be who you are

Be Who You Are

If there were some kind of words of wisdom that I could impart to the reader, or if there was some advice that I could give the reader relative to my experiences and my knowledge, what would it be?

Let me think…

 “The most powerful thing that we can be is ourselves. I love what  Zachary was saying because that's us. We were always that little kid.  We're still that little kid. Right — just aspiring to be something  better. Aspiring to be important.” 

-Dwayne, The Rock

First off…

Put your phone away. Turn that fucker off. When you come home and throw your keys into a basket, catchall, or other small container, toss your phone in with them. When it’s with you — and in your pocket — the mental clutter of an entire Internets worth of headlines and viral videos can be too much to resist.

No. This is not about the NSA spying on you. Though it does. No. This is not about Google tracking your location. Though it does. No. This is not about privacy or peace, though those are significant issues. No.

Having your phone always next to you is like having a stack of newspapers and magazines on the floor that you have yet to read. Only when you ditch the newspapers because you realize they’re literally old news will the mental space they’re crouching on be freed up.

It’s true. I used to collect all kinds of magazines. If I was too busy to read the articles, I would save the magazines for later. Over time, I never read the articles. No matter how interesting or well written they were. Instead, the stack just got larger and larger. It became a “to do” item on a growing list of “to do” items.

Remember, regardless of the content, if it is not PHYSICALLY part of YOUR life, it is not important to you directly. Those memes don’t call to you if your phone isn’t within reach…

Be who you are.
Be who you are. Stop trying to please everyone else. Stop trying to listen to the “experts” who tell you what to eat, how to dress, when to sleep and who to be with. Stop trying to follow the rules that tell you what to say and how to behave. This is your life Darn it!
“Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”

— Henry Ward Beecher

Quick Summary

This is your life. It’s yours.

This is your reality that you exist within. Everyone around you are but very lively and interesting “shadows”. While they might be part of your reality, they are not part of who you are. They are not you.

To really live your life, as GOD intended, you need to live it on YOUR terms.

What about you?

Throughout this blog, I spent a lot of time describing MY own personal experiences. But what does that matter to you; the reader?

How can it possibly matter?  What is the significance of all of this?  Where does what I have written here lead to?  Will you make more money?  Will your body be healthier, and your personality improve?  Will you find that members of the opposite sex will be drawn to you?

I really do not know.  Every person is different.

Everyone who reads this blog reacts differently to it.  Some of the comments are completely cruel and uncalled for.  Some are just nonsense, maybe generated by a computer algorithm. Others seem to be from a middle school student who cannot spell very well. Honestly, I don’t keep up with the latest texting slang and abbreviations. To me, it reads like gibberish.

I find that most readers only read the first three paragraphs or so and then skims down the the bottom of the page before exiting. Very few ever read the entire article. Those that do, are the ones who derive full benefit of the topic content.

Would you try to understand?

This blog is not what everyone expects.

It is not intended to be set up like a conventional blog, news article, editorial, disclosure or “whistle-blower” statement. There is a completely different purpose behind this blog. If you are here reading this, perhaps you do UNDERSTAND.

I do not expect, at all, to have a following like Robert Greene has with his book the 48 Laws of Power.  I would be nice, but it really isn’t necessary. I do not require a following to get my message across. I only need one or two key people.

The 48 Laws of Power has sold over 1.2 million copies in the United States and has been translated into 24 languages. Fast Company called the book a "mega cult classic," and The Los Angeles Times noted that The 48 Laws of Power turned Greene into a "cult hero with the hip-hop set, Hollywood elite and prison inmates alike."

You have read this blog for reasons unknown.  You slugged through it.  You persevered.  You have reached this point in time, where you now are saying “What the fuck?”.  What have you gotten out of this?

Understanding? What kind of understanding is this all about?

Men need to be “awake”

We have to realize that we live in a world that is increasingly confused, uncertain, and paralyzed that is calling out for men of action.

  • We need to stop thinking and start acting.
  • Stop looking at the big red button and push it.
  • Stop planning and take a step forward.
  • Stop talking about grit and take a hit.

In short, the world needs men. I’m not sure if you’ll answer the call. I do know some will, though, and that’s all we need.

