Chinese girls smoking and drinking wine.

Comparisons Between American and Chinese Girls

Here’s a fun exercise. Let’s compare American girls with Chinese girls. Of course the comparisons would be terribly general and horribly biased. It would also be a reflection of my own personal preferences, which are admittedly terribly dated and old fashioned. Anyways, I would like to give my opinions and my impressions on the differences between American and Chinese girls…


“...several months ago, I had a Thai short-time(girl) on the back of my Kawasaki, buzzing along. If you are planning on heading to SE Asia, save your life (and others) by learning to handle a motorbike in (the) USA. (It’s) Safer (that way)…

Little Ms 39 kg Hottie leans into my ear as we are passing a Burger King and coos "....khun Somchai, where is the KING?" (Ooooh) Once addicted to Asian hotties, sorry American chicks----game over.”

- buttmint (reply to) UmbilicalMosqueSweeper Aug 12, 2017 11:05 AM

China is a big country.  There are 80+ cultural and racial groups and every one was different.  While there were some who were small in stature, most Chinese were rather average and comparable with Americans in size, skin color and statue.  (Though they are decidedly not fat at all.)  They did not walk around barefoot, but tended to be very cosmopolitan in demeanor and wore the latest fashions and styles.

They were well educated; China is a nation of nerds.  (There is no question about that.  I was floored when I once saw an eleven-year-old studying differential calculus.)  All were very responsible, smart and beautiful.  Compared to them, and their families, Americans are poor.

(Chinese have saved money for centuries.  They have money to spend, and Americans do not.  When you see a Chinese driving a Range Rover, you can guarantee that they bought it in cash.  However, an American, nah, he is just making bank payments on “his” car.  For Americans, it is just a long-term rental.)

Asian women are beautiful, they take care of themselves, and honor their families.  They are very protective of their families and will do everything in their power to maintain their role in the community.

This is quite different from what is seen in the United States.  In the United States, since the 1960’s cultural revolution, every woman can be “her own” woman and “do her thing”. This sounds good on the surface, but unfortunately it often times equates into being a fat slob.

Now, don’t get too hot and bothered. It’s the same with men as well.  The men also can become to be fat, lazy pigs. It’s what the popular American culture has led everyone toward. Of course, things become quite different when you live for a greater purpose; when you live for your parents, and your spouse and your children.  You have a reason and a purpose.

“Women here in the US act like you fucking own them half of everything and then some. If you look at their fat asses, then you should be labeled a harasser and tarred and feathered. Their fat bellies sticking out from underneath shirts that are way too small kills it for me. And these dumb whores think they look great ! Most women here look like some kind of farm animal unless they are in grade school. The double chins, the huge feet from them weighing well over 170lbs, and the fucking attitude is enough to repel any man. I'll take a foreign girl any day of the week.”

- I am Groot Top Hat posted on Zero Hedge on Jan 11, 2018 5:49 PM Permalink

Different Culture

Chinese girls come from a different culture than America.

They do not know what “original sin” is; they do not know what guilt is, or shame.  They are not afraid to look pretty or to dress cute or provocatively.  They think differently.  To them one must honor their family and that means the concept of “face”;  How one looks.  How one acts.

Original sin, also called ancestral sin, is the Christian doctrine of humanity's state of sin resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam's rebellion in Eden. This condition has been characterized in many ways, ranging from something as insignificant as a slight deficiency, or a tendency toward sin yet without collective guilt, referred to as a "sin nature", to something as drastic as total depravity or automatic guilt of all humans through collective guilt.

They know that they have a family responsibility to maintain, and that they would do whatever is necessary to honor their parents.  Moreover, by the way, becoming a prostitute is not one way to do it.

Girl in the mall wearing boots.
Here is a lovely Chinese girl in a mall in the winter. The Chinese ladies love these big boots in the winter months. My wife has boots that reach all the ways up to her crotch, with the most common being the ones that go to the knee caps. I think that it is terribly attractive. The dress is pretty typical, being short and showing off the great legs that the Chinese women possess. The Chinese girls just don’t understand why us men would be so excited about these fine leather boots. I don’t know either, but it sure turns me on. I’ll tell you what.

What Chinese Girls are Like

If you want to see, what a Chinese girl looks like watch a K-pop video.  Sure, they are (mostly) Korean, but you know what?  The bodies, the shapes, the clothing, the makeup and the mannerisms are the same.  (They are all Han Chinese, which is the dominant racial characteristic in China today.)

If you want to stick to making broad, sweeping judgments that the Chinese are all flat chested, short, brown skinned, then go to Hong Kong, or Shanghai.  They are not.  They are decidedly absolutely not.

The typical Chinese girl wears a “B” or a “C” cup bra with a significant percentage of the population wearing larger bras (see below).  The typical Chinese girl is neither small, nor fat.  They are strong and beautiful.  They are independent, versatile, and responsible.  They are smart, intelligent and can run circles around most Americans.  They are tigers disguised as cute kittens. (At least my wife certainly is.  You do not want to get on her bad side. Let me tell you!)

