then be doubly assured more Americans will not trust the government. Everday in America everything the government does is not based in science, economics, or law, or reason. Now it's all miracles! By God know the federal government is going to cure cancer!

Most of the world doesn't but for some reason they expect us to. Maybe their governments are not filled with idiots, fucktards and grifters and they can be trusted and expect us to trust ours as well even though they distrust and despise it.  Ours cannot be trusted regardless of what representative is currently heading it. Especially when it comes to our lives and health.

Not trust as a feeling. Trust as a action, a refusal to go along with the assholery. It's a legal means, not moral or emotional one. Moral and emotional is usually useless which is probably why Americans have the label of uncaring.

Now we have a government that is ENCOURAGING US and just short of ordering the rest of us to break our own laws over a virus.

A virus.

And we wonder why the nation is in such a violent the Coastal filthy city-state  outposts anyway that adopt the attitudes of our Gov.

Then when the Fed Gov decides it must force the issue on us as it has the rest of the world, rest assured we will not drink the Kool Aid.

In spite of complaining about the overreach of the US Federal Government into the rest of the world, people don't seem to grasp that we triply resent that same overreach here within our own borders. And that we are extremely puzzled that because they go along with the Fed Govs BS, that they are angry that we don't.

It's the Federal Government vs America, Vs the Rest of the World.With all focus on naughty America not doing what its lying thieving corrupt government is telling it to think and do.

So while people gnash their teeth over a healthy percentage of Americans who have refused the sweetened BS the US Gov is feeding us about the virus, I have one question. If our government is that corrupt, and it is, why should we trust it more than the rest of the world does?

In America, in terms of our health, we take the advice of a doctor if we are so inclined towards allopathic medicine.  Many of us are not.

Regardless, we tend not take health advice from a president, not the Fed, not the governor but from doctors.  And when a doctor, researcher, says perhaps we don't need or should not get the vaccine, we won't. Even the FDA admitted as much. The vaccine isn't for everyone. Therefore not everyone will be getting the vaccine. And the FDA has not stepped down from this stance. It's on every vaccine insert.

Do not get the vaccine if you are allergic to its ingredients commonly used in vaccines.  So people didn't. Yet they are now globally known as murderers making society unsafe for the global community. Because they didn't destroy their health to make someone feel better about themselves. This isn't a political problem this is a psychological problem which has distributed itself into political pockets.

The only powers we have left remaining against the Federal Government is Consumer Power. The power to refuse to purchase, participate or buy. The vaccine falls under that category of consumption.

Now everyone across the globe gripes about America's consumption. But the moment that America isn't consuming something they go flocking in the other direction screaming how awful we are.

Yet ...In refusing the vaccines for whatever reason we limit the overreach of the Federal Government. We are doing it. We are proving it.  I think that is really what scares the rest of the world. That we may actually succeed in neutralizing the great buffer that lies between Americans (real Americans not the Coastal whiners and snowflakes) and the rest of the world, the US Fed Government.  The governments at least of other nations would have a lot more to lose if the US Fed Gov were put back into its proper box.

But we dare do that without the rest of the world coming down on us like a ton of bricks?


~ Crow.


Chromacat has reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on February 9, 2022, 10:25 pm


The Domain commander told you what the mRNA injection is. If you do not listen or believe, then LEAVE. This is not a forum for debate. The MM site is all about The Domain and their interactions with humans. With my personal narrative being the portal.

I do not want to be a "dick", however I want everyone to keep on track.

I just got an email about contrail "nanobots" to infect Americans so that the Vaxx results in massive death for the NWO. I get many of these kinds of emails, don't you know. I don't post them. Do you understand why?

We are focused on one thing, and we avoid all disinformation. All of it. That requires policing and discipline and discernment.

All MM readers are expected to possess discernment, and discipline.

Just a reminder ...


"Plato, however, indicates that the fire is also the political doctrine that is taught in a nation state. The artists use light and shadows to teach the dominant doctrines of a time and place."


"Also, few humans will ever escape the cave. This is not some easy task, and only a true philosopher, with decades of preparation, would be able to leave the cave, up the steep incline. Most humans will live at the bottom of the cave, and a small few will be the major artists that project the shadows with the use of human-made light"


"Plato then supposes that one prisoner is freed. This prisoner would look around and see the fire. The light would hurt his eyes and make it difficult for him to see the objects casting the shadows. If he were told that what he is seeing is real instead of the other version of reality he sees on the wall, he would not believe it."


Also ... I missed what was said by the commander about the mRNA vaccines. Could you please point me in the direction where I can read it?


No, I am not trying to be a dick either. Just trying to be clear and concise.

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