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SHTF thoughts

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You worry far too much. Relax. This is a safe space. If you are too much, (trust me) I'll tell you.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Dude, what's a forum for if not for blabbing-- especially if it's blabbing others find extremely useful.

For the past week or so I can't log in to the forum on a PC regardless of VPN which I always use-- nor can I post any comments on the main website via PC. If it wasn't for the fact that I have to type on my tiny p.o.s. smartfone, I'd be blabbing even more.

Interesting you mentioned the IRA. A bunch of seriously tough fuckers if ever there were. Merciless, too. They're the only outfit the SAS ever admitted to being afraid of. And we're all of a similar racial stock. That right there is a big strategic advantage working both ways. And both groups use similar dirty tactics. It's rumoured more than a few SAS troopers joined the IRA post-retirement. Such is the murky, multi-layered and super-complex realm of Anglo-Irish relations since the 1960s. There is no shortage of Irish citizens in the British Armed Services. (Nor the SAS.) Then or now. Throughout all ranks and branches. Loyalties can be mixed in this part of the world. And swapped just as easily.

It's clear Biden is struggling, but after the comments about Putin several months ago-- and the Alaska meeting-- he was a write off from the outset. And plans are most definitely in place for a gun grab. That's been drilled and practiced since the Clinton era. IMO it's just a matter of time. They'll need an 'event', and when that happens I have an inkling the armed communities out in the American and Canadian wildernesses are not gonna know what hit them. But I hope I'm wrong. Think some of that trillion dollar defense budget wasn't allocated towards that end? I daresay, think again.

Resistance is starting to grow to their plans everywhere in the west. Some places are finished already, for sure. But others not so much. Particularly in southern and eastern Europe. Vietnam over the past week is starting to get heavy too in terms of state intervention in people's lives due to COVID. Are they expecting something big, too?

Unless the hammer drops soon it's very possible popular resistance will reach a tipping point and that's what scares me. If there is some big nefarious plan in the works, it's gonna be sooner rather than later. I've been picking up on a major financial crash incoming very soon. Stock market; crypto; banking; the works.

Hold fast, the rest of '21 is gonna be a weird one. There's also increasing evidence that inoculation uptake is nowhere near the figures governments and media are reporting. That presents another kind of problem for the control grid. Now they're getting so fucking desperate they're refusing hospitality to the 'unvaccinated'-- pubs, restaurants, etc. as a condition of reopening-- and leaving these already financially crippled and woefully understaffed businesses to police this apartheid themselves because regular police arent willingly to get involved, nor do they have the manpower.

Something is gonna give, but I'm guessing there are plans in place to redirect that tsunami of popular sentiment exactly where they want it to go, too.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Btw, there's no way Biden is in control, stateside. It HAS to be military rule behind the scenes. I think they are purposefully giving the impression that the US is in chaos, while at the same time preparing for war. Or for something else. They did the same prior to the first and second 'invasions' of Iraq, remember? The tanks won't work in the desert; the troops don't have enough water; gang fights in units are ruining battle cohesion, etc. And then bam. Game over. The tanks worked beautifully. And it was over in days. Desert Storm was a land pincer through the desert while the Navy distracted them in the Gulf, the reported invasion route by US Marines off amphibs. Didn't happen.

I think something similar is going on now. Biden and the trannies are the distraction, the real Plan is being organised somewhere else. By people who know the fuck what they are doing. Military; intel, oligarchy, all thst crowd.

But we'll know soon enough. Mr Man calls chaos stateside; i can't help thinking that's all part of the distraction. Yet Mr man has the insights we dont.

Confused? Yeah. Me too. And pretty much for the first time in my life to this extent at least, tbh. Ive been outta the Game for a while. And, I think the confusion is the whole idea! Normie goes along believing whatever's put on a screen in front of him (90% of population); the folks who get it and can critically think for themselves, are being perceptually destabilised across all media fronts (our present host excepted of course). Whatever is going on now, its been in the Works for decades. Could even be leading up to the finale of their Great Work. Intentions are the only way forward now. Fuck any kind of media. Its gut and intuition time. And Metallicman, of course, 😉

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardFeal

One more thing, this kind of language from VT concerns me. Either they know something we don't, or VT have sold out to Satan-- well, going by the volume of the antivaxx crowd in recent days, they have. And the anti- narrative is being ramped up everywhere.