I like Chinese women.  After all, I married one.

Underwear brand Triumph has published the percentage ranking of Asian bra sizes in its Lingerie White Paper, which indicates a continuing trend towards larger busts. Sales for its A-cup bras have fallen from 58.6% in 1980 to just 4.1% in 2016 The results for the last two years are tallied below: 

A-cup sales (2015): 4.7% A-cup sales (2016): 4.1% 

B-cup sales (2015): 19.5% B-cup sales (2016): 19% 

C-cup sales (2015): 26.1% C-cup sales (2016): 25.6% 

D-cup sales (2015): 24.8% D-cup sales (2016): 25% 

E-cup sales (2015): 16.7% E-cup sales (2016): 26.3%
Chinese girls interviewing
Chinese girls interviewing for a stewardess position with a Chinese airline company. In China, your appearance, and manners are all considered important attributes. You are viewed on your appearance, and ranked appropriately. This differs substantially from how the United States is. Having potential stewardesses wear bikini’s and interview on appearance is illegal in America. It might offend someone. It is discriminatory.

Chinese girls are many things, but as adults appearing as children is a gross oversimplification rooted in ignorance of the worst type; the “Ugly American” type.

Girls in China are quite different from girls in the United States. If I were to make broad sweeping generalizations about Chinese girls, I would say that they are very conservative.  They really do not buy into all that woman-career compared to woman-housewife nonsense that you see in the United States.

Typically, they go to school well into their mid-20’s. Yes, you could characterize them as most “book nerds”, then they go work.  Typically, girls get married around 25 to 28, and after age 30 they are considered to be “old maids”.

Fat percentage
Here is some Asian girls with comparative body fat percentage. It’s an interesting photo.

I find ALL Chinese girls to be special, wonderful and just outstanding. They are lovely, cute, professional, kind, and beautiful.

This includes the world-worn grandmother, to the tottering cleaning lady. There is a certain specialness that words cannot convey, but it is something that has to do with their culture, and how they are raised. They honor their parents.  They care about their family.  They support their husbands.  They keep fit and thin. They work and do what ever is necessary to build their business.

Seriously, what is not to admire?

Here is a Chinese girl in the local 7-11. And yes, you will see many Chinese girls dressing up to go out. This was more or less a pretty common scene in any of the larger cities in China. Note that many Chinese girls, especially in Southern China do not wear panty hose. It’s just far too hot.

Chinese girls know what they want, and they have the skills to go about getting it.  This is a true of a statement that I can ever make.

“My Chinese girlfriends, by contrast, seemed to know exactly what they wanted, and made it happen. Two women I knew had "the talk" with their American boyfriends of 5 or more years, and when the men confessed they still weren't sure, broke up with them and within a year were happily pregnant and married to someone else.”

-Your Tango

And, the men in their lives appreciate it. They show this appreciation in other ways. Ways that are very strange when viewed from the eyes of an American;

Several years ago, I moved from New York to Beijing. Within a few months of my arrival, I started to notice the differences between Western- and Chinese-style dating. 

For one thing, men carried their girlfriends' purses—little fake-Chanel pocketbooks, black leather sling bags, enormous pleather numbers with ruffles and rhinestones and tassles. 

No matter how ridiculously girly it looked, it was always slung over a male shoulder, or dangling from his fingers; with the other, he held his girlfriend's hand. 

The funniest moments were always when you spotted a guy momentarily alone: maybe waiting for his girlfriend outside a shop, or the women's bathroom. Then what you'd see was a Chinese guy in unassuming clothing—t-shirt, button-down shirt, jeans—holding a frilly bright-pink purse. 

-Your Tango

Here is a GREAT video that describes the differences between a girlfriend from the North of China compared to one from the South of China.  I laughed so hard watching it!

Some Pretty Chinese Girls

Here are some pretty Chinese girls dancing to the pop music that is all the craze out here. You can get a general feel for what the Chinese girls are like just by watching the videos…

One thing that I like about Chinese girls is that they are not fat. I really don’t know what has been going on in the United States, but all the American girls are really on the chunky side, with many absolutely and positively fat. When they come here to China, they look like enormous fat pigs or water buffaloes.

Most girls in China look a little like this young lass…

I like that girls come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. They can be short, or tall and thin. They can have nice legs, or a nice butt, or a great rack. They can have large eyes that your soul could melt into, or soft skin and really nice enormous manes of hair.

One thing that I really appreciate in China is that many Chinese girls have really nice boobies. You know, as an American, I was under the impression that all Asian girls were flat chested. I guess it is just one of those American stereotypes. You know, some of these gals have some amazing racks let me tell you!

But, you know, it is more than that. There are many, many Chinese girls that like to exercise and keep in shape. Whether it is in the daily dance routines, or going to a gym, everyone seems to exercise.

Here’s a Chinese girl exercising…

American Girls

But what about American girls you might ask?

Well, I also like American girls as well. In fact, there are many, many attractive American girls. What I am disturbed about is that the food in America has been poisoned by GMO’s and selective genetic breeding loaded with hormones and the such. Both American men and women are now much stouter then they were in the past.

