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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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@garrire you're not alone! I feel the same way myself! And I also had the impression I'm excusing myself. I found this guy pretty helpful ( at about 6:00)

He put me back in place xD

Goldleaf and garrire have reacted to this post.
Quote from Mirri on October 16, 2021, 2:26 am

@garrire you're not alone! I feel the same way myself! And I also had the impression I'm excusing myself. I found this guy pretty helpful ( at about 6:00)

He put me back in place xD

That... is actually really, really useful! Thank you!

See, I'm somewhat of a Stoic. I used to have an incredible temper on me, to the point it was who I was. It was like a wall I'd put up to keep people away - can't get hurt if people cant get close! Until, I realised that it was actually unhealthy and the reason I was so depressed and angry was because I had isolated myself from society. Who knew, right?

The stoic approach, particularly after reading "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, helped me let that go. It has served me incredibly well, particularly since my first career was as a bouncer. Only time I've ever lost my temper or outward appearance of calm is when someone spat in my face.

So, being able to look at an emotion as it surges, go "Yep, that's not going to help, let it ride past, don't let it make your decisions" has been a super useful tool. I'm not saying I'm brilliant at it, I'm still prone to lose my patience during periods of intolerable tedium, I'm just setting some background.

That video has actually just filled in a large amount of gaps for me I didn't realise I had. I can't quite explain what as it's still forging some links, so to speak, but I've definitely got some ideas how to link my poor mans Stoicism to my meditation practice.

Seriously, thank you. Another piece of the jigsaw has appeared 😀

congjing yu, JayTNR1357 and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJayTNR1357Mirri

@garrire I'm happy supply a puzzle piece!!! And I thank YOU for mentioning the piece that helped you. I will check that out since Marcus Aurelius holds a special place in my heart.

Stoicism is definitively something I try to reach, but struggle with my temper a lot (well my kids are still little and I have never ever been triggered THIS much). And that's why stumbled across Mr Tolle.

And another thanks because now I know what a bouncer is 🙂 Never heard that before.

garrire has reacted to this post.

Haha, amazing. I worked the doors at all the vices that you can reasonably imagine a cities night life to hold. Was a great time, a lot of fun. That is, once you let go of the idea you have to be heavy handed and realise it's just a job where most people are looking for a way to save face, so, let your own ego go and they'll walk away. It aint worth the fight!

It did take me a very long time to start living the idea of it. The starting point for me was, heavily paraphrasing, that you can't control the chaos of nature, you can't even control your feelings. You can only control how you react. That being said, children are awesome but agents of raw chaos. They have so much energy and enthusiasm about everything! It's insane. You'll be fine, you got this! 😀

Goldleaf, xzianchow and Mirri have reacted to this post.

"Agents of raw chaos". Thank you much for this picture, it is so true! And it's awsome!!

xzianchow and garrire have reacted to this post.

Hi all!

I have found a new app that I have been using for meditation - it’s called “Moon Mandalas”.

Beautiful sound and a moving Mandala that changes daily. It really really helps a lot.

I hope it works for you all too!

This I know to be true



I was just thinking I desired a new source of meditative content! Thank you. The other content offered by this app, do you support it as quality information?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I cannot recommend this app more for meditation. I got the paid content because I wanted to make more than one “birth mandala”. With the free version you can only make one.

As far as the astrological aspect of the app, I am being taught using Whole House while the app is set ONLY for Placidus, so I’ll look at the readings just for fun during downtime.

Another app that I use daily/nightly is called “Quantum Frequency”. Let me just preface this by saying the first “level” is free, which in and of itself is great, but the other “levels” are VERY costly, BUT there are really nice beings out there that will unlock them for free for you. The only hint I can give on that is look for a bunch of smoking hot women when you go into deep meditation!

I hope this helps!

All of this I know to be true.


xzianchow has reacted to this post.

@pissedlizard I have the Quantum Frequency one downloaded. I've tried it a couple times and it wasn't clicking for me. Do you do anything special when you use it?

I still meditate almost daily my normal way. I thought I had regressed a while there, it was hard to even see the colors I used to or feel peaceful, but seem to be back to my previous state again.

Quote from pissedlizard on November 11, 2021, 9:35 pm

I cannot recommend this app more for meditation. I got the paid content because I wanted to make more than one “birth mandala”. With the free version you can only make one.

As far as the astrological aspect of the app, I am being taught using Whole House while the app is set ONLY for Placidus, so I’ll look at the readings just for fun during downtime.

Another app that I use daily/nightly is called “Quantum Frequency”. Let me just preface this by saying the first “level” is free, which in and of itself is great, but the other “levels” are VERY costly, BUT there are really nice beings out there that will unlock them for free for you. The only hint I can give on that is look for a bunch of smoking hot women when you go into deep meditation!

I hope this helps!

All of this I know to be true.


Believe it or not, but the 2nd time I opened the quantum frequency app after installing it I got a message in it that I was being given access to all of the features and frequencies. I hadn't even sat down and listened to the free track yet! Wow, huh? Well guess I should start from the top then.

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