I cannot provide a “one size fits all” kind of manuscript.  I cannot describe things for a woman (or for a woman’s point of view), as opposed to that of a man.

Personally, I think preserving a few small differences in the expectations of male/female behavior, simply as symbols of our differences, keeps things fun. Rules and traditions give life texture and meaning, as opposed to living life in an entirely blah postmodern wasteland. Sameness is boring. Differences create attraction.

That being pointed out, all I can do is explain what I know in the context of what I understand.

I tried to be inclusive, but people are far too diverse.

Let your profession be a labor of love
Let your profession be a labor of love. Do what makes you happy and what you are good at. Damn the rest of the world sitting on the sidelines eating popcorn. Take a leading role in your life.  Instead of watching the movie, instead of talking about the movie, actually LIVE the movie.

We need a set and clear objective

Integration is the key word here. Each of us has to decide on the end game—is the goal to help people become more positive or a fully functioning, human being? The former is artificial and the latter is messy and nuanced. Choose to see the complexity of human beings, and we will be of greater service to helping ourselves and humanity.

Make a difference
Make a difference in the lives of the people around you. You can do it. Just smile more. Be kinder. Try to be helpful. Take time, and set time to be the best you that you can be.

Everything, and I do mean everything, is all about us and how we live within our reality. It is all about what we do with your life. It is what we do with our time, our friends and our purpose.

This is YOUR reality.

We need to integrate it. We need to integrate it with ourselves and be the person that we were intended to be.


You, the reader have read about my adventures, and perhaps wonder if you may also get this “kind” of opportunity in the future.  I can tell the reader this; YES.

Yes. Eventually, depending on your conscious efforts toward sentience construction (in the physical embodiment) you will get this “kind” of opportunity.

The change in mindset will absolutely create a change in thoughts.  This change in thinking will completely change your physical life; it will become more adventurous.  However, the decision to live this life is a difficult one.

Indeed, the choice to live an adventurous lifestyle is not an easy one. It is very difficult to break free of the monotonous routine of daily life when you have been repeating it for years on end.

You can easily come up with a handful of excuses why you shouldn’t book that weekend whitewater rafting trip, travel to a foreign country, or make an appointment for your first SCUBA lesson. I can’t get off of work, I shouldn’t spend the money, who will watch the kids, etc. There is only one way to break the routine, and that is to just do it. Keep in mind the words of George Mallory, known for attempting the first ascent of Everest;

“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to live. That is what life means and what life is for.”

Of course it will happen, this is your reality and it is ruled by your thought.  If the reader is confused, then please reread the post on reality.  But, no, it will not be identical to what I experienced.  It will (probably) NOT be in some sort of a top-secret government project. You probably won’t be part of MAJestic.

No, it will not be that obvious.

No, you will not realize what it is until AFTER you have participated in it.  However, like it or not, YOU will have this opportunity.  (Maybe not in this physical reincarnation, but it will happen to one of your incarnations. Every person goes through a sorting process to settle their sentience configuration vector.)

The easy way…

Finally, and for the record; No, you cannot pay money and buy a ticket or education that will enable this transformation.  It will only occur when you are ready.  This means emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Nothing that you can do physically, aside from altering of your thoughts, can enable this transformation.

As the saying goes; “You cannot buy your way into heaven.”

“When I envied a man’s spurs then they were indeed worth coveting.”

Zane Grey
Be the man that your parents would be proud of
Be a man that your parents would be proud of. Do great things. Be a man that others would emulate. Be good. Be special. Be what you were intended to be. Do it because of who you are. Do not do it our of fear of Hell, fear of the police, or fear of other concerns. Do it simply because it is who you are.


Stop placing your fate in someone else hands. It’s time to take control of your life. Instead of being the ship, be the captain that controls the ship.

Having a bunch of loose ends in your life is heavy psychological baggage. It’s like an orchestra where everyone’s playing a different piece. The music would be terrible. You have to step in as the conductor and get each instrument on the same page, all working together to create something beautiful.

Be the person in charge of your life.

You are no longer a student; a child. When we were a child our parents taught us. They guided us. When we were students, it was our teachers that guided us. When we got our first job, it was our supervisors that guided us. Later, where we got married, it was our spouse that guided us.

Stop that train of behavior.

You are an adult. Take charge of your life.