That included myself (when I lived in the States).

So, while there are some very attractive American women, they tend to be smaller in number than their counterparts in other nations. With many American women heavier than what they should be.

A recent study revealed that the average American woman wears a size 20W.

The average American woman wears a size 20 wide! WTF? An American woman today weighs as much as a man did in the 1960’s. There is even a Buzzfeed article that thinks that this is a great thing! I disagree. I think that they are smoking too much of that dreaded devil-weed and are very confused.



Seriously. Please understand my point of view. There is nothing appealing with someone being out of shape.

Findings suggest that, contrary to popular assumptions, the average American woman’s (AAW’s) clothing size is larger than anticipated. The AAW wears between a Misses size 16–18, which corresponds to a Women’s Plus size 20W, with greater distinctions found when considering race and ethnicity.

I think that Americans, men and women, should eat fresh food and locally grown vegetables. They should eat more fish and seafood. They should cut down on snacking and fast food. It’s a sacrifice, I know. I know.

Look what I had to cut down on…

  • Limit fast food to once a month.
  • No after dinner snacking… ever.
  • Full breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  • No Doritos, potato chips, or deep fried anything.

Here are some women of size 20W. It is now the American average size for a woman… Yikes!

Big American woman
The average American woman now wears a size 20W. This is certainly celebrated in many American websites and posts as avoidance of “fat shaming”. Personally, I think it is disgusting and alarming. Men and women need to keep their BMI within reasonable limits.

What a Man looks for in a Woman…

With all that being said, let’s look at the things that men look for in a woman. After all, it is relationships that drive our passions. From that we can derive comparisons between women from China and women from the United States.

When a man, such as myself, thinks about a woman we look at  number of key features;

  • Appearance
  • Sex
  • Domestic Concern
  • Companionship
  • Personality
  • Self Confidence

Of course, there are many other factors that we could include here. But, this is not intended to be an exhaustive study, or some kind of PC narrative. Let’s consider what I, myself, look for in women. This is my list.

Other people might have a different list. Maybe something like this…

  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Fashion trendy.
  • Hip with the latest APPS.
  • Has many followers on Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Is wealthy and successful.
  • Has a huge enormous ass. (Yikes!)

But, I’m not other people. So if you want to generate your own list and criteria for comparisons, go straight ahead. I’m not going to stop you. This is my list, and these are my comparisons…

[1] A Woman’s Appearance

A man looks for a woman that he is physically attracted to.

Sorry, but it has to be said. The good news is, every man is attracted to a different type of woman and has his own personal tastes. Meaning, I am in no way suggesting a woman has to fit a certain image of ‘beauty’ in order to be considered ‘wife material.’ 

But, as is true for both men and women, there needs to be a physical attraction between two partners to kick off a relationship, which also plays an important part in holding it together.

-The Good Man Project

We men want a woman who we are attracted to.

Attraction has to do with a combination of [1] physical shape, [2] physical appearance, and [3] personal grooming. I have seen women who have “rockin'” bodies, who dress like trailer-park trash, and were a total turn off. I have seen women who look good and yet sound like a foul-mouthed sailor when they speak. I have seen women who didn’t know how to walk in high heels and went clunk-clunk-clunk as they walked down the street. Yuck!

I have seen beautiful women, who walked and carry themselves well, wearing black high heel shoes with the red under-sole. Only to have a big white price tag sticker on the bottom. Talk about distraction away from the image form!

Appearance is more than just physical shape. It is also about grooming and attitude.

In general, men and women are about the same in this regards. A woman wants a man that takes care of his appearance. She wants him to be well groomed, clean, and neat.

Men are the same. We look for a woman that also takes care of their appearance. We like the women in our lives to be well-groomed, clean and tidy.

Here is a beautiful American girl. Look at that smile. Look at that amazing body. What a stunner! I tell you what!

There are a wide range of American female body styles that I personally find quite alluring. This includes tall leggy women, to short chubby cuties. I think that many would be amazed at the things that they do, act, dress, or look like that I find amazingly attractive.

So I am not going to bad-mouth any of the particularly awesome women that live in America. I tell you the truth, there are some American women that think that they aren’t that good looking, that I would die to be with.

When I lived in Boston, there was a 30-something woman who worked in a brick-a-brack store in Brookline.  She was very curvy, and maybe wore a size 18. She had shaved her hair really short, and wore really red lipstick. Not my type. Yet, I had such the hots for her. OMG! Every-time I tried to talk with her, I would get so flustered. She hadn't a clue how mesmerized I was for her.

It is sort of like how a woman who looks at my shoulders (and arms) and wonders how nice it would be to rest their head there and be held. I too look at women in this way. However, I think more in terms of having my head resting on their chest softly, and their fingers in my hair.

Men and women are more similar than we will admit to in public.

Beautiful ebony girl.
Look at this awesome beauty! Look at that amazing head of hair! Look at the tiny waist and hour-glass shape. Man! She must have all the guys chasing after her. Now pay attention. What an amazing smile. I’ll tell you what, the smile opens up my heart.

