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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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@pissedlizard I really agree about Western medicine and consider myself a survivor of it.

I spent a decade in hell taking whatever tablets were thrust my way for depression/anxiety/self-harm etc. until one day I just thought "I've had enough of this shit, I'll just fix it myself." I stopped taking the SSRI I was was on at the time and also a rather terrible "new, safe" sleeping pill (zopiclone) I'd been prescribed for over three years. You can probably imagine the fun I had for a couple of weeks. My brain felt like it had simply stopped and it took months for me to start sleeping properly again. That was 2005.

Over a decade I had been put on seven different anti-depressives, six of them SRI's, but the doctor never game up their belief that the next "new" pill will work.

I only ever began to get better when that crap was out of my system.

My personal belief is that I was just a young guy, possibly "on the spectrum," back then that happened to be around for the 90s beginning of the fad of "pills for everything." Some pretty extreme self-harm required an incredible amount of luck for my survival. Especially as I was loath to ask for help.

Even though we have the NHS here please understand that it is incredibly corrupted from the top down. Big Pharma influences everything and every government increases both spending on the NHS and the amount of funds diverted into private hands, so it just gets worse.

Now, having both young nieces and nephews being diagnosed with autism, I'm really afraid for them. At least my brother listened to me when he was given Seroxat for, er, something. He binned them.

Sorry for the random rant, just been one of those days,

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafgarrire

Agreed. Western medicine has it's time and place, there are some good things, but lately the greed of Big Pharma has gotten completely out of control. Don't get me started on Western dentistry where the mantra has been "drill and fill" for everything for, what, 150+ years? Ugh! It's only been in the last few years where information that teeth can remineralize and heal has started to become a little more known. I'm sure other cultures know this. I should try some different search parameters sometime.

I'm really enjoying learning energy healing and seeing results as a novice. I ran energy for my husband this morning who was having an arthritis flair up. The session lasted maybe 10 minutes because he was being annoying LOL Later in the day I asked how he was feeling and he said the pain had stayed away the several hours since 🙂

congjing yu, pissedlizard and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardgarrire
Quote from Goldleaf on September 29, 2021, 6:30 am

Agreed. Western medicine has it's time and place, there are some good things, but lately the greed of Big Pharma has gotten completely out of control. Don't get me started on Western dentistry where the mantra has been "drill and fill" for everything for, what, 150+ years? Ugh! It's only been in the last few years where information that teeth can remineralize and heal has started to become a little more known. I'm sure other cultures know this. I should try some different search parameters sometime.

I'm really enjoying learning energy healing and seeing results as a novice. I ran energy for my husband this morning who was having an arthritis flair up. The session lasted maybe 10 minutes because he was being annoying LOL Later in the day I asked how he was feeling and he said the pain had stayed away the several hours since 🙂

Goldleaf I actually go into the older research and take their ideas. Like the Krebs cycle for stuff going on in your cells. So the simple components of malic acid, citric acid, nicotinamide, and niacin are pretty useful. Krebs cycle was discovered in the 1930s to my recollection. There are one or two people who are rediscovering such old stuff in the NIH, incredibly enough.

I use nicotinamide gave my formulation to some friends, they thought it was a a miracle like thing. My formulation because I was testing concepts couldn't be taken for long thought haha. I should get around back to doing one for covid and such. Because the Krebs cycle is part of life itself, it nice to muck around with it.

But generally yeah, Western medicine has been perverted for a long time. I'm thinking the Rockefellers are actually part of the old Empire.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@feal - Damn, man-I am sorry you had such a bad experience. SSRIs are the work of the devil. It’s the common denominator in mass shootings. No other class of drugs but SSRIs. And what you described is actually “normal”. It’s sick. As for autism-I always had a theory of what it was and it was pretty much confirmed in my eyes. I had to do a year of child psych in residency when autism just popped on the radar. I saw these kids as little depositories of knowledge. Although they appear to be very dependent on others - they are actually running at a much higher “speed” than us. The confirmation has to do with vertical or y-axis time, but they are really the original earths “Star Seeds”. Their DNA carries encyclopedic knowledge of one particular topic. That is “insurance” that information is passed - without breaks (like the Bible and Koran and shit) - but passed to next “frequencies” or whatever it is - I am still real new at this. But I always, ALWAYS had that little voice telling me to “be honored in their presence as they are straight up Royalty”. And I always did. Always.

@goldleaf - I am giving you full credit for getting me up and able to eat. You are a class A healer in my book.

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafgarrire

I owe Western Medicin my repaired heart. When I was about 8 I was diagnosed with a hole in my heart and after two failed OPs they fixed it by patching it. So yeah I think they are good with fixing holes and broken bones and that but when it comes to internal and mental things...