First Steps

Start by making a list of the things in your life that you’re not happy with. Pick one of the problems and come up with a concrete plan of action on how you’re going to tackle it.

  • Unhappy work, job or career.
  • Unhappy health or appearance.
  • Unhappy relationships or lack thereof.
  • Unhappy financial or health situation.

This simply means sitting down with a notebook and not getting back up again until you’ve figured out a solution, a few concrete steps you can take to solve the problem.

And then you follow-through with your plan with absolutely no excuses.


Now, if there’s really nothing you can do to change the situation, then come up with a way that you can change your reaction to what’s happening.

Change yourself.

Let the rest of the world adapt to the NEW you.

Don’t let other people dictate how you feel. Controlling your emotions and deciding how to feel on your own terms is one of the manliest and most satisfying accomplishments in life.

Second Steps

Once you successfully tackle one problem, your confidence in your problem-solving abilities will increase, your sense of being in control of your life will increase, your resiliency will be continually strengthened, and your confidence will be further enhanced. And the cycle will continue.

Your life is not fixed. It is malleable and it can be whatever you want it to be.

Bronco Billy is living his dream.
Be like Bronco Billy. Live your dream. You don’t have to be a poor shoe salesman in New York city. You can recreate your life into something that appeals to you. Don’t be afraid. Follow your dream.

Therefore, I can at least provide some basic guidelines (The larger theme here demands ignoring the popular narrative and thinking both independently and unconventionally.) to the reader towards their own personal growth and behavior,  Let me take a moment to address these issues…

  1. I strongly urge the reader to accept the sentience that they are inclined towards. Do not try to be what you are not.  Your soul determined this physical incarnation.  Utilize it.  Learn from it.
  2. There are positive and negative aspects in everything. Try to bring out the positive in everything that you do.
  3. Be you. Most importantly; do not take what I have written as a behavioral guide. It was my life, but not your life.  It was full of errors and mistakes.  Therefore, I urge you to be you.  Be who you are; just as you are.
  4. Consider your strengths. Start basing your self-concept on your strengths, not on external things. This isn’t some banal self-esteem affirmation where everyone is special just “because”. Your strengths are the things that truly make you unique and give you something special to offer the world.
  5. You are unique. Allow yourself to feel confident in what you have to offer people. We may never be superheroes in the comic book sense, but you should look at your strengths like your unique “superpowers” that you can use as a force of good in the world.
  6. Do your best in everything. Be kind.  Accept others exactly as they are, and don’t try to change or mold them.  (Trying to change others is a “service to self” mentality, but more importantly it causes quantum entanglements.  You might want to avoid that carefully.)
  7. Accept your belief structure as a fundamental part of who you are and recognize that it is neither good, nor bad. But rather an extension of your very being and essence.  That means both the spiritual and political aspects of your being.

To Impart Information

I hope what I wrote in this blog, somehow and at some level, benefited you in some way.  It is not my intention to change the reader, but to impart information that I have accumulated over the years.

I wish to distill it into a format for the greatest bulk of the population to enjoy.  What the reader and their friends do with the information can only be speculated upon, but I do indeed hope that the end result will be a positive one.

Be who you are and what you are destined to be.

“My prejudice was that the ideal man is a woman in a man’s body. And I learned, no, that’s really not. There are a lot of women out there who really want a manly man, and they want his stoicism,”


A lesbian feminist disguised herself as a man for a period of time to see first hand the differences in gender.  She wanted to make a case in favor of male privilege and the need for men to change their behavior and act more like women for a just and fairer world.  

She was wrong and this amazing article describes her discoveries. Because of her experiences her views about men have changed forever.  

“Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don’t have it better,they need our sympathy. They need our love, and maybe they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.” 

Ironically, Vincent said, it took experiencing life as a man for her to appreciate being a woman. “I really like being a woman. … I like it more now because I think it’s more of a privilege.” 

Trying to change the actions and behaviors of others to suit your own ignorance or needs is a selfish action.  It is a sure fire sign of “service to self” sentience, however, when the person learns the objective lessons in the folly, then one is well on the road to altering their sentience.  Though it might prove painful.

You have Strengths

Embrace your strengths as the arsenal of tools you have to meet life’s challenges. Unlike external things, your strengths can go anywhere and help you in any situation.