That being said, I don’t like to be with a girl that is heavier than I am. It’s a personal preference. I also am not really attracted to a woman who is taller than I am either. I don’t know why, it just doesn’t do anything for me.

I also am a little skiddish about polydactylism. It's not that I am revolted if the girl has seven fingers on each hand, but I'm a little freaked out about it.

I feel like this is similar to a girl that doesn’t want a man that is shorter than she is.

[2] Having Sex

Honestly, you have to be a fucking moron not to realize that men want sex.

It is genetically programmed into males and become the focus of everything that we do. From what career we enter, to what cars we drive, to how much money we make. The driving force behind it all is getting sex.

Any man who says that this is not the case is either lying or trying to find favor in order to obtain sex.

Pepe le Pew
The Loony Tunes character “Pepe Le Pew” is based on the raw instincts that all males have. When we were children and watched the cartoons we knew instinctively what what going on. Yet today in the SJW saturated American culture, we are supposed to ignore the basic facts of life and accept a reality of non-genders. Nonsense!

Once we find an attractive woman that raises our interest, the very next thing we wonder about is having sex with her.

That is the way it is, and no SJW rewriting of culture is going to change the biology of males. In a way we are just like dogs and are led about by our “pecker” all the time. Smart women know this. Smarter women use it, and profit from it in numerous ways.

Online porn is not a multi-billion industry for nothing. Prostitution still exists because men are men, no matter how hard society, religion and zealots try to stamp it out. Men are males with fundamental male interests and needs.

Need for sex.
The sexual desires that men have vary from individual to individual. Some men really love oral sex, others are “meh”. Some men must have anal sex, while other go “yech!”. Every man is different.

That being said, sex is an individual experience. What might be fantastic for one fellow, might be terribly boring for another. That is why there are fetishes.

Some men like big boobs, others like big asses, and still others like big feet. Some men are mesmerized by a nice set of legs, while others like strange and unusual sexual positions. And yes, some men really like huge women, and others like small tiny ladies. Everyone is different.

[3] Domestic Care & Concern

Here is where I sound like an old foggy-head man. However, a woman who is control of her home, tends to be in control of her life.

A woman who is in control of her home is in control of her life.

When I see that she takes care of her clothes, makes sure that the house is well run, ordered and that she knows how to cook, I start to get really interested in her. You see, in my mind, a woman who is in control of her life, would also be able to take control of my life as well.

Men will give their LIFE, their MONEY, and their very BEING to a woman deserving of it.

I once went on a date with a woman. She was nice, and attractive. To get ready for the date, I of course was presentable and clean, and I made sure that the car was washed and detailed. I picked her up. I then opened the door for her and buckled her in. (This was America, I'd never do it in China.) And we went off.

During the drive she pulled out some chewing gum and was chewing it. You know, for a pleasant tasting mouth. But, you know, she did something disturbing to me. She threw the chewing gum wrapper on my nice new floor...

Later, after dinner, she couldn't find her lipstick, and emptied her purse on the table, and had to sort through old scraps of paper, receipts and brick-a-bract. The date ended, and we went our separate ways. We had fun, but I never wanted to be back with her again. You know, she probably doesn't understand why.

Men need a companion that they can turn to, rely upon, and have a family with. This means responsibility. We need a good strong willed woman without baggage and problems. Seriously, isn’t that what women look for also?

Now, of course, most modern and "liberated" women don't think like this in the Untied States. They are "independent". They can get and have their own careers, and live their own lives. Sure they can. And, be childless and unmarried into their 40's. 

The cost of being a "liberated" American female is quite steep.

It is not reality.

It is an artificially constructed narrative to seduce people into certain set behaviors. If you want to see what works for couples, then look at how families are set up in Africa. Look at how families are run in Poland. Look at how families exist in China. Five thousand years of experience won’t lie.

The 1998 movie pleasantville depicted a sort of revisionist narrative of what might happen if a modern person were to step back into time and life life as it used to be in the 1960’s. Contrary to the popular narrative, there is nothing wrong with traditional marriage and a man giving everything to his wife. In return, the wife becomes domestic and cares for him, their children, their home and their finances. She makes sure that the man can work, be relaxed and strive to improve their life. That is the traditional method, and that is what many men search for.

A traditional life WORKS. Most men WANT a traditional long-term relationship. They will give everything for it.

I fear many men, especially those afraid "to make the leap" in marriage are not convinced or ready to allow a woman to take over part or all of his life.

For a man, this is a BIG commitment.

He is not only letting the woman into his life, but he is giving her access forever to all that he earns. He is allowing her to dictate and instruct him on behavior, dress, and recreation. If the man is truly in love, and if he believes that this woman can take on that domestic role; she will GET EVERYTHING he can offer.

A man who gives everything to his wife will never leave her. For she literally BECOMES everything to him. So, have you ever wondered why divorce was so rare prior to the 1970’s? Divorce became commonplace when traditional roles fell from popularity. So ladies, if you want a man that will be YOURS… forever and would never abandon you, then you should make a reappraisal of your value system. You won’t get it on a progressive ideology. You will ONLY get it with a Conservative Traditional ideology.

