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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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This week's unlock has been around... scents. Smells? Scents sounds nicer. I noticed twice this week either while meditating or just after that I receive some phantom scents. Yesterday morning it was of toast. I do not have any bread in the house and no one but me was up and I wasn't cooking. Earlier in the week I smelled bubble gum, which we also never buy.

Is this normal? There's no threat associated with anything and actually smelling phantom food stuffs is neat in a way, but the timing... no coincidences right? 🙂 I'm curious if anyone else has experienced similar.

I'm starting to see a lot more wildlife on hikes now too, which is awesome. I love nature and wildlife. Since beginning meditation I feel a lot more connected in a way that's hard to describe. Today, mid-hike, I randomly stopped in the middle of the trail to just listen to the sounds around us and a small flock of woodpeckers arrived and started traveling from tree to tree. We watched for several minutes before moving on. It was amazing 🙂

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congjing yupissedlizard


Not only are your senses being heightened by your meditations, but it seems that your world-line travels are also opening up as well. Remember that meditation and world-line travel are both controlled by elements of thought and thus would absolutely have an affect on your reality.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

Hi @goldleaf, I do apologize for not getting back earlier, I had a few housecleaning things to take care of.
I too am a human and not an AI or bot.

I am going to be much more time devoted to meditation when things start to settle down.

It sounds like it is going well for you and am really excited for you! It’s pretty amazing stuff, huh?


congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

Yes, it's amazing. I can't wait for you to have time to explore more and let us know how you do. Life happens!

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congjing yupissedlizard

@goldleaf You are in luck if you want to hear about it, because now I can communicate it and am going to put it in a post.

But more importantly, I have to relearn how to meditate. I am allowed to go to the next Chakra from Lam. So if it’s okay with you, of course - I need help and you are the person (instead of saying IS-BE).

I am saying this because we have shared world lines. This I know to be true.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

What did you have in mind? I've basically been using guided meditations from around the internet. I'd be happy to share links on the ones I find work best for me.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

YES, Please!!!

Here is what happened-I used to visualize a ray of red light coming up thru the earth that would meet at my Lam chakra. It would shoot up into white light into that tunnel. As I wrote previously it ended up causing severe pain for a while so I stopped for a few days.

I end up with my guide saying I can move to the next Chakra BUT now I can’t even visualize my legs at all. Where ever I try to bring energy in from - even if it’s my arm - I lose the ability to visualize it.

So now I think I have to start over and I knew you used something that really helped - I couldn’t remember what it was.


congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

Your method is completely different!

Morning I've been using a hemi-sync from the Munroe Institute specifically for healing and balance:

I've tried others in their free catalog and I get the most from healing and balance right now so I'm sticking with it for a while. It's fully guided so just follow the lady's instructions. It's a little different every day. Sometimes I get very specific sensations/tingles/resonances in specific areas. Sometimes nothing at all. It's a process 🙂 End result is always the same though - I feel refreshed, calm and a have a sense of wellbeing.

Evenings it is the EcoMeditation method. This is the one my husband joins in with:

There are a few videos out there for it; that's the one we like the most. I discovered it from that book I read a month ago. It combines EFT tapping with meditation and heart coherence. The results have been lovely. Other than the specific things Dawson says to do, I don't force any visualizations and just them enter on their own as I relax. There is time between to just let things flow. It's amazing how fast 17 minutes passes by. This has been the best at helping me keep the stress from life at bay.

I've tried shambhavi mahamudra. I get some results but I think I need more practice before going back. Love the music with this one though it is a very short session:

I've tried a few more but nothing worth noting yet. As I come across anything new, I'll add links here for you to try.

I've also just purchased a book on Quantum Touch, a form of healing that uses energy cycling. I'll report back as I read through the book and give it a try.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

It seems like you went through some stuff PL. I'm definitely interested to hear more when you have time to frame it up.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@goldleaf YOU ARE THE BEST! Thank you! I just bookmarked the pages.

I just tried sitting under my tree barefoot and FINALLY I can visualize my limbs again. I think it was the way I am saying LAM as well. Once I hit what sounded as a bell ringing it was like magic - boom they were in my minds eye. Now I have to KEEP it there!
Thank you again!

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