This is the fourth of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.
You know, China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like… Wow! That is in itself a huge subject. Here I try to compose a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.
We need to do this. No one else is.
Here is a quote from JobTubeDaily;
"Popular U.S. media perpetuates constant negative narratives about China: ghost cities, real estate bubbles, pollution, corruption. While many of these problems are real, the predominately negative coverage drowns out the positive elements of life in China and its abundant economic opportunities. In doing so, the media dissuades America’s rising students, as well as business and political leaders, from learning more about the country."
Here is a quote from LinkedIN;
"And the western media aren't particularly helpful in explaining the real China of 2018. They're serving so much bias and prejudice about China, it is nearly impossible for the general public to get in touch with the real China."
Here we look at ten micro-videos…
In a Park
In this video we see a girl dancing in a park. For some strange reason, my fellow Americans don’t seem to realize that China has parks. They also have toll booths, ATM machines, taxis, high speed trains and amusement parks. They have everything that the United States has. It’s just a little bit different.

Though, since China has undergone an amazing and enormous growth spurt over the last three decades, everything tends to be brand new and well taken cared for.
In China, there a different kinds of parks. The city parks tend to be well tended. They are typically manicured daily and trimmed at the very early hours of the day before the sun comes up. They are well maintained. In fact, depending where you live, they tend to be treated like a house with furniture that can be rearranged at will. They move trees about like your wife might want a sofa moved. They will plant flowers and then dig them up and replant something else two months later. They will constantly be painting and repainting the boxes, poles and manhole covers.
I asked some friends why this was so. They explained that China does not have a welfare system. The government does not pay you if you don’t have a job. Instead, if you need work and need money, they will put you to work. All you need to do is go to the city department of labor, and they will give you a job.
The pay is minimal, but you get free meals, and free housing if you want. You get on the government health plan, and you get Sundays off.
So with all these workers, it is very easy to employ them to take on various tasks that need to be done in and around the city. It is never considered a long-term occupation, but many people take advantage of this system. Is it perfect, I don’t think so. However, personally I do think it is superior to the American welfare system by a large margin.
Many parks tend to be on top of inaccessible hills. You need to be a mountain goat to climb up all them. I have a theory that when China was first being populated and over the last 5000 years, all the “good” and flat land was taken by farmers and businessmen.
The inaccessible and difficult land was ignored. Then, in the last one hundred years, these plots of undesirable land was remade into parks and community areas. Thus you have the parks all over China with a couple of thousand of steps to reach the top.
This cute girl is wearing the small white shoes (xiao bai xue) that is so popular in China. She is dressed typically with shorts and a small tight fitting top that shows off her chest. Like most Chinese girls, she keeps her hair long. What’s not to like?
All the parks are very well maintained. many have lighting for night time walks and strolls. Many also have music that plays out of artificial stones. Yes, they are speakers with holes so that you can listen to traditional Chinese music as you walk on the path. Of course, all paths are paved in stone.
In a Gym.
Here we have a girl in a gym. Notice the barbells are made up in American style colors. America and Americans are held in great respect by the Chinese. In fact, the Chinese name for America is Mei Guo which means “beautiful nation”. While there are many foreigners in China, most are not Americans. Most come from Australia and England. Which is sort of the reason why the English spelling and terms used by many Chinese tend to be of British origin. For instance using the word “boot” instead of “trunk”, or a “flat” instead of an “apartment”.
Which makes it even more special when there are Americans available to teach English or work with them on a project or two. Americans are considered a valuable and precious commodity. Many stores and businesses celebrate American social customs, such as Halloween, and Christmas. They buy and set up Christmas Trees and decorate the offices with the proper holiday decorations…
…the only thing is that they leave them up all year round. It is not unusual to listen to Christmas carols in a mall in July.
This cute chick is showing off her beautiful muscle tone and nice behind. She has been working hard to perfect her body, and I for one appreciate all that she put into it. She looks absolutely stunning.
The funny thing about gyms in China is that they tend NOT to be air conditioned. The Chinese believe that a healthy body is a warm body. The purpose of exercise is to remove the bad water (sweat) from your body and replace it with good water. This and the movement of the body generates a movement of chi, or energy throughout the body. This is also one of the reasons why the Chinese love to dance so much, and all the public forums that support dancing.
In a Work Office.
Here we have another girl. She is in an office of some sort and wearing some kind of office clothes. Unlike the United States, showing your waist is acceptable in China, as is also wearing tight pants, short, short mini skirts and having long hair. They don’t have the kind of unisex taboos that have saturated American HR offices in the last two decades.
She has a nice body. She’s pretty typical with a thin waist, nice chest, and longish hair. Notice that she is very pale. A pale complexion is considered to be very popular in China. She is wearing red lipstick with is also a fashion statement and quite common.
The office itself is rather plain and unadorned. This is typical. The Chinese like to have a nice white stone floor and nice white walls whenever possible. This is most especially in the super hot Southern section of the nation. You will notice that there is a water cooler. Almost every home, and business uses water coolers. Even if the water in the pipes are no longer dangerous, you will NEVER get a Chinese person to drink water out of it.
