Chinese stewardesses for the high speed rail

Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (2)

This is the second of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.

You know, China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject.

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

Here we look at ten micro-videos…

Suburb Section of a city

Pi Feng. ( 牌坊 memorial archway). A memorial gate or memorial archway.

These are structures that can be found in just about any city in China. Even my wife cannot explain to me what they mean. However, fundamentally, they are representative of a gate or an area that commemorates some person or event in the distant past.

The gates typically lead to an area, for which (I as an American) identify as a suburb or sectional variation of a regional community.

Here we have a cute Chinese gal singing and showing off her rocking body. Note the “normal” Chinese people behind her. Note the woman walking her dog. What? She isn’t eating it, like what is promoted in the UK press. Oh my God! Why this must be propaganda! The nerve of me!

Notice that many Chinese drive modern and and contemporary vehicles. You can see some of this in the video. You can also see a “ride-share” bicycle at the side of the gate structure. This is normal and everyday phenomenon in China. Everyone rides “rent a bicycle” in China. They come in different colors. For example, OFO is yellow, and Hello Bike is blue.

By the way, she looks rockin’ in her nice cute top and cute cut-off jean shorts. I’d love to have a nice hot-pot with her and spend some time singing in a KTV. I’d bet that she would be interesting as Hell.

Mall Platform

Here we have a cute girl dancing to a song in front of a platform in a mall. In China, the malls always have events. Sometime the events are product sales. At other times the events are sponsored events that are designed to bring people in. Like children, and photo opportunities.

Here we have a girl dancing in front of a mall presentation in support of a dance or similar organization. In malls they always have one or two open areas that are used to set up stages and other events. We used to have this in the United States when malls existed. You might have a fashion show one week, and then a dance troupe a week later.

Here, the girl is dancing in front of just such a presentation screen. This is “Deesha”, which I gather  is a female dance group or school. They are pretty darn common in China. In fact, I have two on my floor in my office building. They dance to a lot of KPOP, and CPOP.

She is pretty darn cute. She really is. The man in her life is a really, really lucky guy.

Arabic Culture

Typically, since the Chinese Muslims from the Western sections of the nation has been involved in all kinds of “radical” anti-society events, most Chinese limit their exposure to Chinese Muslims. Never the less, the Muslim culture has permeated into Chinese society.

Here we have a girl dancing in some sort of Islamic dance club or some such thing. They have them. Not so much in my city, but they do exist.

Rock that stomach girl. You have it going on.

Apartment Parking Garage

Underneath ever single building in China is a huge network of tunnels and parking garages.  This video is pretty much typical of an underground parking garage. I like the ability for her to dance and be herself in this environment. It is exactly so typical. I have seen this environment a million times before. Any American expert in China who is unaware of this aspect of China is a fucking liar, and knows jack-shit about China.

Unlike the USA, the parking garages in China are well-lit, with nicely painted walls and clear well defined pipe and utility access. One thing that surprised me when I went back to the states for a visit was just how friggin’ dungy and dirty American parking garages were. They were bare cement, often sooty. The lighting was sparse and it was typically a very dim environment.

Not so in China.

This is what just about any parking garage looks like in China. It doesn’t matter if it is up North or in the deep South. All parking garages in China are well lit, nicely taken cared for and safe.

For the purposes of comparison, let’s have a look at a typical American parking garage. As stated previously, it is almost like American parking garages are an afterthought. You will spend thousands of dollars on your car, but you end up parking them in these dingy and dismal spaces.

American parking garage
Typical American parking garage. It is typically poorly lit. The walls are often unpainted cement and never, ever washed. The floor might have parking spaces and an identification number, but that is about the extent of it.

Here’s another girl in yet another micro-video in a different parking garage…

Mall Platform #2

OK. Here we have another girl dancing in front of a mall platform. I can’t help but get a smile when I see this chick do her thing. She reminds me so… so very much of all the girls that I know in China. They are all so intrinsically happy. OMG… Oh, My God. They have nothing to worry about.

They do not have to report to the IRS. They do not have to make sure that they meet the requirements of the FCC or eat that meets FDA requirements. They do not have to worry about ICE, the CIA, or the NSA. They are so very free.

It is this attitude and this freedom from worry about the government that I have found so refreshing when I moved to China. In the United States, was I drove the car I would always look down at my speedometer when I drove past a police car. Here in China, I never need to do so, or are even concerned. The police here are friendly.

Ah, she is wearing the little white shoes so popular in China; xiao bei xie.

I know, I know, I have such a jaded view of the United States. Well, maybe you would too if the government seized everything you owned, closed your bank accounts, and destroyed any hope and change to build up a life from the ashes that remain. So I am just calling it as I see it.

I never see any American girls randomly dancing on the streets or sidewalks. When was the last time that you saw this happen spontaneously? Yet it happens in China. It happens in Brazil. It happens in Cambodia. What’s the disconnect? Maybe it has something to do with the people who are in charge of the American government…

Our rulers
The rulers of the United States. Here are the people who operate the enormous bureaucracy in the United States. You know, the ones that say one things and do the other. John Brennan. James Clapper, and their ilk.

They look like “fun” people, huh?

In her bedroom…

You know, you can kind of tell a lot about a girl by looking at her bedroom. Typically, and I do not know why this is so, unmarried girls tend to have a very messy bedroom. Well, at least in the states they do.

This girl seems to be Americanized. I would guess that she is an ABC (American-born-Chinese). If you look at the ceiling you will see that the house has central heating and cooling. This is unusual in China. Most of Asia has individual air conditioning units in each room. These AC units are called Kong Tiao which is  what you call them in China.

She has a nice oval face with a small cute pointy chin. This is considered very attractive in China. The only thing going against her is that her skin color is a little dark. She almost looks Spanish.