I kind of need to get this of my chest, because my Mum is also one of these "the pills will fix it" victims, and yes she doesn't want to take them anymore (and she's not taking them)! But I saw how it changed her thinking abilities. And we had this situation many many times, about once a year in the last 15 years or so. And I'm at a point where I don't know what to do anymore. Is there shift in viewing the whole situation, so it's not troubling anymore? That's another thing Western Medicin forgets, to also take care of the families of the sick.

I wanted to write, that this has nothing to do with meditation, but it actually does. I'm stuck in this "traffic jam" and I can't get my hotairballoon to rise and see the jam from above and how to get out...(meditate)

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf

@mirri I agree. Western medicine has saved many many people, and the hole in your heart that was fixed when you were 8 - probably an Atrial Septum Defect correction is nothing short of miraculous.  I am glad it saved you.

As far as putting your post here or in another forum - look at my posts.... I am all over the place and nobody has said anything to me yet.

Take a look at posters here and see what works. Eventually you will find a technique that works. Keep at it. Your balloon will rise high into the clouds!

congjing yu, Goldleaf and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafMirri

@mirri I'm sorry to hear about your mother. The relationship Western medicine has with pill-popping to fix mental health issues is messy.

My ex brother-in-law (the father of my sister's two autistic kids) had/has a number of mental health problems and he stopped taking his pills a couple of years ago. Thankfully that was after my sister left him. Really bad things happened, by him, and he ended up in prison. I guess some pills work and others (SRIs) don't.

Even though stopping the pills worked for me, I'd never advise it for anyone else. Stopping SRIs is really something that shouldn't be done alone and other things like being Bi-Polar and having Psychosis, such as the ex brother-in-law had, can be dangerous to stop treating.

I'm sure this small family here will send you as much good will/energy as you can take to help you keep being the Rufus and caring for your mom. The well of love and compassion runs infinitely deep and the more you draw from it, the quicker it fills.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafMirri

@mirri I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I don't know what country you're in. In the US, you can look for an integrative doctor, which is code for a doctor who mixes conventional and alternative medicine. Not sure if they go by that name in other countries. Or see if there's an energy healer in your area. Or you can learn how to run energy and try it with your mom! I'll be sending energy remotely too.

If you try out mediation, please report back. I love hearing everyone's experiences.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMirri

@mirri - as goldleaf said - please let us know how it goes. Now that I have a few minutes to type, I try to be a little encouraging. My pups demanded a lake swim when I started posting earlier.

One of the most rewarding things that I have had visiting MM/this forum was watching goldleafs growth. I had JUST “broken through” after years and years of trying and it was heartwarming to watch her fly out of the nest! And to bring her husband into it - it’s really nice to see. I will bet others will be encouraged BY you.

I found it easier when I started to keep a journal. I wanted to sort of blog things here - but there are a lot of visuals that I have to paint or at least draw, so that was that. But the more I would actually put to paper the easier it is to pick up where I left off. For example there is a huge painting in a temple that I always “click in” to. When I have to focus to remember details - while meditating - of this painting, the whole temple AND painting disappear. They reappear when I relax the focus. So I started painting what I remember and each time I “click in”, there is a new detail already there. Does that make sense? Anyway, the journal helps me.

The other thing is keep at it. Try different styles. Just don’t give up because the rewards are uncountable. My heart goes out to you as well with your family situation. I am going to be sending lots of good energy your way tonight in hopes you too, can benefit from this. It really does change something for the good.

congjing yu and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMirri

Guys. You know life is messy. It's not well contained where everything fits nicely in these nice square boxes. We wish they did. But they don't.

We want to go ahead and try to make them fit though. We try to think things out and analyze things. But instead we only get frustrated, get headaches, and start down paths towards addictions.

As my one (white pawed) kitty Nikki taught me, You don't need to know everything. You don' even need to know a few things. All you need to know is where your kitty-crunchies bowl of food is, and a good spot to lay down. The details will work themselves out. So all of you don't worry too much about everything. Things are working out.

Calm. Relaxed.

Has anyone here watched the old television show from the 1990's called the "Bob Newheart Show"? Well it was a comedy and a lot of funny riffs. But the point of the show was here's Bob Newheart leaving the big city and moving to a very quiet town or village in New Hampshire or Vermont (I forget).

He's all high-strung. But everyone else is all just so laid back.

You've got a handyman who could lose a leg, and he'd look down and say "wadda you know!".

You've got a philosophic neighbor (you never see his face though) that is involved in all sorts of Eastern teachings, offering suggestions on how to adjust to the slower pace of life.

You've got three brothers "Larry, his brother Daryl and his other brother Daryl". Who would do anything for a buck and consider road-kill Possum to be "good eating"!

The point is that it's ok to go all over the place and say your peace. Look for support. Tell your stories.  Enlist support. Cry weep, laugh, celebrate, as long as you don't try to turn MM into some soap box for some crusade or the other. Oh, and Trolls are sent to the cornfield.

No one is alone. MM is here to gather people of similar thoughts together. I try my best to make sure that it is a safe place for it's participants. -MM

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossMirriChromacat
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