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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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@goldleaf - I wish I could help with the app - I have no idea why it wouldn’t help. A friend has the same reaction- she can’t even get herself to relax with it. Strange.

@mountainman That is AWESOME you got the whole thing unlocked. I fly with these beings and they won’t do it for me so YOU got some good Ju-Ju going! Have fun with it!!!

This I know to be true



@pissedlizard I'll give the app a break and try again in a few weeks. Maybe the time just isn't right.

I've also been looking into qigong. Some of the exercises have been great for helping me build up energy for quantum touch/healing. I'd like to find a local practitioner to learn from in the future.

Edit to add it could be quantum antibodies interfering. I really need to design an affirmation to counter those.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

@goldleaf, can you consider a kooky idea? Design an affirmation to increase the number of people participating. So it's like a chain reaction because the new people which in turn increase the number of participants. It's like a cheat code haha.

I'm trying to game the system. 😁

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss Can you be more specific? Participating in what way?

Gold leaf it can be any affirmation. Pull up by your bootstraps. Affirmation to increase the number of people involved in a joint campaign. Like Lynn McTaggart Power of Eight, the number of players will exponentially increase the power of the campaign.

It's like asking a genie for three more wishes over and over. To infinity and beyond! 😁

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

That is probably possible. I already think MM's blog serves as a beacon for a certain type of person that needs to find this information. We could probably boost that ability with the right affirmation. Then anyone new could volunteer to join in.

The quantum antibody thing really bothered me. I have a base affirmation written that I'm going to tweak over the coming weeks before trying out on myself. If it seems to work, I'll share.

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Quote from pissedlizard on November 11, 2021, 9:35 pm

I cannot recommend this app more for meditation. I got the paid content because I wanted to make more than one “birth mandala”. With the free version you can only make one.

As far as the astrological aspect of the app, I am being taught using Whole House while the app is set ONLY for Placidus, so I’ll look at the readings just for fun during downtime.

Another app that I use daily/nightly is called “Quantum Frequency”. Let me just preface this by saying the first “level” is free, which in and of itself is great, but the other “levels” are VERY costly, BUT there are really nice beings out there that will unlock them for free for you. The only hint I can give on that is look for a bunch of smoking hot women when you go into deep meditation!

I hope this helps!

All of this I know to be true.


I tried both the Moon Mandalas and the Quantum one-- the Mandalas are pretty but I don't see myself using it much because I prefer to meditate with eyes closed.

The Quantum Frequency? Trippy!! I'll have to play around with that more.

I'm trying to focus these days on my vegetable garden, on eating and sleeping better, and figuring out some exercise that doesn't cause all my joints to flare up, ugh-- also trying some pain management with meditation.

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@pissedlizard and @goldleaf I tried meditating again and again with Hemisync. Two times I interrupted the session. I don't why somehow I couldn't stand it. The third time I succeded and I had two pictures flashing before my eyes. The first two cartons of hot choclate and the second was Freddy Krueger. Jeez! Took me some time to get over that one. It was the scariest movie I have ever watched... I'm a bit...sensitive? Lol

But I will do it again. I also startet Yoga. Just thought I change my view about meditating and think of it more as a muscle I have to train, just like my body. As consequence my body has to go to training as well xD

@mirri I've never experienced a scary meditation. Was the hemisync guided or just sound? I started my meditation journey using guided sessions and that seemed to help.

@goldleaf The Hemisync was just music. I do sometimes guided ones but I prefer without speaking. When I was on school exchange I discovered that by listening to music I know and picking one instrument from the background I could calm myself down.

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