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My wife’s workplace is now requiring Covid injections. We will try to organize and fight back (she works at a hospital), but she and many others will not take the injection.

We are in World War 3. The mRNA shots are bioweapons. I am prepared to lose everything. I will not take the shot, my wife will not take the shot no matter what.

I hope we can beat them back on this. We are going to start organizing and will come at them politically and as a unified worker’s front.

the crazy thing is, this comes after, for TWO WEEKS IN A ROW, vaccine deaths have exceeded Covid deaths! And to top it off, we have our lowest daily Covid deaths since the pandemic began!! So why they would force a bunch of nurses who (a) aren’t at risk and (b) already have natural immunity from working with Covid patients has no medical justification.

the only reason that makes sense is the hospital CEO or board of directors have been ORDERED to mandate it.


we will fight them with our lives, because to take the shot is death.

@johnsmith Listen, I am in THAT boat and it’s sucks. Being squeezed into taking a vaccine I know will hurt me and those around me. I have done the research. All of it is contradictory-which is the worst research there is. This vaccine WILL cause fry the brain very slowly and efficiently. And then it will tell cells to build the same tangles found in Alzheimer’s.  It just will.

In my opinion you are doing the right thing.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Great comments above as always, thanks, guys.

My wife too was put under pressure at work initially but told them a few times to fuck off. She's a specialist in her field and for now at least they won't risk losing her. And know also that she'd quit in a New York Minute rather than be forced.

She now notices that they're weaponising staff against each other, though. To force through uptake due to peer pressure. Again, she just ignores them and they don't usually approach her anyway as she's senior; bullys always know instinctively who to avoid, and most whom I've met are uneasy around me, anyway. So we play on this by me picking her up at the office once or twice a week and just waiting casually outside for her. A half hour early adds to the effect, 😂. And ultimately she's more interested in her actual work and her clients than appeasing drones she sometimes has to work around.

This arrangement suits us for now but plans are in place for a relocate. Both of us. SE Asia. I don't like what I see coming to Muppetland. The big move is on. It'll cost us in a number of different respects, but fuck it. Gut instinct is telling me to go. And the wife concurs. Even though we've a lot to wrap up. Especially cats and dog. Dog can probably come with. Cats no. That's gonna be hard.

On another note, here is an example par excellence of anti Chinese propaganda using a sleeper agent-- a guy with a solid reputation and great body of work, revealing how he really gets paid. It's quite brilliant in its casual simplicity. And shame on you Farrell. The latest in a long line of reveals this past year. I mean, he's even using Zero Hedge as a frikking source! And this is a guy with a research doctorate from Oxford university.

Zero Hedge. As. If.

And as Metallicman reminds us over and over, caveat emptor.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Btw it's a short video. 10 mins.

I feel for your wife, my friend. I do. I was faced with the same situation. Get vaccinated or don’t get a contract for this year. I can call a dozen docs that can get me a legit card - or print one myself. But I just can’t bring myself to lie. And if there is a possibility - as remote as it is - that we are all wrong about the vax - I can’t put anyone in danger because of my miscalculation (I worked teaching- I can’t fathom getting some kid sick because I got a fake card. But in her case - print one up - they are all over online.

This anti-China propaganda is out of f-ing control. I have relatives who were adopted from China and I love them as much as my blood. Those kids are being affected by this crap. And America has this unbelievable campaign against these places - that ARE set up by the Chinese government - that teaches adopted kids Chinese culture. It’s like once a month. And it’s BEAUTIFUL! They have the kids put on plays and stuff - it’s great! But according to America - they are indoctrination sites.

To urinate on someone’s culture by calling something wonderful for kids indoctrination is flat out evil. It’s demonic.

I am glad you are leaving while you can. I wish I could. 10 or 11 years ago a buddy I knew who worked on Wall St left for Asia. He and others were showing me very clearly - the writing that was on the wall. That urge that drives me was and is very clear - I’m not to go anywhere. Plus I am NOT leaving my pets - especially my better half. I have a few cats and some dogs. They are family. They die with me.
I am not a tough guy. I wasn’t some guy who ran around kicking in doors or any thing like that - but I am telling you very seriously - that urge that forced me to make the HUGE decisions in my life - and basically does it (with my body) if I refuse - it is telling me that I must die on this property and ideally - my blood has to go into the ground on this piece of property in the middle of nowhere (“it” found this place). If I could take all of my house pets - I would send my wife to Asia and just wait for the fight - but she is not going anywhere. She wants to die in America as well.

