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@DM - if I were a gambling man I would put your Unseen 5 and the Council of 5 as the same thing.

The Emerther/Imerthr/however we want to pronounce it as - yeah - one of the Five - so that’s where my money is.

And I know - for a fact - that sites claiming to representatives of them are actively being smoked out. Personally, I was amazed at the amount of sites that are just some bored inmate at a prison (in American prisons you get internet access and iPads depending on your race now).
In fact, it’s my understanding that these clowns actually get a nice visit and talking to in their cells. Some are legit, 99.9% are not.

The Imrthr have no shape or no form in their natural state. This is why the Mantids fall under them. Any “Shapeshifting” type beings always fall under their “Command” so to speak, but that doesn’t mean that the others at the table have no say in their affairs.

What people - even at times STILL myself  included, just really have to wrap our heads around ALLLLLLL of MMs stuff - the quantum stuff - and just literally tell ourselves not to be freaked out when it’s happening en masse worldwide. I say this because it really seems “unnatural” when it’s as natural as the universe itself.

Also the “layers” of command TO the Grand Council are wildly convoluted - so just getting something to get to them at times can involve the most crazy bullshit you can imagine, at others it’s as easy as an intention.

Her book should be available to you SOMEHOW DM. I wish I could post my copy. When you get it - seriously - it’s going to change everyone’s perspective in a way “Alien Interview” did and then some. But it’s only being made available to those who need to have it in their heads so to speak.

It’s amazing how - her whole life this woman was ridiculed and mocked now - as it’s the beginning of the end of us - everyone wants a copy.

I call you all “My Corner” to them. Like “can I say this or that to my corner” almost always an adamant NO is the answer but some things they seem eager to share. THIS thing - yeah - I’ll go paragraph over paragraph if you want. I can give the physical location - - and they are physical locations - some here on Earth (like Skinwalker Ranch and other hot spots) are alien facilities underground. When some people say they were abducted and taken on to a craft - that craft is less than a mile underground. Think Antarctica that is a lot less malevolent. MUCH less.

As I said, my friend, they are Nesting right now. It won’t be long at all!

And the Mantids really do not like humans. Like at all. They are like babysitters. Why?

As MM has written about many many times - one species figured out how to create life with the fusion of acrosome and egg. That INSERTS consciousness.

Getting that consciousness back at death to be recycled are what the Mantids did. That is their contribution to “the research” on creating life. This is why each one of us is assigned one. The relationship develops the same way a sniper develops a relationship with his prey. Ask any one who has done it and they will tell you they get to know the person quite intimately before they kill. It’s like that. They don’t give a fat rats ass about what happens to us per se - the individuals are cared about not the group.

Also she is very clear about the rest of the Universe/Multiverse view on the Greys.

As soon as you find that book - it will CLEARLY explain my argument that the Greys are a dying race. The Mantids oversee the Greys. That is the only hint I can say without really going into HER stuff - because it’s not my place to say. I’m just a lowly cog in this machine trying to stay well oiled. The ones that are at a higher level than me can do the talking on THAT matter.

I am MORE than confident that you or MM or someone here will be granted access to it. More than confident.

This I know to be true.



DSKlausler and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on December 18, 2021, 11:39 am

But she is straight up 100 percent legit. Notice it’s IMPOSSIBLE to find her book?

Bill Ryan over at Avalon has or at least had direct contact with her. I get along well with Bill, so I just asked him... he does not have the book, a PDF, and no source to get it. I followed up, saying what you just did. Nothing. Strange.

@pissedlizard I always enjoy your long posts packed with hints to ever deeper levels of hidden truths. It makes me long for finally learning what is really going on, to get to the bottom of it. However whenever I think I have figured some part out, new information pops up that turns it upside down or at least questions the things I thought I had figured out. There seems to be no end to this search.

Are you willing and able to offer some insights to the things your alluding to in your statements?

"when it’s happening en masse worldwide"
"as it’s the beginning of the end of us"
What are you referring to that is happening worldwide? Do you mean the thing the Mantids are getting ready for and increasing their "intake capacity"? Any possibility to elaborate further?

"physical locations - some here on Earth [...] are alien facilities underground"
"Think Antarctica that is a lot less malevolent."
What is going on in the facility in Antarctica and why is it less malevolent?
If this is less malevolent what is going on in those other locations and can you reveal some?

"they are Nesting right now. It won’t be long at all!"
Now I have this image in mind from the movie Alien where they are walking through the hive with the eggs developing around them...
Who or what is nesting?

I have been looking for the book of Howe as well and could only find physical used copies for quite a hefty price. That'll have to wait then.

Thanks and all the best to you

pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Quote from daegonmagus on December 18, 2021, 10:17 am

H then asked me if I had ever had any apocalyptic style visions of tsunamis flooding the earth, to which I replied not specifically tsunamis but that I had had many dreams of nuclear bombs going off in my neighbourhood.

She knows what Amallulla does... crustal displacement is coming.

pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on December 18, 2021, 2:02 am

Volume I. Is the meat and potatoes. All of the information set forth has been presented only in Volume I.

