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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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@goldleaf Everything you said has struck a chord with me here - its absolutely like trying to turn something back on and tune it in that you threw the instruction manual out for a long time ago. I look forward to hearing if you have any success with it!

Plus the Cat joining me is great, if I position just right she'll spread out across my midline and just purr her little head off and go to sleep.

@pissedlizard Follow the dragonfly. Got it - great advice. Just tried it again with your advice at the front of my mind. Then I stopped trying to see with my eyes and put the centre of my mind where I imagine the pineal gland is roughly, and tried to keep it there. It wobbled a bit, but hey, it'll get easier with time. Everything dropped away, everything, and I found a stillness. Not quite like I'm asleep, as I was still aware, but not quite awake. Time didn't matter, my body dropped away, and I just kind of stayed there. It was like an empty internal mental space. To come back out of it, it was like I had to spread out of this place and take control again. I'm feeling more grounded and calm. I'm going to try the Harmony again next time, with the dragonfly in mind, and see what happens.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf

@garrire That's a great result! I think that stillness is what we're aiming for. I've only achieved it a couple times myself as I continue to practice.

I tried the guided shaman meditation this morning. It's an interesting experience. I couldn't fully slide into a deep trance but I did see two animals in the forest (an alligator and a horse) and briefly a face of a much older man who looked to be of native american descent. I didn't receive any messages that I'm aware of. I think I'm going to let this one sit a bit before attempting again. I do have a nice sense of peace for the day now.

congjing yu, garrire and BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead have reacted to this post.
congjing yugarrireBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

Had another personal achievement this morning. During my morning balancing meditation I was able to feel vibrations in all 7 chakras 🙂 They weren't all equal in strength and some were very brief, but they were there. Keep practicing everyone!

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardBerkantgarrireBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

That's a really interesting outcome Goldleaf, thank you for trying it! And that progress of being able to feel your chakras vibrating is great!

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

@goldleaf -

Look how fast you are growing! That’s awesome!

I found an app for the iPhone that has been helping me a lot - it’s called “Brainwaves Frequency Sounds”. It has pre-programmed frequencies for everything from deep relaxation to 15 minute energy.

I am so happy for you!

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

I'll check that app out. Thanks PL!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Oh just take a break from the MM stuff Garrire, it's all good, focus on your meditation and building your mind up, don't sweat it. Well. Things have certainly gone next level around here! And from what I've read, has given me quite a few personal concerns, especially given my career path of choice and the type of person it attracts. If like seeks like, then, what does that say about me, deep down? Interesting questions for introspection.

But, as to meditation - I've not had any in depth experience like I did with the Shamanic Guided meditation in a while. I've been working through the "Positively Ageless" set, and I'm not entirely sure I haven't just fallen asleep on one of them. During one of the periods of silence on I believe the "Reconditioning" exercise, I saw myself plugging holes in barrels - I know there was other stuff, but that's all I remember. Was actually a low resolution scene, rather than my usual black and white patchy stuff - may have been a sort of lucid dream or I may have fallen asleep, but I don't think (less than) 30 minutes is enough to enter REM sleep for proper dreaming. And I don't frequently remember dreams when I wake up. So, not sure what to make of that. It may be my visualisation skills developing, it could just be random brain nonsense.

After "Lightbody", I found myself feeling out of sorts all day. Sort of like the trembling you get after an intense adrenalin hit, but not as intense and I felt fairly centred.

I'm starting to use a trick of, "Not thinking about purple elephants". You know, when someone says not to think of one, it's the first thing you think of? Effortlessly, unbidden, a purple elephant comes to mind. So, rather than specifically trying to focus on what the narrator is saying, I'm sort of listening to it and letting it happen, giving it a mental push back on track every now and then when my mind wanders.

Part of me is fighting this opening up myself to suggestion, but, got to trust somewhere I guess. Fundamentally, I can't keep shutting everything out on reflex - it presupposes I know everything, when I know very little. Once I've finished this set, I'm going to try the guided shamanic again, then possibly work through "Going Home".

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

@goldleaf - I have a funny story for you. I have either Corona or another pretty debilitating virus that really got the best of me lately.

During times of fever - I would straight up go into hallucinations. There was a point where I honestly thought I was going to suffocate - my mind brought me to a place I never saw before with a large tree. I sat under the tree as I normally would. I’m sitting there thinking - “well, this is it - I hope I got everything together for my wife before I go”... and all of a sudden a leaf fell on my hand. A leaf made of gold. Then another and another and another until there seemed to be millions of gold leaves everywhere flashing in the light. I figured you were out there meditating and tried to say hi!

Oddly, when I read your name I think of the gold leaf that you see on doors or walls as a decoration, not as an actual leaf - but the symbology was clear to me. So - if you felt someone saying Hi last week while meditating - it was me!

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and garrire have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafgarrire

Feel better soon PL! I noticed you've been quiet lately and been wondering how you were doing. Perhaps that is what made it into your meditation 🙂 I'll try sending some energy your way in my evening meditations.

pissedlizard and garrire have reacted to this post.

I could really use the energy, my friend! This is the first day I can actually hold my phone for more than a few minutes. I have had some VERY interesting fever hallucinations that I was actually able to control to an extent using these meditation techniques. Once I get the energy...

Goldleaf and garrire have reacted to this post.
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