I think the biggest reason this is accelerating is because nobody - as Solzhenitsyn spoke of the Russian citizens - nobody is making cops/feds/military wonder if they will be next at the next house.

Then you have this whole Q movement. These people are just way too infiltrated by little fucking rats. But they TRULY believe that the Arizona audits will come back in Trumps favor - and he will be returned to president - and again - like or hate the guy the election WAS stolen. Period. And it wouldn’t hut as bad if it WAS the Russians or any other government. I get it. But Trump isn’t coming back. Obama 2.0 WILL use nukes - or at least try to - on us. They hate America. Hate it. They hate us citizens that don’t do as they say worse.

Best case scenario is the results come back in Trumps favor and Obama 2.0 refuses to leave - which they will - and people some how some way start shooting and killing. My fear is that it doesn’t devolve into a Bosnia but a Hutu and Tutsi situation. Where our side just starts slaughtering - em masse - the Obama 2.0 team. And that’s best case scenario.

I really hope you keep us posted on your move and how you do it. I wouldn’t have a clue to move to another country. It will be interesting.

You will know when they got me when I stop posting. Eventually they will come.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Well it's funny you should say that, PL. My wife and I have discussed her going first over the next two months, or most likely much sooner.

Me to follow on early next year after shit here is permanently wrapped up. I could get trapped by another lockdown of course, but food and water for a year. And well brassed up if it comes to that. Main thing is the wufe will be safer and using her skills rather than being badgered by brainless, terrified morons who only know what's put on a screen directly in front of them. If that.

Mandatory inoculations are months away here at best and it's never gonna happen as far as I'm concerned. Not until they're proven to be a necessary medical requirement, and safe.

She has a network in place there, already. And we have both lived and worked there before, too. So no big leaps into the unknown for either of us it must be said. And her skills are in demand in SE as well as East Asia and China, too. Cost of living mere fractions of what it is here.

We're lucky in that the neighbours will feed the cats. They're barn cats, not indoors. And we were careful to keep them semi-feral. They are all pretty mean and tough if needs be. But you still grow close, get entangled, and that works both ways. Main thing is we're in a pretty remote area with a shrinking population. So the cats will be safe to do their cat thing. They know how to hunt food. Butterflies seem to be all the rage these days. Yummy. And nobody gonna be using those out houses again. So that's winter sorted for them. Which aren't severe in these latitudes.

Staying would be an option if there were more like minded people prepared to do something. But I'm not picking up on that vibe and with utterly corrupted courts, it's a waste of time and energy making a stand. Way I see it, there's a whole lotta cats and dogs where we're going in need of help and assistance. Where we are now them and trannies have more rights than a man has.

And in my book that's a big Get The Fuck Out Right Now flashing warning. I'm just happy my wife agrees.

Work to be done elsewhere. Leave the dead to bury the dead.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Getting vaccinated with an mRNA shot is a death sentence. Period. Look at Endura Vigilance , the EU vaccine adverse event reporting system. They are approaching 1 million “serious” injuries, and this is on a system that under reports like all voluntary reporting systems. That works out to 1 in 300 shots causes serious injury, and NO ONE has an obligation to take care of you if you are injured. Liability free, baby.


Look at it another way. In my state, there’s a 3% difference between people who are “fully vaccinated” and people with “one shot.” There’s been a 3% difference for months, and the “fully vaccinated” number has plateaued for weeks. So I think that 3% figure represents the % of people seriously injured or made seriously ill by the first dose who refuse to get the second.


this is accelerating. The propaganda is insane against the unvaxxed. Claims like 99% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated, when Israel and Great Britain are reporting the opposite - that 60% of deaths are in the vaccinated. It’s just crazy.


this is World War 3 but it’s not exactly the US versus China. It’s the “elite” (bankers, hedge funds, mega corporations, blood line nobility, etc) vs the Western world. And the weapon is a syringe.


We have been making preparations for awhile now. I have fully expected this. We have cowards at every level of leadership in this country, so it’s up to we the people. I have a feeling we are going to get bowled over, but it’s the same story in every western nation. The difference is in the US corporations ARE the government so it makes for a difficult war when it’s seemingly decentralized and they can hide behind being a “private company” even though these hospitals get TRILLIONS in public money via Medicare, Medicaid and other programs.


but yes, generally speaking, we are in a nightmare scenario.