Volume II. makes NO sense without Volume I.

Volume I. has all of the diagrams and maps. All of the places described in MMs posts are in there. Drawings and stuff.

It’s invaluable. As I said, mad props to finding it now.

All of this I know to be true.


Ordered from Abe Books; no PDF available.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

@vianamoinen - I appreciate the kind words. The fact that you see how I am trying to leave breadcrumbs is EXACTLY why I write somethings odd and some REAL odd - it’s because I get edited. Like I literally submit - even this - and have to twist and turn things in certain ways for certain groups - of which I only know who I need to know - and I get back what has to be added or whatever. But it’s on purpose.

What amazes me more are your questions. Out of 20 points - and each of yours are one of of the SPECIFIC points - to let certain groups do what they gotta do.

In other words - that post - looks like a confusing fucking mess to most people. Even AI can’t get it right yet. Some see some parts and some see more. You are dead on. It’s calming on my end - believe me.

Which leads me to this. Try digging for Volume 1 without spending 1 penny. I bet - after a little searching - it will appear like fucking Magic. That’s where my money is. As I wrote before - this is late in a smoking out the con men phase. There are very specific reasons for actions  we have yet to think up. How’s THAT for confusing? Unless you read MMs posts - pretty insane.

Those questions I cannot answer at this point in Time. I’ll go one at a time so hopefully. When that book finds you - all of those questions will be laid bare and shit will make much more sense.

I will say this. How WE see this planet and others see it are literally 2 different ways. We see land water and ice. Others see Energy. Others energy. Some see Gravity, Some see all different kinds of ways.  We humans are here incidentally. We are someone’s property who is renting space FOR us while we are here. And that’s alllllllll there is to it. Is the Mantid thing starting to show up as everyone FEELS the planet going through some phase? And we can act like fucking children and say “all is well” - Bullshit. Anyone who is preaching THAT right now ANYWHERE on Planet Earth needs to seriously get good with their Mantid because they are lying. Don’t buy it from your governments or anyone else. Ignoring your gut is a sacrilege. It’s LITERALLY why am doing what I am doing. I never ignored it. “learn Arabic and Farsi and Islam and here are x amount of units of time” I was told. Ok. At that time I was the most vile anti-Muslim on Planet Earth. I hated EVERYONE. Except Israel. I supported them. So I do it. Turns out the hate goes away and all is cool. I genuinely figured it was to really calm some shit down.

NOW - someone is paying A. LOT. Of money for a well known Astrologer to give me private lessons. A TON of money. Turns out THIS is why I needed to learn all 3. Me not wanting to fucking shoot every Muslim I see and now are at least friendly with them means NOTHING to those Wings I fly under. It’s this crazy Astrology stuff. It’s INSANE when you speak those languages. Me being a nice guy is because of it is more the thing of jokes than anything else.

I’ll try to answer some specific stuff for you tonight.

Good stuff, though buddy! I am all smiles, believe me!

This I know to be true


xzianchow has reacted to this post.

@PL just out of curiosity man, you planning on doing any more articles, or have you hit a brick wall with the things you are allowed to say?

Daegon Magus

@DM - I plan on doing as many as I can - just right now it’s an impossibility. I know it sounds strange - what difference if I write a shit ton here or as a contributor - but it really does make a very big difference.

The other issue is vantage points. My vantage point is becoming stranger and stranger by the week and I don’t want to say anything that can be taken as counter to what you all are doing. It’s like the finite/infinite universe thing. Even though the two theories opposite, they are only opposite at one point in Time. Again - think standing in a donut - inside the hole but looking INTO the donut. THAT is your bubble. That is your LOOP quanta living WITHIN the infinite quanta.

Well, this is going to run counter to other Species or Beings or whatever. Because THEIR laws of physics go beyond quantum physics. Your “soul” understands those laws but OUR consciousness does not. That comes about 700 years from now. In human consciousness anyway.

I certainly do not want to fuck the fight up that you all  are prepping to fight. Picking through consciousnesses is a bitch. I don’t have to tell YOU that. It’s going to be hard enough without my ass flying off the handle and saying shit unfiltered.

I don’t know if you have to be edited but MM does. And it’s real hard. 1st draft-no. 2nd?- no. 3rd? - no. 4th. - combine 2 and 5.  I didn’t write 5. Not yet. Fuuuuuuck. Now? - go with number 2.

It’s THAT. On steroids. And it’s not so much here it’s sending shit to different areas so to speak. As I said- just a lowly cog.

This I know to be True


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Yeah, I have to agree with PL on this. It's so confusing to put into a simple singular narrative as I have tried.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from daegonmagus on December 19, 2021, 7:57 am

@PL just out of curiosity man, you planning on doing any more articles, or have you hit a brick wall with the things you are allowed to say?

@dori2190 I already asked PL the same: more articles. I know it is hard, according to what PL already published though. @pissedlizard, can you use <redacted> as MM does?

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