Is this shit just Game Theory, run by computers and data analytics with no human input whatsoever?

Florida Hospitals/ICUs at Capacity with Unvaccinated ‘COVID Deadbeats’, Many ‘Younger’

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Why, thank you all! I AM a blabber-but seriously - I am like a kid in a candy store since finding MM! And I know you all ge that - but my honeymoon still hasn’t ended!

Here is a link to a video I got today. I am sure it’s making it’s rounds - South Africa in the making. On the plus side - it isn’t “us versus them”, at the end there are a few Rufuses who stick around. But...

That Florida article is a flat out lie. I can produce patient censuses from hospitals all over the place to prove it (a census is who is on the floor-each floor has one).

I was just at UF Shands Jacksonville last week with a buddy who admits there and at the Mayo Clinic and he literally commented on how the hospitals are losing TONS of dollars because the beds are empty. Nobody is coming in. He actually joked that one of the executives that tries to sneak in the physician lounge (free steaks and anything you can think of to eat) half joked that they need to slow down on discharges.

All an honest reporter or anyone has to do is call any hospital and ask for the patient load. Every prospective patient has that right. They would not get the answer they want though.

Honestly I stopped trusting the VA Times since the Obama administration. I go there just to keep my benefits going, you know, free eyeglasses and stuff. But it just sort of stopped reflecting reality. It seemed like once the paper - which is really a magazine - just started to wait until the boomers started to die off.

Gulf War 1... you have a keen memory @ultanmcg.. very few people remember that. All the “this is broke” or “that can’t fly”. In one week it was pretty much over. I remember the night of that invasion clearly - I was with a bunch of Coast Guard buddies drinking in some lady’s apartment - all of us saying “well, at least we ain’t gotta do THAT shit”! I was getting out close to that time period and the last thing I needed was “nope-you are staying’” order.

South Africa is my bet. That’s the route America goes. 99.9% of these videos - as above will be suppressed, but some will squeak out.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

And I am with MMs call with chaos in the states. Not just the insights but he got SO screwed by our government that gives you an insight that nobody else has. It’s like being taken advantage of by your ex and their family. After that you sort of see the crazy (if it’s there) in family members of the new girlfriend (of boyfriend for the women readers).

It’s what I would do if it were me- create as much racial strife as possible then kill the power. We well be torn to shreds in days by these lawless animals.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

This video is disturbing. It looks like America is starting to devolve completely. There is no law any more. That is how corrupt and out of touch the government has become. Disturbing. And somehow the government thinks that they can pull off a major war with Asia? Bat Shit Crazy.

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG

That's that, then!

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pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


In your world line travels, did you get an indication of the probabilities of how SHTF ends? Does the USA break into a few different countries? Or does a competent leader finally comes and leads them all out of madness? Or some other direction?

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

I truly wish I could answer this question, but I really do not know. What I do know is that China is going to be much safer than the rest of the world. The USA is going to be a very dangerous place.

If (and it's a big "if") a given world-line (that I experienced) was a "glimpse into the future" then the following are all possible futures...

  • A real love for very hot and spicy food in just about everything. From beverages, to candies, to snack and breakfast cereals.
  • People dying of some kind of virus. Or something that is beyond their control.
  • A love for cosmetic surgery that will make women fatter, bigger with enormous butts, and curves.
  • Where English isn't spoken all that much, but Spanish is.
  • A decrease on the reliance of central electrical grids, and a much simpler localized power infrastructure.
  • A decrease in the number of people who own real cars and automobiles. They use electric powered bikes or other alternative, smaller systems.
  • An increase in local government power and control and a decrease in the federal power and control.

But I don't know. Those were just some of the glimpses that I had. I do not know what the significance for any might be.

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