Quote from Ultan McG on July 23, 2021, 7:10 pm

Great comments above as always, thanks, guys.

My wife too was put under pressure at work initially but told them a few times to fuck off. She's a specialist in her field and for now at least they won't risk losing her. And know also that she'd quit in a New York Minute rather than be forced.

She now notices that they're weaponising staff against each other, though. To force through uptake due to peer pressure. Again, she just ignores them and they don't usually approach her anyway as she's senior; bullys always know instinctively who to avoid, and most whom I've met are uneasy around me, anyway. So we play on this by me picking her up at the office once or twice a week and just waiting casually outside for her. A half hour early adds to the effect, 😂. And ultimately she's more interested in her actual work and her clients than appeasing drones she sometimes has to work around.

This arrangement suits us for now but plans are in place for a relocate. Both of us. SE Asia. I don't like what I see coming to Muppetland. The big move is on. It'll cost us in a number of different respects, but fuck it. Gut instinct is telling me to go. And the wife concurs. Even though we've a lot to wrap up. Especially cats and dog. Dog can probably come with. Cats no. That's gonna be hard.

On another note, here is an example par excellence of anti Chinese propaganda using a sleeper agent-- a guy with a solid reputation and great body of work, revealing how he really gets paid. It's quite brilliant in its casual simplicity. And shame on you Farrell. The latest in a long line of reveals this past year. I mean, he's even using Zero Hedge as a frikking source! And this is a guy with a research doctorate from Oxford university.

Zero Hedge. As. If.

And as Metallicman reminds us over and over, caveat emptor.

A bunch of points.


[1] When I was in prison I became friends with another retired operator. He was educated in Oxford, and did not work for MAJestic, but for another alphabet agency. Of course, he was retired as a sex offender.  Anyways, he told me that he tried to hide some "gains" that he acquired in his line of work. Gold certificates, bonds, and other important valuable paper. And while he thought that he was "free and clear" regarding them, apparently they knew (somehow) that he had them and searched high and low for them. His big mystery was "how did they know"?


[2] You would be surprised how pet friendly China and all of SE Asia is. Australia, and the Pacific is really tough, but China and most of Asia are severe cat lovers. Think of Japan. You even mention that you have a cat and everyone will drop what they are doing and want to ask you about your kitty.

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Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Quote from Ultan McG on July 23, 2021, 9:42 pm

Well it's funny you should say that, PL. My wife and I have discussed her going first over the next two months, or most likely much sooner.

Me to follow on early next year after shit here is permanently wrapped up. I could get trapped by another lockdown of course, but food and water for a year. And well brassed up if it comes to that. Main thing is the wufe will be safer and using her skills rather than being badgered by brainless, terrified morons who only know what's put on a screen directly in front of them. If that.

Mandatory inoculations are months away here at best and it's never gonna happen as far as I'm concerned. Not until they're proven to be a necessary medical requirement, and safe.

She has a network in place there, already. And we have both lived and worked there before, too. So no big leaps into the unknown for either of us it must be said. And her skills are in demand in SE as well as East Asia and China, too. Cost of living mere fractions of what it is here.

We're lucky in that the neighbours will feed the cats. They're barn cats, not indoors. And we were careful to keep them semi-feral. They are all pretty mean and tough if needs be. But you still grow close, get entangled, and that works both ways. Main thing is we're in a pretty remote area with a shrinking population. So the cats will be safe to do their cat thing. They know how to hunt food. Butterflies seem to be all the rage these days. Yummy. And nobody gonna be using those out houses again. So that's winter sorted for them. Which aren't severe in these latitudes.

Staying would be an option if there were more like minded people prepared to do something. But I'm not picking up on that vibe and with utterly corrupted courts, it's a waste of time and energy making a stand. Way I see it, there's a whole lotta cats and dogs where we're going in need of help and assistance. Where we are now them and trannies have more rights than a man has.

And in my book that's a big Get The Fuck Out Right Now flashing warning. I'm just happy my wife agrees.

Work to be done elsewhere. Leave the dead to bury the dead.

What ever happens, you don't want to relive the Bosnia experience.

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