Beautiful girls in the lineup.

How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Pre-party Preparation

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 5 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

KTV Prep

Eventually, the bottles of wine will be empty. Everyone will be full.

The aide will gather the left over bottles. Any cigars you are smoking will be finished. The aide will call the KTV and make sure that the room is reserved. He will typically get up off from the table and call at the side of the room, or in the hallway. The boss might call the manager of the girls (they operate outside of the club), and make what ever arrangements that he has in mind.

The Manager of the Girls

The girls will, of course need a manager. Here, we talk about the KTV girls management. It is much like the management of any group of people in a business. You need to monitor the staff, identify your resources, and make sure that you are providing value-added benefits to the clients. Not to mention the obtainment of clients and keeping them.

Typically (but not always) the manager of the girls will be an attractive woman in her 30’s. Hard as nails, and no-nonsense. Most have raised up through the ranks to get where they are today. Think Sharon Stone in the movie Casino.

You build relationships with these managers. As such, you get to know them. They manage the girls and they provide promotions and arrangements as necessary.

  • Sometimes girls want to be with their friends. So they would only work with a client if their friend can participate. I’ve seen this with two girls, and three girl teams. The only thing about this is that you need to make sure that all of the girls are equally playful. No one wants to spend any time with a sour-puss that has some home or family issues. Or even worse, a gal who just stands there stamping her foot anxiously and demands that both girls leave. Yikes!
  • Sometimes the girl has had a bad run of luck, and hasn’t been selected all week. So the manager would promote the girl. Maybe offer a reduced price, or extra services, or extra-long time, or maybe cart Blanche on the activities involved in.
  • Sometimes the timing is really bad, as all the girls are at home during holidays, or a number of the most popular girls are sick. The manager would need to make this clear and work out arrangements that might make some of the more unpopular girls more attractive to the client.
  • Often, the girl might not want to be physical with you. That is fine. That is her choice. The manager will then find a girl that will want to. In general, I would rather be with a girl that is enthusiastic to be with me, than a girl I picked based on appearance. No matter what you might think, the truth is that there will always be some girls that would really want to be with you.

Management Fees

Now, the management fee for the girls is actually quite small. This is something that surprised me. In The United States, I was under the impression that all prostitutes had pimps and the pimp would take the vast bulk of the money the gals made. Not so in China.

Han Chinese
Chinese girls for the most part are Han Chinese. This is the same race as the Koreans. In a like way, the Han Chinese and the Koreans are very similar. This picture is a mixture of both Korean and Chinese girls. Can you tell who is who?

The manager is paid by both the girls and the KTV. The payment amount is often quite small. Maybe a few hundred RMB a month (Maybe $30 / month).

They make their money in volume, and repeat customers. If you have a troop of one hundred girls, that’s a solid $3,000 USD per month on girls alone. That is un-taxed, and keep in mind that that is actually equivalent to maybe $20,000 / month. This is because the cost of living in China is much less than that in the Untied States.

The General Quality of KTV Hostesses

Of course, none of these girls are “bottom of the barrel” skanks. In China, the ability to make money is ranked highly in desirable traits, so the girls are all extraordinarily beautiful. These gals are all skilled in singing, dancing, being able to control alcohol intake, and having fun. They are the exceptional women of the region.

They tend to be along the lines of this. Long hair, beautiful face with stunning eyes, and sweet lips. They have a fine figure (nice ample chest) and a friendly and welcoming demeanor. They are pleasant, and kind, and sweet.

On a scale from 0-10, with a 5 being average, you would find that most girls at a Chinese Business KTV are in the 9 – 10 range. Which means, in every lineup you would find multiple girls that your would find personally attractive.

No, you won’t find any enormous back women with asses the size of trashcans jerking about. That is reserved for Obama’s America.

Chinese girls tend to be well proportioned. In general, they all have long or longish hair. Short hair can be seen but it is a rarity. Most have black or brown hair. Some girls dye their hair, but this is also unusual. All the girls, even the darker girls from the South will have light or lightish skin. It’s a sign of beauty in China.

Personally, I love the oval eyes. When one of these beauties look at me, I just melt into their eyes. Also, most Chinese have brown eyes. Their face tends to be oval. Much like this girl here…

They will be playful. They will be nice and polite. Some might be a little aloof, but you would be too, if you stood in 15 lineups before getting chosen.

Their skin is so smooth and soft. Many of the girls have experimented with dying their hair, and so you might find some girls with light highlights in their hair, and dark roots. It is normal for Chinese to have from brown to coal-black hair. You can tell their natural hair color by looking at their eyebrows.

Once, the girls have been introduced to the clients (as discussed later), final payment arrangements will have been established by the KTV and the manager. The money that exchanges hands goes into two batches. There is a direct “tip” that is given to the manager as a “thank you” for their services, and the transaction between the girl and the guy who selects her. In the case of the boss buying the girl, it is handled by his side. The girl gets 100% of that money.

Anyways, more about that later…

Whatever arrangements are made, eventually you will be led (oh yes, boy… you will be led) to the car and then to the KTV.

Some more Chinese KTV hostesses
Typical Chinese KTV hostesses. They wear different outfits, and it is not unusual for them to change in and out of the different outfits all night depending on the client and the situation. I always like the “Gone with the Wind” look where the girls would dress up in these huge flowing dresses, and have their makeup all done up. It’s a real experience, let me tell you.

From that moment on, you will be given “Red Carpet” treatment. You have proven yourself. If you handled yourself well, you out drank the boss, out smoked the co-workers, and ate a chicken’s head and spit it out. You gave the boss great face. Now, it is his turn to repay the favor.

How he will give YOU face.


If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

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Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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