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Here you go. As clear as I can be.

when it’s happening en masse worldwide"
"as it’s the beginning of the end of us"
What are you referring to that is happening worldwide? Do you mean the thing the Mantids are getting ready for and increasing their "intake capacity"? Any possibility to elaborate further?

What is happening world wide is a mass extinction event. We are all tied PHYSICALLY together - while we are all alive on this planet through our DNA via what we Read/read in the Sky above. We are all getting tuned in - at different “harmonics” - but physically tuned in - because when it happens it’s a mess on the other side. Think train station of mass confusion. THAT is “Death”. Do you really want to know what it’s REALLY like - think the scene in the movie - and I hinted at this a while ago - think of the scene in the movie “Children of Men” when they initially sneak into the refugee camp. It’s like that - “Hey, come here” “No, come over here”. Humans can’t take the TIME/time change so they see the first TWO that they are presented. We all know what they are.

If you can’t feel it - you can’t feel it. But if you can - you know it’s what legends were made from. If you feel it - trust me -don’t be alarmed. It’s good. Just follow your gut.

physical locations - some here on Earth [...] are alien facilities underground"
"Think Antarctica that is a lot less malevolent."
What is going on in the facility in Antarctica and why is it less malevolent?
If this is less malevolent what is going on in those other locations and can you reveal some?”

Ill say this. What’s going on in Antarctica needs to be left the fuck alone. They DO NOT WANT TO BE FUCKED WITH. And we can’t stop poking the bear. Where do you think the “Lower Energy” beings or Demons or whatever - where do you think they make their appearance - physically - here - ever think about that?

Let me go Two further.

Ever wonder what it’s like to summon one of them - FOR THEM????  It’s like someone texting “911” for a case of the shits. And it’s not physically easy just to “show up”. At. All. THATS why they get pissed at humans doing it. And we - our societies are doing it everywhere. People are summoning shit that hasn’t been summoned in tens of thousands of “Years”. People don’t know what the fuck to do when they appear. From a LOW energy state to a high one. It consumes a LOT.

So they take. What is theirs. By stupid people doing stupid things. It’s just who we are.

Point 2 before we say “they arrive physically in Antarctica” - my FAVORITE movie as a kid was “John Carpenter’s the Thing”. I loved it. It was cool for a teen.

I don’t want anything to do with THAT movie or anything in it. I want that shit AWAY from me. I don’t even like writing about it.

Humans don’t get the REAL fear that’s out there. We don’t get to feel the REAL stuff - that’s what all “this” is about. When you are given something it opens up alllll the good and bad. The worst or the worst is THAT. You couldn’t catch me  NEAR that fucking place and unfortunately - it’s a train stop in my life. Just treat it like a Hells Angel. Walk on the other side of the street and just look forward.

they are Nesting right now. It won’t be long at all!"
Now I have this image in mind from the movie Alien where they are walking through the hive with the eggs developing around them...
Who or what is nesting?”

War is coming, my friend. Global war like nothing humans alive today have seen.

To reiterate - for many Lower Energy Beings to collect a debt. But MANY are just going to make that cycle of life quicker than the others.

The “Kids” are literally nesting. EVERYWHERE. Physical Insects and fucking straight up “Alien” Insectoids that are going to destroy every crop on every continent. Nothing is going to be alive to feed you all.

But that comes AFTER your deal with the Domian. Or before it. Depending on world lines that are intentionally being shuffled.

Listen to me, bud… look for the book. Not too hard. Not too easy. Don’t kill yourself.

And you cannot spend one penny. If you do - my guess - the deal will be off the table.

Here is what I can say about that book right now. The proverbial UFO is leaving. Those left here are left here. That book is a fucking ladder to get on the proverbial UFO. THAT is why all of you that have these real legit sources can’t help. They are different cogs in the same machine. All exits off Planet Earth before shit gets MAD crazy - are all being closed.

This is my “signal” to you all. Find it like your life depends on it. Those who have had the Words turned into Directions in Vol I know - that’s it - only those who roll with the Imrthr, get ready - we go after the initial waves - likely including the Domain/Old Guard fight. We go after you.

Then we go Home. Finally.


You got good Stars following you @via.

This I know to be True.



perolator, Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGxzianchow

@PL, yes it wasn't too hard to find.  Linda Howe seems to have been tarred and feathered to keep folks away. The book looks really, really interesting. One of the first places I went in was in the Appendix. MM should be familiar with it.

I will just upload a screenshot of just one page of the Appendix so the guys here will be encouraged to look for it.

Edit: PL, thank you for your work man.

