Everyday, average, super hero.

Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 4.

More stories of personal heroism in China. This is part four.

Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 3.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Here are some more fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Child collapses on the train.

What would you do if your child isn’t feeling well. He has a fever, and suddenly he collapses, on the train. He has zero life signs and it looks like he is dying right before your eyes. What would you do?

What would a father do?

Be the Rufus. You run over and you save the baby!

Video 2 – Child falls between the tracks.

Children can get into all kinds of trouble, and often we might not even notice what is going on until it is too late. We need to act quickly and offer and lend our support. We need to do this. Lives are at stake!

Be the Rufus!

Video 3 – Daughter misses her daddy.

Do not think that you are never appreciated. Your family and your children need you more than you realize. Their feelings and their emotions are real. When you are gone, on a business trip or for other reasons, they will miss you. It will hurt, and you will need to show them that you care and love them very much.

Video 4 – Help on the stairways

China is a nation of escalators. Millions of people use them daily. Since they are so often used, it is normal to see accidents and problems around them. So what would you do if you notice some people having trouble on top of a moving mechanical contrivance? What would you do?

Video 5 – Help on the stairways – 2

Helping someone might be the last thing on your mind. But suddenly, you look up, and people are screaming. They are terrified, and things have gone wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. The only one nearby is you. You and you alone. What would you do?

Be the Rufus.

Video 6 – Help on the stairways – 3

Here we have a problem on the stairs. A man who is disabled cannot use the stairs himself and collapses. What can you do?

You be the Rufus.

Video 7 – Taxi driver speeds a child to the hospital.

You’ve got to rush the baby to the hospital. Here, a normal taxi driver got more than what he planned for. A hysterical mother cradles her baby and they must rush the child to the emergency room in the hospital. Did he ask for specifics? The hospital, etc. Nope. He went into emergency Rufus mode…

Video 8 – Taking down purse snatchers.

Purse snatching is a problem in some parts of the world, and can be a potential problem in rural China.

Here we see what happens when a normal man, goes after the purse snatchers on a moped. He uses a bike. He chases after them, and tackles them and fights them to get the woman’s purse back.

Be the Rufus!

Video 9 – Toddler climbs out of the 6th floor window.

This is a problem in China. So many skyscrapers, and so many children. When you hear cries from up above… what are you going to do? Wait for the police? Wait for the firemen? Wait for the building security?

No, you spring into action on your own and you take matters in your own hands. You be the Rufus.

Video 10 – Child waits for mommy.

Here we have a little girl waiting for her mommy. The volunteers in the subway station come over and comfort her while she is waiting. Be the Rufus, you help others and tend to the scared, the frightened, the young and the needy.

Video 11 – Wheelchair help.

When a vet is trying to make his way, with no legs… in a wheelchair, what do you do? Are you like everyone else? You look away, you mind your own business. You don’t get involved?

Or, are you the Rufus?


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

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The history of how Australia obtained Sheilas; the story of The Lady Juliana, The 18th-Century Prison Ship Filled With Women.   This is the story of the Lady Juliana. This was a special ship designed to convey female convicts from England to Australia. The idea was that a boat load of female convicts would happily link up with a colony of convicts in Australia. Thus making everyone very, very happy, and reform the colony in New South Wales.
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End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
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How to manage a family household.
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Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
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A womanly vanity
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

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How they get away with it
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Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1
Be the Rufus, part II. More tales of heroism.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 3.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 4.
Here are some more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 5.
Here are even more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like int he same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 6.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 7.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 7.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 8.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 8.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 9.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 9.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 10.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 10.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 11.
Here are some more stories, videos and micro-movies of personal examples of heroism, and being a Rufus. They all take place in China, because, that is, well, where I live. Here you can see that personal heroes come in different sizes and shapes and that being a hero is our highest calling in our world. Be the hero. Be the Rufus.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
It is our highest calling to help others in need. Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Be the Rufus and make the world a better place.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 14.
It is our highest calling to help others in need. Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Be the Rufus and make the world a better place.

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