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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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@pissedlizard You are most welcome!

I think you'll like the hemi-synch one a lot. Part of the instructions is to vocalize tones along with and I have not figured out the right sounds yet. You have though! At least for one. I definitely want to hear your experiences when you have time try them.

I read through your story and WOW! That's a lot. And I bet that only scratches the surface. That's one heck of a journey you are on 🙂

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

PL, I envy your ability to speak directly to your spirit guide. This morning I tried a different meditation and thought it went OK. I'd been gradually feeling more and more anxious as the morning went on so at lunch I did my normal morning balancing meditation and poof! Anxiety gone and feeling normal again. This would be sooo much easier if I could meet my guide(s) and they'd just tell me not to change things up yet 😀 Though I suspect this is part of my learning process. But still!

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Look how far you have come!!!!

Think about what you just did. You controlled an emotion that has very, very, long, deep roots. You controlled epinephrine release and other hormones that have been programmed in you long, LONG ago on your evolutionary chain. It’s one of the most primitive and it’s root is deep in the brain. We as humans spend BILLIONS trying to control it.

And YOU did it. In, what? A couple of months?

Pretty impressive when you think about it, right?

Being able to be with my Spirit Guide is a double edged sword. It’s awesome - but that’s the only way I can describe it right now.

Look how far you have come.

Now say goodbye and don’t look back. Keep looking forward and expand outward - we need those wings STRETCHED!  I am learning from you and you provide SO much encouragement!!!

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf


My latest two-part Hemi-Sync Monroe Series is perfect for you. Give it a try.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

Time to download and put those on my phone. Thanks MM!

@pissedlizard It's like rebuilding atrophied muscles. Just takes time and practice 🙂 Great phrase you used. I've imagined having invisible energy wings when I started on this journey.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

EXACTLY! We all have this information or have had access to it, it’s just putting all the pieces together - once we get it all together we can get the glue, you know?

We all fly together, my friend. We do. We all have wings. We have been blinded into submission for so long we do not even know they exist. But you, me, all of us here - that are really trying to learn and contribute - we WILL reunite. I know this to be true.

It’s already happening.

congjing yu, Goldleaf and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafgarrire

Two weeks ago I had a feeling to double up on my affirmations. Man does stuff start happening fast! This time it was work that went sideways. Just a lot of... unnecessary crazy hit the fan all at once at work and I spent the previous two weeks digging into it. In a little personal experiment I stopped doubling up on my affirmations and as part of my digging I found out that all the crazy that had spun up was over "nothing" if that makes sense. Things aren't completely smooth but they are a heck of a lot smoother now than they were and as a bonus I have something I feel engaged in again. Which might have been the whole purpose now that I think about it. Hmmm! I'm still blown away at how fast it all started changing and how quickly I can make something happen.

Regarding Quantum Touch. The whole premise is based on two core concepts: [1] Energy follows thought and [2] all humans have the ability to heal locked away within themselves - you just have to remind your body how to do it. It's as natural as breathing and easily learned. Nikola Tesla was way ahead of his time:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

The basic technique uses full body sweeps to focus energy in your hands, raising your vibrations and then placing your hands on someone who needs healing so their body entrains to match the vibration of the practitioner and trigger self healing. A full body sweep is a method to pull energy up from your feet, through your legs and torso, up over your head and then back down your arms to focus in your hands. The beginner exercises also include breathing techniques to assist in focusing your energy. It's an amazing feeling once it gets started. I can consistently feel energy from my feet to just over my knees. Then I feel it stronger in the right side of my body vs the left and it's still sporadic. I can absolutely feel it heading down my shoulders and arms to my hands and it makes my hands buzz/tingle. My husband is also giving this a try and he can get a strong build up of energy sensation in his hands. We've both primarily been focused on practicing getting the energy flowing and will be ready to try small healings soon. The book has intermediate and advanced techniques that I have not read yet as I want to practice and get the basics going first.

Between work weirdness and focusing on energy techniques, my meditations haven't progress too much. I still meditate 2-3 times a day. Now that I think about it, and rereading posts above, when work went chaotic I added a 3rd meditation session over lunch most days this past week, it blew away the stress like magic so maybe I am progressing and it's just subtle 🙂 I have the Going Home hemi-sync's in queue to try out soon.

pissedlizard and garrire have reacted to this post.

So. I've been using the Hemisynch Radiance infrequently to meditate, and I noticed I feel my vibration rising and, easiest way to explain it, is like the elevator is going up. I always have an issue with letting go here, I start to focus on what's changing, which slams me back down base level.

I know the advice given here is useful: Try it more often, but, a couple or few times a week is better than nothing, right? Sitting in nature is a bit more difficult due to my concrete garden and drama filled neighbourhood, but my Cat always seems to know when it's meditation o'clock and sprawls out belly to belly on me and purrs away, so, she's a welcome companion during this period.

Anyway - the point of this post is I'm not sure what happened today. I tried a guided shamanic meditation recommended by a friend who comes from a family of shaman that was intended to help you meet your spirit guide: . Mix it up a bit, plus it's shorter. I found it a lot easier to let go and not get caught up using this guided method, which was a bonus. Training wheels, right?

Now, I struggle to visualise - I tend to have patterns of white or black behind my eyes. Probably years of computer gaming still being undone there. But, following along, and I'm able to have a clear mind and let go. This is good progress for me. The patterns of white/black starts oscillating, independently of the beat, and a dragonfly emerges, solid white, against this pulsing wave. Then a Sparrow. Then I'm fairly sure a dragon? Then I don't know what - possibly a butterfly or a moth, followed by a pigeon, then the Dragonfly dancing around a bit until it fades. Then my mind just went completely clear and relaxed until the end of the meditation. All of them, bar the Sparrow, were flying.

Anyone have any input here? Or, perhaps, feel like trying it to see what you see? Broad question, I know, but I have no idea what I just saw. Unless, perhaps, it was my cat sending me her, "to hunt" list to me. Good luck on the dragon, old girl.

Thanks for your time!

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

Thanks for the link. I'll carve out some time this week to give it a go and report back.

No idea what your visions mean 🙂 I still have no idea for the most part what anything I see means lol I'm primarily just trying to let the information in and am hoping for a guide later to help make sense of it all. I mean "guide" in any sense of the word - a spirit guide, posts that make information connect, a book, anything really. Basically working to get my internal transmitter functional first as it's been sitting unused in a corner collecting dust and cobwebs for almost my whole life, though I have also been picking up random messages my whole life now that I think back on things so not completely non-functional. Have to clear out, rebuild and strengthen my neural pathways to the physical and non-physical.

Cats are amazing. It's nice your cat joins you.

garrire has reacted to this post.

@garrire -

My advice - follow the Dragonfly. Come down THIS Rabbit hole, my friend! You will not be disappointed.

Follow the Dragonfly. It’s friendly.

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