Shanghai Apartment
This is a very nice example of what an apartment in Shanghai looks like. When people see pictures of China they see all these multi-story apartment complexes. No one ever sees what they are like on the inside. Well, as someone who has lived in numerous high-rise apartments, I can tell you. Often the view is magnificent.
In this example here, we have a great example of this.
The apartment is set off from the Bund river. It has a great view of a suburb of Shanghai, though not downtown. It is obviously the living room. As we can see the furnishings that support this. At night the view must be spectacular.
Note that she is not wearing any shoes. In China, no one wears “outside” shoes inside the house. Typically you wear house slippers.
Again, with all the large apartment skyscrapers throughout China, this is a fairly typical view that one would have in your apartment. This one is particularly nice as it overlooks the Bund and a very large and famous city.
Southern China
Hey! This looks like Bali, or Thailand, eh? Nope. It’s China. Southern China is filled with all kinds of beautiful beaches, communities and resorts. (Which is one of the reasons why I live where I do.) The impression that all of China is a filthy rat’s hole filled with pollution and trash is simply not true. That is like saying that all of America looks like Detroit.
Typically, you will have an Engineer come to China to do some work at a factory. His impressions of the factory regions would be very poor, and he would tend to associate all of China with those areas. It’s not his fault, he only got a small and brief look at what is an enormous nation.
To make matters worse, you will have the Western media who has an objective to keep American living in fear. They keep Americans dumb and ill-informed with the changes with the rest of the world. They do so for their own objectives.
Seriously, for the last three decades, trillions of dollars poured into China from all over the world. Are you trying to tell me that NONE of that money went into infrastructure, the people, the lifestyle and the society? Are you trying to convince me that it went into the pockets of the government and the rich people who run the businesses, even though an internal army of “Corruption Police” is active in keeping corruption suppressed? Is that what we are supposed to believe?
Incidentally, traveling to China and having a vacation here is far cheaper and better than having one in Bali, Indonesia. I know.
Outside Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut is very popular in China. In fact, it is owned by a conglomerate that also owns KFC. Together they have absolutely and effectively tapped into the Chinese market. They have taken these American products and made variations to the dishes to appeal to Chinese tastes and preferences.
It is sort of how the “Chinese” restaurants in America have taken Chinese food and “Americanized” it.

Yes, you can get pizza at Pizza Hut. However it will be pretty pricey to order a large thin pepperoni pizza with a pitcher of coke. Instead you order set meals with option combinations. The pizzas are designed for the Chinese palate. Such as a Duran and oyster pizza with a side of quail eggs and snail meat. It does take a little getting used to.
Anyways, here we have a couple dancing in the open plaza in front of a shopping center. In China, they have different kinds of shopping centers. Typically it is a ring of stores around a large central pavilion.
It’s sort of how towns in Massachusetts were set up in the 1750’s; a “green” in the center facing a church and other buildings. Well, in China the shopping center may or may not have a mall or large “anchor” store. What it does have is a large area for communal dancing and games. Often it will have a fountain somewhere for the kids to splash and play in the water as well.
You can see the people walking and milling about. This is a very typical sight through out China from small towns to large cities. This scene could have been filmed anywhere.
Singing in English
One things that many people do not understand, especially Americans, is the enormous number of people who can speak English in China. About two decades ago, the Chinese government instituted a policy in all the Chinese schools. Every child must learn English in addition to learning Chinese. In fact, the ability to attend university absolutely requires that the student-candidate must be able to speak and write and communicate in English to a reasonable degree.
That is not to say that everyone speaks fluently. The ability to speak English varies greatly throughout China. Never the less, there are more people in China who can speak English than there are Americans on the entire planet. That is how absolutely enormous China is.
So you will hear many songs in China that have English or partial English lyrics. This is normal. It is the same with signs, advertisements and other notifications. China has developed into a nation with two languages. The dominant language is certainly Chinese, but English has a major role as well.
Here we have a Chinese girl singing in English. Obviously she is a professional. One should never be under the impression that China is a nation where no one can speak English. There are many people who can, and very many who can speak at a reasonably fluent level.
Notice that the music has lyrics in two languages; English and Chinese.
Sitting on a bench
OK. Now this is a boring video. It’s just some chick sitting on a bench in a park in China. “So what?” you might ask.
China is safe. You can go in and about all the parks any time of night and day and not get mugged, robbed, stolen from, attacked, shot at or raped. They do not have the same kinds of problems that we have in America, or in the West, simply because…
- There isn’t any welfare program. You must work or you die. The government will provide you with work if you cannot find a job. Those who are involved in criminal enterprises go after more lucrative targets. This includes people with vices that they can exploit and corporations.
- There are no “open borders”. This policy permits uneducated, un-assimilated, and fundamentalist fanatics to roam the streets in packs. Not in China. It is a polite society by design. Only qualified people can enter China. You join or you leave. There is no grey-area.
- Families are important. Each person in China has a support group. They all have an extensive network of family and friends that will go after criminals mafia-style if someone hurts a family member. This is unlike the USA where it’s “every man for himself”.