It looks like she has carpeting or wood panels on the floor. In China, most houses do not have carpet. It is a cultural thing. The Chinese like a solid tiled marble or granite surface, often white. They keep it immaculate. In the United States, most houses (unless the house is over fifty years old) is a simple particle-board floor covered by carpet.

You have to admit she is a very attractive young lady. I also like the way that she has manipulated the video. It is a funky joy to watch her dance.

Living Room

This girl also looks like an ABC. However, the home is genuine Chinese. The floor is tiled marble, and the curtains and decorations are very typical for China. Judging from the trees outside here window she is either on the third or fourth floor.

In China, the apartment buildings are set up with a basic floor plan. Typically the third floor has huge floor layouts and wide open porches. The largest houses in the building would be on the third floor. The reason for this is simple. The building is typically divided into towers. Often two, three or more. Each tower has it’s own elevator. So, that way, there really isn’t a serious need to wait a long time for the elevator to arrive. Especially if the building has sixty or so floors in it.

So, a house on the third floor would not be in one of the towers. Instead, it would be on one of the wide platforms at the base of the tower. It would be large, and spacious. The porch would be enormous.

What a fun girl.

Typical day in Guangzhou

I like this little micro-video. The view, the day, and the overall feeling has been duplicated a thousand times here in Southern China. It doesn’t matter if you are in Dongguang, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, or Forshan this is what it looks like. You have a wide sky with clouds. You have mountains in the distance and skyscrapers dotted here, there and everywhere.

This gal is dancing on her balcony in her house I would assume. This is all very typical. Many of the products that are exported from China to the United States are made in this area.

I suppose that if you read American or British news reports you will hear stories of nets being placed to keep workers from jumping off the buildings, rampant abuse of child labor, and  working people until they collapse from exhaustion. Well, that’s all nonsense. It’s just propaganda that is fed to Americans (and Brits) to keep us living in our isolation bubble. Here’s some links to the propaganda that I am referring to…

This video is what it is really like. Not that every worker is attractive and dancing on a balcony, but that the reality that is spoon fed to us in the West is far, far removed from what is actually going on.

She is on a typical porch. It has a glass balustrade with stainless steel or powder-coated  profiles. This is very common throughout China.

You go girl.  I could watch you dance all day long.

Look at the view. You see all those trees? If you read Western media, you might be under the impression that China doesn’t have any trees, just smoke, smog, grit and dust. Check out all that nice water, and look at the surrounding buildings. Why, I thought that all the buildings in China were crumbling and that the infrastructure was all falling down.

How can this be?

Walking on the street

Ah, my favorite time of the day is dusk. Here, in the Southern part of China, the temperatures are very hot, and the humidity is very high. When it gets around dusk, people go outside to dance, eat, and chill out with their friends. China is filled with activity. Here is a typical scene.

It looks like it was filmed in a small town or community. The buildings are very, very low by Chinese standards. But, it is China. It has the handicapped-disabled-assist-pavement tiles. It has the standard recyclable twin trash bins. The cars all have Chinese license plates.

The family-owned and run businesses are all open. And I am sure that you could smell the wonderful aromas wafting down the street. While not shown in the video, I am sure that tables are being set up and those cheap plastic chairs are being placed around them for people to sit down, have a frosty beer and place an order.

These girls are very typical.

The girls are wearing tight jeans and low open shoes. They are wearing midriff baring tops, and have nice long and straight hair that all Chinese women possess. They are carrying smart phones, which are probably either iPhones or Huawei. If I were to take a guess, they might on the way to have some seafood (Hai Xian), or maybe a hot pot. The evening BBQ (Xiao Kou) won’t get started until the sun goes down. Maybe around 9PM.

Notice that the street is tree-lined. In China it is considered very important to have green areas everywhere. At times, to me as an American, this seems ridiculous. Ever two months or so, the Park team of workers is tearing up the grass and re-planting the trees. It’s almost like they treat them like furniture instead of trees. never the less, it is great to have all the flowers and trees along side the road.

Parking Lot

Here is a video of a cute chick walking in a parking lot. There is a lot that can be learned here. For starters, notice the trees all have these poles to hold them up. the reason is simple. In the Southern sections of China we have typhoons. When they hit they can wipe out a forest in a few hours. The poles help keep the trees in place when the torrential wind and rain hits.

Notice the ancient wall. This wall looks like it is quite old. Maybe at least fifty years old. Behind it is a tree filled enclosure. Walls in China tell you a lot about the history of the region. If the wall is part of a new building then it would consist of a nice well made wall with wrought and welded gates. The fencing would be welded, cleaned and PPT coated. Older buildings would not have this, and the walls would be distressed concrete, often with some well-rusted barbed wire or even glass shards.

Also take notice of the parking spots. They are paved differently than the road surface. In fact, many parking places outside are made with these funny lattice-shaped brick tiles. This is so that grass can grow up inside and offer a nice semi-lawn on which the cars can park upon.

You can also notice that the lawn is landscaped and well maintained. It is very cheap in China for manual labor. The costs to maintain lawns and gardens are very cheap and inexpensive. Thus, most areas in China are well-maintained, clean and well-tended.


There are many reasons to love China. I think that China is awesome. I love the food. I love that they are trying to do something about the environment. I like that they have declared war on corruption in office, and have even set up task teams of “Corruption Police” that ferrets out bad guys and executes them on the spot. And, of course, I love the girls.

Here’s a hypnotic bonus video. Enjoy.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.

Now, you shouldn’t be too upset there are some rocking girls in the United States. You should see them in sweatpants. My Lord!

Links about China

Pretty Chinese Girls

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  1. Composed 19AUG18.
  2. Released 20AUG18
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