Consider what you have…

  • Energy to start the day.
  • Resiliency to keep at it, time and time again.
  • The ability to forge ahead and never give up.
  • The ability to do your best, while the rest of the world laughs at you.
  • The ability to endure.

If shit happens… and it will…

If you get divorced, if you are let go from your job, or you are forced to move to a new place, it will be your strengths that will be hanging around your shoulders like a bandoleer.

It will be your skills, your abilities and your raw power of personality.

They are there, ready to be employed to build something new. For you are the Rambo of resiliency.

Humphry Bogart as Dobbs. He was a man who was down on his luck, cheated when we found work, and swindled upon so badly that no one would give him a dime for a cup of coffee.

Exercise your strengths. Use them. The exercise of your strengths are the path to true fulfillment, gratification, satisfaction, and happiness. Find ways to employ your strengths more often in your job, relationships, families, and faith.

The more fulfilled you feel, the stronger you’ll feel as a man, and the easier it will become to take risks and brush off setbacks.

For the Younger Fellas…

You’re only young once. This is the only time in your life where you don’t have any obligations– no mouths to feed, no mortgage to pay, no employees to look after.

You’re free.

Don’t waste your time and freedom indulging in endless leisure activities or posting pictures of your latest dessert on Instagram. This is the time to truly learn… to put your heart and soul into building the knowledge, skills, and character that can set you up for the rest of your life.

An end result

This blog is the end result (I believe) that former President Ronald Reagan intended way back in 1981.  This is what he meant when I signed onto MAJestic. This is what he was talking about…

In the office.
It was a little like this scene from the movie “Top Gun”, except that the office was much, much larger. The commander was not so casual. He was friendly, but businesslike.

Make your life something significant.  Make it worthwhile.  Make it a positive impact.  Try your best, and be the best “you” that you can be.  Do not model your life after someone else life. Do not model it after mine. Design your own.

Make yours matter.  Make your life count.

Be a great person.
Be a GREAT person. I don’t know if the reader has actually seen this episode, but Pam invites the entire office to her art show that she’s been gearing up for for a really long time. Nobody shows up except for Oscar and his partner (and they critique her work, calling her “lacking in courage” among other things, not realizing she is standing right behind them) and then Michael. However, Michael is the only one who tells her she is great just for putting herself out there, and the only one who places value on what she’s done. He points out all the little details she got right and notices absolutely every bit of hard work she put into it. He then treats Pam like the artist she is by not just paying her for her art, but displaying it where literally everyone can see it. It’s one of my favorite episodes.

Start today

Start today.  Say out loud “This is NOT how my life will end.”

Begin with kindness.  Start slow, and just be yourself.

“…he was an idealist who went after the attainable; a dreamer who was a man among strong men; a man who faced life with superb assurance and who could face death serenely imperturbable. These were my first impressions; which months of companionship only confirmed.”

-W. B. Hargrave

Every day, in little tiny ways, just be the best you that you can be.  Groom yourself well.  Think before you speak.  Smile.  Sit straight.  Radiate.  Park your car straighter.

Oh, but you’ve heard it all before… haven’t you?

“Once you declare an idea or person to be your enemy, you give them a room in your mind. Within that room you insert their history, strategies, tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. You dedicate more of your waking hours to understanding how to defeat them. As time passes, items from that room start to leak out into your being, until you look in the mirror and realize that you are not that different from your enemy.”

-You become what you fight by RooshV

However, this time, yes this time, listen.

Be a man

Concentrate on yourself, and being the best you that you can possibly be. Don’t worry about everyone else. Do your best. Do more than the “next guy”. Be the one who shows up on time. Make your word your bond. Look people in the eye when you speak with them.

Be a MAN god dammit!

Why not you?
Often it is not what we think we want or what we believe would make our lives meaningful that matter. It is the way and manner by which our adventures unfold through our thoughts and actions. Our soul directs the events that help mold our thoughts. Our thoughts create our realities that in turn result in our physical reactions. When offered a choice, one must be prepared to recognize that it was our thoughts and our soul that led us blindly to that nexus.

Present yourself in a businesslike fashion while on the job.   Be kind to those around you. Be good to animals.  Water a plant.  Refrain from shooting off an angering post or e-mail.  Stop reacting. Stop being manipulated by others. Visit your grandparents unexpectedly.

