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And those miles upon miles of tarped-up freight-trains going north into the Canadian wilderness 24/7 that I mentioned a few months back, too.

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that calculus. It's happened throughout history. And history hasn't ended. A lot of people think it has.

Either that or a comet strike incoming. Or COVID 22. Or worse.

Anything is possible now. Let's hope the Gods are on our side.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Yet Duff has just posted this.

Missouri: Death by Stupid

Is he lying his arse off? I guess that's possible. Has he been revealing dangerous truths for years and now started peddling bullshit? I guess that's possible too.

Or is the most likely scenario true-- the one put forward by Metallicman and very, very few others this past 18 months: that we have now entered the early stages of WW3; Biological to begin with; and vaccine rollouts-- whether they be potentially dangerous MRNA experimental inoculations or safer, more traditional yet LESS effective versions-- are an attempt to protect populations everywhere before the rumoured COVID B variations wreak havoc. Accidentally or intentionally.

Or some other pathogen they know will be used and will offer some protection against that?

I dont buy that governments or bankers or whoever are intentionally trying to kill us all off. Sorry JS.  Although I have entertained the notion briefly. But it just doesn't smell that way. I think its just a phase of destabilised perception aimed at keeping Normie confused and very well controlled. If they wanted to kill us all we'd have been dead by now. And deaths from vaccines must be considered acceptable collateral given what a COVID B mutation could do to millions of Fweemen and individualists hunkering down out in the woods. And to  their kids and communities.

Are they intentionally keeping the whole world guessing while the Big False Flag against Russia or China is being prepared?

Do they want to subject millions of armed and trained blue collar Christians in the American and Canadian wildernesses to a deadly COVID mutation knowing they're all antivaxx to the core?

That'd solve the problem of disarming them by force using a bunch of cretins in riot gear with dodgy knee-hip alignments and wearing nail polish, in the coming years.

Either way Id love you guys' take on Duff's latest. Does he know something we dont? Probably. Likely.

Or is he full of shit? My spidey sense says no-- and going by the QTarded imbeciles dissing him in the VT comments section, let's just say when it comes to vaccinations, I'm getting the oh so slightest inkling that Ive allowed myself to be fooled by well meaning but flat out wrong personal sources whom I'd normally believe without question. And I guess that's the situation they want everybody in. But I'll still be holding off for as long as humanely possible wrt the inoculation. I'll be keeping a very close eye out in the meantime but one thing is for sure: plenty of folks I know who've had their shot, just don't look the same to me, anymore. Nor more importantly do they feel the same, if you know what I mean.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Or I guess they could be trying to initiate social chaos and upheaval-- civil war, even-- by provoking the armed antivaxx crowd into a confrontation with the equally well armed and emotional Woke types

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@ultan-mcg how it looks to me - Obama 2.0 is Stalin and we - we are who Solzhenitsyn wrote about. What Kolyma was filled with. These people are frigging psychotic. Several I know FOR A FACT should not even have a confidential clearance no less be in the military.

Look at Miley. You don’t have to be a shrink to see the side effects of antipsychotics. And how did he end up so close to Trump - without anyone knowing? He has been up to his antics for YEARS. But there he was. Now he knows us antivaxxers. He studied us. He read “The Generalship of Mohammad”. Clearly.

Personally I think we are in the middle of the beginning. The sweeps in the middle of the night are here-just not reported on - for obvious reasons.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@ultan-mcg I have noticed something off about the vaxxed. Was at a meeting and one guy came in, looked like shit. Sunken cheeks and eyes, skin looked grey. Just looked really bad. I remember thinking, “wow, I bet he had the shot.” A few minutes later, he apologized for his “brain fog” and mentioned he’d recently been vaxxed.

@pissedlizard there’s no question a lot is happening we aren’t seeing. We have, conservatively, 100,000 dead from the vaxx that are being covered up. We also have 1,000,000 kids who got autism from vaccines, conclusively, per the CDC’s own (unpublished) studies.

but they managed to gaslight everyone into believing vaccines are safe, so I guess they thought they could gaslight everyone into believing mRNA gene therapy is safe, too.

I am starting to get concerned. We are trying to get our state legislators to act, but they’re just a bunch of cowards. To the last man, they’re cowards. If anything took down America, it was cowardice.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@johnsmith Yup there is cowardice but I also understand totally the leaving. If I had kids, I probably would have just left, but I don’t so here I stay.

Whatever state you are in - writing or calling state legislature is a waste. They are too interested in their careers than you and me. I went into teaching locally so that I could at least know the people in my area. If possible - and you do not know many people, it may be an idea. Even as a sub every now and then just to figure out who is who. It’s amazing what you can learn about an area from kids.

Worse case scenario - get to Florida. Texas - the governor can close the border TODAY but he isn’t. And he is going to sell his citizens down the River. I don’t have much faith in any governor, but at least ours acts like he cares sometimes.

Since the pandemic in my area - and I am remote - like satellite internet remote - there have been motorhome parks popping up everywhere and filling every day. All you see on the highway - a main artery - just moving vans towing cars coming in - none going out.

Florida is attracting like mined people. Even in the liberal college town I saw a kid with a shirt that said “Ask me to put on a mask and get punched in the face” . And 6 months ago it was masked up, Obama 2.0 sanctuary.

Here is my problem with vax people. Ask what mRNA does and they don’t have a clue. And all it does is tell cells how to build “stuff”. Your skin cell is different from your bladder cell - they are the same cell TYPE but they make different “stuff” . It makes the stuff according to the cells needs.

Who is to say that mRNA in the vaccine tells your cells to make “stuff” to kill itself (this is called apoptosis and it’s natural, but what if the vax hijacks the cells machinery to tell it to kill itself? Every cell in your body is programmed to do this if it does it or not is a different story.

