Have you ever wondered why some people think the way that they do? I mean, why is it “common knowledge” that Trump followers are “Deplorable” Nazi “Red-Necks” who are High School dropouts and uneducated bumbletons? Why is it “common knowledge” that Universities and Colleges are the perfect routes for success in today’s’ modern world? Why is it “common knowledge” that we need to pay income taxes or else our bridges would collapse and our telephones would explode?
The News Media told us.
Have you ever really wondered about this? This absolute disconnect between the reality that we experience every day, and the reality that is presented to us on the news. Have you ever thought about it?
I mean it. The United States is currently fighting seven …SEVEN… S-E-V-E-N wars! Not a single one of them is a threat to the United States in any direct way. Why are we there? Why are we fighting and our soldiers are dying there? Why?
Because the media tell us that we MUST be there.
It’s not only news about the United States, culture and society. But it is everything. How do we know what China is like? How do we know about how dogs are treated in China? Why do we think that dogs are considered more delicious than a fine juicy sirloin or T-bone steak in China?
Because the media tells us, that’s how we know.
How do we know that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016? How do we know that the 2016 election was corrupted by Russian spies, and that Donald Trump is the worst president since Ronald Reagan? How do we know that Donald Trump is uncouth, ignorant, and a lousy person?
Because the media tell us.
Speaking of Presidents… How do we know that George Bush Senior was a fantastic President, a real saintly man. That he was a man of principle and who raised taxes simply because he knew that it was the “right thing to do”. How do we know? How do we know that Barrack Obama was the most “transparent” and civil minded person in all of history? How do we know that he and his wife are the most beautiful couple since Adam and Eve?
The media tells us this…
Ah yes. The media tells us…

The media tells us.
Speaking of which, have you ever wondered why Barrack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Was it because of his accomplishments? Was it because he was great, kind, and very intelligent? Was it because he issued in a new world of order and understanding? How do we know that he actually deserved the prize?
The media told us.
How are we able to find out that the prize as requested back? And that the committee fired the directors that granted it? How do we know?
The ALTERNATIVE media discovered it.
How did we discover about the dalliances that Bill Clinton had in the Oval Office? How did we know about the semen stain on a blue dress? How did we discover about the pay-offs and cover-ups?
The ALTERNATIVE media rooted it out.
The alternative media is the only media that matters in today’s world. Everything else is bought up, controlled and manipulated for financial gain by the oligarchs that control our world. Through their money, and through use of science they have created a situation where the media acts like a Shepard, and moves mass groups of people here and there to meet their personal criteria.

So while we might laugh at Alex Jones wearing a tin-foil cap, and Rush Limbaugh smoking a cigar with his formerly nicotine stained fingers, it is truly the alternative media that has any value in reporting the true and current state of American news today.
We might get frustrated with the Drudge Report reprinting obvious fake news from CNN, ABC, and MSNBC. However, at least he is trying to provide balance. Balance, mind you, to a playing field that has for a very long time, been completely distanced from real news reporting.
That is right. Distanced from ANY type of real news reporting.
Ask yourself why…
Why is it that we know about the latest bombing in Israel, and the torture and death of a journalist in the Saudi Arabian embassy, but not the failure to fix the potholes in Pennsylvania roads? Why isn’t Lois Learner being investigated? Why is Hillary Clinton still free? Why is the news still talking about Michelle Obama? How do we know which news is important?
How do we know that a mob of SJW and BLM activists are trying to disrupt traffic, force behaviors, and violently attack people with bicycle locks? How do we know that these are spontaneous events, and are grass-root reactions to what is going on in Washington, D.C.?

The media told us. That’s how.
Why is it that we discover that eating steak makes men impotent, and that a cup of Starbucks brand coffee a day will make you virile and sexy? How do we know that Starbucks will not hire veterans, but will endeavor to hire five thousand refugees?
Why has it become ok to accuse a man, any man of sexual misconduct, assault and rape? Why has it been considered ok to ban Christmas cheer in the workplace, and schools? Why is it just fine and dandy not to salute the flag and instead “take a knee” for the oppressed?
Why should be be fearful of giant rat-sized zombie hornets killing people in China? Why should we be concerned about the poor children that are knocking at the Southern border of the United States? Why should we be fearful of eating sunny-side-up eggs, and drinking with plastic straws?
Why should we be afraid to give our children peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches? Why should we worry about the next hurricane, the next Winter, or the next scorching Summer? Why should we worry?

The media tells us to.
How do we know what news is true and what news is fake? How can we check to see if an article is actually factually correct, or is just propaganda? How do we know that we need to go to a media-aligned fact-check website…

The media instructs us, and checks for us.
They tell us if news is real or fake.
They tell us where we should go to get the “actual” truth. They tell us which government official is evil, and which is corrupt. They tell us which one is pure as the freshly fallen Winter snow.
The media tells us.
They have told us that Hillary Clinton was the most popular candidate in 2016 and that she would win by a landslide. They told us so. They told us that Donald Trump was a joke, and only uneducated hillbilly “gun toting” hicks supported him.

They told us this.
The news media is not what we think it is. It is no longer “news”. The reporters no longer report on events. They define narratives. They tell us what to think and they massage our emotions. They have honed these techniques for many decades, and it has reached a point that where today, watching any form of media is opening yourself up to manipulative propaganda.

