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Quote from Goldleaf on July 25, 2021, 9:11 am

A new twist on the C19 story:

And a list of 5100 patents that control aspects of SARS corona viruses:

It's a lot to take in. Thoughts?

Page 24 of " List of 5100 patents" states DARPA grant for the development of mRNA. That itself set my alarm bells ringing.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

These are worth their weight in gold! Thank you for these.

I think what is really crazy is debating wether or not this thing was man made and who made it. There are videos of Faucis partner BRAGGING about it.

This was one of my problems with Trump. We ALL know leaders talk shit about each other and deal under the table. But to call it the f-cking “China virus” made me sick. Even if he was given the “intel” that it was from China - there are millions of Asians in America that became targets or FELT unsafe and that is bullshit.

This will probably get me arrested but Covid is the AMERICAN virus. Even if (and it wasn’t) manufactured in China and paid for by us. We did this shit and admitted it.

And I would feel the same way had he called it the African virus or the Iranian virus. Adding to another human beings life anxieties is horrible. ESPECIALLY to communities that contribute.


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congjing yu

@deagonmagus How gorgeous it THAT


As sinister as it all is, I have to admit that it is very clever.

  • Sponsor gain of function research in a target country, in a lab in the center of the country.
  • Release a virus in that country near the lab concerned on the eve of the country's biggest national holiday
  • Blame the country for leaking the virus, and point to the lab.

Part two is even more scary

  • The target country gets mad and accuses the US of germ warfare
  • US releases a more lethal virus in the US and kills more of its own citizens, and claims that it is a Chinese retaliatory attack.
  • It now has Casus Belli. A war on the rival of the USA can now be effected. 9-11 part two. Or maybe Gulf of Tonkin Incident part 3? LOL

This is why people say that China is refusing to officially accuse the US of germ warfare. So as not to give cause to start a war.

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congjing yupissedlizard


Don’t forget part 3:

governments engage in bio terrorism and try to force their citizens into taking a deadly experimental gene therapy shot

the USA is on a collision course. There will be a hot civil war SOON. Vaxxed vs unvaxxed. MSM and governments have wound the vaxxies up to blame the unvaxxed for essentially everything that’s wrong with the world right now. 25% of the USA WILL NOT TAKE THE SHOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

civil war is inevitable. This is very sad and very scary

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As expected - multiple fronts. I will say this though, not having cable TV for almost 2 months has made all this shit that less stressful.

There is a Sky news video out of Australia that FINALLY calls out American media. But not so much the administration. But the clips - and it was in a town hall I think speaking with Michelle Obama - or someone that looks like her.

This shit is totally unacceptable from ANY world leader. In late stage dementia - LATE stage - like, circling the drain late - people’s eye muscles don’t move as much. Look at someone’s eyes - they are always making micromovments. You and I don’t even notice them.

Look at his eyes. It’s called “the death stare”. Those eye muscles ain’t moving and because it’s not normal - it stands out.

How in the high holy hell ANY other country has not taken action yet - at least by calling it out - either shows genuine fear of the US deep state - and look at the technology the US subjected MM too - or genuine fear of who will occupy his seat if he is removed. But it is clearly fear based. It isn’t “let this play out”, it isn’t “we really got this behind the scenes - it’s fear.

What can they do? Shit. We have a whole government agency dedicated to infiltrating a citizenry and taking down leaders. Where the f-ck is Russia’s? Even people from PARAGUAY will do - I can’t locate Paraguay on a map.

Tbe Trump train is getting bigger by the day. People in America - go to your town meetings and just listen. People are starting to take this civil war thing extremely seriously in my neck of the woods. It really does feel like the first few chapters of “Jack Hinsons War”

Watch your local cops and deputies. They SAY they won’t come for you - but take away their paycheck in this economy and - they will. I literally had this conversation with a friend who is a cop. He was like “what else am I going to do for a living?” And he is open about it. He knows he is going to be called to use his authority against his own countrymen soley for political gain and he has come to terms with it. It’s one cop, but I’m sure many feel the same way. So if you are in the states - be careful.


This is the video I mentioned above



Thanks again for these insights, PL. Nobody tells it like you do. Fair, balanced and straight to the point.

From my perspective Americans, generally, and many with whom ive had dealings, are naive about one major aspect of the world we inhabit time after time. It's like a kind of mental filtering out process they got going on.

That is: countries, nation states, call them what you will; they don't really exist, anymore. The world has been divided into supra national, criminal for the most part fiefdoms or territories (the natural borders of which are thousands of years old-- communications tech is blurring these rapidly, but not in a way your average Joe will ever comprehend, unfortunately; nor would he be permitted too). A country, a nation, is now a historical curiosity only. With the tatters of very few exceptions clinging on here and there. A bit like the institutional Church.

Privatised intelligence (big 'I') and real time data analytics using 'computers' decades ahead of anything you'll read about in Wired Magazine. Repeat: real time data analytics; used to direct deep black teams of operators embedded globally, everywhere, from boardrooms to broom closets.

That's whats running the show now. At least Earthside. And particularly in EurAngloLand and most of the W Hemisphere.

Endless funding. Unlimited and unaccountable power.

(Or so I've heard. 😉)

There are 4 main competing groups. Sometimes they fight; sometimes they work together. All major wars of the modern era are a result of infighting between these groups. History as the average citizen knows it is bunk.

Patton, Brotherhood of the Snake, all that. (You should check that story out. It's a wild ride.)