Have some class

Men get angry and resentful when they agree to something that compromises who they are, what they stand for. Men who have developed their “non-negotiable, and unalterable terms”, have no problem cooperating as long as they’re not asked to compromise what’s important, their non-negotiable, unalterable terms.

Be who you are, but work with others to achieve mutual benefit to all.

Kind Letter
Your goal should be one of two outcomes in everything that you do. Either [1] put a smile on the face of someone, or [2] be neutral. By adding sun and happiness in the world you enrich the world around you. If you cannot enrich the world, then please be neutral. It will help you in the long run. Trust me. All those “trolls” on the internet, are now finding that their life outside of their computer personality has become shabbier, problematic and tarnished. It is our actions and thoughts that define our reality.

Help Others

Help others. We all have a calling in life.  I believe it boils down to one thing: You are here on this planet to help other people. In fact, none of us can exist very long without help from others.

It is our higher calling.

This thought was brought home forcefully in a story that Garret Keizer recounts in his insightful book “Help: The Original Human Dilemma”.

Supposedly in hell the damned sit around a great pot, all hungry, because the spoons they hold are too long to bring the food to their mouths. In heaven, people are sitting around the same pot with the same long spoons, but everyone is full. Why? Because in heaven, people use their long spoons to feed one another. (Thus, my strong urge towards service to other sentience.)

Cultivate your relationships

Take your dad out for coffee. (That was my last memory of my father before he died. We went out for coffee and donuts.)

Buy your mother some flowers. (That will be a wonderful surprise! She would be so very surprised.  You know that this is true.  Do it.  See what happens. It will just MAKE HER DAY. Do it, just “because”. I promise you that it would be a memory that she would treasure.)

Email an old friend and just say hi.

Be Attentive

Just act a little more attentively.

STOP multi-tasking. If you are going to eat, turn off the phone and eat, and talk with your companions.  If you are going to play basketball, then play. If you are going to talk to someone on the phone, do not go watching television at the same time.

Multi-tasking is not at all appropriate for men.  It is something that women do well, but not men.

Don’t believe me?  Try carrying on a very serious conversation with your wife, while you are trying to watch a game on television.  She will NOT accept your attempt at multi-tasking. She will demand your full attention.

Do good things

Do good things.  Make your life matter.  We are what we do every day. Make a difference.

  • Smile more often.
  • Slow down when you do things.
  • Turn off the news.
  • Take extra care being clean.
  • Eat better.
  • Spend time with your friends.
  • Try to say one nice thing to a person each day.

Do great works

Take what is presented herein and do positive great works with it.  I implore you.

“Everything had its own little home, neat and tidy. The white linen handkerchief on the inside pocket. The little mints… A single key on a fob.”

-Nancy Sinatra on the contents of Frank Sinatra’s pockets

Begin with yourself

Begin with yourself. Be you, as unique as you can possibly be. Be comfortable with who you are and live yourself well.  Then, once you are comfortable, improve the world that surrounds you.

Please pitch in and do your part to make the world a better place. Don’t rely on someone else to do the heavy lifting for you. As Martin Luther King noted,

“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”

In other words, don’t wait around for someone else to fix what ails you, your community or nation. Don’t make demands on other people to “do the heavy lifting”. If you want to feed the poor, don’t demand others pay higher taxes.  You go out and you feed them yourself.

Help others
Don’t sit on your sofa and demand the government force others to help the needy. Get off your ass and help them yourself. You need to define your sentience. You need to say, loud and clear who you are and what you stand for. Stop being and living a life as a manipulated animal.

Growth is participatory. Or, as Gandhi urged: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

- Maya Angelou

You can be the ONE who makes a difference

Realize that one person can make a difference. That person can be YOU.

I wish that I would have lived up to the expectations of my parents, friends, and family.  I wasn’t a hero.  I never became rich, popular or successful.  I was just an average man, and while my story was unique, I could have done so much more with my life than what I did.

"The best employee engagements programs fail if the CEO doesn't say good morning when he walks to his office."


I urge the reader to become great.