When a man gets married, he should be ready to share his life. This often means letting your wife take over portions of it so you no longer have to. A good, and strong, woman will be able to manage the home. If she can manage the home, she can help the man become a success.

We have a saying that goes something a little like this; “Behind every successful man is a strong woman.”

As I get older, I see how true this is. My friends who are all very successful, all have strong and well-organized wives. They all also have relinquished some things to the wife in exchange for her domestic support. This includes [1] all of the finances. [2] What he eats. [3] How he dresses. [4] His exercises, and [5] how they relate to family matters.

Family Meal

Oh, and please forget that nonsense Hollywood narrative of what a traditional conservative woman is. (Where a traditional woman wears Amish style hats, and lives a life right out of the “The Handmaids Tale”.) That is propaganda. Today, a conservative wife might have a body covered in tattoos, ear and nose rings and purple hair. It isn’t about appearances.

It is about the energy that lies inside…

Chinese women, as well as African, Polish, Russian, and Indian women don’t sit around watching the boob-tube, or play games on the cell-phone all day long. They do what ever is necessary to make THEIR household a success.

  • The manage the fiances.
  • They budget the household.
  • They allocate resources to jointly improve their standard of living.
  • They make sure everyone is eating well and healthy.
  • They are a model for their community and familial relations.
  • They make sure that the husband has everything he needs.
  • They push and help the husband grow as a provider.

[4] Companionship


I always look for companionship when I see a woman who interests me. I wonder if they would they be fun and interesting to be with. I wonder if we could talk about really deep and interesting subjects. I wonder if they would be willing to share in my hobbies. I look for companions.

This is true for most men.

Spend time, meaningful and precious time, with those you love. Make your time quality time. Buy an ice cream cone with your retired father. Take you mother out of a morning breakfast. Call up one of your friends and go to the beach or hike in a local park. Spend time together. Companionship.

Now, most women are confused with what this means. They search for romance. They could care less about companionship. This is sad, because romance comes from companionship.

Romance is spawned from companionship.

My wife and I took a trip to Thailand, and while on a drinking binge, the taxi driver drove us to the middle of no where and abandoned us there. We had to struggle and make our way back to the hotel. That bungle was an adventure, but my wife well remembers the rural village BBQ meal as the dawn broke through the clouds, and the orange light that shined on our toes in the sand. Romantic times are unplanned. They come from companionship.

A man wants a person to share his life with.


[5] A Woman’s Personality

Another thing that guys look for in a woman is personality. We are attracted to kindness, softness, sweetness, and compassion.

When I come across a particularly militant American woman, I am immediately repelled. Especially when that person wants to lecture me on “white privilege” or some kind of populist nonsense that weaker men accept. Don’t be a ugly bullyish brute of a woman. It’s not becoming.

Become the ideal. Your life is within your hands.

Pretty girl
Look at this pretty American girl. I have to admit that I have a thing for short frilly dresses. Man, she does look great in polka-dots. Wouldn’t you just love to go out on the town and have a cup of coffee and a cheese cake with this woman?

To be honest, when I meet a woman and I get to know them, I am looking for companionship. I wonder if they would like to accompany me for dinner, dancing, and any of the hobbies that I love to partake in. Since I love wine, a non-drinker and myself might not fit together well. Since I love animals, when I am talking to a woman, I wonder if they would also be part of my life with dogs and cats.

The personality that a woman has eventually dominates a man’s interest. In other words, while a man is firstly attracted to a woman’s look, and sexual appeal, it is her personality that will keep him by her side forever.

[6] Self Confidence

One of the most important traits for both men and women is self-confidence. This is something that is hard to describe, but is fundamental to success in life. the truth is that I am not at all handsome, but women are interested in spending time with me for other reasons. I chalk up the reasons to being positive, happy, interesting and having good self-confidence.

Because that is exactly what turns me on in a woman.

When I take a woman out, I want to be able to talk about things. I want to be able to talk about tomato plants, favorite foods, dogs and cats, and thoughts about life. I want to be with a person that isn’t so fucking sensitive that I am afraid of being who I am. I want to be accepted for me, and if you don’t like it, to Hell with you. The same goes double for women.

I would NEVER tell a woman that she shouldn’t eat dessert because she needed to count her calories.  Nor would I tolerate sitting down with a woman who wanted to lecture me on the injustices of the world. No one likes a scold. Really.

No one.

General Comparisons

The thing is that Chinese food is healthier than American food. The culture is also healthier, and everyone likes to dance. Many Chinese like to ride bicycles and walk. There are sidewalks everywhere in China. Thus, many Chinese girls and women are thin and healthy.

  • Chinese eat healthier food.
  • Chinese have smaller food portions.
  • Chinese prefer green tea to soda.
  • Chinese have opportunities to dance every day.
  • Culturally, being out of shape is a terrible taboo.
  • Bike riding is supported and subsidized by the government.
  • Sidewalks are everywhere.

