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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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Here is what I am going to say right now. In the past few months I have not been at a loss for words at all. All of this craziness going on in the USA - nope - my skinny ass has a comment, right?

I am F-CKING speechless.

Keep meditating and keep smiling at people! Like literally smile and say hello! LITERALLY. I can’t stress that enough!

Here is what just went down - as plain as I can describe.

Per MY agreement I am going to say how I (ME PERSONALLY) find Praying Mantis nests. Now I caution you - once you look for one - you are personally responsible for every one of them. You will need to really take care because they camouflage and we step on ground ones A LOT. So please, all I ask is you use caution. Look for one and you look for all. Period. It’s a two way street though. If people walk in certain areas of my yard with bug-spray, I lose my shit on them. So it’s like that. I’ll express it more below.

Very simple. I googled “Praying Mantis Nest” and my area and clicked on the pictures.

That’s what they look like. Good luck finding them in the South East USA. North East USA - I remember them as kids. They are everywhere.

So I go to my spot and look for my study buddy who has been coming around the last few days. This time of year in the swamp is fucking MAGIC. Dragonflies by the HUNDREDS sparking like little red and gold fireworks. It’s just unreal. I will take it over fall leaves any day. The swamp is SO special this time of year-It’s cool and people go outside - people are joyous. Even in the thick of the shit-swamp water is so frigging sweet. So I am sitting there with my bud and get ready to “paint” on my little iPad. Just LOVING the show and company.

And I had a thought.

And here we are. Me speechless and you wondering what the thought was. It was this:

This cat is loving his nap.

I just have to put this out there in the internet ether because I do not know how to say thank you. My gratitude in this human skin suit is just limitless.

Thank You. From the bottom of my human heart. Thank You.

And I am posting this here sort of as a “growth chart” blog.

You all have no idea what awaits! WE JUST NEED TO KEEP MEDITATING!!! We do! Collectively. I hope to touch on this later but we are all spinning in a circular frequency - at a frequency of what YOUR DNA is spinning at - and it is - no matter WHAT you are - but it’s all coming to one “super frequency” if you will - and this could take DECADES - so everyone is not gonna die tomorrow. But it could be months so here is what I am allowed to say about this - in the American South point your scopes at the Sirius Sisters. They are spinning at the same circular frequency as our DNA. Ours is just scattered everywhere. Pointed in millions of different directions at once. It’s all going to line up soon. books have been written about it.

Anyway as we COLLECTIVELY meditate we bring our HUMAN frequency to line up with the Twin Sirius Sisters! Again per agreement, I started looking at the Dogon Tribe in Africa.

In my religion I compare it to the Nornir spinning her threads.

I am trying to get a Christian reference.

NOW I am speechless. And back to my wonderful nap!

(ps thanx again!)

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafChromacat

Thank you all so much for your encouraging words and thoughts! They are much appreciated!

So I'm not sure what Diagnosis my Mum really has, I just know it changes her chain of thinking. Like she "cannot properly tend the elderly people" she is taking care of (She works in a nursery) because she lost her smell "due to Covid" (she had it almost a year ago, at least that's what PCR said) or she cannot buy this brand of butter in the grocerystore because there were so many immigrants.... and so on. And also when I talk to her she stops answering midsentence with "yeah" and that's it. It's hard to have a conversation and it's hard because I don't know how she takes my answers. And I know in the past she tried to harm herself severly.

@goldleaf  thank you for sending energy I appreciate it a lot! My Mum is overseas now, so I will try healing remotely. She went back to her Mums place and I asked my Granny to look after her and her medication.

I will be nice and kind and graceful, so she can concentrate on getting better without fear. Yes, that's the point "Do not fear".

Okay and on meditating, I'll try different methods. I've done the Hemisyncs and the last one I tried was the Juvenation where you go into a garden and at some point I went black, but I remember the voice saying something about nice company and suddenly I was in our vegetable garden with our kids and I thought "Hey she said nice company not loud and excited kids!" But I realized I really enjoy the time gardening with my little ones eventhough they are kind of tough on the plants.

I'll keep journaling, that'll help me see the progress and I report back to you!!

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafChromacat

@mirri, Your Mom (mum) symptoms remind me of a case I had. You described it perfectly. For weeks we were scratching our heads. Then a nurse decided to do the obvious and checked her O2 sats. Sure as shit she was at about 80%. When we (ahem) cleared the mild interstitial pnumonia, she was fine.

Now, I am not diagnosing, but that nurse... sometimes the obvious is right there. Take a peek!

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

So do triangles mean anything to anyone? I'm starting to see a triangle tunnel when I meditate. Then today just glancing at my PC monitor reflection while it was turned off I saw the triangle in the reflection. It was weird.

I tried to move down the tunnel but can't. It's like I'm stuck in place for now.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@goldleaf (and everyone else’s who is interested) Take a look at the app “Quantum Frequency”. It’s opening is a bunch of triangles in a particular shape...

The app is GOLD BTW. The Ruby level is free and that is FINE for us beginners.

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafgarrire

@goldleaf and @pissedlizard report back on my meditations.

It's my job to bring the kids to bed and my older son is buzzing with energy (like touching an electric fence) I tried the different breathing techniques from the quantum touch book,  so that we both calm down. And a softer version of the "fire breath" worked. After about 5- 10 breaths my son calmed down and I could feel the buzz slowly going away. So I went on and it was just amazing! He fell asleep after 10 minutes (not the usual thing) and I feel very refreshed instead of exhausted (the usual thing).

Goldleaf thanks for sharing your experience with the book. It's really appreaciated in my family!!!

Goldleaf and garrire have reacted to this post.

@mirri Amazing results! So glad that worked for you.

garrire has reacted to this post.

@pissedlizard I saw the dragonfly yesterday. Was on a hike to some waterfalls, sat on a boulder near the base of one of the falls, closed my eyes and it was there. Went through the tunnel too though didn't see much at the end due to not really being in a meditative state. The fact that I could see it without going deep was pretty powerful.

pissedlizard and garrire have reacted to this post.

@goldleaf - YAY!

Now, you and anyone else who is interested...

We are going to start excersizing the lateral-posterior (towards the back of and away from the midline) of our Pineal gland.

When you see it next time try to control it. When it rests, think about what direction YOU want it to move.

When it leaves, call it back. Think of a name for it and call it back.

Do this over and over until you can direct it’s take off in whatever direction you chose. It takes time. They are Dragonflies - they switch from hive mentality to single unit mentality all the time, so it’s mostly luck the first few times.

Don’t worry so much about riding it yet, we want to learn how to get it off the ground then back on the ground first.

Keep in mind these are insectoids that you can be communicating with one second-and they are off doing some other thing the next. It can get frustrating, but it’s worth it.

Dragonflies will lead you to your Vortex.

All of this I know to be true.


garrire has reacted to this post.

Some great progress!

I've not managed to make any myself yet with my meditation. Having some guests has really messed with my routine, plus I keep getting disturbed by them whenever I try to go deep.

With all the stuff going on around here, feels like one is being somewhat left behind! But, all in due course. I persist, even if I do sometimes feel like I'm making excuses for myself.

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