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New printing out for 50 bucks per volume.

Hey PL, shop from her and save,yay.



perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

She has been around for a while. A long while. She made many documentaries, been on all kinds of tv shows.

Fortunately nobody takes her seriously.
@goldleaf - all I can say is you’ll see. You’ll see HER.

@ML - if it isn’t the best 50 dollars you have spent - I will personally just reimburse you. As I said - it’s part of a Manual in some circles.

To say “put shit in perspective” is putting it mildly - even for those in your battle. It’s Universal.

This I know to be True.

Quote from Memory Loss on December 18, 2021, 12:25 am

New printing out for 50 bucks per volume.

Hey PL, shop from her and save,yay.



Volume I Sold Out there Buddy. V.II is available.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Volume I. Is the meat and potatoes. All of the information set forth has been presented only in Volume I.

Volume II. makes NO sense without Volume I.

Volume I. has all of the diagrams and maps. All of the places described in MMs posts are in there. Drawings and stuff.

It’s invaluable. As I said, mad props to finding it now.

All of this I know to be true.



I dunno, is this download really free, with a free account?

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

I alway hit the free account wall and stop there for these kind of stuff. Can never get reviews on these websites lol. Will have to create a email for access I suppose.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

This is a report i wrote directly after having a one hour phone conversation with Linda back in Jan. I put it in my autobio but Linda didn't want to be associated with the publication so i referred to her as "H". and yeah, she knows about a lot of the shit MM has talked about, even if she hasn't publicly said so. Unfortunately, her connection to MAJ is vicariously through her ex CIA contacts, so it is hard to know whether any disinfo has been injected into their narrative before reaching Linda. I ended up offending her quite badly when i referred to her as a UFOlogist - apparently this is a term that takes away from people like her's work, i wasn't aware of it being wrought with such stigmatism. It was probably just as well because I was obviously starting to sound bat shit crazy with the amount of info bombs i was dropping on her via email lol. They didn;t have as much back context as I provided on MM here:

              COLD DARK SEA

{Name omitted but herein referred to as H} is a well known researcher of UFO and ETs, and has amassed quite an impressive collection of testimonies from scientists and military personell who claimed they had direct first hand knowledge of subjects related to extra terrestrial activity on earth, since she first began researching the phenomena back in the 80s.
I first reached out to H regarding some experiences  I had, which basically pertained to contact with off world entities through the use of lucid dreaming and astral projection practices.
Part of my wanting to reach out to her was born on the assumption that there was some kind of war taking place in the astral planes that I had been actively involved in, along with others in my inner circle.
In relation to this, my experiences involved beings telling me about a spiritual amnesia cutting humanity off from a state of conscious awareness that was originally meant for them, and the idea that reincarnation was a deliberately engineered faculty by the same perpetrators of this amnesia.
Those off world entities that made contact with me implied that should this amnesia be left unchecked, it would see us wipe ourselves out through the needless consumption of earth’s resources.
Part of my involvement in this astral war was apparently in an intelligence gathering role on this on amnesia. What my “team” – or hive consciousness – had found was that it was being kept in some kind of a “black hole anomaly” that existed somewhere at the edge of the 5D universe (non physical plane). It was because of my involvement in this operation that I was “initiated” into an astral based group consisting of 5 members, the leader being an off world intelligence, to which I called them the Unseen 5, who were apparently tasked with the monitoring of the alien presence on earth, as well as the inter dimensional traffic coming into and out of it; this particular group was what had made me reach out to H to begin with, as they sounded very similar to a group she had reported on called the Council of 5. The only other mention of the Council of 5 I could find was a brief reference to them in what was called the “Alien Race Book” (ARB) which purported to be a KGB briefing document that was found within the boxed away inventory of a retired Russian minister.
Basically I had been given the role of “recruiter” for this group, of those with astral and lucid navigational abilities to bring them within the ranks of the Unseen 5.. They wanted to recruit those skilled in these areas to help put a stop to the problem of the amnesia and the threat it posed to humanity. This role came about because of my responsibilities in the amnesia correction program given to me by another astral based group I called the Elder Guardians.