Fat China

To elaborate further, being unhealthy is frowned upon. A fat Chinese woman is considered to be someone who is causes her family to lose face. It is not tolerated.

In Chinese culture, eating is seen as a form of affection and commitment to the family, so I always ate every meal, every single kernel of rice in my bowl. But I also felt fat and unfit to be the “perfect” Asian girl, as I compared my body to those of my fellow Asian American girl friends. When we would go out to eat and drink -- a group of petite Asian girls -- I knew I had to work out more and eat less the next day to make up for the amount I ingested with my friends. I’ve spent countless Friday nights in college, feeling completely inadequate because every single Asian girl I met was thin and beautiful with porcelain smooth skin, like Asian girls are supposed to be. I started to wonder if I was the only Asian girl who felt this way.


In America, being a fat woman is considered to be very hip and progressive. It is very much anti-fat-shaming. As such it is promoted as applauded. Also, Americans tend to love piercings, tattoos and all sorts of body adornments.

American girls.
Typical college-age American girls having a good time during spring break in Corpus Christi Texas. These are typical girls. Covered in Tattoos. They are having a great time, and they have most excellent smile. None of them are fat.

Also Americans tend to have a different lifestyle. We drive everywhere. If our car breaks down, we rent a car rather than walk. Unless you are in a city, there just aren’t any sidewalks. We like to eat fast food. Our food portions are enormous. While American food is certainly tasty, we usually opt for fast and easy food instead of the food that is better for us like oatmeal and fish.

So, we have a situation where Chinese girls tend to be thinner and healthier than American girls. I find that being healthy is enormously attractive.

Comparisons between Chinese and American Girls

Here are my opinions concerning Chinese girls and American girls. Of course it is only my own opinion.  You are free to agree or disagree as you choose.

We will start with my first criteria; Appearance.


Both American women and Chinese women tend to take care of their appearance. However, culturally, what is attractive differs. In America, having “bronze” or dark skin is considered to be attractive. While in China, having white or pale skin is considered to be attractive.

In China, it is desirable and even necessary to appear healthy and fit. In America it is trendy to be fat and overweight.

While I find that both China and America have attractive ladies, I have discovered that there is a higher percentage of them in China compared to America. This is not determined by the vast numbers of Chinese compared to the much smaller number of American, but rather the percentage of attractive women within society.

Taking the regional and cultural differences aside, and ONLY making a determination based on my personal opinions, I would find the following to be true…

America might have 30% of the women to fit my own biased, and old fashioned, ideas of beauty and attractiveness. While in China, I find a much higher percentage of women, easily over 80%, that I would consider attractive in one way or the other.


Based upon my own experiences, and only on my experiences, I find that both China and America are about on par with providing enjoyable sexual adventures for the pleasures of the man of the species. While there are individual differences, I think that a man in either America or in China would tend to have reasonably enjoyable sex with their partner.


There are a couple of sexual trends that seem to be promoted in the American media at this time, that are not promoted in China. These include…

  • Sexual ambiguity.
  • Female ejaculation / squirting.
  • Sexual promiscuity.
  • Role reversal.

Aside from these differences, for me I could care less about the latest in sexual trends going on today. Therefore…

Based on my experience, sex in either the United States or China is about the same. It varies from person to person and relationship to relationship.

Domestic Concern

I am afraid that I am going to have to shock all the readers in Internet-land out there on this consideration. However, the fact is this; the Chinese women are traditional and Conservative. The American women are progressive and liberal.

Chinese women are conservative. American women tend to be liberal.

A Chinese wife (or girlfriend) would wash, starch, iron and fold your clothes. An American wife, highly unlikely.

A Chinese wife would make a meal for her husband, provide him with clean house clothes and slippers when he gets home, and make him a cocktail. An American woman wouldn’t even consider it.

A Chinese wife would make sure that her husband was eating healthy meals, not doing unhealthy things, and would select his clothes and make sure that the man was presentable for work. An American woman would never pick out her husbands clothes, let alone iron, starch, and fold them to lay them out for him to wear when he got out of the shower.

A Chinese wife would shower, get dressed up and put on makeup to make a run to the local grocery store to get some supplies. An American woman, probably would not.

A Chinese wife would budget the household for the month. She would plan and prepare the family meals, even if it was just for two people. An American woman might do this, however, planning a family meal has become a lost art that has disappeared sometime during the Bill Clinton presidency, when Hillary Clinton became the role model for many a young woman.

All, in all, culturally the Chinese woman is far more suitable than an American woman is for a family life. 

However, for relationships that are not tied to a family or domestic issues, such as one-night stands, and promiscuous sexual adventures, the American woman is preferred. As her behavior towards a long term mutually-respectable relations can best be considered as disposable.


Again, I would say that both American and Chinese women would make fine companions. Though, culturally it would take on different manifestations.

In public, a Chinese wife treats me with great respect. She would never belittle me. She would never, ever… EVER say anything bad about me to anyone. I am her family. I am HER family. I am HER’s. To bad-mouth me is to admit that she is a terrible wife.