The mRNA can tell the cell to make anything. But we are NOT ALLOWED to know - like exactly - what this mRNA “instructions” are?

Just shut up and take it or I’ll starve you and shame you. And if you get sick from the vax? Shit up racist and deal with it.

The ONLY difference right now between Obama 2.0 is the nazi uniforms. And it’s clear.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from Ultan McG on July 24, 2021, 12:14 am

Yet Duff has just posted this.

Missouri: Death by Stupid

Is he lying his arse off? I guess that's possible. Has he been revealing dangerous truths for years and now started peddling bullshit? I guess that's possible too.

Or is the most likely scenario true-- the one put forward by Metallicman and very, very few others this past 18 months: that we have now entered the early stages of WW3; Biological to begin with; and vaccine rollouts-- whether they be potentially dangerous MRNA experimental inoculations or safer, more traditional yet LESS effective versions-- are an attempt to protect populations everywhere before the rumoured COVID B variations wreak havoc. Accidentally or intentionally.

Or some other pathogen they know will be used and will offer some protection against that?

I dont buy that governments or bankers or whoever are intentionally trying to kill us all off. Sorry JS.  Although I have entertained the notion briefly. But it just doesn't smell that way. I think its just a phase of destabilised perception aimed at keeping Normie confused and very well controlled. If they wanted to kill us all we'd have been dead by now. And deaths from vaccines must be considered acceptable collateral given what a COVID B mutation could do to millions of Fweemen and individualists hunkering down out in the woods. And to  their kids and communities.

Are they intentionally keeping the whole world guessing while the Big False Flag against Russia or China is being prepared?

Do they want to subject millions of armed and trained blue collar Christians in the American and Canadian wildernesses to a deadly COVID mutation knowing they're all antivaxx to the core?

That'd solve the problem of disarming them by force using a bunch of cretins in riot gear with dodgy knee-hip alignments and wearing nail polish, in the coming years.

Either way Id love you guys' take on Duff's latest. Does he know something we dont? Probably. Likely.

Or is he full of shit? My spidey sense says no-- and going by the QTarded imbeciles dissing him in the VT comments section, let's just say when it comes to vaccinations, I'm getting the oh so slightest inkling that Ive allowed myself to be fooled by well meaning but flat out wrong personal sources whom I'd normally believe without question. And I guess that's the situation they want everybody in. But I'll still be holding off for as long as humanely possible wrt the inoculation. I'll be keeping a very close eye out in the meantime but one thing is for sure: plenty of folks I know who've had their shot, just don't look the same to me, anymore. Nor more importantly do they feel the same, if you know what I mean.

I think everyone needs to watch the old science fiction movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" for a glimmer on what might be going on. Not that it's an invasion by space aliens. No. But when people start saying that people have changed... well, that statement gives me goosebumps.

Quote from congjing yu on July 23, 2021, 10:32 pm
Quote from Ultan McG on July 23, 2021, 7:10 pm

Great comments above as always, thanks, guys.

My wife too was put under pressure at work initially but told them a few times to fuck off. She's a specialist in her field and for now at least they won't risk losing her. And know also that she'd quit in a New York Minute rather than be forced.

She now notices that they're weaponising staff against each other, though. To force through uptake due to peer pressure. Again, she just ignores them and they don't usually approach her anyway as she's senior; bullys always know instinctively who to avoid, and most whom I've met are uneasy around me, anyway. So we play on this by me picking her up at the office once or twice a week and just waiting casually outside for her. A half hour early adds to the effect, 😂. And ultimately she's more interested in her actual work and her clients than appeasing drones she sometimes has to work around.

This arrangement suits us for now but plans are in place for a relocate. Both of us. SE Asia. I don't like what I see coming to Muppetland. The big move is on. It'll cost us in a number of different respects, but fuck it. Gut instinct is telling me to go. And the wife concurs. Even though we've a lot to wrap up. Especially cats and dog. Dog can probably come with. Cats no. That's gonna be hard.

On another note, here is an example par excellence of anti Chinese propaganda using a sleeper agent-- a guy with a solid reputation and great body of work, revealing how he really gets paid. It's quite brilliant in its casual simplicity. And shame on you Farrell. The latest in a long line of reveals this past year. I mean, he's even using Zero Hedge as a frikking source! And this is a guy with a research doctorate from Oxford university.

Zero Hedge. As. If.

And as Metallicman reminds us over and over, caveat emptor.

A bunch of points.


[1] When I was in prison I became friends with another retired operator. He was educated in Oxford, and did not work for MAJestic, but for another alphabet agency. Of course, he was retired as a sex offender.  Anyways, he told me that he tried to hide some "gains" that he acquired in his line of work. Gold certificates, bonds, and other important valuable paper. And while he thought that he was "free and clear" regarding them, apparently they knew (somehow) that he had them and searched high and low for them. His big mystery was "how did they know"?


[2] You would be surprised how pet friendly China and all of SE Asia is. Australia, and the Pacific is really tough, but China and most of Asia are severe cat lovers. Think of Japan. You even mention that you have a cat and everyone will drop what they are doing and want to ask you about your kitty.

SE Asian countries are pet friendly (especially for cats). If you're migrating over, do some research on bringing over your pets.

General rule is to have documentation of pets vaccinations. Some countries may even allow home quarantine for newly arrived pets with proper documentation. There will be forms to fill, government agencies to deal with but the hassle will be worth it.


congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

@ congjing yu I know this is a bit late but thought you might appreciate this snap I came across to give you an idea of what southern WA is like. This is about 4- 5 hours from from the main CBD just out of a town called Pemberton:

May be an image of road, tree and nature

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

A new twist on the C19 story:

And a list of 5100 patents that control aspects of SARS corona viruses:

It's a lot to take in. Thoughts?

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