Let’s talk a little about the Chinese kidnapped sex slave…
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 15 of 17.
Sometime around 2013 and 2014, China really started to crack down on these establishments. Entire cities in DongGuan were affected. Today they exist, but are very quiet.
Very quiet.
Today, they are more like American “speakeasy’s” of the 1920’s. It doesn’t really matter though. As long as the boss has the name and card of the manager for the girls, she can direct him to the appropriate KTV venue.
And, of course, there are always girls willing to pay to work at these establishments. For that is the only guaranteed sure-fire way for them to meet men who are wealthy, successful and who would make great fathers for their children.

A few years back, the business KTV’s were everywhere, public and out in the open. Today, they are found hidden.
They went “underground”.
Industry has adapted
Also, industry has matured somewhat. You will not find so many foreigners invited to Business KTV’s as they used to be. Most Business KTV’s tend to be reserved for Chinese businessmen, as America has gotten the reputation (in China) for being Puritanical concerning smoking, drinking, singing, dancing and sex.
It’s a justifiable reality. Most Americans don’t smoke. Few drink. Many haven’t had any fun, aside from mowing their grass, for three years or more. Women in America has grown to fit the r/K profile. They are huge and aggressive, with a chip on their shoulder, and men have devolved into metro sexual beta males.

As a foreigner, you now need to explain that you would like to sing, and dance with pretty girls. Otherwise, the boss might provide you with Western-style hospitality. Which might be a cup of tea, a cookie and a handshake.
The Myth of the Poor Little Waifs
One of the most common things you hear about regarding sex in China is the “poor little waifs” that are sold into sexual prostitution at a young age.
Yeah, it’s true the narrative is so pervasive and well-known that it is taken for granted as a fact. But it is not. It was never a fact. All it is, is an elaboration of a series of British tabloid articles designed to lure readers towards stories of salacious sex. Yet, these articles took on “legs”; they took on a life of their own.
As a result, NGO’s would buy a visitor visa and come over to “investigate” the phenomenon. They would stay on the dime of their publishers, and then write up an “Exposé” on the poor little waifs. Of course, they won’t provide any names (ah, to “protect” the innocent, don’t you know.)
Because of this, we now have it well understood that prostitution and sexual slavery is rampant is common in China.
Now, most commonly, many people talk about the poor young girls sold into forced slavery and prostitution. They talk about the terrible stories, and how demeaning it is. They speak as an expert because they have read about these situations.
They know all about it, it seems. CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and the Guardian has told them that this is the case. And, then, because of that they spout off, as if they are experts…
"Ever think that these girls are kidnapped and basically sex slaves that most of the money they are making isn’t going to mamma sans, that they are forced into situations where they are sexually abused and raped. Maybe some sit on the streets talking on the phone but that’s the lucky ones. Human trafficking is a huge problem in china. I think your article is really insensitive and quite sexist, not as bad as “women who wear revealing clothes deserved to be raped” but still misses the fact that they might be doing this against there will!"
Wow! Chinese kidnapped sex slave! How do you know all about this? Have you ever been to China? Do you even have a passport? How do you know that this is actually the case, or are you just regurgitating some bullshit that you read?
I would argue the latter, most certainly.
Oh, and they are not called “mamma sans” for Christ’s sake. They are called 女经理, or if you prefer lăobănniáng. What the fuck is “three horse horse”?
Chinese kidnapped sex slave!
I’m in China. I’ve been living here for a long, long time. I do happen to know many of these girls. I mean it. I fucking know them. I talk with them. I eat meals with them. I go to parks with them. I’ve even helped them pick out shoes to wear. They are not some poor abused and misused waif. There might be some, Oh, maybe 0.000000000000001% chance. However, it is the exception and NOT the rule.
Others, who also have been and lived in China, agree with me. They, like myself, take a dim view of these self-righteous ignorant know-it-all busybodies who spout this nonsense. It’s like they have diarrhea and tilt their huge asses towards you and spray away.
"Wallimo, only a very daft person couldn’t tell the difference between a self-interested gold digging KTV hostess and a sex slave.
Everyone is aware of the human rights dilemma in China in the sex trade in particular, but even if you visited the seediest parlors and saunas from Shanghai to Lhasa, you’d probably never come across even one sex slave.
In other words, they are vastly outnumbered by girls who are willing to enter the industry for personal gain, and what’s more, they are typically trafficked into different types of establishments, mostly catering to repeat customers.
We’ve heard that finger-wagging rhetoric so much that most of us just get annoyed when people spout off on those holier-than-thou guilt trips."
From Disporia-ChinaSmack
Yeah. Those of us with REAL experiences are tired of the ignorant and their “holier than thou” attitude.
Imagine! Chinese kidnapped sex slave!
"We’ve heard that finger-wagging rhetoric so much that most of us just get annoyed when people spout off on those holier-than-thou guilt trips."
From Disporia-ChinaSmack
If all you read is from CNN, WaPo, and the Guardian you might be convinced that the world is going to be taken over by sex-dolls, and that sexual slavery runs rampant throughout the world.
Who thinks up THIS nonsense?
That, and that Donald Trump is a Russian spy, that you will keel over and die from a zombie outbreak of bird flu from Hong Kong, and we are all going to die by global warming.
Personally, I am so sick and tired of being lied to, manipulated, and having my emotions put through the wringer. It’s all nonsense used to control YOU.
Don’t fall for it.

That’s not the truth. None of it is. Not by a long shot.
Welcome Contributions
Parroting what you have been programmed to believe is far below your potential. If you’ve got something good to say and to contribute then I would welcome your contribution. Here are some areas to start off with…
- What is the going rate for a short-time in Daliang?
- How much does it cost to have the hair done and fingernails done at 5pm in Shenzhen, Louhu?
- Where do the girls get the costumes? And who does the alterations?
- What is the busiest time in the year for Business KTV’s?
- When the girl agrees to a contract at a Business KTV, what is the duration?
- What is the best day to work during the week?
- Which days are the girls permitted to take off?
- Can the KTV provide dorms and a minimum salary, or are there free-lance considerations?
- What is the girls locker room like in a Business KTV?
- Where a dorm is offered, what are the sleeping arrangements, and how are the meals prepared?
If you are unable to answer any of these FUNDAMENTAL and most basic questions, than you actually know jack-shit about this industry and culture. So do not lecture me on something that you read out of a UK tabloid, or an Op Ed from a liberal American media outlet.
A Very Good Story
I have posted, on this blog, the ramblings of a “pimp” for these girls who work the KTV scene. If you want to read about this some more, then please go HERE. Otherwise…

If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Business KTV Index here…
Business KTV'sThe Chinese Business KTV Experience

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