Culturally, the wife, the family and the husband loses face if she is not supportive of him. In fact, he could lose his job, or be placed in demeaning and compromising work situations as well. The wife has an important role, and she must make sure that the husband is respected and promoted. Can you imagine the woman in this video saying bad things about her husband…?

Chinese girls are fiercely defensive of their families and their husbands.

In comparison, an American wife has no problem with treating a husband terribly. In fact it is even promoted in the American media and Hollywood. This has manifested with a terrible lack of respect in public, bounding on terrible disrespect of the worst kind. Heck, even the President of the United States allows people to point their finger at him and belittle him in public.

You would NEVER see this in China.

Asshole President being belittled.
FILE – In this Jan. 25, 2012, file photo, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer points during an intense conversation with President Barack Obama after he arrived at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, in Mesa, Ariz. In the summer of 2010, race and politics collided when Arizona Republicans passed an immigration law that critics said would lead to racial profiling of Hispanics. Jose Lozano, vice president of the Massachusetts Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers, remembers Brewer wagging her finger in the president’s face, which he thought was ugly and hadn’t seen before. “There’s no way that would have ever happened to a white president,” Lozano said. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, File)

Knowing what I know of today, I can understand why some American husbands beat their wives up when they get home. If they would attack and beat up a male stranger that treats them that way, what makes their closest confidant get a free-pass?

That being said, there are other minor cultural differences…

A Chinese wife would have the husband carry her purse, all the bags of the things that she bought, and tote the dog around in a kennel. While she would walk in the mall in all her glorious beauty. However, the husband would control what they did for the day.

An American wife would bound ahead and do her things without asking the man what he wants to do. She would go to the stores she wants, and if the man comes fine. Otherwise, it’s too bad. In America, the husband has taken on a kind of pet-role. Go. Fetch. Sit. Obey. Roll-over.

Of course, there are exceptions. However, and this is important, culturally how a wife treats her husband differs between China and America.

  • In China, the husband must be treated with full respect or the family suffers.
  • In America, treating the husband poorly is an accepted norm.


I have discovered that I am treated better, adored more, appreciated, and honored in China. It is at a level of respect that is way, way, WAY beyond anything than I ever experienced in America. Therefore, the Chinese culture greatly favors a relationship consisting of companionship between a man and a woman.


I am attracted to kindness. When I see a great wide smile, I gravitate towards it. There are kind people all over the world. Just like there are evil people. I personally believe that there is an equal mixture of kind, personable women in both China and America.

I like the fact that many people smile at strangers. You won’t see this in China. In China, people only smile to friends.

I like the fact that many people in America attend church. I think that it helps keep us grounded to a higher purpose. You know, many Chinese are quite religious as well. We NEED religion. We NEED to constantly be reminded of our role and our purpose in this life.

President Trump in Church.
President trump attends church and feels the spirit of God. Of course, this was reported differently. The American mainstream media reported this as protestors marched around and around the church. Whatever, get the attention away from the good. Focus on the trivial. There is nothing more important within this reality that our purpose and our relationship with our maker.
A kind and caring person can be found anywhere. You just need to push aside the differences in culture and look at the person within. I have found that both America and China has people with attractive personalities.

Self Confidence

I am attracted to people with self confidence. This is true for both men and women.

The thing about this, and I do not know why, the women in the United States with good self-confidence are ugly arrogant monsters. While the women in China tend to be lovely and well poised. Ok, here is what I am trying to express. Here is a Chinese woman with high confidence…

Now, for comparison, here is an American woman with high confidence…

American woman with high confidence
Here’s an American woman showing that she has high confidence. She is proud of who she is and accepts her body just as it is. No one is going to tell her how to eat, and what to eat. No one is going to try to sell her hair lotion or shampoo. She is her very own woman. Good for her!

You can find many such pictures where absolutely beautiful women sabotaged their appearance and posted pictures of them with their new self-found self-confidence. I am NOT saying that it is bad. What I am saying is that you do not have to adopt extreme behaviors to be the very best that you are.

I think that it takes high self-confidence to avoid the seduction of tattoos when everyone else is sporting them. It takes high confidence to let your hair grow long and refuse to cut it for any reason. I think that real high confidence is when you do things your way, and not the trendy and popular way.

I think that everyone needs and should have high self-confidence. However, I don't think that we need to destroy our appearance to obtain it. Just because people are suddenly are looking at you and giving you attention does not mean that that they admire and like you. They just might be gawking like people do at animals in a zoo.

Self-confidence alone is not attractive. It is the sum total of all the characteristics that a person has. Self-confidence puts everything together into a nice neat package.

r/K Theory

The trend in America for fat females, and for promiscuity is a valid species survival vector. It occurs when you have creatures living in abundance. In America we have a situation where there is abundance.

