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Meditation- to any one who tried and failed..

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My hands have been tingling almost nonstop since my previous post. Hope some of this is making it to you. I've never tried sending energy remotely before so no idea if I'm doing it right!

congjing yu and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yugarrire

Keep at it @garrire. I too feel like I've hit a plateau with meditation, like I'm not making progress right now. All the advice I've read has been the same: keep practicing!

I also added a very simple line to my affirmations around the same time as The Domain stuff, figuring it can't hurt: I meditate daily.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardgarrire

@pissedlizard Hope you feel better soon brother!


@goldleaf Great advice, thank you. And I am reminded of PL's advice at the very start of this thread - sit on the actual grass or in nature. Now I have a car, I'm tempted to load up my phone with some tracks and go find a park that is somewhat more salubrious than my locals. Since my last post, I have sort of remembered that not everything works the same for everyone, so I should stop over analysing and stressing myself out over nothing. As you say, keep practicing.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf
Quote from pissedlizard on September 26, 2021, 10:27 pm

@goldleaf - I have a funny story for you. I have either Corona or another pretty debilitating virus that really got the best of me lately.

During times of fever - I would straight up go into hallucinations. There was a point where I honestly thought I was going to suffocate - my mind brought me to a place I never saw before with a large tree. I sat under the tree as I normally would. I’m sitting there thinking - “well, this is it - I hope I got everything together for my wife before I go”... and all of a sudden a leaf fell on my hand. A leaf made of gold. Then another and another and another until there seemed to be millions of gold leaves everywhere flashing in the light. I figured you were out there meditating and tried to say hi!

Oddly, when I read your name I think of the gold leaf that you see on doors or walls as a decoration, not as an actual leaf - but the symbology was clear to me. So - if you felt someone saying Hi last week while meditating - it was me!

Maybe @goldleaf is inadvertently sending out gold leaves in his meditations? Sort of a spiritual "I wuz here"?


And PL, maybe we can focus on your health. I have no calling card I hope lol. Get well soon.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@goldleaf - 12 hours ago my goal was to sit upright in bed, feet on floor (the doc in me-ya know?) - but that was the goal for now - 9 pm my time.

I am walking on my own! I figured a couple steps tomorrow IF I passed my goal of sitting.

Whatever you are doing - I am out of bed! And can like - hold the phone, so I thank you beyond words! My wife thought I fell because she heard me walking up here - THATS where I was, so again, whoever you read or the course - it’s working. THANL YOU!!!!

@garrire - My friend, I assure you that I hold the record for the most “attempts” at meditation before anything happened. I am telling you I have been trying to really do this since I was a kid. All I got was the noise that’s normally in my head along with some natural eye floaters. It WILL “click”. I am telling you - point blank - I was NOT a believer or thought I was just wired not to be able to meditate.

In a few months - and only a few - it’s like  a part of who I am now. It’s as natural as putting on a coat when it’s cold. I don’t even have to “think” about making time to meditate because if I see a few spare minutes - boom. So please stick with it. I am telling you - the way you see life will change.

As I am getting tired I’ll leave you with this. If you are a human being and not a bot - you deserve this. Tell yourself that because you do. Whatever you did in your past - is your past. What you plan to do in the future - good, bad, whatever. It’s a plan, so it’s a thought. When you meditate it’s all about you. And it’s all about living right now. This second.
Keep at it!

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafgarrireAliceChromacat

Everyone. I think some good thoughts directed at PL might do him some good. He needs us now. Rufus to the Rescue! -MM

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossGoldleafgarrireAlice

Thank you SO much! I really appreciate this - more than you all can think!

Again, my warmest thanks!

congjing yu, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafgarrireAlice

YAY! So happy that worked!!! You'll be back to normal in short order.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and garrire have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardgarrire

@goldleaf - getting there! I will say this-whatever I had was flat out evil. I felt it in a way I never have before.

I truly believe EVERYTHING that I was taught about Western Medicine, while it has its place, is fundamentally wrong.

Now all told - because I am 100% always have been and always will be independent - I took out loans for my education, and I have ZERO problem having paid them back, but all told we are looking at about 250,000 Dollars US.

For wrong information.

There is a Tool song called “Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned”. Those who know it will understand this - I, Pissedlizard, is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the guy who forgets the pen.


If you haven’t heard it - first “lost keys” is an instrumental doctor/nurse interaction dealing with a catatonic patient. I can tell you as a psychiatrist in a major city - I have literally had the EXACT interaction dozens of times. The song goes into the VERY surreal “Rosetta Stoned”, oddly, this is about a UFO abduction. It’s a wild ride. I highly recommend listening with a clear head, in the dark and volume UP.

Anyway-Western Medicine = bullshit. I am really focusing on Vedic Medicine. It just “fits” my lifestyle at this point, but I still have to really look into Chinese Medicine. THERE is the interest. All I know is rather than cry about money spent - I can only make myself the butt of a joke about it and laugh!

congjing yu, Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafAlice

I am a VERY STRONG BELIEVER in Chinese Traditional Medicine. It's all about balance. And then correcting imbalances. I have story after story after story where Chinese medicine succeeded where Western medicines failed.

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