Become GREAT

Follow other great people as role models.  Try to live up to their ideals.  For me, I consider Bob Ross, or Fred Rogers as role models. Another is Les Brown. They lived life on their terms.   Make a difference. Live your life on your own terms. Start NOW.

Bob Ross
Bob Ross says, that the secret of doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe.
Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers once said that there were three ways to ultimate success; The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. In short, please be kind.

After I exited my retirement from MAJestic, I had a nice talk with my father.

He shook his head. “What went wrong”, he lamented. He pulled out a old black and white picture of me and him when I was one years old.

He was holding me up by my two arms. He looked so young, and so proud.

He looked at it and in a slow sad voice… “we had so much hope and promise for you…” and trailed off.  (I kept that picture.  It is now slowly rotting away in a Newark, N.J. warehouse somewhere. Forever lost.)

A plea for positive change

If we’re going to see any positive change for the human species on this little planet, then we must change our view of what it means to be human and regain a sense of what it means to love one another.

That will mean gaining the courage to stand up for the oppressed. This is true whether it is an American Indian being kicked out of a 7-11, or a white male student being shamed publicly in a university for “White Privilege”.

Take a stand.

In fact, it’s always been the caring individual, the ordinary person doing extraordinary things, who has made a difference in the world. Even Mahatma Gandhi, who eventually galvanized the whole of India, brought the British Empire to its knees, and secured freedom for his people, began as a solitary individual committed to the idea of nonviolent resistance to the British Empire.

You can do it.
You can be there. You can make a difference. You can be the light int he hallway. You can be the spark that adds brightness to a person’s day. You can be important and significant. You, yes you.

You don’t have to start big.  Just take the time to care and show concern for those around you. This doesn’t just mean your friends and family.  It means strangers as well.

“A while ago I met a guy on a flight. I was NOT having a good day myself but he started telling me how he had lost his job and he was on his way back from an interview. He then started to cry. He said that he really needs a job. They (him and his wife) also had a baby on the way.

I listen to how passionate this guy was and how he wanted to get back to work.  I asked him tons of questions and he answered them all.  After we landed, and got off the plane, he laughed about how he felt like I was interviewing him.

I looked at him with a smile and introduced myself as the Sr. Vice- President of Stores for a major retail company. He eyes widen as if he had seen a ghost because he was in retail as well.

I hired him right there on the spot in the airport. I paid him more than he was making at his last job.

Can I teach you three things? 1. As leaders, you should always look for great talent. 2. Always bring your best game to the table because you never know whom you are talking to. 3. You should never let the fact that you are having a bad day stop you from helping someone else have the best day of their life. 

As leaders, the BEST thing that we can do is help people to believe in themselves again! As for me, I just want to leave people in a better place than I found them.”

-John Moore

The Critters

Elly May
Donna Douglas, as Elly May, plays with a chimpanzee dressed up in a little girl’s clothes, 1965. Photo taken from an episode of the tv show ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’. (Photo by CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)

As I stated earlier, this is not limited to strangers, and people.  It is not limited to family and friends. It is not limited to humans. Consider the neighborhood animals as well.

“Please don’t take your pets for granted.

Even if you’re frustrated that your dog has been barking all day or your bird has been screaming for attention, remember you are all they have in this world. Give your fish that extra water change. Give your dog or cat that tummy rub they’ve been begging for. Chop up some fresh fruit as a treat for your rodents or reptiles. 

Just spend some time with them. Be compassionate to your animals. They are living creatures that are alive simply because you wish them to be. They may only be a small part in your life, but to them, you are their everything.”

-phalaenopfish on Tumblr
You can help the animals.
We can help the animals. It doesn’t take a lot of money or a lot of time. You just need to go forth and be who you are. You can do this. You really can.


My life is sun setting, it is up to YOU to carry the torch for me;

“Be the bright and shining star for all to see…”

See the light
When you see the light your life becomes illuminated. See the light and live life as you were intended to.

Finally, let me close with a very prophetic excerpt from one of my favorite authors.

“The rocket leaped forward into greater accelerations.

And just before the planet dwindled away in brightness and mist, Forester imagined that he could see Driscoll very clearly, walking away down from the green forest, whistling quietly, all of the fresh planet around him, a wine creek flowing for him, baked fish lolling in the hot springs, fruit ripening in the midnight trees, and distant forests and lakes waiting for him to happen by. 