H replied to my email asking if I could go into more detail on the Unseen 5 stating that she wanted to call me in regards to a geophysical event that might occur between 2021 and 2043, to see if I might be able to help provide her with information on such an event.
After some problems with bad reception preventing me from receiving the call, H was finally able to get through, and we ended up chatting for 53 minutes and 30 seconds (originally I thought it was about 2 hours), according to the call log report on my phone.
She asked me if it was ok if she recorded the conversation, and for legal reasons, asked me about my background, including name – both birth name and any name I wished to be referred by on her programs – , place of residence, where I was born, and occupation etc.
I relayed such information including that I was an electronics technician but had been full time caring for my wife for quite a few years due to her suffering from a neurological condition. The crux of the conversation then started with H asking if I knew if phone towers could be the cause of this illness, to which I replied that I held an advanced licence in Radio Communications, and although I disagreed with most conspiracies on the subject of 5G as I was aware of how electromagnetic radiation works, there seemed to be a correlation with my wife’s sickness and her immediate environment, as it seems to go away to some extent when we go on holiday, far away from civilization.
H then went on to talk about the astral war I had mentioned in my email. She said that she was very much aware of this same war, as she had been contacted by a high ranking physicist that worked for the CIA, a number of years ago when she had attended a conference on Ufology in the USA. This physicist had specifically approached her when she was walking through the crowd and whispered in her ear in an attempt to have the white noise of the crowd block out “listening ears”.
What he told her was that the CIA were very aware of an astral plane that “wrapped” around the earth and the physical universe, and what is more there was an inter dimensional war taking place there. She alleged that all entities existing in the astral world were parasites that were interested in feeding on “human souls”; although I would say this was my impression of a great many entities that dwell there, I would not agree it was “all” of them.
According to the physicist, the CIA were very active in the development of advanced “weaponry” they could take into the astral planes to fight these particular “demons”.
At one point she stated she is in contact with a highly accomplished remote viewer that was also part of this CIA operation, - Project Stargate - and confirmed that what this physicist said was correct , as he had been actively gaining intelligence on this inter dimensional war whilst working for them.
I am aware of declassified papers on the CIA website that allude to remote viewing and astral projection (referred  to as the gateway experience) being utilized for some of their operations, particularly in regards to alien structures and foreign enemy installations.
One of these documents outlines a remote viewing session of the “Galactic Federations Headquarters”; the description from the viewer sounded very much like part of a place I used to frequently visit during my times lucid dreaming in my youth, which I called “the Island”.
I mentioned this island to H, and the sky that was always purple like it was stuck in a state of evening twilight, and she relayed to me that her remote viewer had also experienced similar places stating that, to paraphrase, “he said many of these other worlds he had viewed had similar beautiful purple skies and at times did not want to exit the session”.
The conversation then turned to my contact experiences and the idea that reincarnation had been deliberately engineered to allow these parasites better control to feed off our souls. She wanted my opinion on how to get rid of them, to which I told her I didn’t really have an answer, but yes essentially that is what I thought reincarnation was, based on information that had been given to me via these off world intelligences.
H’s attention then turned towards what I had referenced as the anomaly. She said this sounded very similar, almost exactly the same, to something that had been described to her before, many years ago. She apparently had another contact within the CIA, who had been given this information directly from the mouth of a MAJESTIC 8 agent, which was very much related to the MAJESTIC 12 – the gist I got was that it was the MJ12 before the 4 additional members had been added, though H was vague about this connection. MAJESTIC 12 was the group who had allegedly been created after the 1947 Roswell crash to retrieve any and all material related to UFOs and Aliens, and ensure a cover-up was put in place to prevent the public ever finding out the truth.
What the MJ8 agent had told her CIA contact was that there was a “cold, dark sea” far out in the universe that covered a large portion of it – it was different to normal space, and functioned similar to a sea in that it ebbed and flowed.
When the CIA agent asked the MJ8 agent what it was, he was told “you don’t want to know”. H wanted to get my opinion on if this sounded like the same anomaly I had witnessed, where the mechanisms of the spiritual amnesia were apparently being kept, to which I replied it very well could be, but was slightly different as I was viewing it from a different plane, through a different state of conscious awareness.
H then asked me if I had ever had any apocalyptic style visions of tsunamis flooding the earth, to which I replied not specifically tsunamis but that I had had many dreams of nuclear bombs going off in my neighbourhood.
H then told me if I had anything I wished to share with her that I felt was too sensitive to be discussed over the phone or unsecured email that I could use whatsapp and proton mail to email her as they were secure avenues that scientists and other military contacts used to get information to her.
I obliged, but given the nature of this being a highly complicated subject, I feel that, in hindsight, much of the material I sent to her may have not been given the attention it deserved. I feel my reports were too incomplete to contain any usable \information, which is what turned her off them. Ultimately H made it clear that she was no longer interested in any of the material, to which my communications with her came to a respectful end. I have retained the original emails from H.

perolator, Memory Loss and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory LossDSKlauslerxzianchowazark
Daegon Magus

and here's the email prior to the phone conversation (i told her i was in Australia, but not whereabouts, hence why she assumed Sydney) for the lurking skeptics

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pissedlizard, perolator and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Awesome interview, bud! You wrote:

”they sounded very similar to a group she had reported on called the Council of 5”.

This ride that I am on this time around - THEY are the top of the top. I am not too certain of the Russian book, I’ll look when I get a few spare minutes - literal class training more intense than med school - but they are the 5 Overseers. I have mentioned at least one Race in a post this past summer or fall (up here).

Wether they are your unseen - I have no idea.

But she is straight up 100 percent legit. Notice it’s IMPOSSIBLE to find her book? Even on torrent sites. And we all know everything lasts forever on the internet, right?

Her book is part of a manual. I can’t stress this enough.

I feel bad for her. She has been screaming this at the top of her lungs her whole life -  and now it’s too late.

This I know to be true



@PL I sent the Russian ARB to MM and he thought it looked a bit suss, likely a fake. In saying that though the ones apparently in charge of the Council of 5 were called the "Emerther" and the image they used as closest representation to them was skinny bob.
You say you are quite certain the Council of 5 are the top of the top? Apparently the Unseen 5 are the only ones that monitor all interdimensional traffic coming into and out of earth and the astral planes to that extent - everyone else just sort of monitors a small section here and there. I know that they watch every single person with astral projection/ lucid dreaming capabilities and keep tabs on them; this I know to be 1000% true.

pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
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