Studies on mice, rats and rabbits have affirmed that when there is an unlimited supply of resources, the species take on the behaviors that we witness in the United States today. If you are interested in finding out more about this theory, please go here…

r/K selection theory


When I first came to China I was floored by the prodigious numbers of attractive, sexy and self-confident women. Not only that, but they were traditional. They believed in marriage. They believed in roles. They believed in the importance of man being a man, and a woman running the family.

China is communist, but here all the people were traditionally American-style conservative. I was amazed and stunned. Then, when I started to live and work in China, I began to understand it better. I saw that modern China follows the free-market values of American style conservatism. We can all thank Mr. Deng for that.

Here in China, when I would try to talk to a woman, they would smile and come up to me. They wouldn’t scow or make some kind of dismissive remark. They looked into my eyes and I had their full attention.  I have since come to appreciate women who take care of themselves and honor their family. I fell in love with one and I did go ahead and marry her.

If the woman is from America, and they take care of themselves and honors their family, then you should not let that person escape. They are a prize. They ARE remarkable and ABSOLUTELY deserving of your attention and admiration. Appreciate them. For they are special, unique and deserving of a “knight in white armor”. Don’t let them down.

Take Aways

  • There are beautiful women all over the world.
  • In China, beauty is defined by tradition.
  • In America, beauty is defined by popular culture.

That being said…

  • A traditional man would find that China would have more beautiful women than in America.
  • A trendy progressive, liberal man would find that America will have large numbers of attractive women that fits his ideas of perfection.

American Woman in China

Sometimes a picture tells a story. Here is a micro video of an American in China taking selfies on the beach. I will let the reader come to their own conclusions.


Q: Which type of woman is more attractive? An American or a Chinese woman?
A: Both have their charms. It really depends on the person who is the observer. For me, with all my crazy old-fashioned old-school ideas about family, and appearance, China is the land of beautiful women. But my ideas are not popular at all.

In America today, Michelle Obama is considered one of the most attractive women in the world. Hillary Clinton is the 6th most attractive woman. So, many people have different ideas about beauty than I have. You, the reader, should never take my tastes and attitudes as your own. You should instead NOT be influenced by my out of style thoughts and opinions.

Q: Is there any female feature that is more important in attractiveness?
A: While I am certainly fond of a nice chest, and sensuous lips, I have to be honest on this. Nothing gets me stunned into stupefied silence than a mixture of kindness and self-confidence. That chick I mentioned earlier from Brookline in Boston, was so tender but strong! Oh, my gosh!

Q: What is wrong about tattoos and piercings?
A: Absolutely nothing. You need to understand, I represent a different generation. In my world, it is typically unusual for a woman to have excessive tattoos and piercings. That does not mean that I am not attracted to women with these decorations, it is just that it falls outside what I have considered to be attractive. I have to be reeducated on this subject.

Q: Is a woman who smokes and drinks attractive?
A: I think so, but according to the typical Chinese culture, it is considered unwomanly if not taboo. In fact, the reader would be surprised at how broadly I consider attractiveness. Which is why I often tell everyone to be the very best that they can be, and stop listening to the advice of others. Attractiveness is a combination of factors. Just be the best you can be, and let who you are shine through.

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

China and America Comparisons


Playground Comparisons

The Last Straw

Diversity Initatives


Travel outside

10 Misconceptions about China

Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1

Pretty Girls 2

Pretty Girls 3

Pretty Girls 4

Pretty Girls 5

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  1. Composed 15AUG18.
  2. Completed 17SEP18.
  3. SEO review 17SEP18.
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I’ve been to the biggest and most expensive KTVs in Xiamen, Shanghai, Dongguan and Beijing a few years ago during business trips visiting some large and very well-known contract manufacturers. Surely those companies, e.g. making your iPhone, have used this trick of pleasing customers quite a lot. Sadly most of these KTV girls are fooled into the job. When you meet them, you can usually get their WeChat ID if you show some good personal character. You can easily impress them and arrange dates going to restaurants, cinemas, amusement parks or other places with them by just being good to them and not asking for sex. If they like you, things will happen naturally. If you have the money, you can easily get a vacation with such girl of your dreams somewhere exotic. Actually most of them want to find a husband and get out of the job if they can still support their parents.
After doing business trips, I worked in China for a couple of years and realized the other side of the coin. Lots of these physically very attractive KTV girls end up in bad marriages or no marriage at all. At 27 they then go in panic mode and they might contact you again if you didn’t delete their WeChat ID. Some of the most attractive can end up having some disgust for Chinese men after a few years serving men in KTVs. The Chinese society has grown some really bad cultural values concerning dating, love and marriage. What matters is often the ability to give a house, car, gold and so on to the wife’s family. When these girls get to the tier 1 cities and their parents live in poor tier 3 towns, guys will have to pay the bills to make the poor parents gain a living standard similar to himself.

Kal James

Well, Donald Trump is a 100% fake christian who can’t even provide a bible passage to quote when asked and never goes to church unless it’s a photo op. He simply uses the gullible in that regard. He is the most unChristian person in office today, just about, since he claims to be one and isn’t in the extreme. Let’s not be delusional. I wonder if you will allow a dissenting opinion or if you will just censor the truth?