We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Picture Dump 1
Here are some pictures that I have collected from all over, and for Lord only knows why. Before I discard them off my HD, I’ve decided to share them with all of you out there is Internet-person land.
SHTF Romanian Style
Soldiers and armed civilians occupy the office of ousted Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu in the capital Bucharest on Dec. 26, 1989, the day after he was executed.
The Progressive Dream
This is pretty much what all the progressive socialists and SJW’s think that world will turn into once they are the boss and are given the ability to tell everyone else what to do. Hum. Do you all think that this is what’s going to happen? Nope, neither do I.
Swiss Bf-109’s
During World War II, the “neutral” Swiss traded with Nazi Germany. This picture describes the markings on their BF-109’s.
Conan gives his advice on life…
Conan gives his advice on life. He describes how life works and how much he enjoys “smelling the flowers”.
Three types of men
There are three types of men. Which type are you?
Hillery explains her plans to her followers…
Hillery explains her governmental philosophy to her “followers”. We need to take things away from the people so that they can be ruled over by a benevolent, smarter government. Yes. Just like how she and her husband did all those years in government.
Hoe squad at the ADC
Hole squad at the ADC. This is Cummins. Yup, this is what it is like. This is what Hard Labor is like in Arkansas and it is anything but easy.
Enlarged detail in the “Drone Hoax”
NSA spent a lot of time disparaging the MAJestic disclosure. This is for C.A.R.E.T. and MAJestic. Whatever. This is an enlarged view of the underside of one of those pesky “drone hoaxes” that are (wink – wink) just a hoax.
SHTF imagery
SHTF and CW2 is never pretty. Luckily we have photographs of what it looks like, though it seems that many are now getting placed behind paywalls for some reason or the other making them inaccessible.
The Four Conspirators
Hanging of the four conspirators involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Saint Joseph’s Church
I often read nonsense about China on American forums. As someone who is living in China, I find many of the so-called reports from “experts” to be just made up lies. LIES. So when I read about church cross removal in China, well, the first thing that I do is go to the nearby church and see what is going on. In every instance, what is going on is absolutely nothing. The cross still stands proud and high.
How the business-world works
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are in, they all work this way. From getting a hamburger, to ordering a F-35 fighter jet. This is the way it works, and no denials or creative solutions is going to change that.
Norman Thomas Quote
Norman Thomas quote; the American people would NEVER knowingly adopt socialism.
Symbology Coincidences
There seems to be a lot of coincidences in regards to symbology.
Anon discovers vote fraud…
Discovered and proven. Taken to the police to act on. No action taken. The government in power wants vote fraud, and the opposition parties is supportive of that.
Suburban ideal
Nice duplex from the early 1960’s. This was the dream house for many a young couple.
Time for some soup…
Slow cooker Chicken Tortilla soup. Now, wouldn’t you just love to have a bowl of this most delicious soup? I know that I would.
MK-ULTRA Film Purge
The United States government attacked it’s citizens in a large series of tests used to control the minds of people. When discovered, they immediately erased and destroyed as much documentation that they could. Precious few photos or documentation remains. This is one such photo.
Leave on time…
Always leave the office on time.
The CIA heads for the hills…
After the CIA messed up Cambodia and allowed the Communist insurgents to take over the nation, there was wide-spread panic. This photo depicts American military protecting the CIA assets as they evacuate the Cambodian capital city.
Intention Imagery
If you want to create a vision board for intention generation, you cannot go wrong with using this image. Nothing is finer than a pizza pie on the beach on a fine day.
Bill Clinton?
I was once told that this was a photo of Bill Clinton. I mean it sort of looks like him, but the mustache doesn’t quite fit. Maybe it’s his body double.
She’s a real cow…
I know that some people want to get all costumed up for sex, but this I am afraid, is a little extreme. Don’t you all think?
The Pearly Gates
I have met many people who earnestly believe that they can be bad and ask for forgiveness so that they can reserve a seat for themselves in Heaven. I’ve got news for you all. It doesn’t work that way. Forgiveness is earned over time.
Now for the rest of the story…
Once the CIA failed, and the Cambodian government collapsed, the American instigators fled the country. What remained, the military and the police were ordered to turn in their weapons to the new progressive communist government of Pol Pot. Once, the weapons were turned in and collected, the soldiers were rounded up, collected. They were cataloged and photographed. Then they were killed. Killed dead. That’s progressive socialists for you.
China on the dark side of the Moon
China has landed a lander on the dark side of the Moon. This is a real difficult feat as there just isn’t any kind of direct way to communicate with Earth based command and control. Instead, an orbiting satellite must relay remote commands to the lunar rover. Pretty cool stuff.
Being a boy in the 1960’s
This is what boyhood was like. He has his toy pistol and holster (now banned by the Democrats), his little red wagon which was a boyhood staple. As well as the all-metal tricycle that was eventually displaced by a plastic one in the 1970’s.
Grilled Ruben Sandwiches
Beer goes great with a grilled Ruben sandwich. As does the proper dipping sauce of Thousand-Island dressing, and a nice pickle along the side. Personally, I believe that a fine frosty beer would go great with this sandwich. Don’t you?
The Seven Rules of Life
The seven rules of life.
Chicken, Beer and slaw…
Life is too short not to enjoy chicken, beer and coleslaw. I think that we owe it to ourselves to enjoy life to our fullest, and that means good food, great drinks and fine friends.
Dickenson’s Political Spectrum
This is the Dickenson’s political chart of political philosophies.
BLT with peaches on the side.
The primary characteristic of a well-made BLT is the abundance of bacon and fresh delicious tomatoes. You also must make sure that the bread is properly toasted. For only the properly toasted bread will serve to complement a mighty proper icy beer.
Consort Ranking for Chinese Kings
This is how consorts are traditionally managed in China. In China, the King often had a great selection of women to choose from to mate, and “consort” with. They followed some strict rules of internal society, and it pretty much followed a pyramid like structure.
Prerequisites for Draining the Swamp
Unless active and proactive tasks are undertaken to drain the swamp, it will never be drained. It will only get worse, and eventually will come a point of collapse. Also known as the SHTF and CWII events. Who is currently active in these areas today?
How to cut a club sandwich.
When making a club sandwich you need to be very careful and cut cross-wise. That way you can have four tiny triangle shaped bites of delicious sandwich.
Purchasing Power of the USD
The USD has very little worth. If you think that a 22 trillion dollar debt is going to make things better, then you are sorely mistaken.
The American Dream
The American dream is one with a family eating together in the backyard on a nice sunny Summer afternoon. It is a time of togetherness, clean and cheerful clothes and mowed grass. Not to mention the very delicious hotdogs.
When things go wrong…
When things go wrong. Poor guy.
Tired Car
Tired Car
Progressive Liberal Militia to go after Deplorable Nazi Racists.
Berkley California Liberal Militia. They are armed and equipped with multiple round magazines that are against the law in the State of California, but apparently progressive Marxists get a pass in obeying the law. This group was formed to fight against deplorable racist anti-progressive forces.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
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