Driscoll walked away across the endless green lawns near the white stones, beyond the forest, to the edge of the large bright river . . . .”

-Ray Bradbury.  Here There Be Tygers

Be Yourself

All our life we were told, taught, to conform. If we failed to do so we were punished. But that was only because it was easy on them, and hard on you. You need to unlearn their corruptions.

 “When I first got to Hollywood — Hollywood, they didn't know what the  hell to do with me. I mean, I was this half-black, half-Samoan and  six foot four, 275-pound pro wrestler. You know; I was told at that  time, 'Well, you got to be a certain way. You got to drop some weight.  You've got to be somebody different. You got to stop working out. Stop  doing the things that I love. You got to stop calling yourself The  Rock.' What?!” 

 He continued: “And for years I actually bought into it because you  think, 'Oh, that's what I'm supposed to do.' And I was miserable doing  that. So I made a choice. And the choice was I wasn't going to conform  to Hollywood, Hollywood was going to conform to me. So, Hollywood  conformed to me and here I am with all of you getting the Generation  Award. Holy s---,” Johnson said as the audience erupted.

In  Johnson’s speech, the funnyman and producer explained the importance of  self-love and remaining steadfast, being true to who we are as  individuals. 

-Dwayne The Rock

Being different is our STRENGTH.

It is a great and wonderful thing. We should treasure it, cultivate it, and own it.

Check out these videos of different people. See how absolutely wonderful and UNIQUE each one is.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Do not buy into that progressive liberal nonsense that you need to conform to society for the common good. Hogwash!

You need to be yourself, and be the absolutely best you that you can be. To Hell with the people who think otherwise.

Your VALUE to society is in your own uniqueness.

Take Aways

  • MAJestic operations taught me the importance of living your reality under your terms.
  • Often, we are living a programmed behavior established by others.
  • We will never be happy if we do not follow our own course; our own reality.
  • Fundamentally, it is something that we define alone, in accordance with our sentience.
  • Accept who you are.
  • Be the best YOU that you can be.
  • Spread the best of you around. Let others get a taste of the best you can offer.
  • Your reality will grow in size and be far more comfortable…
  • …when it is defined on your terms.


Q: Are you dying?
A: No. Heck no. However, please kindly note, my existence is at the pleasure of others. When it is time to exit this reality, I wish to do so with some advisement under record. I don’t want to be a person which much to contribute who suddenly commits suicide with two bullets in the back of my head, or dies in a car crash, or has a cell phone explode near my ear. You never know.

I think we owe it to our friends and to our society, to contribute what we can NOW. Not wait until something happens. The “I will put it off until after the weekend” or some other nonsense. Forget that. Throw it out now. Do it now. Take care of your life NOW. You never know what will happen in your future. Live life NOW.

Q: Is there anything else?
A: Of course there is. There is much to say and do. In fact, contrary to what the statists say, our universe and existence is far large, far more expansive and far more interesting than any of their trite solutions to scientific mysteries can define.

For all the geniuses that think they know everything, they have no idea about the building blocks of soul, and how they integrate into a consciousness. They have no idea about the makeup of the various heavens and how they interact with each other, and the mechanisms used. I will write about those things as soon as I get some of the more pressing issues out of the way.

Q: How do you feel about American politics?
A: It saddens me. What ever you do, do not allow politics to define who you are. It is all manipulation one way or the other. Do not be manipulated. Define your reality on your own terms. Not on the terms defined by others.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Links about China

Business KTV
Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


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To the Moon

You are an amazing human being! I refer to you as my teacher, and you are in a way. You are also my friend, and I’m proud to call you that. Thank you for including me in your days. I hope to help someone the way you help me.


There’s a lot to do here it’s a polished emerald nest you are amazing some brave some never tire of reading i try to be brave read that ancient rufus comfort program we all feed beyond fraternity. Well done for your articles which I appreciate a lot. I really feel like I’ve been through this thing before and maybe even apprehended you not to say you


If you have read more so you will find that you are not alone, other stranger to the world respect his ways and encourage them, it is a great help to understand the silent rufus chanting which can be accompanied with our isbe as you become the rufus collective. in you resonates with your exterior and MM and others invite us to explore. To try is to adopt it.