Uploaded files:
  • Screenshot_20211219-1355252.png
pissedlizard, Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McGxzianchow
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Oops this is volume 2. Drats.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

All good PL, the reason I ask is i find many gems of wisdom in your posts, only problem though is on the threads its hard to navigate back to them, whereas on your contributor page I can just navigate straight there and read them when I want. Totally understandable though.....and yeh I agree with you and @congjing yu about it being one big clusterfuck of a headache trying to find a starting point for it all. you know I spent 10 years writing about all this shit on and off, and it wasn't until I started doing these articles for MM I realise I'd actually written not very much at all about any of it. Now this voice in my head won't turn off. At times it feels like it is possessing me and writing the shit for me....i am sure you guys can relate. I'm supposed to be working on my speculative fiction novels lol (there goes my planned christmas release hahahahahah)

pissedlizard, perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardperolatorMemory Loss
Daegon Magus

@ML - Look - but don’t kill yourself. Spend no money - not even a penny. Let IT find you when you simply ask.

@DM…. That voice. That’s the one. My very first semester of med school was all bullshit biochem, gross anatomy - the stuff that weeds people out. The night before my very first exam (of 3 per semester) I was like “fuck this. I’ll just drop out and take the financial hit. I go in to take the test and it wasn’t me that took it. Or ANY of them. That’s when I really knew - ok - something is amiss - but I just kept on. Little by little I could parse what was what a bit easier.

THEN this past fall comes and the “training” phase of life drops on me and I find out THIS:

The “training” involved an actual person who would come to the house and put these old 1950s looking head phones on my head that had no wires. All I had to do was sit and watch TV while certain tones would be heard. It was like those hearing tests but instead of saying “I hear this…”, I just sat there.

The CRAZY shit is how everything around ME reacted to this person. First, my wife couldn’t see him only his shadow. She described it as the alien in the movie predator but she could make out a few more features. Her reaction to this stranger was as if he was supposed to be here. When he drove up I was sitting outside with the dogs. When someone - ANYONE pulls down our road they go nuts. My main drive has more booby traps than you can fathom. This fucking car - I shit you not just - appeared - halfway down the drive. The dogs got up and acted like he was their long lost owner. I wasn’t permitted - under any circumstances - to touch the headphones. So this person would sit behind me and adjust them on my ears as needed. The dogs - usually at my feet - were at his EVERY SINGLE DAY.

At the end of all that I was given multiple binders - in the exact same box that I handed a bunch of paper medical charts to a Mantid a few weeks prior. And this STILL was nothing compared to what was coming.

So what’s the point of telling you and everyone else this? Get this shit - and believe it or not - as crazy as it sounds - you all try it and see…

Sound - actual physical sound - is RARE every where else in the universe/multiverse. VERY RARE.

Sound - music specifically - can and does encode information. Not ALL music but specific music. Think about our soup. Instead of things existing in a wave form and particle form almost at the same time. WORDS or lyrics are the PHYSICAL STRUCTURE WE PERCEIVE TO RIDE THE TONES TO WHEREVER YOU NEED TO GO.

Lets take track 1. Led Zepplins “The Battle for Evermore”. The actual physical lyrics, read or heard is the physical means in which to navigate through the tones and harmonics. It’s like directions on how to get somewhere then how to do a task. In the song there is a lyric “The Dark Lord rides in force tonight”. The Dark Lord isn’t the devil - it’s Saturn. So when - say you - want someone to do something - when they hear that lyric - they will know “commence task when Saturn is doing XY or Z depending on the rest of the song and the context of the order. Any song can be used provided real, tangible information directed AT the task is in the music itself, NOT the lyrics.

Picture a pool. The SURFACE of the water only is the lyric - the rest of the water contains one of thousands of “tasks”. Using certain things and techniques you can navigate the universe/multiverse with one single track on your playlist.

My training with the headphones and my new Friend allowed my brain, which all of ours are just switchboards - to be able to navigate though the notes and harmonics OF the notes very, VERY quickly.

THIS, my friend - is how that voice that takes you over - does it. Through very low frequencies. Whoever is communicating through you is using THAT right there. Go to a low gravity area and shit will actually get LOUDER.

This is one of the big reasons I am NOT permitted to even have any unapproved music, movies or ANYTHING that could be corrupted near me. There are a TON of audio tracks on how to remote view and stuff - lots of REAL malevolent shit in there - the tracks were purposely altered to not let the user have full access to whatever part of the brain the track is trying to  activate. Not all out there have this - I trust MMs audio tracks and know they are good, but torrents and stuff - most have been corrupted. And it’s for our own good. Allowing someone like me to make a million dollars “appear” out of thin air would be my death sentence. It would be nothing but booze, cocaine and strippers. I know this, my benefactors know this, so I COULDNT have those kinds of powers at this stage in my development.