But the myth of America the Free still serves a purpose, or seems to. But its certainly not a country in the traditional sense, anymore. It is, however, a very, very complex reality, of course. Within a much greater geopolitical reality. And that's even before we get to the Domain of the 'fun stuff'. That's what makes the days, weeks and months ahead so very uncertain.

But I'm sure you know all this, already. And many would disagree with this assessment-- or parts of it. I'm just going by what I've heard and seen firsthand and am not being presumptuous. But at the end of the day, we're all on our own individual world line paths, after all. In Europe the rust set in decades ago. We've had advanced warning; I think in America many folks are only starting to notice now. Or the past decade or so, at least.

Do please keep those bulletins of yours coming whenever you get a chance. Here in the NW European fringes we're most definitely in a holding pattern. Zero leadership, too. Just muppets reading a script.  Totally controlled narrative underpinned by a majority of mindless, terrified cretins. There's nothing to save here. Folks have consented to pretty much a tyranny. Unlike you guys stateside. That's why we're out. Good work still to be done elsewhere. If I was younger Id be joining the struggle with our American brothers and sisters. They're gonna put up a fight no matter what the outcome.

As for the cats, I honestly think it'd be cruel to transport those guys halfway round the world just so I can feel better, rather than to leave them here where they are in their element. And they're semi-feral too. They destroy shit very, very quickly when they get into the house through a window or something. They just luurve sausages a-cookin. So managing them after a move to SE Asia would be nigh on impossible. They know we're leaving, surely. And I think they'll be good here.

Good luck to you all, anyway,  mo matter what happens! And if it should come to that, kick a marauding zombie arse for me when you get a chance.

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congjing yupissedlizardkeff

Interesting development here in Muppetland, you all.

Governments in the British Isles have this morning been contacting health departments for "extra data and information" concerning COVID patients in hospital and in particular, recent admissions-- especially younger people.

In itself an unusual enough request as health departments are normally independent enough. The request by executive branches of central government for more COVID data suggests to me that they're watching out for something. And want to keep a lid on what they're looking for, right?

Meanwhile the 'COVID is fake' narrative has ramped up considerably on the 'alternative media' (yeah, right) as well as the 'Vaccines are deadly kill shots' narrative, too.

That's not a coincidence. Either 'something' is here or it's incoming going by that unusual executive request. Talk of more autumn lockdowns being cast about, too. They're preparing Normie for that, 100%. Food shortages, too-- whether planned or organised is up for debate. But the War Powers Acts have been quietly pushed through governments in many countries since last year and we are thus, in effect, under military oversight if not all out rule. Especially in the E.U. and UK. But obviously that's not common knowledge, yet. Even though it was announced on a number of occasions last year. But quietly announced. Troops on the streets would have been a big no-no until very recently in European 'democratic' states, but after what Normie has accepted in terms  of change over the past year, nothing is off limits, anymore.

This shit is just never ending, right?

@ultan-mcg First, thank you for the kind words! I am a pretty wordy guy and I don’t want to be “that guy”, you know? I am a guest here and very honored be here with you all.

Second I LOVE LOVE LOVE your rabbit holes. Never in a million years did I think Alchemy had anything to do with anything other than trying to turn metals into gold. “Raising the frequency” is a philosophy I am on board with and have been digesting everything I can about it-as it really does compliment MM.

And as far as moving the animals, that’s just it-I can’t stress them out. My baby was in rough shape when she found me as was one of my dogs. I had long bone X-rays done on my kitty when I first got her because she had a limp - and if I wrote what was found it would severely mess up my chi.

What is going on is getting more disturbing by the day. I really want to be clear - I do NOT think ANYONE should go looking for trouble. But people here are genuine in their anger and it’s only a matter of time before it boils over, which is what they want.

We, in America, have taken a serious serious turn that really is still quiet. Obama 2.0 is asking the UN for “assistance” in defining white supremacy.

Bringing the UN in will do it. During Clinton/Satan years a lot of “preppers” were prepping for THAT. Obama 2.0 knows this. And they are using it to break the back of the ones who are armed. Rats know how to smoke people out and that’s all I’ll say about that.

If it starts getting really really crazy - I’ll let you all know some of the tactics I learned by working in the VA in the 2000/2010’s. There were common themes that they didn’t know until it was too late. That told me they weren’t trained for those situations. One thing in particular was stated by at least 90% of them.

People I know are studying the IRA and their strategy/tactics. How effective that will be - time will tell. But if the UN does put troops on the ground, that will break people.

And again, for anyone who is a rat-fuck fed who is reading this - and I’m certain there are plenty, I do NOT advocate nor will I participate in violence unless I am threatened or my family is threatened. I do not under any circumstances think people should be looking for a fight. Home defense is another thing.

Another thing you nailed was the American view that we are independent countries. It was clear by how planet earth went after Trump. As a physician - seeing the entire scientific community go agains honest life saving treatments JUST because you don’t like the guy in charge is disgusting and anyone who does it is my personal enemy.

The scientific community in its own actions turned MANY docs into instant Trump supporters. And when I say “Trump supporter” - I mean ANY president who is the opposite of Bush/Clinton/Obama. It could be a frigging mentally retarded gold fish - if it’s the opposite of THAT team - they have my vote.

And the CDC... stopping PCR tests because they can’t tell if it’s covid or influenza they are amplifying, so everyone “got covid” and not the flu.

My. Enemy. Period.

If it does help, I’ll keep you all posted though. Again-I just don’t want to be that guy always yapping away!

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