The Media Tells us…
Do not listen to alternative news. The Drudge Report must be banned, and Mr. Drudge must be imprisoned and broken so that he will never threaten the oligarchy narrative ever again. Dittos for Rush Limbaugh. Rush needs to be thrown in Jail, the radio show banned, or at least “balanced” (pro-progressive reporting) must take place.
Do not listen to Alex Jones. He’s a hate monger, and spews racist and bigoted nonsense. Don’t listen to him! Cover your ears! Protect your children! Wear a hard hat!
The Media tells us…
“This is a perfectly normal and sane way of doing things. It is perfectly normal and sane to strip the earth bare and poison the air and the water in an economic system which requires infinite growth on a finite planet.
People who say otherwise are raving lunatics!”
Meanwhile the social engineers wonder why there’s increasing disaffection and alienation among the populace.

The Media tells us…
“Just spend your time in this world turning the gears of the machine and you will be happy. The machine is your friend. The machine takes care of you. Work hard pulling its levers and greasing its cogs until you are old and you will gain satisfaction,”

Yah. Yah. And then they wonder why we’re all gobbling up antidepressants like candy.
The Media tells us…
“We need to drop explosives on Nation X because they need Freedom and Democracy™. We know we said that about Nation Y and Nation Z and that went terribly wrong, but that’s because it wasn’t managed properly. Trust that it is good and proper for the citizens of Nation X to be killed with bombs and bullets,”

Yikes! And then they wonder why people keep snapping and committing mass shootings.
The Media tells us…
“Look at that gibbering maniac trying to get a third party up and running in the most powerful nation in the world!
Only someone who is deeply awful and defective would believe that the two party system isn’t serving us,”

Yet, they supposedly wonder why everyone feels disempowered and unheard.
The Media tells us…
“Of course this is the way things are; it’s the only way things could ever be.
Anyone who would try to change any part of this is either mentally ill or a Russian propagandist,”

Thus they tell us that they wonder why people shut down and numb themselves with opiates. It’s all out of our control. It’s Russia! Russia! Russia! and the only thing that we can do is shut up and pay more taxes! Pay much more in taxes! That’s the only solution!
The Media tells us…
“Everything is great. Everyone is doing fine. Everyone is happy. Look how happy everyone is on this sitcom.
If you aren’t happy like that, it’s not because of the machine, it’s because of you.
People need to be protected from your insanity. You mustn’t be allowed on any screens. You need to be silenced on social media.
Trust us. Don’t trust yourself.
Don’t trust that growing, gnawing sense that everything is fake and everything you’ve been taught is a lie.
We have never lied to you. We have never been caught red-handed deceiving you and then acted like nothing happened.
We have never gaslit you.
You are misremembering things because you are confused.
Shut up. You are dangerous.
Shut up. You are foolish.
Shut up. You are insane.
The machine is sanity. The machine is freedom. Everyone is equal here. Everyone matters. Everyone gets a voice.
Except you.”
Meanwhile the social engineers wonder why people are trusting them less and less. They don’t want to hear what we have to say. They only care that we obey their dictates.

The Media tells us…
“War is normal.
Poverty is normal.
Mass surveillance is normal.
Censorship of dissenting ideas is normal.
Mass media propaganda is normal.
Escalating wealth and income inequality is normal.
Escalating police militarization is normal.
Escalating tensions between nuclear superpowers is normal.
Looming ecological disaster is normal.”
And people wonder why everything feels so odd, and surreal. We wonder why everything seems so precarious and that we are living in a dangerous place. We wonder why we are so afraid of everything and that any day the entire house of cards is going to come crashing down.
The Media tells us…
“Insane things are sane. Sane things are insane.
Up is down.
Black is white.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
If you disagree, you are crazy.
If you disagree, you are poison. Shut up.
You will contaminate the herd. Shut up.
You are garbage. Shut up.
You are a disease. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.”

Unless you have experienced something first hand, the information is more than likely false. It is a packaged narrative, sometimes based on truth, but often based on lies. It is a narrative designed to herd you, like cattle being herded by dogs. Humans are herded into behaviors by the news media. And they are tricky.
- Sometimes the use techniques to massage your emotions.
- Sometimes the use techniques to appeal to your intellect.
- Sometimes they appeal to your sense of justice.
- Sometimes they call on your instincts.
All of that is dangerous. For the most dangerous and threatening manipulations are those that we want to believe.
All news is a fabrication of one degree or the other. While we can read and watch the news, we absolutely need to be vigilant against manipulation. For today, ALL media without exception is designed to manipulate.
Further, the techniques to do so have been honed and perfected over the last 6 decades.
Further, the rapid increase in communication technology has made it increasingly easy to manipulate humans into mob and herd-animal behaviors.
We listen, watch and read the news at our own peril. We must do so carefully.
Thus, if you feel any of the following “urges”, please check your emotions and pause and think…
- The need to go to war with a nation in a far away land.
- The need to increase taxes for “the environment”.
- The need to ignore a crime because the criminal is “special”.
- The need to restrict or limit any freedom for reason “X”.
"I’ve been telling people that for years, and most of them just shrug and yawn, but the sad fact is that almost everyone who reads the papers and watches the news programs simply assumes that what they’re reading and hearing is true and beyond question.
My view may be considered seriously jaundiced but I tend to doubt the truthfulness of damn near everything the news media reports."
- 12/19/2018, 9:58:18 AM by fortes fortuna juvat
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

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