- Many girls can defend themselves. Sure they might not be “packing heat”, but many have learned Chinese martial arts when they were in elementary school. I have seen a tiny pint-sized waif take down a six-foot tall chunk of a man.
- Cameras are everywhere. Both city cameras and building cameras are all over the place. You are under constant surveillance. It is not that you are being watched. However, if something does happen, the Chinese forensics police can go “minority report” on your actions. They do. They have. It is televised on the news quite regularly.
- Police are everywhere. True they are mostly siting around playing video games, and helping the groundskeepers, but they are present. There are all kinds of guards. From regular police to security staff. They all can come and help in an instant.
- No social engineering of minorities. Unlike the United States, the Chinese government does not permit scaled benefits for minorities. Thus we don’t have a nation of fatherless negro children being raised by television shows.
- Destruction of Slums. Unlike the United States, when communities disintegrate into crime and corruption, where the ability to live is disrupted and social harmony is nonexistent, the Chinese government steps in. Whether it is bulldozing a complete community, like it did in Hong Kong, or arresting and executing the corrupt government officials (with the Corruption Police). China does not mess around.
This is pretty typical. The young lass is wearing a nice dress and sitting in the comfortable evening air. You can see the lights of the nearby buildings twinkle and move through the trees nearby. Of course, like most of the micro-videos in this blog the music is all C-Pop.
The girl is a typical attractive Chinese female. She has nice long hair, and thin waist and a nice chest. You will notice that all the plants are nicely cared for and trimmed. The groundskeepers take their roles seriously.
With a sofa
This girl is typical in a number of ways. First of all, consider her clothes and appearance. She has nice long straight and long hair. It is very popular in China. While she might have a tattoo or two, most Chinese girls do not have any tattoos unless they live in a Westernized city like Shanghai, Hong Kong, or Taipei.
She is wearing a nice short dress that hugs her body tight. This is very typically Chinese, and you can see all the girls dress like this when they go out int he bigger cities. She is also wearing high heeled shoes with a red colored sole. I really like these shoes, but you know, I have to tell you that I really hate it if they don’t take off that price sticker on the bottom. It really distracts from the overall appearance.
This is her apartment, and as such it is very typical. This is her living room with a Chinese-style sofa and coffee table. Note the tiny plastic trash can nearby. This is a common feature in all Chinese households, as is a tissue dispenser. The coffee table is made of glass. This is also typical.
Take a moment to look at the sofa. I, myself, do not care for this style. However it is very popular in China. She is covering it with a blanket to protect it. We used to do that in the United States also. Furniture used to be protected by throws and other coverings. All pillows are organized and neatly laid out. The woman of the house always takes good care of the domicile. This is one thing that I do love about China.
An Ideal face
This young lass is in her early twenty’s. She is showing off her body and her nice curves. By Chinese standards she has a most excellent face and is considered very attractive. Thus the strange faces that she is making towards the camera.
She has a very pale complexion. She is soft, but not flabby. Curvy, but not fat. She has nice eyes and an oval face with a nice pointy chin. All of these features are considered highly desirable in China.
The Chinese don’t care if she has big boobs or a big ass. They prefer a nice slim fish-shaped body on the girls. A big set of boobs or a big ass won’t get very many “double takes” in China. By that standard, she is still considered attractive as her chest is proportional with her ass. She has a fish-like shape.
Though, many of the women, the thinner ones posted elsewhere, would be considered to be jaw-dropping gorgeous. In any event, this chick has quite a few followers who like to admire her face, her smile and her other charms. You go girl!
Notice that she is wearing a solid silver ring bracelet on her right arm. This is very popular in China. Both gold and silver are considered great materials. Unlike the United States these are pure materials. They are not alloys…
When you go to a jeweler in the United States and ask for a gold wedding band, they will offer you gold bands. But these are gold alloys. They are not pure gold. The excuse is that gold is a soft metal. Yada Yada Yada…
I have sold gold rings and they haven’t worn out yet…
In China, when you buy gold, you buy 99.9% pure gold. You are not sold gold which is an alloy. That is how the jeweler in the United States makes their money. When I first came to China, I was having a hard time at it. I tied to sell the little that I had. I was surprised that the “solid gold” wedding band that I got in the States was only 5% real gold. The rest was an alloy of different materials.
Five. Friggin’. Percent.
If you ever want to get a nice gold ring, don’t buy it in the United States. Hop on a plane and get it in Hong Kong.

Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.
Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.
- Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
- Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.
Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.
China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.
This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.
Take Aways
- Chinese women are attractive.
- Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
- Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
- Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)
Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.
If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.
- Grid Girls banned on Formula One
- Miss America ends swimsuit competition
- Why American stewardesses are no longer beautiful
Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.
Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.
Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.
Now, you shouldn’t be too upset there are some rocking girls in the United States. You should see them in sweatpants. My Lord!
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China and America Comparisons
Learning About China
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- Composed 19AUG18.
- Composition finished 24AUG18.
- SEO review 24AUG28.
- Posting 24AUG28.