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SHTF thoughts

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You would be surprised how many "lurkers" come to read the comments rather than the actual articles. Keep on posting.

Suddenly new mask mandates are passing in some parts of California because of the "scary new Delta variant" of COVID-19 that is "extra, extra contagious".  The new indoor mask mandates include those already vaccinated with the "approved" Big Pharma jabs.  So what good are the jabs?

A while ago parts of Australia went back into lockdown, again including the vaccinated.  So again, what good were the jabs?

These points reinforce the thought that the Pfizer and Moderna jabs have another purpose, and that is not protection from or control of COVID.  We'll see when vaccinated people begin developing autism or early-onset Alzheimer's within two years, die within three, and those fortunate enough to escape those fates find they're sterile.  That's a real SHTF scenario.

The problem for TPTB is fear fatigue.  The number of vaccinated adults in the US has stalled at less than 60%.  The goal had been proclaimed to be 70%.

The sheriff of Los Angeles County had said he and his deputies will not enforce the new mask mandates because these are contrary to US CDC guidelines and not "based in science".  Now that's a tacit admission the real intent of the mandate is to instill fear—but that's not working so well now...

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The entire world is a shit-storm right now. The primary reason is the collapse of the USA. Of course, those people like us expats are doing ok. But when a commode explodes, it affects the entire house. Not simply the bathroom...

And speaking of World War III being conducted by bio-weapons. Check out this little article...

Rare monkeypox virus reported in Dallas resident...

This too, Mr Man. Vomiting bug? Ring any bells?

This is causing BIG panic in official circles. I wonder why? Hmmmmm.

Karma, eh? What goes around comes around.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Hey guys,
as we have to figure out a way through these bioweapon scenarios and keep ourselves and our families safe, I want to share something that might be useful for you. If you feel that you want to know more about it, reply and get in touch.

The way I am prepping our household for unknown viral threats is by producing my own natural medicine from mushrooms (and doing my affirmations of course). Extracts from certain fungi show remarkable activity against a whole host of different virus families, such as flu, Herpes, HIV, coronavirus and many more. They are also being used in cancer treatment to great effect. In fact some extracts have shown "off the chart" activity in decreasing viral load compared to conventional drugs, so that the BioShield BioDefense Program (USAMRIID/NIH) got deeply involved in this research.

USAMRIID/NIH work together with the main authority in the field of fungi research, namely Paul Stamets. You can check out a talk of him about medicinal mushrooms here.
He has also been on a Joe Rogan podcast talking about the psychedlic side of mushrooms, calling them a portal to the multiverse (though I have never tried this path and don't know anything personally about this use of fungi.) Check it out here if this interests you.

I am always on the lookout for Chaga when I walk the northern forests of Finland. When I do an alcohol extract and a hot water extract to combine the two it makes for powerful medicine. I add it regularly to my cup of coffee. Hit me up if you want to know how to do this and I'll write something up.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


In my honest opinion, as an honest to god doc, I can say this with 100% certainty: You are on the right track. The closer we get back to natural healing the faster we will heal ourselves. Period. I cannot stress this enough.

Modern medicine IS great. It is. But it has its place.

I do not know what books you have on your shelf but if I may make a suggestion - whatever geographic location you are in find ethnobotany books or articles. Here in Florida there is an actual text you can get on Amazon called “Florida Ethnobotany” which is amazing if you live here. Another called “Medical Botany-Plants Affecting Human Health”. THIS one is what made me go down the Vedic medicine rabbit hole I have been running in and out of for a few years.

I would love to hear more of what you are doing. I am a pretty big nerd so I have my own place to do extractions and that kind of lab stuff. I have been working on one project on and off with isolating compounds from the Southern Prickly Ash tree which has similar qualities to mushrooms.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Everyone I know here in the Midwest of America knows something bad is happening. As I see it, what’s going to transpire through the end of the year, in all likelihood, is as follows:

1. Pfizer/Moderna get FDA approval in September. This will be farcical on its face because they will still be in phase 3 trials through 2022/2023. But we abandoned science and reason in the USA a LONG time ago, and we no longer have the rule of law, so it will get approved anyway.