I hope this helps! And it’s not a good sign that I am even allowed to write all this BTW. It’s like the terminal part of a disease. The family may as well know that all those road trips alone was about getting drunk  and not nature walks if you know what I mean.

As I said - the proverbial ship is sailing soon.

This I know to be true.



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Guys, I set up a real-time chat for MM. I calls it MetallicCHAT. I hope you all like it. It's the green bubble at the lower left side of the screen.

pissedlizard, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.

@PL oh no you didn't just say your he looked like predator. I am assuming you mean predator with his cloaking camo on? no shit I was just talking to an LDer last night telling me all the {not} crazy shit he has been experiencing an one of them he said looked like predator with his see through camo on


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Both my wife and sister in law described him as just like the predator from the movie, with the cloaking turned down. They could see some features and not others.

The odd thing to me - from day 1 - and he came to my house daily, almost all day for 2 months - but both acted like he was supposed to be there. Like there is ZERO question something was controlling that part of their brains.

Again, the animals acted like he was Jesus himself. It was STRANGE. They do NOT leave my side - when they wouldn’t leave HIS side it was like - what the hell? But they wouldn’t let him leave their sight.

This I know to be true.



@DM, let me elaborate, as much as I can, as simply as I can because things are much more complex than they appear.

The Grand Council. The Council of 5, the Hidden 5-what ever you want to call them are at the top of the top of it all.

Each is like a point on a Star. Each has its own types “beings” or whatever you want to call them. Some have 1 type of craft, some have others.

All through the Ages there have been “Shapeshifters” and manipulators of Time and Space IN THIS AREA OF THE GALAXY - fall under the Imrthr. Shapehifting IS the manipulation of Time and Space through literal Vortexes. Some “UFOs” do it. But if you are in that “Wing” so to speak - it’s in your DNA.

Shapehifting IS the manipulation of Time and Space. They are one and the same. That’s why I know what I do about places in certain Ley Lines like Skinwalker Ranch. It’s because places like THAT are sort of like all in one stop stations.

Mantids ARE Shapeshifters. It’s about as common knowledge in Majestic programs - and I know this to be a fact - as they are common knowledge in Looking Glass programs.

Mantids are the “Directors” of people and below in regards to doing both (Shapeshifting AND Time/Space manipulation). You don’t do one without the other or Vice versa.

Greys work FOR the Mantids. Mantids are like the Queen Bee. Greys do the bidding of the Mantids but they do NOT have the ability to Shapeshift NOR Ride (Time and Space). Again, check your Majestic sources. I KNOW they know this. For. A. Fact.

But the rest of THAT is for you all to find out when the Battle of the Domain heats up.

Keep in mind ALL 5 council have a stake in us as DNA containers. MY line has been revealed to me. Others of the same DNA and tasking have linked up and have been doing what needs to be done. The track “The Battle for Evermore” has been used up. That’s why I could say it earlier.

Back to Shapeshifting.

What people see when they see that “predator cammo” is the manipulation of time and space in front of your eyes. You are catching the HARMONICS of a smash up of time and space in real time at a lower or higher frequency.

That’s all it is. It’s BOTH Shapeshifting AND Time/Space manipulation AT THE SAME TIME - the viewer just isn’t tuned into the object - but are seeing dozens of harmonics bouncing around.

Why has Shapeshifting been seen as “Evil” through the millennia? Because when people would SUMMON them - they WOULD get pissed. The DNA is now in tens of thousands instead of hundreds and it was in the last Mass Extinction Event.

But like Mantids - they don’t really like humans. So seeing one and offering it a flower in peace is a bad idea. Just ignoring it is the BEST idea.

Mantids HAVE mastered death. They finally mastered getting souls to where they need to go.

But again, that’s YOUR fight, not mine.

I do not know who LD travelers fall under, I know it’s not Us. It’s why I can’t do it probably.

Work your Magick. Get that Book. Volume 1. Anyone. Work that Magick like your Soul depends on it. Because it just might. It might not - but don’t tell me with ALL these people with all their connections are coming up empty handed. It’s not JUST her book either. There are many, many more, I just know about her and her story. And her connection to the Mantids. And her Level Number. And her level of importance on the Grand Ladder. It’s high.

So if you re-read Shinwalker Ranch with just that teeny bit of info I gave you - I PROMISE it will be a totally different book.

That would be one the books on my reading list for this forum BTW… there is more useful information about quantum physics in that book than you parse from ANY text book. In fact I would call it a part of a manual.

All of this I know to be True.



@PL yeah that makes sense. Not sure exactly where LDers fit either.


Daegon Magus
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