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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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What a wonderful result! Go add some lines for direction and guidance and opportunity for art generation. Fantastic!

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

@goldleaf Do you see how far you have come?

Seriously - go back and read your earlier posts!

When I was younger, someone said told me that we don’t really see our own growth. We see the results - but not the parts in between.

This time we all got to. Have YOU considered keeping a journal so you can see your growth? You have encouraged me enough to start keeping one as of tomorrow!

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

Yeah., the progress is amazing and it hasn't been a month yet! I'm really glad you started this thread @pissedlizard as it's what got me going 🙂

I'm sort of using this thread as my journal for now. It's really nice to have  place to share with people that are on a similar journey.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I have to admit Goldleaf, you inspire me, and make me feel guilty I have not been disciplined enough in my own meditation endeavours. 🙂

I hope you share more amazing things as they happen to you!

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf

@goldleaf I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I’m going to keep this thread as a journal too-just because!


congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

I learned this weekend that I can't meditate on an extra full stomach lol Went out to dinner with friends and had a massive feast where I might have over eaten a little (ok a lot). Got home and tried to meditate and it just doesn't work. Nothing bad happens, it's like resting with my eyes closed, but not able to slide into the meditative state. So now I know to give extra time between if I eat a very large meal and attempting meditation 😀 As always, your mileage may vary.

I also had a new experience last night. At one point during meditation I experienced full body tingles. When my session was over some minor pains that had been annoying were completely gone. They are still gone today. Did I tap into some self healing? If so, I need to figure out how I did that so I can do it again in the future.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

@glodleaf I too have difficulty getting into that zone on a full stomach. In fact I started experimenting with teas and usually about an hour or so after I had anything tends to work. On the other hand when I am hungry - I can meditate fine but lose my appetite afterward.

One other thing I noticed with me recently is as I bring in my breath, I will visualize a ray of light coming up into my legs - they will immediately cramp up and I get this overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Like the feeling when you are waiting for the results of an important test. I have no clue why this is - other than regular stress - but it has. Not always but enough.

My “guide” is taking her time with me. I am certain she is a she even though I can’t see her. She won’t let me go to the next chakra and I really want to.

Also I was meditating at a set time in the afternoon and I changed it to evenings. Maybe that has something to do with it too.

I love the updates-it’s really encouraging on my end, so thank you!

congjing yu, Goldleaf and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafparaic

That's interesting. I wonder why bringing in a ray of light would cause you that kind of reaction. Maybe your guide can help explain at some point. I wonder if you have a blockage or some healing to do. I know I do!

I experimented with a few different hemi-sync recordings and the one that seems to work best for me at this time is a healing and balance one. When I do that in the morning I feel more open and freer than when I tried the others. I suspect I have a lifetime of "crap" to clear out/unprogram and this is helping 🙂

A follow up on the full body tingles... The minor aches it removed has stayed gone. As a minor tangent - my husband who used to suffer from chronic migraines hasn't had one in over a week since he's been joining me for nightly meditation. That is a record for him as he's been averaging 1 a week for years. Both of these have me super excited.

I'm currently going through the MAJ index on the blog and have started on the Universe posts. Holy crap! I swear I can feel things unlocking in my brain. I'm downloading each article as I go and reading veeeery slowly to make sure I understand as well as I can. I suspect this will take a couple rereadings to fully take in and process.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardkeffMemory Loss

I am SO happy you got your husband with you! I am working on my wife. At least you will have each other to bounce things off one another.

I don’t know why I got that pain, I am going to really sit down in the next couple of days (if we have it) and REALLY jump in. Like out in the woods jump in.

Starting with MMs stuff and reading it as he says is mind blowing. When I would read a random thing here and there - some stuff I would get but the rest would just “be out there”, but when I went from beginning to end - not only did things make sense but OTHER random articles would have really juicy pieces of steak to read. Like everything else - falling into place.

I still have so much ground to cover. I feel like I am one of the last ones to the party. I really do - but it is what it is. You all have helped this one human soul so much and I am so thankful.

More though, I am happy for YOU @goldleaf! How you wrote your post was so uplifting! I can’t help but catch some of that virus!

congjing yu, keff and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffGoldleaf

I'm with you feeling like I've come to the party late. Hopefully it's fashionably late 😉 Catching up has been fun and opened a new world to explore.

I think you'll have the time you need to explore what's happening regarding the light/pain. The world isn't ending though our news media tries to make you think it is. Keep firm in your affirmations to keep a protective bubble around you, your family and your area and you'll come through ok.

congjing yu and keff have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeff
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