2. Approval will set off a wave of corporations requiring vaccination of their workforce. However, at this point a sizable percentage of the unvaccinated believe these vaccines to be dangerous, a “kill shot” and possibly even a depopulation vector. For these people, it is quite literally a life or death situation and a war. They will refuse.

3. Lockdowns will return in September across the country, based on “cases,” even though deaths from/of/with/by Covid are completely immaterial. States will further balkanize with many refusing to implement lockdowns. A small percentage of leftists will become disillusioned by the return to lockdowns - after doing everything they were told was needed to “open up” - but most will simply comply.

4. Massive inflation will hit the store shelves. 5-10% monthly would not surprise me. The response will be, of course, more money printing, leading to higher inflation.

That probably gets us through the year.

I guess I could add:

5. The vaccines will increasingly be shown to be extremely dangerous, deadly, and ineffective. The response will be more media gas lighting and the rollout of “boosters.” States will begin implementing vaccine passports.



pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

You are going to be spot on in your predictions. The way we are headed - that looks like the best outcome.

I don’t know if you saw it but the Obama Administration 2.0 is now getting the UN involved with “white supremacist” issues.

Start talking UN and people cringe, right? All those nuts in the 90s with their crazy conspiracy theories, right?

This is a straight up FBI op. Get a bunch of people who are really angry and all riled up - then put “informants” in to kick things off. We saw it with Whitmer and with Jan 6.

Hate him or not - this shit would NOT be happening under Trump.

People outside the US - yeah, I get it. I do. But he DOES love his people and he DOES love America. Objectively - calling it what it is - the guy is STILL working to slow the boat.

This administration is doing EXACTLY what it was meant to if you war game it.

This administration is CREATING Trump supporters - thousands by the day.

I have a picture of a black guy - in my town - whose truck is ALL Confederate flags and Trump stickers. And in the South the Confederate flag means a love of an IDEA. That the federal government should stay the f-ck out of state issues. THAT is what it means

But a BLACK guy? And this is new - he parks his truck every weekend at the store.

Obama 2.0 is doing what it was meant to. Tear us right apart so we can get hit.

Hopefully it will be quick.


You have to wonder why the American injections do not follow the well-known and well-established vaccine procedure. Yet they are called "vaccines".

The world is in World War III. It's not a pandemic. It's global war by American made Bio-weapons. The Chinese and Russian injections are with real vaccines using a dead virus. The American injections are something different entirely.

America is "falling back" internationally. From the pullout from the staging location in Afghanistan, to the German-Russian pipeline, to the idea of establishing military "containment" bases around China. All are being reduced in scale or abandoned completely.

All this week, America has been trying to call China in regards to buying American debt. China completely refuses to talk. China's attitude is why buy worthless shit? They don't need to, any threats to force them to do anything are now supremely dangerous as China now has teeth to snarl and snap back with.

America is now forced into two options. [1] Raise interest levels, with would increase the debt payments every year, or [2] severely cut back on government.

What is America going to do?

So many of your points are so dead on - but this “The Chinese and Russian injections are with real vaccines using a dead virus. The American injections are something different entirely.”

That is EXACTLY what “anti - vax” people are saying! What is everyone ELSE doing? Why aren’t any government that likes its people using the mRNA vaccine.Why us? And why is Obama 2.0 pushing so hard. People are is dire straits in America but we have money to go door to door with this nonsense? Nope. Keep it.

Personally I am more than thrilled that we are out of Afghanistan. The only reason we were there was to prevent China from making a pipeline to Iran. The “evil Persians”. They (the  US government)9  truly believe we are all idiots.

These are the most vile creatures that I have encountered. And they are out of control.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
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