Fake News in regards to Chinese KTV's and abused sex slaves.

How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Opinions of the Ignorant

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 16 of 17.

Opinions of Others

I tire of the propaganda about China. Yeah, I spent the time churning this post out. I took the time to do it. I paid the money to host it. Now you, the lucky reader, can read it. Woo woo.

I have gone on to other blogs and have read the comment sections where people have torn up a guy for relating his experiences. Most of the time, the comments are juvenile with such things as you might expect. “These girls are prostitutes.” And “I would never set foot into a KTV, the music sucks.”,and “They are abused poor waifs”. OK, whatever. It’s just propaganda about China.

This is the real deal. Like it or not.


I personally do not want to hear the opinions of someone who have never stepped out of the Untied States and is making judgments based upon their limited understandings of reality. They are just promoting propaganda about China. If all you can relate about is the inside of a Bo Jangles, and your idea of hard work is coding software then you have no business being here. This place is not for you.

You don’t belong here.

You all can all go eat your pork rings, drink your expensive Starbucks coffee, and service your 400 pound overweight pink-haired ambiguous-gender friend. You can believe in reptilians taking over the government, the next war the United States will have “for Democracy”, and get ready for the global warming that will melt the ice caps. Good for you. That is your reality.

This is mine.

You want to comment. Good. Remember that here, I am GOD.  So remember who you are dealing with. Unless you are kind, and civil I won’t publish anything you say. So it might be best for you to swallow your bile and leave.


The world is filled with ignorant busybodies who want to make the world a perfect place in their own image. The problem is that their image is one that is forged thought the media. And, folks, the media in the United States is controlled by five people. That’s it. Five people control every fucking thing you read. So what you are actually doing is being a puppet for the wealthy who control you, control your thoughts and control your life.

So be it.


Call me all kinds of names. I know quite a bit more about our universe and our reality. So don’t get too hot and bothered with my thoughts, experiences and opinions. For as far as you know, I’m just bound for Hell.


Another View

Of course, you don’t have to accept what I have to report. You can just read propaganda from the news media. Here’s a good example, out of the UK (why am I not surprised?) about DongGuang. Read the article.

Inside Dongguan, China's Sin City

Some 10 per cent of Dongguan's population is said to be employed in the world's oldest profession. Tom Phillips reports from China's Sin City.

In the article, they said 10% of the city population was involved in prostitution. Wow. That’s a lot. A lot!

Let’s break that down…

Which means, that if the vast bulk of the prostitutes are female, then nearly 20% of the females in this city region are prostitutes. ( assuming a ratio of 50/50 of men and women.) If you further narrow down prostitution to be females between the ages of 14 and 40, then this article, were it to be believed, means that you would have a near 65% chance of any girl between the ages of 14 and 40, including married women as being full-on prostitutes.

You couldn’t walk down a street without seeing a prostitute in most of the ladies you walk by. You couldn’t have a coffee or tea without sharing a table with one. You couldn’t buy groceries without meeting one. You couldn’t ride a bus without seeing about half the bus as prostitutes.

Think people. Think.

God, what a slimy article, and what slimy photos. Did they even go there? Why did they pick the sleaziest section, with the sleaziest people? Anyways, they have a photo to “prove” sexual slavery of children takes place. Here it is… Look at the pitiful small babies sold into prostitution. Why, they are certainly elementary-school age!

Child Sexual Trafficing
This photo is given as proof that sexual slavery and child prostitution is “rampant” in the industrial capital of Dongguang. Look at these three children. Why they are missing their school classes and won’t be able to perform basic mathematics! How horrible! My Goodness!
  1. Did they give locations, names, and facts?
  2. Any statements that they made, are they backed up with hard information?
  3. For an in-depth article, what details have they provided, such as demographics, industry, times, income data, social concerns, statements from the local police, statistics, and the like?

All of the hard information is all missing. It’s just one of a thousand fluff-pieces designed to change the mass consciousness of the reader toward certain assumptions.

Now for some comparisons. Maybe you don’t like what I wrote. Maybe you think that I am a deplorable ass hole. Maybe you want to clutch on to your most cherished fantasy…

Well then, which article (this [1] blog post, or [2] the UK newspaper article) was more

  1.  Informative to you personally?
  2. Which one would better serve you to write a report, or
  3. investigate further issues, or
  4. spiked your interest towards different cultures and ways of life?
  5. Which one gave you a better perception of the reality of what is going on?
  6. Which article is more complete, fulfilling and worthwhile reading?
  7. Which article gave you a more fuller and comprehensive picture?
  8. Which article did you learn something new from?

If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Business KTV Index here…

Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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